path: root/source/presentation/InfoPanel.cpp
diff options
authorJustin Worthe <>2014-07-31 13:58:22 +0200
committerJustin Worthe <>2014-07-31 13:58:22 +0200
commit98ba22e7064db57316dfff1ae127feb3dceeb73e (patch)
tree1f7fe3065f804e491f558650285e8c6d05fc914b /source/presentation/InfoPanel.cpp
Initial commitHEADmain
Diffstat (limited to 'source/presentation/InfoPanel.cpp')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/presentation/InfoPanel.cpp b/source/presentation/InfoPanel.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4d33fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/presentation/InfoPanel.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+#include "InfoPanel.h"
+InfoPanel::InfoPanel(ALLEGRO_BITMAP* back, ALLEGRO_BITMAP* front, int x, int y, int width, int height)
+ :ScreenPanel(back, front, x, y, width, height),
+ _petrolHeadingY(_width/10),
+ _petrolGuageY(_petrolHeadingY + _width/10),
+ _petrolGuageHeight(_width/10),
+ _checkpointHeadingY(_petrolGuageY + _petrolGuageHeight + _width/10),
+ _checkpointValueY(_checkpointHeadingY + _width/10),
+ _miniMazeY(_checkpointValueY + _width/5),
+ _miniMazeHeight(_height - _miniMazeY),
+ _miniMazeblockWidth(0)
+ _panelFont = al_load_font("junction 02.ttf", _width/10, 0);
+ if (_panelFont == NULL)
+ {
+ al_show_native_message_box(NULL, "Fatal error", "Fatal error", "The file 'junction 02.ttf' was not found. Ensure that it is located in the working directory.", NULL, ALLEGRO_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR);
+ throw InstallFailure();
+ }
+ al_destroy_font(_panelFont);
+void InfoPanel::draw(const Maze& maze, const list<PlayerCar>& players, const list<EnemyCar>& enemies, const list<Checkpoint>& checkpoints, const list<Rock>& rocks, const list<Smokescreen>& smokescreens, const list<DestroyedObjectPopup>& popups)
+ ALLEGRO_BITMAP* prev_draw = al_get_target_bitmap();
+ al_set_target_bitmap(_back);
+ double petrol = 0;
+ if (!players.empty())
+ {
+ petrol = players.front().petrol();
+ }
+ al_clear_to_color(_colourStore.getColour(BitmapStore::MAZE_FLOOR));
+ //gets a mazeblock width the fits the current maze
+ _miniMazeblockWidth = min(static_cast<float>(_width)/maze.width(), static_cast<float>(_miniMazeHeight)/maze.height());
+ //draws petrol heading and bar
+ al_draw_text(_panelFont, al_map_rgb(255,255,255), 1, _petrolHeadingY, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_LEFT , "Petrol");
+ al_draw_filled_rectangle(0,_petrolGuageY,_width*petrol, _petrolGuageY+_petrolGuageHeight, al_map_rgb(255,128,0));
+ //draws checkpoints remaining heading and value
+ al_draw_text(_panelFont, al_map_rgb(255,255,255), 1, _checkpointHeadingY, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_LEFT , "Checkpoints");
+ stringstream checkpointCountString;
+ checkpointCountString << Checkpoint::checkpointCount();
+ al_draw_text(_panelFont, al_map_rgb(255,255,255), 1, _checkpointValueY, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_LEFT , checkpointCountString.str().c_str());
+ draw(maze);
+ for (list<PlayerCar>::const_iterator iter = players.begin(); iter != players.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ draw(*iter);
+ }
+ for (list<EnemyCar>::const_iterator iter = enemies.begin(); iter != enemies.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ draw(*iter);
+ }
+ for (list<Checkpoint>::const_iterator iter = checkpoints.begin(); iter != checkpoints.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ draw(*iter);
+ }
+ //restore draw target
+ al_set_target_bitmap(prev_draw);
+void InfoPanel::draw(const Maze& maze)
+ ALLEGRO_COLOR wallColour = _colourStore.getColour(BitmapStore::MAZE_WALL);
+ ALLEGRO_COLOR floorColour = _colourStore.getColour(BitmapStore::MAZE_FLOOR);
+ for (int x=0; x<maze.width(); ++x)
+ {
+ for (int y=0; y<maze.height(); ++y)
+ {
+ float x1 = getPanelX(x);
+ float x2 = x1 + _miniMazeblockWidth;
+ float y1 = getPanelY(y) + _miniMazeY;
+ float y2 = y1 + _miniMazeblockWidth;
+ if (maze.getSolid(x,y))
+ {
+ al_draw_filled_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, wallColour);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ al_draw_filled_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, floorColour);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void InfoPanel::draw(const GameObject& object)
+ float r = _miniMazeblockWidth/2;
+ float cx = getPanelX(object.x()) + r;
+ float cy = getPanelY(object.y()) + _miniMazeY + r;
+ al_draw_filled_circle(cx, cy, r, _colourStore.getColour(object.image()));
+float InfoPanel::getPanelX(const double& x) const
+ return static_cast<float>(x*_miniMazeblockWidth);
+float InfoPanel::getPanelY(const double& y) const
+ return static_cast<float>(y*_miniMazeblockWidth);