path: root/src
diff options
authorJustin Wernick <>2022-04-19 21:25:36 +0200
committerJustin Wernick <>2022-04-19 21:25:36 +0200
commita866bde485c7d8bc82820f2def70af7b6c70a066 (patch)
tree6f2ac5888e2773faefae1aaee9bbe73aa439b96d /src
parent237c67f87eaab0bab51d83d3dbf7a9632db75b50 (diff)
Refile for merging repos
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 1507 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index cf0059a..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-use math::*;
-use ships::*;
-use std::fmt;
-use std::collections::HashSet;
-#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
-pub enum Action {
- PlaceShips(Vec<ShipPlacement>),
- Shoot(Weapon, Point)
-impl fmt::Display for Action {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
- match self {
- &Action::Shoot(w, p) => writeln!(f, "{},{},{}", w, p.x, p.y),
- &Action::PlaceShips(ref ships) => ships.iter().map(|ref ship| {
- writeln!(f, "{} {} {} {}", ship.ship_type, ship.point.x, ship.point.y, ship.direction)
- }).fold(Ok(()), |acc, next| acc.and(next))
- }
- }
-#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
-pub struct ShipPlacement {
- ship_type: Ship,
- point: Point,
- direction: Direction
-impl ShipPlacement {
- pub fn new(ship_type: Ship, point: Point, direction: Direction) -> ShipPlacement {
- ShipPlacement {
- ship_type: ship_type,
- point: point,
- direction: direction
- }
- }
- pub fn valid(&self, map_size: u16) -> bool {
- let start = self.point;
- let end = start.move_point(self.direction, self.ship_type.length() as i32, map_size);
- start.x < map_size && start.y < map_size && end.is_some()
- }
- pub fn valid_placements(placements: &Vec<ShipPlacement>, map_size: u16) -> bool {
- let mut occupied = HashSet::new();
- let individuals_valid = placements.iter().all(|p| p.valid(map_size));
- let mut no_overlaps = true;
- for placement in placements {
- for i in 0..placement.ship_type.length() as i32 {
- match placement.point.move_point(placement.direction, i, map_size) {
- Some(block) => {
- no_overlaps = no_overlaps && !occupied.contains(&block);
- occupied.insert(block);
- },
- None => {
- //invalid case here is handled above
- }
- }
- }
- //block out the area around the current ship to prevent adjacent ships
- for i in 0..placement.ship_type.length() as i32 {
- match placement.point.move_point(placement.direction, i, map_size) {
- Some(current_block) => {
- if let Some(p) = current_block.move_point(Direction::North, 1, map_size) {
- occupied.insert(p);
- }
- if let Some(p) = current_block.move_point(Direction::South, 1, map_size) {
- occupied.insert(p);
- }
- if let Some(p) = current_block.move_point(Direction::East, 1, map_size) {
- occupied.insert(p);
- }
- if let Some(p) = current_block.move_point(Direction::West, 1, map_size) {
- occupied.insert(p);
- }
- },
- None => {
- //invalid case here is handled above
- }
- }
- }
- }
- individuals_valid && no_overlaps
- }
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0810a4e..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-use json;
-use serde_json;
-use std::io::prelude::*;
-use std::fs::File;
-use std::path::PathBuf;
-use actions::*;
-use knowledge::*;
-const STATE_FILE: &'static str = "state.json";
-const COMMAND_FILE: &'static str = "command.txt";
-const PLACE_FILE: &'static str = "place.txt";
-const KNOWLEDGE_FILE: &'static str = "knowledge-state.json";
-pub fn read_file(working_dir: &PathBuf) -> Result<json::JsonValue, String> {
- let state_path = working_dir.join(STATE_FILE);
- let mut file = File::open(state_path.as_path()).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
- let mut content = String::new();
- file.read_to_string(&mut content).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
- json::parse(content.as_ref()).map_err(|e| e.to_string())
-pub fn write_action(working_dir: &PathBuf, is_place_phase: bool, action: Action) -> Result<(), String> {
- let filename = if is_place_phase {
- }
- else {
- };
- let full_filename = working_dir.join(filename);
- let mut file = File::create(full_filename.as_path()).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
- write!(file, "{}", action).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
- println!("Making move: {}", action);
- Ok(())
-pub fn read_knowledge() -> Result<Knowledge, String> {
- let mut file = File::open(KNOWLEDGE_FILE).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
- let mut content = String::new();
- file.read_to_string(&mut content).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
- serde_json::from_str(content.as_ref()).map_err(|e| e.to_string())
-pub fn write_knowledge(knowledge: &Knowledge) -> Result<(), String> {
- let json = serde_json::to_string(knowledge).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
- let mut file = File::create(KNOWLEDGE_FILE).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
- write!(file, "{}", json).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
- Ok(())
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a66e8b..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,504 +0,0 @@
-use actions::*;
-use ships::*;
-use state::*;
-use math::*;
-use std::collections::HashMap;
