path: root/tool/mbed/mbed-sdk/workspace_tools/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tool/mbed/mbed-sdk/workspace_tools/')
1 files changed, 550 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tool/mbed/mbed-sdk/workspace_tools/ b/tool/mbed/mbed-sdk/workspace_tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0acea152cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/mbed/mbed-sdk/workspace_tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+mbed SDK
+Copyright (c) 2011-2013 ARM Limited
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import re
+import tempfile
+import colorama
+from types import ListType
+from shutil import rmtree
+from os.path import join, exists, basename
+from workspace_tools.utils import mkdir, run_cmd, run_cmd_ext
+from workspace_tools.targets import TARGET_NAMES, TARGET_MAP
+from workspace_tools.libraries import Library
+from workspace_tools.toolchains import TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES
+from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader
+from jinja2.environment import Environment
+def build_project(src_path, build_path, target, toolchain_name,
+ libraries_paths=None, options=None, linker_script=None,
+ clean=False, notify=None, verbose=False, name=None, macros=None, inc_dirs=None, jobs=1, silent=False):
+ """ This function builds project. Project can be for example one test / UT
+ """
+ # Toolchain instance
+ toolchain = TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES[toolchain_name](target, options, notify, macros, silent)
+ toolchain.VERBOSE = verbose
+ = jobs
+ toolchain.build_all = clean
+ src_paths = [src_path] if type(src_path) != ListType else src_path
+ # We need to remove all paths which are repeated to avoid
+ # multiple compilations and linking with the same objects
+ src_paths = [src_paths[0]] + list(set(src_paths[1:]))
+ PROJECT_BASENAME = basename(src_paths[0])
+ if name is None:
+ # We will use default project name based on project folder name
+"Building project %s (%s, %s)" % (PROJECT_BASENAME.upper(),, toolchain_name))
+ else:
+ # User used custom global project name to have the same name for the
+"Building project %s to %s (%s, %s)" % (PROJECT_BASENAME.upper(), name,, toolchain_name))
+ # Scan src_path and libraries_paths for resources
+ resources = toolchain.scan_resources(src_paths[0])
+ for path in src_paths[1:]:
+ resources.add(toolchain.scan_resources(path))
+ if libraries_paths is not None:
+ src_paths.extend(libraries_paths)
+ for path in libraries_paths:
+ resources.add(toolchain.scan_resources(path))
+ if linker_script is not None:
+ resources.linker_script = linker_script
+ # Build Directory
+ if clean:
+ if exists(build_path):
+ rmtree(build_path)
+ mkdir(build_path)
+ # We need to add if necessary additional include directories
+ if inc_dirs:
+ if type(inc_dirs) == ListType:
+ resources.inc_dirs.extend(inc_dirs)
+ else:
+ resources.inc_dirs.append(inc_dirs)
+ # Compile Sources
+ for path in src_paths:
+ src = toolchain.scan_resources(path)
+ objects = toolchain.compile_sources(src, build_path, resources.inc_dirs)
+ resources.objects.extend(objects)
+ # Link Program
+ return toolchain.link_program(resources, build_path, name)
+def build_library(src_paths, build_path, target, toolchain_name,
+ dependencies_paths=None, options=None, name=None, clean=False,
+ notify=None, verbose=False, macros=None, inc_dirs=None, inc_dirs_ext=None, jobs=1, silent=False):
+ """ src_path: the path of the source directory
+ build_path: the path of the build directory
+ target: ['LPC1768', 'LPC11U24', 'LPC2368']
+ toolchain: ['ARM', 'uARM', 'GCC_ARM', 'GCC_CS', 'GCC_CR']
+ library_paths: List of paths to additional libraries
+ clean: Rebuild everything if True
+ notify: Notify function for logs
+ verbose: Write the actual tools command lines if True
+ inc_dirs: additional include directories which should be included in build
+ inc_dirs_ext: additional include directories which should be copied to library directory
+ """
+ if type(src_paths) != ListType:
+ src_paths = [src_paths]
+ for src_path in src_paths:
+ if not exists(src_path):
+ raise Exception("The library source folder does not exist: %s", src_path)
+ # Toolchain instance
+ toolchain = TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES[toolchain_name](target, options, macros=macros, notify=notify, silent=silent)
+ toolchain.VERBOSE = verbose
+ = jobs
+ toolchain.build_all = clean
+ # The first path will give the name to the library
+ name = basename(src_paths[0])
+"Building library %s (%s, %s)" % (name.upper(),, toolchain_name))
+ # Scan Resources
+ resources = []
+ for src_path in src_paths:
+ resources.append(toolchain.scan_resources(src_path))
+ # Add extra include directories / files which are required by library
+ # This files usually are not in the same directory as source files so
+ # previous scan will not include them
+ if inc_dirs_ext is not None:
+ for inc_ext in inc_dirs_ext:
+ resources.append(toolchain.scan_resources(inc_ext))
+ # Dependencies Include Paths
+ dependencies_include_dir = []
+ if dependencies_paths is not None:
+ for path in dependencies_paths:
+ lib_resources = toolchain.scan_resources(path)
+ dependencies_include_dir.extend(lib_resources.inc_dirs)
+ if inc_dirs:
+ dependencies_include_dir.extend(inc_dirs)
+ # Create the desired build directory structure
+ bin_path = join(build_path, toolchain.obj_path)
+ mkdir(bin_path)
+ tmp_path = join(build_path, '.temp', toolchain.obj_path)
+ mkdir(tmp_path)
+ # Copy Headers
+ for resource in resources:
+ toolchain.copy_files(resource.headers, build_path, rel_path=resource.base_path)
+ dependencies_include_dir.extend(toolchain.scan_resources(build_path).inc_dirs)
+ # Compile Sources
+ objects = []
+ for resource in resources:
+ objects.extend(toolchain.compile_sources(resource, tmp_path, dependencies_include_dir))
+ toolchain.build_library(objects, bin_path, name)
+def build_lib(lib_id, target, toolchain, options=None, verbose=False, clean=False, macros=None, notify=None, jobs=1, silent=False):
+ """ Wrapper for build_library function.
+ Function builds library in proper directory using all dependencies and macros defined by user.
+ """
+ lib = Library(lib_id)
+ if lib.is_supported(target, toolchain):
+ # We need to combine macros from parameter list with macros from library definition
+ MACROS = lib.macros if lib.macros else []
+ if macros:
+ MACROS.extend(macros)
+ build_library(lib.source_dir, lib.build_dir, target, toolchain, lib.dependencies, options,
+ verbose=verbose,
+ silent=silent,
+ clean=clean,
+ macros=MACROS,
+ notify=notify,
+ inc_dirs=lib.inc_dirs,
+ inc_dirs_ext=lib.inc_dirs_ext,
+ jobs=jobs)
+ else:
+ print 'Library "%s" is not yet supported on target %s with toolchain %s' % (lib_id,, toolchain)
+# We do have unique legacy conventions about how we build and package the mbed library
+def build_mbed_libs(target, toolchain_name, options=None, verbose=False, clean=False, macros=None, notify=None, jobs=1, silent=False):
+ """ Function returns True is library was built and false if building was skipped """
+ # Check toolchain support
+ if toolchain_name not in target.supported_toolchains:
+ supported_toolchains_text = ", ".join(target.supported_toolchains)
+ print '%s target is not yet supported by toolchain %s' % (, toolchain_name)
+ print '%s target supports %s toolchain%s' % (, supported_toolchains_text, 's' if len(target.supported_toolchains) > 1 else '')
+ return False
+ # Toolchain
+ toolchain = TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES[toolchain_name](target, options, macros=macros, notify=notify, silent=silent)
+ toolchain.VERBOSE = verbose
+ = jobs
+ toolchain.build_all = clean
+ # Source and Build Paths
+ TMP_PATH = join(MBED_LIBRARIES, '.temp', toolchain.obj_path)
+ mkdir(TMP_PATH)
+"Building library %s (%s, %s)"% ('CMSIS',, toolchain_name))
+ cmsis_src = join(MBED_TARGETS_PATH, "cmsis")
+ resources = toolchain.scan_resources(cmsis_src)
+ toolchain.copy_files(resources.headers, BUILD_TARGET)
+ toolchain.copy_files(resources.linker_script, BUILD_TOOLCHAIN)
+ toolchain.copy_files(resources.bin_files, BUILD_TOOLCHAIN)
