path: root/tmk_core/protocol/arm_atsam/issi3733_driver.h
diff options
authorAlex Ong <>2019-01-04 19:39:14 +1100
committerAlex Ong <>2019-01-04 19:39:14 +1100
commit47c91fc7f75ae0a477e55b687aa0fc30da0a283c (patch)
tree65ad39452748ff2e6d4a83ce54ede6ca22c9ada9 /tmk_core/protocol/arm_atsam/issi3733_driver.h
parentac9b88e8ccbbf38762871504cd827ff0d941c426 (diff)
parent563ce3f225d981ce460c12ca5130dfe47af41df0 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'tmk_core/protocol/arm_atsam/issi3733_driver.h')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tmk_core/protocol/arm_atsam/issi3733_driver.h b/tmk_core/protocol/arm_atsam/issi3733_driver.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a537029f0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tmk_core/protocol/arm_atsam/issi3733_driver.h
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+Copyright 2018 Massdrop Inc.
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#ifndef _ISSI3733_DRIVER_H_
+#define _ISSI3733_DRIVER_H_
+//ISII3733 Registers
+#define ISSI3733_CMDR 0xFD //Command Register (Write Only)
+#define ISSI3733_CMDRWL 0xFE //Command Register Write Lock (Read/Write)
+#define ISSI3733_CMDRWL_WRITE_DISABLE 0x00 //Lock register
+#define ISSI3733_CMDRWL_WRITE_ENABLE_ONCE 0xC5 //Enable one write to register then reset to locked
+#define ISSI3733_IMR 0xF0 //Interrupt Mask Register (Write Only)
+#define ISSI3733_IMR_IAC_ON 0x08 //Auto Clear Interrupt Bit - Interrupt auto clear when INTB stay low exceeds 8ms
+#define ISSI3733_IMR_IAB_ON 0x04 //Auto Breath Interrupt Bit - Enable auto breath loop finish interrupt
+#define ISSI3733_IMR_IS_ON 0x02 //Dot Short Interrupt Bit - Enable dot short interrupt
+#define ISSI3733_IMR_IO_ON 0x01 //Dot Open Interrupt Bit - Enable dot open interrupt
+#define ISSI3733_ISR 0xF1 //Interrupt Status Register (Read Only)
+#define ISSI3733_ISR_ABM3_FINISH 0x10 //Auto Breath Mode 3 Finish Bit - ABM3 finished
+#define ISSI3733_ISR_ABM2_FINISH 0x08 //Auto Breath Mode 2 Finish Bit - ABM2 finished
+#define ISSI3733_ISR_ABM1_FINISH 0x04 //Auto Breath Mode 1 Finish Bit - ABM1 finished
+#define ISSI3733_ISR_SB 0x02 //Short Bit - Shorted
+#define ISSI3733_ISR_OB 0x01 //Open Bit - Opened
+#define ISSI3733_PG0 0x00 //LED Control Register
+#define ISSI3733_PG1 0x01 //PWM Register
+#define ISSI3733_PG2 0x02 //Auto Breath Mode Register
+#define ISSI3733_PG3 0x03 //Function Register
+#define ISSI3733_PG_ONOFF ISSI3733_PG0
+#define ISSI3733_PG_OR ISSI3733_PG0
+#define ISSI3733_PG_SR ISSI3733_PG0
+#define ISSI3733_PG_PWM ISSI3733_PG1
+#define ISSI3733_PG_ABM ISSI3733_PG2
+#define ISSI3733_PG_FN ISSI3733_PG3
+#define ISSI3733_CR 0x00 //Configuration Register
+//PG3: Configuration Register: Synchronize Configuration
+#define ISSI3733_CR_SYNC_MASTER 0x40 //Master
+#define ISSI3733_CR_SYNC_SLAVE 0x80 //Slave
+#define ISSI3733_CR_SYNC_HIGH_IMP 0xC0 //High Impedance
+//PG3: Configuration Register: Open/Short Detection Enable Bit
+//#define ISSI3733_CR_OSD_DISABLE 0x00 //Disable open/short detection
+#define ISSI3733_CR_OSD_ENABLE 0x04 //Enable open/short detection
+//PG3: Configuration Register: Auto Breath Enable
+//#define ISSI3733_CR_B_EN_PWM 0x00 //PWM Mode Enable
+#define ISSI3733_CR_B_EN_AUTO 0x02 //Auto Breath Mode Enable
+//PG3: Configuration Register: Software Shutdown Control
+//#define ISSI3733_CR_SSD_SHUTDOWN 0x00 //Software shutdown
+#define ISSI3733_CR_SSD_NORMAL 0x01 //Normal operation
+#define ISSI3733_GCCR 0x01 //Global Current Control Register
+//1 Byte, Iout = (GCC / 256) * (840 / Rext)
+//TODO: Give user define for Rext
+//PG3: Auto Breath Control Register 1
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR1_ABM1 0x02 //Auto Breath Control Register 1 of ABM-1
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR1_ABM2 0x06 //Auto Breath Control Register 1 of ABM-2
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR1_ABM3 0x0A //Auto Breath Control Register 1 of ABM-3
+//Rise time
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR1_T1_0021 0x00 //0.21s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR1_T1_0042 0x20 //0.42s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR1_T1_0084 0x40 //0.84s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR1_T1_0168 0x60 //1.68s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR1_T1_0336 0x80 //3.36s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR1_T1_0672 0xA0 //6.72s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR1_T1_1344 0xC0 //13.44s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR1_T1_2688 0xE0 //26.88s
+//Max value time
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR1_T2_0000 0x00 //0s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR1_T2_0021 0x02 //0.21s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR1_T2_0042 0x04 //0.42s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR1_T2_0084 0x06 //0.84s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR1_T2_0168 0x08 //1.68s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR1_T2_0336 0x0A //3.36s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR1_T2_0672 0x0C //6.72s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR1_T2_1344 0x0E //13.44s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR1_T2_2688 0x10 //26.88s
+//PG3: Auto Breath Control Register 2
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR2_ABM1 0x03 //Auto Breath Control Register 2 of ABM-1