-use std::cmp::Ordering;
-#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct Knowledge {
- pub last_action: Action,
- pub opponent_map: OpponentMapKnowledge,
- pub map_size: u16,
- pub available_weapons: Vec<Weapon>,
- pub shootable_weapons: Vec<Weapon>,
- pub charging_weapons: HashMap<Weapon, u16>
-impl Knowledge {
- pub fn new(map_size: u16, action: Action) -> Knowledge {
- Knowledge {
- last_action: action,
- opponent_map: OpponentMapKnowledge::new(map_size),
- map_size: map_size,
- available_weapons: Vec::new(),
- shootable_weapons: Vec::new(),
- charging_weapons: HashMap::new()
- }
- }
- pub fn with_action(&self, action: Action) -> Knowledge {
- Knowledge {
- last_action: action,
- ..self.clone()
- }
- }
- pub fn resolve_last_action(&self, state: &State) -> Knowledge {
- let mut new_knowledge = self.clone();
- let energy =;
- let mut available_weapons: Vec<_> = state.player_map.ships.iter()
- .filter(|&(_, ship_data)| !ship_data.destroyed)
- .flat_map(|(ship, _)| ship.weapons())
- .collect();
- available_weapons.sort_by_key(|weapon| format!("{}",weapon));
- available_weapons.dedup();
- new_knowledge.available_weapons = available_weapons;
- new_knowledge.shootable_weapons = new_knowledge.available_weapons.iter()
- .filter(|weapon| weapon.energy_cost(state.map_size) <= energy)
- .cloned()
- .collect();
- new_knowledge.charging_weapons = new_knowledge.available_weapons.iter()
- .filter(|weapon| weapon.energy_cost(state.map_size) > energy)
- .map(|weapon| (weapon.clone(), weapon.single_shot_rounds_to_ready(energy, state.map_size)))
- .collect();
- let (hits, misses, _) = match self.last_action {
- Action::PlaceShips(_) => {
- (vec!(), vec!(), vec!())
- },
- Action::Shoot(Weapon::SeekerMissle, p) => {
- Knowledge::seeker_hits_and_misses(p, &state)
- }
- Action::Shoot(w, p) => {
- Knowledge::to_hits_and_misses(w.affected_cells(p, state.map_size), &state)
- }
- };
- let sunk_ships = new_knowledge.opponent_map.update_sunk_ships(&state);
- new_knowledge.opponent_map.update_from_shot(hits, misses, sunk_ships);
- new_knowledge
- }
- fn to_hits_and_misses(points: Vec<Point>, state: &State) -> (Vec<Point>, Vec<Point>, Vec<Point>) {
- let hits = points.iter().filter(|p| state.opponent_map.cells[p.x as usize][p.y as usize].damaged).cloned().collect();
- let misses = points.iter().filter(|p| state.opponent_map.cells[p.x as usize][p.y as usize].missed).cloned().collect();
- let unknown = points.iter().filter(|p| !state.opponent_map.cells[p.x as usize][p.y as usize].missed && !state.opponent_map.cells[p.x as usize][p.y as usize].damaged).cloned().collect();
- (hits, misses, unknown)
- }
- fn seeker_hits_and_misses(p: Point, state: &State) -> (Vec<Point>, Vec<Point>, Vec<Point>) {
- let mut misses: Vec<Point> = Vec::new();
- let mut hits: Vec<Point> = Vec::new();
- let rings = vec!(
- vec!(
- //0
- Some(p)
- ),
- vec!(
- //1
- p.move_point(Direction::North, 1, state.map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::East, 1, state.map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::South, 1, state.map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::West, 1, state.map_size),
- ),
- vec!(
- //1.44
- p.move_point(Direction::NorthEast, 1, state.map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::SouthEast, 1, state.map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::NorthWest, 1, state.map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::SouthWest, 1, state.map_size)
- ),
- vec!(
- //2
- p.move_point(Direction::North, 2, state.map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::East, 2, state.map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::South, 2, state.map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::West, 2, state.map_size),
- )
- );
- //start in the center. Add rings, until I find a hit
- //don't add more after a hit is found
- for ring in rings {
- if hits.is_empty() {
- let (mut new_hits, mut new_misses, mut unknown) = Knowledge::to_hits_and_misses(ring.iter().filter_map(|&p| p).collect::<Vec<_>>(), &state);
- misses.append(&mut new_misses);
- if !new_hits.is_empty() {
- hits.append(&mut new_hits);
- } else {
- misses.append(&mut unknown);
- }
- }
- }
- (hits, misses, vec!())
- }
- pub fn has_unknown_hits(&self) -> bool {
- self.opponent_map.cells.iter().fold(false, |acc, x| {
- x.iter().fold(acc, |acc, y| acc || y.unknown_hit())
- })
- }
- pub fn get_best_adjacent_shots(&self) -> Vec<Point> {
- let unknown_hits = self.opponent_map.cells_with_unknown_hits();
- let adjacent_cells = self.opponent_map.adjacent_unshot_cells(&unknown_hits);
- let possible_placements = self.opponent_map.possible_placements();
- let mut max_score = 1;
- let mut best_cells = Vec::new();
- for placement in possible_placements {
- for &cell in &adjacent_cells {
- let score = placement.count_hit_cells(cell, &unknown_hits);
- if score > max_score {
- max_score = score;
- best_cells = vec!(cell);
- }
- else if score == max_score {
- best_cells.push(cell);
- }
- }
- }
- best_cells
- }
- pub fn get_best_seek_shots(&self) -> (Weapon, Vec<Point>) {
- let possible_placements = self.opponent_map.possible_placements();
- // let lattice = self.lattice_size(); //TODO use the lattice still?