+ objects = toolchain.compile_sources(resources, TMP_PATH)
+ toolchain.copy_files(objects, BUILD_TOOLCHAIN)
+ # mbed
+"Building library %s (%s, %s)" % ('MBED',, toolchain_name))
+ # Common Headers
+ toolchain.copy_files(toolchain.scan_resources(MBED_API).headers, MBED_LIBRARIES)
+ toolchain.copy_files(toolchain.scan_resources(MBED_HAL).headers, MBED_LIBRARIES)
+ # Target specific sources
+ HAL_SRC = join(MBED_TARGETS_PATH, "hal")
+ hal_implementation = toolchain.scan_resources(HAL_SRC)
+ toolchain.copy_files(hal_implementation.headers + hal_implementation.hex_files + hal_implementation.libraries, BUILD_TARGET, HAL_SRC)
+ incdirs = toolchain.scan_resources(BUILD_TARGET).inc_dirs
+ objects = toolchain.compile_sources(hal_implementation, TMP_PATH, [MBED_LIBRARIES] + incdirs)
+ # Common Sources
+ mbed_resources = toolchain.scan_resources(MBED_COMMON)
+ objects += toolchain.compile_sources(mbed_resources, TMP_PATH, [MBED_LIBRARIES] + incdirs)
+ # A number of compiled files need to be copied as objects as opposed to
+ # being part of the mbed library, for reasons that have to do with the way
+ # the linker search for symbols in archives. These are:
+ # - retarget.o: to make sure that the C standard lib symbols get overridden
+ # - board.o: mbed_die is weak
+ # - mbed_overrides.o: this contains platform overrides of various weak SDK functions
+ separate_names, separate_objects = ['retarget.o', 'board.o', 'mbed_overrides.o'], []
+ for o in objects:
+ for name in separate_names:
+ if o.endswith(name):
+ separate_objects.append(o)
+ for o in separate_objects:
+ objects.remove(o)
+ toolchain.build_library(objects, BUILD_TOOLCHAIN, "mbed")
+ for o in separate_objects:
+ toolchain.copy_files(o, BUILD_TOOLCHAIN)
+ return True
+def get_unique_supported_toolchains():
+ """ Get list of all unique toolchains supported by targets """
+ unique_supported_toolchains = []
+ for target in TARGET_NAMES:
+ for toolchain in TARGET_MAP[target].supported_toolchains:
+ if toolchain not in unique_supported_toolchains:
+ unique_supported_toolchains.append(toolchain)
+ return unique_supported_toolchains
+def mcu_toolchain_matrix(verbose_html=False, platform_filter=None):
+ """ Shows target map using prettytable """
+ unique_supported_toolchains = get_unique_supported_toolchains()
+ from prettytable import PrettyTable # Only use it in this function so building works without extra modules
+ # All tests status table print
+ columns = ["Platform"] + unique_supported_toolchains
+ pt = PrettyTable(["Platform"] + unique_supported_toolchains)
+ # Align table
+ for col in columns:
+ pt.align[col] = "c"
+ pt.align["Platform"] = "l"
+ perm_counter = 0
+ target_counter = 0
+ for target in sorted(TARGET_NAMES):
+ if platform_filter is not None:
+ # FIlter out platforms using regex
+ if, target) is None:
+ continue
+ target_counter += 1
+ row = [target] # First column is platform name
+ default_toolchain = TARGET_MAP[target].default_toolchain
+ for unique_toolchain in unique_supported_toolchains:
+ text = "-"
+ if default_toolchain == unique_toolchain:
+ text = "Default"
+ perm_counter += 1
+ elif unique_toolchain in TARGET_MAP[target].supported_toolchains:
+ text = "Supported"
+ perm_counter += 1
+ row.append(text)
+ pt.add_row(row)
+ result = pt.get_html_string() if verbose_html else pt.get_string()
+ result += "\n"
+ result += "*Default - default on-line compiler\n"
+ result += "*Supported - supported off-line compiler\n"
+ result += "\n"
+ result += "Total platforms: %d\n"% (target_counter)
+ result += "Total permutations: %d"% (perm_counter)
+ return result
+def get_target_supported_toolchains(target):
+ """ Returns target supported toolchains list """
+ return TARGET_MAP[target].supported_toolchains if target in TARGET_MAP else None
+def static_analysis_scan(target, toolchain_name, CPPCHECK_CMD, CPPCHECK_MSG_FORMAT, options=None, verbose=False, clean=False, macros=None, notify=None, jobs=1):
+ # Toolchain
+ toolchain = TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES[toolchain_name](target, options, macros=macros, notify=notify)
+ toolchain.VERBOSE = verbose
