BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mainFix the original copyright year. This actually started in 2015.Justin Wernick8 months
v2.0.0commit 9b720486ed...Justin Wernick9 months
v1.1.0commit 6841757439...Justin Wernick11 months
v1.0.0commit 9c6ee23583...Justin Worthe7 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2017-06-24Bumped version number to 1.0v1.0.0Justin Worthe
2017-06-24Added additional metadata to package.jsonJustin Worthe
2017-06-24Added license info to the readme filem and added the GPLJustin Worthe
2017-06-24Updated dev dependencies and added lintingJustin Worthe
2017-02-12Added TravisCI scriptJustin Worthe
2017-02-12Bumped minor versionJustin Worthe
2017-02-12Renamed main file to better fit browser useJustin Worthe
2017-02-12Added boilerplate to allow use in Node or in browserJustin Worthe
2015-12-17Fixed spelling error in readmeJustin Worthe
2015-12-16Bumped versionJustin Worthe