- let guaranteed_hits = self.get_points_that_touch_all_possibilities_on_unsunk_ship();
- if !guaranteed_hits.is_empty() {
- return (Weapon::SingleShot, guaranteed_hits);
- }
- let mut best_shots: HashMap<Weapon, (Vec<Point>, usize)> = HashMap::new();
- for &weapon in self.available_weapons.iter() {
- let mut current_best_score = 1;
- let mut best_cells = Vec::new();
- for target in self.opponent_map.flat_cell_position_list() {
- let cells = if weapon == Weapon::SeekerMissle {
- let full_range = weapon.affected_cells(target, self.map_size);
- let has_hits = full_range.iter().any(|p| self.opponent_map.cells[p.x as usize][p.y as usize].hit);
- if has_hits {
- vec!()
- }
- else {
- full_range
- }
- }
- else {
- weapon.affected_cells(target, self.map_size)
- .iter()
- .filter(|p| !self.opponent_map.cells[p.x as usize][p.y as usize].hit)
- .cloned()
- .collect()
- };
- let possibilities = possible_placements.iter()
- .filter(|placement| placement.touches_any_point(&cells))
- .count();
- if possibilities > current_best_score {
- current_best_score = possibilities;
- best_cells = vec!(target);
- }
- else if possibilities == current_best_score {
- best_cells.push(target);
- }
- }
- best_shots.insert(weapon, (best_cells, current_best_score));
- }
- let best_single: Option<(Weapon, (Vec<Point>, usize))> =
- best_shots.get(&Weapon::SingleShot).map(|x| (Weapon::SingleShot, x.clone()));
- let best: (Weapon, (Vec<Point>, usize)) =
- best_shots.iter()
- .max_by(|&(weapon_a, &(_, score_a)), &(weapon_b, &(_, score_b))| {
- let score = score_a.cmp(&score_b);
- let cost = weapon_a.energy_cost(self.map_size).cmp(&weapon_b.energy_cost(self.map_size));
- if score == Ordering::Equal { cost } else { score }
- })
- .and_then(|(&weapon, x)| {
- if self.shootable_weapons.contains(&weapon) {
- Some((weapon, x.clone()))
- } else {
- best_single
- }
- })
- .unwrap_or((Weapon::SingleShot, (vec!(), 0)));
- (best.0.clone(), (best.1).0)
- }
- fn get_points_that_touch_all_possibilities_on_unsunk_ship(&self) -> Vec<Point> {
- self.opponent_map.flat_cell_position_list().iter().cloned().filter(|&point| {
- self.opponent_map.ships.values()
- .any(|ref ship| !ship.destroyed &&
- ship.possible_placements.iter().all(|placement| {
- placement.touches_point(point)
- }))
- }).collect()
- }
- fn lattice_size(&self) -> u16 {
- let any_long_ships = self.opponent_map.ships.iter()
- .any(|(ship, knowledge)| ship.length() >= 4 && !knowledge.destroyed);
- if any_long_ships {
- 4
- }
- else {
- 2
- }
- }
-#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct OpponentMapKnowledge {
- pub ships: HashMap<Ship, OpponentShipKnowledge>,
- pub cells: Vec<Vec<KnowledgeCell>>
-impl OpponentMapKnowledge {
- fn new(map_size: u16) -> OpponentMapKnowledge {
- let mut cells = Vec::with_capacity(map_size as usize);
- for x in 0..map_size {
- cells.push(Vec::with_capacity(map_size as usize));
- for y in 0..map_size {
- cells[x as usize].push(KnowledgeCell::new(x, y));
- }
- }
- let ships = Ship::all_types().iter()
- .map(|s| (s.clone(), OpponentShipKnowledge::new(s.clone(), map_size)))
- .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();
- OpponentMapKnowledge {
- ships: ships,
- cells: cells
- }
- }
- fn update_sunk_ships(&mut self, state: &State) -> Vec<Ship> {
- let sunk_ships = self.ships.iter()
- .filter(|&(_, x)| !x.destroyed)
- .filter(|&(s, _)| state.opponent_map.ships.get(s).map(|x| x.destroyed) == Some(true))
- .map(|(s, _)| s.clone())
- .collect();
- for &ship in &sunk_ships {
- self.ships.get_mut(&ship).map(|ref mut ship_knowledge| ship_knowledge.destroyed = true);
- }
- sunk_ships
- }
- fn update_from_shot(&mut self, hit_cells: Vec<Point>, missed_cells: Vec<Point>, sunk_ships: Vec<Ship>) {
- for &missed in &missed_cells {
- self.cells[missed.x as usize][missed.y as usize].missed = true;
- }
- for &hit in &hit_cells {
- self.cells[hit.x as usize][hit.y as usize].hit = true;
- }
- self.clear_sunk_ship_impossible_placements(&sunk_ships, &hit_cells);
- let mut more_changes = true;
- while more_changes {
- more_changes = self.derive_ship_positions() || self.clear_impossible_placements();
- }
- }
- fn derive_ship_positions(&mut self) -> bool {
- let mut any_changes = false;
- for knowledge in self.ships.values() {
- if knowledge.possible_placements.len() == 1 {
- let ref true_placement = knowledge.possible_placements[0];
- for p in true_placement.points_on_ship() {
- if self.cells[p.x as usize][p.y as usize].known_ship == None {
- self.cells[p.x as usize][p.y as usize].known_ship = Some(true_placement.ship);
- any_changes = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- any_changes
- }
- fn clear_impossible_placements(&mut self) -> bool {
- let mut any_changes = false;
- let ref cells = self.cells;
- for knowledge in self.ships.values_mut() {
- let before = knowledge.possible_placements.len();
