path: root/src/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-09-10Added compile flags to disable anything that shouldn't end in a wasm buildJustin Worthe
2017-08-02Removed unnecessary commentJustin Worthe
2017-07-21Made changes suggested by ClippyJustin Worthe
2017-07-15Decreased window size and increased framerateJustin Worthe
2017-07-08Ignored audio device unit tests because Travis doesn't have audio devicesJustin Worthe
2017-07-08Refactoring of code to be more functionalJustin Worthe
2017-07-05Started listening on default microphone on startupJustin Worthe
2017-06-26Increased number of samplesJustin Worthe
2016-11-26Updated name of crate everywhereJustin Worthe
2016-11-12Better pitch formattingJustin Worthe
2016-11-05Reordered passing in channelsJustin Worthe
2016-11-01Closed and opened audio channelsJustin Worthe
2016-10-23Changed gui to use xmlJustin Worthe
2016-10-15Added destructor to close channelsJustin Worthe
2016-10-13Function to start listening on microphoneJustin Worthe
2016-09-25GUI, lists PA devices, backend can watch audio streamJustin Worthe