+ = jobs
+ toolchain.build_all = clean
+ # Source and Build Paths
+ TMP_PATH = join(MBED_LIBRARIES, '.temp', toolchain.obj_path)
+ mkdir(TMP_PATH)
+"Static analysis for %s (%s, %s)" % ('CMSIS',, toolchain_name))
+ cmsis_src = join(MBED_TARGETS_PATH, "cmsis")
+ resources = toolchain.scan_resources(cmsis_src)
+ # Copy files before analysis
+ toolchain.copy_files(resources.headers, BUILD_TARGET)
+ toolchain.copy_files(resources.linker_script, BUILD_TOOLCHAIN)
+ # Gather include paths, c, cpp sources and macros to transfer to cppcheck command line
+ includes = ["-I%s"% i for i in resources.inc_dirs]
+ includes.append("-I%s"% str(BUILD_TARGET))
+ c_sources = " ".join(resources.c_sources)
+ cpp_sources = " ".join(resources.cpp_sources)
+ macros = ["-D%s"% s for s in toolchain.get_symbols() + toolchain.macros]
+ includes = map(str.strip, includes)
+ macros = map(str.strip, macros)
+ check_cmd = CPPCHECK_CMD
+ check_cmd += CPPCHECK_MSG_FORMAT
+ check_cmd += includes
+ check_cmd += macros
+ # We need to pass some params via file to avoid "command line too long in some OSs"
+ tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
+ tmp_file.writelines(line + '\n' for line in c_sources.split())
+ tmp_file.writelines(line + '\n' for line in cpp_sources.split())
+ tmp_file.close()
+ check_cmd += ["--file-list=%s"%]
+ _stdout, _stderr, _rc = run_cmd(check_cmd)
+ if verbose:
+ print _stdout
+ print _stderr
+ # =========================================================================
+ # MBED
+"Static analysis for %s (%s, %s)" % ('MBED',, toolchain_name))
+ # Common Headers
+ toolchain.copy_files(toolchain.scan_resources(MBED_API).headers, MBED_LIBRARIES)
+ toolchain.copy_files(toolchain.scan_resources(MBED_HAL).headers, MBED_LIBRARIES)
+ # Target specific sources
+ HAL_SRC = join(MBED_TARGETS_PATH, "hal")
+ hal_implementation = toolchain.scan_resources(HAL_SRC)
+ # Copy files before analysis
+ toolchain.copy_files(hal_implementation.headers + hal_implementation.hex_files, BUILD_TARGET, HAL_SRC)
+ incdirs = toolchain.scan_resources(BUILD_TARGET)
+ target_includes = ["-I%s" % i for i in incdirs.inc_dirs]
+ target_includes.append("-I%s"% str(BUILD_TARGET))
+ target_includes.append("-I%s"% str(HAL_SRC))
+ target_c_sources = " ".join(incdirs.c_sources)
+ target_cpp_sources = " ".join(incdirs.cpp_sources)
+ target_macros = ["-D%s"% s for s in toolchain.get_symbols() + toolchain.macros]
+ # Common Sources
+ mbed_resources = toolchain.scan_resources(MBED_COMMON)
+ # Gather include paths, c, cpp sources and macros to transfer to cppcheck command line
+ mbed_includes = ["-I%s" % i for i in mbed_resources.inc_dirs]
+ mbed_includes.append("-I%s"% str(BUILD_TARGET))
+ mbed_includes.append("-I%s"% str(MBED_COMMON))
+ mbed_includes.append("-I%s"% str(MBED_API))
+ mbed_includes.append("-I%s"% str(MBED_HAL))
+ mbed_c_sources = " ".join(mbed_resources.c_sources)
+ mbed_cpp_sources = " ".join(mbed_resources.cpp_sources)
+ target_includes = map(str.strip, target_includes)
+ mbed_includes = map(str.strip, mbed_includes)
+ target_macros = map(str.strip, target_macros)
+ check_cmd = CPPCHECK_CMD
+ check_cmd += CPPCHECK_MSG_FORMAT
+ check_cmd += target_includes
+ check_cmd += mbed_includes
+ check_cmd += target_macros
+ # We need to pass some parames via file to avoid "command line too long in some OSs"
+ tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
+ tmp_file.writelines(line + '\n' for line in target_c_sources.split())
+ tmp_file.writelines(line + '\n' for line in target_cpp_sources.split())
+ tmp_file.writelines(line + '\n' for line in mbed_c_sources.split())
+ tmp_file.writelines(line + '\n' for line in mbed_cpp_sources.split())
+ tmp_file.close()
+ check_cmd += ["--file-list=%s"%]
+ _stdout, _stderr, _rc = run_cmd_ext(check_cmd)
+ if verbose:
+ print _stdout
+ print _stderr
+def static_analysis_scan_lib(lib_id, target, toolchain, cppcheck_cmd, cppcheck_msg_format,
+ options=None, verbose=False, clean=False, macros=None, notify=None, jobs=1):
+ lib = Library(lib_id)
+ if lib.is_supported(target, toolchain):