- knowledge.possible_placements.retain(|x| x.all_could_be_hits(&cells));
- let after = knowledge.possible_placements.len();
- if before != after {
- any_changes = true;
- }
- }
- any_changes
- }
- fn clear_sunk_ship_impossible_placements(&mut self, sunk_ships: &Vec<Ship>, must_touch_any: &Vec<Point>) {
- let cells_copy = self.cells.clone();
- for knowledge in self.ships.values_mut() {
- knowledge.possible_placements.retain(|x| !sunk_ships.contains(&x.ship) || (x.touches_any_point(&must_touch_any) && x.all_are_hits(&cells_copy)));
- }
- }
- fn cells_with_unknown_hits(&self) -> Vec<Point> {
- self.cells.iter().flat_map(|x| {
- x.iter().filter(|y| y.unknown_hit()).map(|y| y.position)
- }).collect()
- }
- fn adjacent_unshot_cells(&self, cells: &Vec<Point>) -> Vec<Point> {
- self.cells.iter().flat_map(|x| {
- x.iter()
- .filter(|y| !y.shot_attempted())
- .map(|y| y.position)
- .filter(|&y| cells.iter().any(|z| z.is_adjacent(y)))
- }).collect()
- }
- fn flat_cell_position_list(&self) -> Vec<Point> {
- self.cells.iter().flat_map(|x| {
- x.iter().map(|y| y.position)
- }).collect()
- }
- fn cells_on_lattice(&self, lattice_size: u16) -> Vec<Point> {
- self.cells.iter().flat_map(|x| {
- x.iter()
- .filter(|y| !y.shot_attempted() && y.position.is_on_lattice(lattice_size))
- .map(|y| y.position)
- }).collect()
- }
- fn possible_placements(&self) -> Vec<PossibleShipPlacement> {
- self.ships
- .values()
- .flat_map(|knowledge| knowledge.possible_placements.clone())
- .collect()
- }
-#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct OpponentShipKnowledge {
- pub ship: Ship,
- pub destroyed: bool,
- pub possible_placements: Vec<PossibleShipPlacement>
-impl OpponentShipKnowledge {
- fn new(ship: Ship, map_size: u16) -> OpponentShipKnowledge {
- OpponentShipKnowledge {
- ship: ship,
- destroyed: false,
- possible_placements: PossibleShipPlacement::enumerate(ship, map_size)
- }
- }
-#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct PossibleShipPlacement {
- pub ship: Ship,
- pub direction: Direction,
- pub position: Point
-impl PossibleShipPlacement {
- fn enumerate(ship: Ship, map_size: u16) -> Vec<PossibleShipPlacement> {
- (0..(map_size-ship.length()+1)).flat_map(move |par| {
- (0..map_size).flat_map(move |per| {
- vec!(
- PossibleShipPlacement {
- ship: ship,
- direction: Direction::East,
- position: Point::new(par, per)
- },
- PossibleShipPlacement {
- ship: ship,
- direction: Direction::North,
- position: Point::new(per, par)
- }
- )
- })
- }).collect()
- }
- pub fn touches_point(&self, p: Point) -> bool {
- p.check_for_ship_collision(self.position, self.direction, self.ship.length())
- }
- pub fn touches_any_point(&self, ps: &Vec<Point>) -> bool {
- ps.iter().any(|&p| self.touches_point(p))
- }
- pub fn points_on_ship(&self) -> Vec<Point> {
- (0..self.ship.length() as i32).map(|i| {
- self.position.move_point_no_bounds_check(self.direction, i)
- }).collect()
- }
- fn all_are_hits(&self, cells: &Vec<Vec<KnowledgeCell>>) -> bool {
- self.points_on_ship()
- .iter()
- .fold(true, |acc, p| acc && cells[p.x as usize][p.y as usize].hit)
- }
- fn all_could_be_hits(&self, cells: &Vec<Vec<KnowledgeCell>>) -> bool {
- self.points_on_ship()
- .iter()
- .all(|p| {
- let ref cell = cells[p.x as usize][p.y as usize];
- !cell.missed &&|ship| ship == self.ship).unwrap_or(true)
- })
- }
- fn count_hit_cells(&self, required: Point, wanted: &Vec<Point>) -> u16 {
- if !self.touches_point(required) {
- return 0;
- }
- wanted.iter().filter(|&&x| self.touches_point(x)).count() as u16
- }
-#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct KnowledgeCell {
- pub missed: bool,
- pub hit: bool,
- pub known_ship: Option<Ship>,
- pub position: Point
-impl KnowledgeCell {
- fn new(x: u16, y: u16) -> KnowledgeCell {
- KnowledgeCell {
- missed: false,
- hit: false,
- position: Point::new(x, y),
- known_ship: None
- }
- }
- pub fn shot_attempted(&self) -> bool {
- self.missed || self.hit
- }
- pub fn unknown_hit(&self) -> bool {
- self.hit && self.known_ship.is_none()
- }
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 00eaf02..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-extern crate json;
-extern crate rand;
-extern crate serde;
-extern crate serde_json;
-extern crate serde_derive;
-mod actions;
-mod math;
-mod files;
-mod ships;
-mod placement;
-mod shooting;
-mod state;
-mod knowledge;
-use actions::*;
-use math::*;
-use files::*;
-use ships::*;
-use placement::*;
-use shooting::*;
-use state::*;
-use knowledge::*;
-use std::path::PathBuf;
-pub fn write_move(working_dir: PathBuf) -> Result<(), String> {
- let state_json = read_file(&working_dir)?;
- let is_place_phase = state_json["Phase"] == 1;
- let map_size = State::map_size_from_json(&state_json)?;
- let (action, knowledge) = if is_place_phase {
- placement(map_size)
- }
- else {
- let state = State::new(&state_json)?;
- shoot(&state)?