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR2_ABM2 0x07 //Auto Breath Control Register 2 of ABM-2
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR2_ABM3 0x0B //Auto Breath Control Register 2 of ABM-3
+//Fall time
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR2_T3_0021 0x00 //0.21s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR2_T3_0042 0x20 //0.42s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR2_T3_0084 0x40 //0.84s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR2_T3_0168 0x60 //1.68s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR2_T3_0336 0x80 //3.36s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR2_T3_0672 0xA0 //6.72s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR2_T3_1344 0xC0 //13.44s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR2_T3_2688 0xE0 //26.88s
+//Min value time
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR2_T4_0000 0x00 //0s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR2_T4_0021 0x02 //0.21s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR2_T4_0042 0x04 //0.42s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR2_T4_0084 0x06 //0.84s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR2_T4_0168 0x08 //1.68s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR2_T4_0336 0x0A //3.36s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR2_T4_0672 0x0C //6.72s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR2_T4_1344 0x0E //13.44s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR2_T4_2688 0x10 //26.88s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR2_T4_5376 0x12 //53.76s
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR2_T4_10752 0x14 //107.52s
+//PG3: Auto Breath Control Register 3
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR3_ABM1 0x04 //Auto Breath Control Register 3 of ABM-1
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR3_ABM2 0x08 //Auto Breath Control Register 3 of ABM-2
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR3_ABM3 0x0C //Auto Breath Control Register 3 of ABM-3
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR3_LTA_LOOP_ENDLESS 0x00
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR3_LTA_LOOP_1 0x01
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR3_LTA_LOOP_2 0x02
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR3_LTA_LOOP_3 0x03
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR3_LTA_LOOP_4 0x04
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR3_LTA_LOOP_5 0x05
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR3_LTA_LOOP_6 0x06
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR3_LTA_LOOP_7 0x07
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR3_LTA_LOOP_8 0x08
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR3_LTA_LOOP_9 0x09
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR3_LTA_LOOP_10 0x0A
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR3_LTA_LOOP_11 0x0B
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR3_LTA_LOOP_12 0x0C
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR3_LTA_LOOP_13 0x0D
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR3_LTA_LOOP_14 0x0E
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR3_LTA_LOOP_15 0x0F
+//Loop Begin
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR3_LB_T1 0x00
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR3_LB_T2 0x10
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR3_LB_T3 0x20
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR3_LB_T4 0x30
+//Loop End
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR3_LE_T3 0x00 //End at Off state
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR3_LE_T1 0x40 //End at On State
+//PG3: Auto Breath Control Register 4
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR4_ABM1 0x05 //Auto Breath Control Register 4 of ABM-1
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR4_ABM2 0x09 //Auto Breath Control Register 4 of ABM-2
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR4_ABM3 0x0D //Auto Breath Control Register 4 of ABM-3
+#define ISSI3733_ABCR4_LTB_LOOP_ENDLESS 0x00
+//Or 8bit loop times
+//PG3: Time Update Register
+#define ISSI3733_TUR 0x0E
+#define ISSI3733_TUR_UPDATE 0x00 //Write to update 02h~0Dh time registers after configuring
+//PG3: SWy Pull-Up Resistor Selection Register
+#define ISSI3733_SWYR_PUR 0x0F
+#define ISSI3733_SWYR_PUR_NONE 0x00 //No pull-up resistor
+#define ISSI3733_SWYR_PUR_500 0x01 //0.5k Ohm
+#define ISSI3733_SWYR_PUR_1000 0x02 //1.0k Ohm
+#define ISSI3733_SWYR_PUR_2000 0x03 //2.0k Ohm
+#define ISSI3733_SWYR_PUR_4000 0x04 //4.0k Ohm
+#define ISSI3733_SWYR_PUR_8000 0x05 //8.0k Ohm
+#define ISSI3733_SWYR_PUR_16000 0x06 //16k Ohm
+#define ISSI3733_SWYR_PUR_32000 0x07 //32k Ohm
+//PG3: CSx Pull-Down Resistor Selection Register
+#define ISSI3733_CSXR_PDR 0x10
+#define ISSI3733_CSXR_PDR_NONE 0x00 //No pull-down resistor
+#define ISSI3733_CSXR_PDR_500 0x01 //0.5k Ohm
+#define ISSI3733_CSXR_PDR_1000 0x02 //1.0k Ohm
+#define ISSI3733_CSXR_PDR_2000 0x03 //2.0k Ohm
+#define ISSI3733_CSXR_PDR_4000 0x04 //4.0k Ohm
+#define ISSI3733_CSXR_PDR_8000 0x05 //8.0k Ohm
+#define ISSI3733_CSXR_PDR_16000 0x06 //16k Ohm
+#define ISSI3733_CSXR_PDR_32000 0x07 //32k Ohm
+//PG3: Reset Register
+#define ISSI3733_RR 0x11 //Read to reset all registers to default values
+#endif //_ISSI3733_DRIVER_H_