AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-09-06Fix the original copyright year. This actually started in 2015.HEADmainJustin Wernick
2023-08-15Update CI configJustin Wernick
2023-08-07Prepare for next releasev2.0.0Justin Wernick
2023-08-07Add typescript types to the packageJustin Wernick
This doesn't change any internal workings, but makes this package easier to use by anyone using Typescript. Fix #12
2023-08-02Update license to be MIT and ApacheJustin Wernick
This isn't intended to restrict any use cases, I'm just standardising my licensing across multiple projects. Fix #4
2023-06-13Update release note linksJustin Wernick
2023-06-13Remove NPM publishing from CI that doesn't work yetv1.1.0Justin Wernick
Error is that I need to login first. I'm not sure from docs how to actually authenticate based on a token. It would be nice to bring this back soon.
2023-06-13Rename NPM auth token to match NPM docsJustin Wernick It still isn't clear from the docs if this is enough.
2023-06-13Release 1.1.0Justin Wernick
2023-06-13Add an NPM publish step to the CI pipelineJustin Wernick
The docs for the authentication on the publish step weren't super clear, so this might not work right initially.
2023-06-13Mention the API docs in all the docsJustin Wernick
2023-06-13Try eliminating the need for cargo-script in updating pagesJustin Wernick
The docker container doesn't have cargo-script installed. This should be more efficient since it doesn't build cargo-script from source.
2023-06-13Add a script to update the index file with the new docsJustin Wernick
2023-06-12First attempts at docs publishing from CIJustin Wernick
2023-06-11Added an example page for ensuring that browser import works as expectedJustin Wernick
Fix #10
2023-06-11Update the docs which incorrectly had a 1-indexed monthJustin Wernick
2023-06-11Added a test to ensure that importing with requirejs actually worksJustin Wernick
Re #10
2023-06-09Update JSDoc to include a readmeJustin Wernick
2023-06-09Add JSDoc comments to the public interfaceJustin Wernick
2023-06-07Add contributing documentationJustin Wernick
Fix #6
2023-06-07Language tags on the codeblocksJustin Wernick
2023-06-07Added the project's roadmap to the readme fileJustin Wernick
Fix #2
2023-06-07Fix whitespace in the commentsJustin Wernick
2023-06-07Add an NPM badgeJustin Wernick
2023-06-07Added a changelogJustin Wernick
Re #2
2023-06-06Switched jshint to eslintJustin Wernick
This happened to find an error in the one test. Oops. Fix #8
2023-06-06Remove unnecessary bracesJustin Wernick
2023-06-06Restructure the import setup to be clearerJustin Wernick
2023-06-06Reindent files to 2 spacesJustin Wernick
2023-06-04Restructure test orderJustin Wernick
- Use pretest to run linting - Run tests before audit in CI
2023-06-04Update dependenciesJustin Wernick
Fix #7
2023-06-04Install deps before running auditJustin Wernick
2023-06-04Add audit step to the pipelineJustin Wernick
2023-06-04Add Codeberg CI badgeJustin Wernick
Fix #5
2023-06-04Add the patreon detailsJustin Wernick
2023-06-04Update all the project metadata URLsJustin Wernick
Fix #3
2023-05-23Add a Woodpecker CI configJustin Wernick
2023-05-22Update a dead link to use the internet archiveJustin Wernick
2023-05-22Update names, I'm not Worthe anymoreJustin Wernick
2017-06-24Bumped version number to 1.0v1.0.0Justin Worthe
2017-06-24Added additional metadata to package.jsonJustin Worthe
Also fixed heading level of license in readme
2017-06-24Added license info to the readme filem and added the GPLJustin Worthe
2017-06-24Updated dev dependencies and added lintingJustin Worthe
2017-02-12Added TravisCI scriptJustin Worthe
2017-02-12Bumped minor versionJustin Worthe
Potential breaking changes: The filename of the main file has been updated to something more sensible for use in a web browser. The package.json file has been updated, so this should not affect people using npm in the normal way. New features: The library can now be used directly in web browsers
2017-02-12Renamed main file to better fit browser useJustin Worthe
2017-02-12Added boilerplate to allow use in Node or in browserJustin Worthe
2015-12-17Fixed spelling error in readmeJustin Worthe
2015-12-16Bumped versionJustin Worthe
2015-12-16Shortened description in package.jsonJustin Worthe