- };
- write_knowledge(&knowledge)
- .map_err(|e| format!("Failed to write knowledge to file. Error: {}", e))?;
- write_action(&working_dir, is_place_phase, action)
- .map_err(|e| format!("Failed to write action to file. Error: {}", e))?;
- println!("Knowledge:\n{}\n\n", serde_json::to_string(&knowledge).unwrap_or(String::from("")));
- Ok(())
-fn placement(map_size: u16) -> (Action, Knowledge) {
- let action = place_ships_randomly(map_size);
- let knowledge = Knowledge::new(map_size, action.clone());
- (action, knowledge)
-fn shoot(state: &State) -> Result<(Action, Knowledge), String> {
- let old_knowledge = read_knowledge()?;
- let knowledge = old_knowledge.resolve_last_action(&state);
- let action = shoot_smartly(&knowledge);
- Ok((action.clone(), knowledge.with_action(action)))
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index ee0ba59..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-extern crate worthebot_battleships;
-use worthebot_battleships as bot;
-use std::env;
-use std::path::PathBuf;
-fn main() {
- let working_dir = env::args()
- .nth(2)
- .map(|x| PathBuf::from(x))
- .ok_or(String::from("Requires game state folder to be passed as the second parameter"));
- let result = working_dir.and_then(|working_dir| bot::write_move(working_dir));
- match result {
- Ok(()) => println!("Bot terminated successfully"),
- Err(e) => println!("Error in bot execution: {}", e)
- }
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3187829..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
-use std::fmt;
-use rand;
-use rand::distributions::{IndependentSample, Range};
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
-pub enum Direction {
- North,
- NorthEast,
- East,
- SouthEast,
- South,
- SouthWest,
- West,
- NorthWest
-use Direction::*;
-impl fmt::Display for Direction {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
- f.write_str(
- match self {
- &North => "North",
- &East => "East",
- &South => "South",
- &West => "West",
- &NorthEast => "NorthEast",
- &SouthEast => "SouthEast",
- &NorthWest => "NorthWest",
- &SouthWest => "SouthWest"
- }
- )
- }
-impl Direction {
- pub fn random() -> Direction {
- let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
- let between = Range::new(0, 4);
- let dir = between.ind_sample(&mut rng);
- match dir {
- 0 => North,
- 1 => East,
- 2 => South,
- 3 => West,
- _ => panic!("Invalid number generated by random number generator")
- }
- }
-mod direction_tests {
- use super::*;
- #[test]
- fn random_direction_does_not_panic() {
- for _ in 0..10000 {
- Direction::random();
- }
- }
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
-pub struct Point {
- pub x: u16,
- pub y: u16
-impl Point {
- pub fn new(x: u16, y: u16) -> Point {
- Point {
- x: x,
- y: y
- }
- }
- pub fn random(map_size: u16) -> Point {
- let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
- let between = Range::new(0, map_size);
- let x = between.ind_sample(&mut rng);
- let y = between.ind_sample(&mut rng);
- Point::new(x, y)
- }
- pub fn move_point(&self, direction: Direction, distance: i32, map_size: u16) -> Option<Point> {
- let x = self.x as i32 + match direction {
- West|NorthWest|SouthWest => -distance,
- East|NorthEast|SouthEast => distance,
- _ => 0
- };
- let y = self.y as i32 + match direction {
- South|SouthWest|SouthEast => -distance,
- North|NorthWest|NorthEast => distance,
- _ => 0
- };
- let max = map_size as i32;
- if x >= max || y >= max || x < 0 || y < 0 {
- None
- }
- else {
- Some(Point::new(x as u16, y as u16))
- }
- }
- pub fn move_point_no_bounds_check(&self, direction: Direction, distance: i32) -> Point {
- let x = self.x as i32 + match direction {
- West => -distance,
- East => distance,
- _ => 0
- };
- let y = self.y as i32 + match direction {
- South => -distance,
- North => distance,
- _ => 0
- };
- Point::new(x as u16, y as u16)
- }
- pub fn check_for_ship_collision(&self, ship_start: Point, direction: Direction, length: u16) -> bool {
- let reverse = match direction {
- West | South => true,
- East | North => false,
- _ => false //ships cannot go diagonally
- };
- let same_cross = match direction {
- East | West => self.y == ship_start.y,
- North | South => self.x == ship_start.x,
- _ => false //ships cannot go diagonally
- };
- let (parr_self, parr_ship) = match direction {
- East | West => (self.x, ship_start.x),
- North | South => (self.y, ship_start.y),
- _ => (self.x, self.y) //ships cannot go diagonally
- };
- let corrected_parr_ship = match reverse {
- true => 1 + parr_ship - length,
- false => parr_ship
- };
- same_cross && parr_self >= corrected_parr_ship && parr_self < corrected_parr_ship + length
- }
- pub fn is_adjacent(&self, other: Point) -> bool {
- let dx = if self.x > other.x {self.x - other.x} else {other.x - self.x};
- let dy = if self.y > other.y {self.y - other.y} else {other.y - self.y};
- (dx == 0 && dy == 1) ||
- (dx == 1 && dy == 0)
- }
- pub fn is_on_lattice(&self, lattice_size: u16) -> bool {
- (self.x + self.y) % lattice_size == 0
- }
-mod point_tests {
- use super::*;
- #[test]
- fn random_point_is_in_correct_range() {
- for _ in 0..10000 {
- let point = Point::random(15);
- assert!(point.x < 15);
- assert!(point.y < 15);
- }
- }
- #[test]
- fn move_point_works_north_west() {
- assert_eq!(Some(Point::new(3,7)), Point::new(5,5).move_point(NorthWest, 2, 10));
- assert_eq!(Some(Point::new(7,3)), Point::new(5,5).move_point(NorthWest, -2, 10));
- assert_eq!(None, Point::new(5,5).move_point(NorthWest, 6, 10));
- assert_eq!(None, Point::new(5,5).move_point(NorthWest, -5, 10));
- }
- #[test]
- fn move_point_works_west() {
- assert_eq!(Some(Point::new(3,5)), Point::new(5,5).move_point(West, 2, 10));
- assert_eq!(Some(Point::new(7,5)), Point::new(5,5).move_point(West, -2, 10));
- assert_eq!(None, Point::new(5,5).move_point(West, 6, 10));
- assert_eq!(None, Point::new(5,5).move_point(West, -5, 10));
- }
- #[test]
- fn move_point_works_east() {
- assert_eq!(Some(Point::new(7,5)), Point::new(5,5).move_point(East, 2, 10));
- assert_eq!(Some(Point::new(3,5)), Point::new(5,5).move_point(East, -2, 10));