+ static_analysis_scan_library(lib.source_dir, lib.build_dir, target, toolchain, cppcheck_cmd, cppcheck_msg_format,
+ lib.dependencies, options,
+ verbose=verbose, clean=clean, macros=macros, notify=notify, jobs=jobs)
+ else:
+ print 'Library "%s" is not yet supported on target %s with toolchain %s'% (lib_id,, toolchain)
+def static_analysis_scan_library(src_paths, build_path, target, toolchain_name, cppcheck_cmd, cppcheck_msg_format,
+ dependencies_paths=None, options=None, name=None, clean=False,
+ notify=None, verbose=False, macros=None, jobs=1):
+ """ Function scans library (or just some set of sources/headers) for staticly detectable defects """
+ if type(src_paths) != ListType:
+ src_paths = [src_paths]
+ for src_path in src_paths:
+ if not exists(src_path):
+ raise Exception("The library source folder does not exist: %s", src_path)
+ # Toolchain instance
+ toolchain = TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES[toolchain_name](target, options, macros=macros, notify=notify)
+ toolchain.VERBOSE = verbose
+ = jobs
+ # The first path will give the name to the library
+ name = basename(src_paths[0])
+"Static analysis for library %s (%s, %s)" % (name.upper(),, toolchain_name))
+ # Scan Resources
+ resources = []
+ for src_path in src_paths:
+ resources.append(toolchain.scan_resources(src_path))
+ # Dependencies Include Paths
+ dependencies_include_dir = []
+ if dependencies_paths is not None:
+ for path in dependencies_paths:
+ lib_resources = toolchain.scan_resources(path)
+ dependencies_include_dir.extend(lib_resources.inc_dirs)
+ # Create the desired build directory structure
+ bin_path = join(build_path, toolchain.obj_path)
+ mkdir(bin_path)
+ tmp_path = join(build_path, '.temp', toolchain.obj_path)
+ mkdir(tmp_path)
+ # Gather include paths, c, cpp sources and macros to transfer to cppcheck command line
+ includes = ["-I%s" % i for i in dependencies_include_dir + src_paths]
+ c_sources = " "
+ cpp_sources = " "
+ macros = ['-D%s' % s for s in toolchain.get_symbols() + toolchain.macros]
+ # Copy Headers
+ for resource in resources:
+ toolchain.copy_files(resource.headers, build_path, rel_path=resource.base_path)
+ includes += ["-I%s" % i for i in resource.inc_dirs]
+ c_sources += " ".join(resource.c_sources) + " "
+ cpp_sources += " ".join(resource.cpp_sources) + " "
+ dependencies_include_dir.extend(toolchain.scan_resources(build_path).inc_dirs)
+ includes = map(str.strip, includes)
+ macros = map(str.strip, macros)
+ check_cmd = cppcheck_cmd
+ check_cmd += cppcheck_msg_format
+ check_cmd += includes
+ check_cmd += macros
+ # We need to pass some parameters via file to avoid "command line too long in some OSs"
+ # Temporary file is created to store e.g. cppcheck list of files for command line
+ tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
+ tmp_file.writelines(line + '\n' for line in c_sources.split())
+ tmp_file.writelines(line + '\n' for line in cpp_sources.split())
+ tmp_file.close()
+ check_cmd += ["--file-list=%s"%]
+ # This will allow us to grab result from both stdio and stderr outputs (so we can show them)
+ # We assume static code analysis tool is outputting defects on STDERR
+ _stdout, _stderr, _rc = run_cmd_ext(check_cmd)
+ if verbose:
+ print _stdout
+ print _stderr
+def print_build_results(result_list, build_name):
+ """ Generate result string for build results """
+ result = ""
+ if result_list:
+ result += build_name + "\n"
+ result += "\n".join([" * %s" % f for f in result_list])
+ result += "\n"
+ return result
+def write_build_report(build_report, template_filename, filename):
+ build_report_failing = []
+ build_report_passing = []
+ for report in build_report:
+ if len(report["failing"]) > 0:
+ build_report_failing.append(report)
+ else:
+ build_report_passing.append(report)
+ env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.with_'])
+ env.loader = FileSystemLoader('ci_templates')
+ template = env.get_template(template_filename)
+ with open(filename, 'w+') as f:
+ f.write(template.render(failing_builds=build_report_failing, passing_builds=build_report_passing))