- assert_eq!(None, Point::new(5,5).move_point(East, 5, 10));
- assert_eq!(None, Point::new(5,5).move_point(East, -6, 10));
- }
- #[test]
- fn move_point_works_south() {
- assert_eq!(Some(Point::new(5,3)), Point::new(5,5).move_point(South, 2, 10));
- assert_eq!(Some(Point::new(5,7)), Point::new(5,5).move_point(South, -2, 10));
- assert_eq!(None, Point::new(5,5).move_point(South, 6, 10));
- assert_eq!(None, Point::new(5,5).move_point(South, -5, 10));
- }
- #[test]
- fn move_point_works_north() {
- assert_eq!(Some(Point::new(5,7)), Point::new(5,5).move_point(North, 2, 10));
- assert_eq!(Some(Point::new(5,3)), Point::new(5,5).move_point(North, -2, 10));
- assert_eq!(None, Point::new(5,5).move_point(North, 5, 10));
- assert_eq!(None, Point::new(5,5).move_point(North, -6, 10));
- }
- #[test]
- fn unrestricted_move_point_works_west() {
- assert_eq!(Point::new(3,5), Point::new(5,5).move_point_no_bounds_check(West, 2));
- assert_eq!(Point::new(7,5), Point::new(5,5).move_point_no_bounds_check(West, -2));
- }
- #[test]
- fn unrestricted_move_point_works_east() {
- assert_eq!(Point::new(7,5), Point::new(5,5).move_point_no_bounds_check(East, 2));
- assert_eq!(Point::new(3,5), Point::new(5,5).move_point_no_bounds_check(East, -2));
- }
- #[test]
- fn unrestricted_move_point_works_south() {
- assert_eq!(Point::new(5,3), Point::new(5,5).move_point_no_bounds_check(South, 2));
- assert_eq!(Point::new(5,7), Point::new(5,5).move_point_no_bounds_check(South, -2));
- }
- #[test]
- fn unrestricted_move_point_works_north() {
- assert_eq!(Point::new(5,7), Point::new(5,5).move_point_no_bounds_check(North, 2));
- assert_eq!(Point::new(5,3), Point::new(5,5).move_point_no_bounds_check(North, -2));
- }
- #[test]
- fn ship_collision_check_works_west() {
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(5,5), West, 5));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(6,5), West, 5));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(7,5), West, 5));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(8,5), West, 5));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(9,5), West, 5));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(10,5), West, 5));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(4,5), West, 5));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(6,4), West, 5));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(6,6), West, 5));
- }
- #[test]
- fn ship_collision_check_works_east() {
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(5,5), East, 5));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(4,5), East, 5));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(3,5), East, 5));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(2,5), East, 5));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(1,5), East, 5));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(0,5), East, 5));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(6,5), East, 5));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(4,4), East, 5));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(4,6), East, 5));
- }
- #[test]
- fn ship_collision_check_works_north() {
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(5,5), North, 5));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(5,4), North, 5));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(5,3), North, 5));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(5,2), North, 5));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(5,1), North, 5));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(5,0), North, 5));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(5,6), North, 5));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(4,4), North, 5));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(6,4), North, 5));
- }
- #[test]
- fn ship_collision_check_works_south() {
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(5,5), South, 5));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(5,6), South, 5));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(5,7), South, 5));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(5,8), South, 5));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(5,9), South, 5));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(5,10), South, 5));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(5,4), South, 5));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(4,6), South, 5));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(5,5).check_for_ship_collision(Point::new(6,6), South, 5));
- }
- #[test]
- fn adjacency_check_works() {
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(5,5).is_adjacent(Point::new(4,5)));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(5,5).is_adjacent(Point::new(6,5)));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(5,5).is_adjacent(Point::new(5,4)));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(5,5).is_adjacent(Point::new(5,6)));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(5,5).is_adjacent(Point::new(4,4)));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(5,5).is_adjacent(Point::new(6,6)));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(5,5).is_adjacent(Point::new(6,4)));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(5,5).is_adjacent(Point::new(4,6)));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(5,5).is_adjacent(Point::new(5,5)));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(5,5).is_adjacent(Point::new(10,5)));
- }
- #[test]
- fn point_on_4_lattice_works() {
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(0,0).is_on_lattice(4));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(4,0).is_on_lattice(4));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(0,4).is_on_lattice(4));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(4,4).is_on_lattice(4));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(1,3).is_on_lattice(4));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(3,1).is_on_lattice(4));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(0,1).is_on_lattice(4));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(0,2).is_on_lattice(4));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(0,3).is_on_lattice(4));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(1,0).is_on_lattice(4));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(2,0).is_on_lattice(4));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(3,0).is_on_lattice(4));
- }
- #[test]
- fn point_on_2_lattice_works() {
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(0,0).is_on_lattice(2));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(2,0).is_on_lattice(2));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(0,2).is_on_lattice(2));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(2,2).is_on_lattice(2));
- assert_eq!(true, Point::new(1,1).is_on_lattice(2));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(0,1).is_on_lattice(2));
- assert_eq!(false, Point::new(1,0).is_on_lattice(2));
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 4740d76..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-use actions::*;
-use math::*;
-use ships::*;
-pub fn place_ships_randomly(map_size: u16) -> Action {
- let mut current_placement: Vec<ShipPlacement>;
- while {
- current_placement = create_random_placement(map_size);
- !ShipPlacement::valid_placements(&current_placement, map_size)
- } {}
- Action::PlaceShips(current_placement)
-fn create_random_placement(map_size: u16) -> Vec<ShipPlacement> {
- vec!(
- ShipPlacement::new(Ship::Battleship, Point::random(map_size), Direction::random()),
- ShipPlacement::new(Ship::Carrier, Point::random(map_size), Direction::random()),
- ShipPlacement::new(Ship::Cruiser, Point::random(map_size), Direction::random()),
- ShipPlacement::new(Ship::Destroyer, Point::random(map_size), Direction::random()),
- ShipPlacement::new(Ship::Submarine, Point::random(map_size), Direction::random())
- )
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 422f24e..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-use std::fmt;
-use std::str;
-use math::*;
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
-pub enum Weapon {
- SingleShot,
- DoubleShotVertical,
- DoubleShotHorizontal,
- CornerShot,
- CrossShotDiagonal,
- CrossShotHorizontal,
- SeekerMissle
-impl fmt::Display for Weapon {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
- use Weapon::*;
- f.write_str(
- match self {
- &SingleShot => "1",
- &DoubleShotVertical => "2",
- &DoubleShotHorizontal => "3",
- &CornerShot => "4",
- &CrossShotDiagonal => "5",
- &CrossShotHorizontal => "6",
- &SeekerMissle => "7"
- }
- )
- }
-impl Weapon {
- pub fn energy_per_round(map_size: u16) -> u16 {
- if map_size < 10 {
- 2
- }
- else if map_size < 14 {
- 3
- }
- else {
- 4
- }
- }
- pub fn energy_cost(&self, map_size: u16) -> u16 {
- use Weapon::*;
- let epr = Weapon::energy_per_round(map_size);
- match self {
- &SingleShot => 1,
- &DoubleShotVertical | &DoubleShotHorizontal => 8*epr,
- &CornerShot => 10*epr,
- &CrossShotDiagonal => 12*epr,
- &CrossShotHorizontal => 14*epr,
- &SeekerMissle => 10*epr
- }
- }
- pub fn single_shot_rounds_to_ready(&self, current_energy: u16, map_size: u16) -> u16 {
- let single_shot_cost = Weapon::SingleShot.energy_cost(map_size);
- let energy_per_round = Weapon::energy_per_round(map_size) - single_shot_cost;
- let required_energy = self.energy_cost(map_size) - current_energy;
- //weird plus is to make the integer rounding up instead of down
- (required_energy + energy_per_round - 1) / energy_per_round
- }
- pub fn affected_cells(&self, target: Point, map_size: u16) -> Vec<Point> {
- use Weapon::*;
- let p = target;
- match self {
- &SingleShot => {
- vec!(Some(p))
- },
- &DoubleShotVertical => {
- vec!(
- p.move_point(Direction::North, 1, map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::South, 1, map_size)
- )
- },
- &DoubleShotHorizontal => {
- vec!(
- p.move_point(Direction::East, 1, map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::West, 1, map_size)
- )
- },
- &CornerShot => {
- vec!(
- p.move_point(Direction::NorthEast, 1, map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::SouthEast, 1, map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::NorthWest, 1, map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::SouthWest, 1, map_size),
- )
- },
- &CrossShotDiagonal => {
- vec!(
- p.move_point(Direction::NorthEast, 1, map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::SouthEast, 1, map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::NorthWest, 1, map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::SouthWest, 1, map_size),
- Some(p)
- )
- },
- &CrossShotHorizontal => {
- vec!(
- p.move_point(Direction::North, 1, map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::East, 1, map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::South, 1, map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::West, 1, map_size),
- Some(p)
- )
- },
- &SeekerMissle => {
- vec!(
- Some(p),
- p.move_point(Direction::North, 1, map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::East, 1, map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::South, 1, map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::West, 1, map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::NorthEast, 1, map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::SouthEast, 1, map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::NorthWest, 1, map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::SouthWest, 1, map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::North, 2, map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::East, 2, map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::South, 2, map_size),
- p.move_point(Direction::West, 2, map_size)
- )
- }
- }.iter().filter_map(|&p| p).collect::<Vec<_>>()
- }
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
-pub enum Ship {
- Battleship,
- Carrier,
- Cruiser,
- Destroyer,
- Submarine
-impl fmt::Display for Ship {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
- use Ship::*;
- f.write_str(
- match self {
- &Battleship => "Battleship",
- &Carrier => "Carrier",
- &Cruiser => "Cruiser",
- &Destroyer => "Destroyer",
- &Submarine => "Submarine"
- }
- )
- }
-impl str::FromStr for Ship {
- type Err = String;
- fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
- use Ship::*;
- match s {
- "Battleship" => Ok(Battleship),
- "Carrier" => Ok(Carrier),
- "Cruiser" => Ok(Cruiser),
- "Destroyer" => Ok(Destroyer),
- "Submarine" => Ok(Submarine),
- _ => Err(String::from("ship type is not known"))
- }
- }
-impl Ship {
- pub fn length(&self) -> u16 {
- use Ship::*;
- match self {
- &Battleship => 4,
- &Carrier => 5,
- &Cruiser => 3,
- &Destroyer => 2,
- &Submarine => 3
- }
- }
- pub fn weapons(&self) -> Vec<Weapon> {
- use Ship::*;
- use Weapon::*;
- match self {
- &Battleship => vec!(SingleShot, CrossShotDiagonal),
- &Carrier => vec!(SingleShot, CornerShot),
- &Cruiser => vec!(SingleShot, CrossShotHorizontal),
- &Destroyer => vec!(SingleShot, DoubleShotVertical, DoubleShotHorizontal),
- &Submarine => vec!(SingleShot, SeekerMissle)
- }
- }
- pub fn all_types() -> Vec<Ship> {
- use Ship::*;
- vec!(
- Battleship,
- Carrier,
- Cruiser,
- Destroyer,
- Submarine
- )
- }
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index e0358ee..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-use rand;
-use rand::distributions::{IndependentSample, Range};
-use actions::*;
-use math::*;
-use knowledge::*;
-use ships::*;
-pub fn shoot_smartly(knowledge: &Knowledge) -> Action {
- let (weapon, target) = if knowledge.has_unknown_hits() {
- destroy_shoot(&knowledge)
- }
- else {
- seek_shoot(&knowledge)
- };
- Action::Shoot(weapon, target)
-fn seek_shoot(knowledge: &Knowledge) -> (Weapon, Point) {
- let (weapon, possibilities) = knowledge.get_best_seek_shots();
- if possibilities.is_empty() {
- println!("All possible shots on the current lattice have been tried!");
- (Weapon::SingleShot, Point::new(0,0))
- }
- else {
- let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
- let between = Range::new(0, possibilities.len());
- let i = between.ind_sample(&mut rng);
- (weapon, possibilities[i as usize])
- }
-fn destroy_shoot(knowledge: &Knowledge) -> (Weapon, Point) {
- let possibilities = knowledge.get_best_adjacent_shots();
- if possibilities.is_empty() {
- seek_shoot(&knowledge)
- }
- else {
- let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
- let between = Range::new(0, possibilities.len());
- let i = between.ind_sample(&mut rng);
- (Weapon::SingleShot, possibilities[i as usize])
- }
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1756ad0..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-use json;
-use std::collections::HashMap;
-use ships::*;
-pub struct State {
- pub map_size: u16,
- pub player_map: PlayerMap,
- pub opponent_map: OpponentMap
-impl State {
- pub fn new(json: &json::JsonValue) -> Result<State, String> {
- let map_size = State::map_size_from_json(&json)?;
- let ref player_map_json = json["PlayerMap"];
- let player_map = PlayerMap::new(&player_map_json)?;
- let ref opponent_map_json = json["OpponentMap"];
- let opponent_map = OpponentMap::new(&opponent_map_json, map_size)?;
- Ok(State {
- map_size: map_size,
- player_map: player_map,
- opponent_map: opponent_map
- })
- }
- pub fn map_size_from_json(json: &json::JsonValue) -> Result<u16, String> {
- json["MapDimension"]
- .as_u16()
- .ok_or(String::from("Did not find the map dimension in the state json file"))
- }
-pub struct OpponentMap {
- pub cells: Vec<Vec<Cell>>,
- pub ships: HashMap<Ship, OpponentShip>,
-impl OpponentMap {
- fn new(json: &json::JsonValue, map_size: u16) -> Result<OpponentMap, String> {
- let mut cells = Vec::with_capacity(map_size as usize);
- for _ in 0..map_size {
- let mut row = Vec::with_capacity(map_size as usize);
- for _ in 0..map_size {
- row.push(Cell::new());
- }
- cells.push(row);
- }
- for json_cell in json["Cells"].members() {
- let x = json_cell["X"]
- .as_u16()
- .ok_or(String::from("Failed to read X value of opponent map cell in json file"))?;
- let y = json_cell["Y"]
- .as_u16()
- .ok_or(String::from("Failed to read Y value of opponent map cell in json file"))?;
- let damaged = json_cell["Damaged"]
- .as_bool()
- .ok_or(String::from("Failed to read Damaged value of opponent map cell in json file"))?;
- let missed = json_cell["Missed"]
- .as_bool()
- .ok_or(String::from("Failed to read Missed value of opponent map cell in json file"))?;
- cells[x as usize][y as usize].damaged = damaged;
- cells[x as usize][y as usize].missed = missed;
- }
- let mut ships = HashMap::new();
- for json_ship in json["Ships"].members() {
- let ship_type_string = json_ship["ShipType"]
- .as_str()
- .ok_or(String::from("Failed to read ShipType value of opponent map ship in json file"))?;
- let ship_type = ship_type_string.parse::<Ship>()?;
- let destroyed = json_ship["Destroyed"]
- .as_bool()
- .ok_or(String::from("Failed to read Destroyed value of opponent map ship in json file"))?;
- ships.insert(ship_type, OpponentShip {
- destroyed: destroyed
- });
- }
- Ok(OpponentMap {
- cells: cells,
- ships: ships
- })
- }
-pub struct OpponentShip {
- pub destroyed: bool
-pub struct Cell {
- pub damaged: bool,
- pub missed: bool
-impl Cell {
- fn new() -> Cell {
- Cell {
- damaged: false,
- missed: false
- }
- }
-pub struct PlayerMap {
- pub ships: HashMap<Ship, PlayerShip>,
- pub energy: u16
-impl PlayerMap {
- fn new(json: &json::JsonValue) -> Result<PlayerMap, String> {
- let mut ships = HashMap::new();
- for json_ship in json["Owner"]["Ships"].members() {
- let ship_type_string = json_ship["ShipType"]
- .as_str()
- .ok_or(String::from("Failed to read ShipType value of player map ship in json file"))?;
- let ship_type = ship_type_string.parse::<Ship>()?;
- let destroyed = json_ship["Destroyed"]
- .as_bool()
- .ok_or(String::from("Failed to read Destroyed value of player map ship in json file"))?;
- ships.insert(ship_type, PlayerShip {
- destroyed: destroyed
- });
- }
- let energy = json["Owner"]["Energy"]
- .as_u16()
- .ok_or(String::from("Did not find the energy in the state json file"))?;
- Ok(PlayerMap {
- ships: ships,
- energy: energy
- })
- }
-pub struct PlayerShip {
- pub destroyed: bool