path: root/src
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authorJustin Wernick <>2022-04-19 21:26:49 +0200
committerJustin Wernick <>2022-04-19 21:26:49 +0200
commit7ec48d0d454499177b63bc5bd512a3a2d6baa839 (patch)
tree23d34d45dbb3ae977710361501a3dde3544734d1 /src
parent1e21ebed15321aacbba53121cb40bbc60f4db1cc (diff)
Refile for merging repos
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
15 files changed, 0 insertions, 1750 deletions
diff --git a/src/bin/ b/src/bin/
deleted file mode 100644
index ee0c2be..0000000
--- a/src/bin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-extern crate zombot;
-extern crate time;
-use time::{PreciseTime, Duration};
-use zombot::*;
-use zombot::engine::constants::*;
-const STATE_PATH: &str = "tests/state0.json";
-use std::process;
-fn main() {
- println!("Running bitwise engine");
- let start_time = PreciseTime::now();
- let state = match input::json::read_bitwise_state_from_file(STATE_PATH) {
- Ok(ok) => ok,
- Err(error) => {
- println!("Error while parsing JSON file: {}", error);
- process::exit(1);
- }
- };
- let max_time = Duration::milliseconds(MAX_TIME_MILLIS);
- #[cfg(feature = "full-monte-carlo-tree")] strategy::monte_carlo_tree::choose_move(&state, start_time, max_time);
- #[cfg(not(feature = "full-monte-carlo-tree"))] strategy::monte_carlo::choose_move(&state, start_time, max_time);
diff --git a/src/engine/ b/src/engine/
deleted file mode 100644
index 694a309..0000000
--- a/src/engine/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,483 +0,0 @@
-use engine::command::{Command, BuildingType};
-use engine::geometry::Point;
-use engine::constants::*;
-use engine::status::GameStatus;
-use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
-const LEFT_COL_MASK: u64 = 0x0101_0101_0101_0101;
-const RIGHT_COL_MASK: u64 = 0x8080_8080_8080_8080;
-const ROW_MASKS: [u64; MAP_HEIGHT as usize] = [
- 0x0000_0000_0000_00ff,
- 0x0000_0000_0000_ff00,
- 0x0000_0000_00ff_0000,
- 0x0000_0000_ff00_0000,
- 0x0000_00ff_0000_0000,
- 0x0000_ff00_0000_0000,
- 0x00ff_0000_0000_0000,
- 0xff00_0000_0000_0000,
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
-pub struct BitwiseGameState {
- pub status: GameStatus,
- pub player: Player,
- pub opponent: Player,
- pub round: u16
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
-pub struct Player {
- pub energy: u16,
- pub health: u8,
- pub unconstructed: ArrayVec<[UnconstructedBuilding; MAX_CONCURRENT_CONSTRUCTION]>,
- pub buildings: [u64; DEFENCE_HEALTH],
- pub occupied: u64,
- pub energy_towers: u64,
- pub missile_towers: [u64; MISSILE_COOLDOWN_STATES],
- pub firing_tower: usize,
- pub missiles: [(u64, u64); MISSILE_MAX_SINGLE_CELL],
- pub tesla_cooldowns: ArrayVec<[TeslaCooldown; TESLA_MAX]>,
- pub iron_curtain_available: bool,
- pub iron_curtain_remaining: u8,
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
-pub struct UnconstructedBuilding {
- pub pos: Point,
- pub construction_time_left: u8,
- pub building_type: BuildingType
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
-pub struct TeslaCooldown {
- pub pos: Point,
- pub cooldown: u8,
- pub age: u16
-impl BitwiseGameState {
- pub fn simulate(&mut self, player_command: Command, opponent_command: Command) -> GameStatus {
- self.player.perform_command(player_command);
- self.opponent.perform_command(opponent_command);
- self.player.update_construction();
- self.opponent.update_construction();
- self.player.add_missiles();
- self.opponent.add_missiles();
- BitwiseGameState::fire_teslas(&mut self.player, &mut self.opponent);
- BitwiseGameState::move_and_collide_missiles(&mut self.player, &mut self.opponent.missiles);
- BitwiseGameState::move_and_collide_missiles(&mut self.opponent, &mut self.player.missiles);
- BitwiseGameState::add_energy(&mut self.player);
- BitwiseGameState::add_energy(&mut self.opponent);
- BitwiseGameState::update_iron_curtain(&mut self.player, self.round);
- BitwiseGameState::update_iron_curtain(&mut self.opponent, self.round);
- self.round += 1;
- self.update_status();
- self.status
- }
-fn find_bit_index_from_rank(occupied: u64, i: u64) -> u8 {
- // Adapted from
- let v = !occupied;
- let mut r = u64::from(v.count_ones()) - i;
- let a: u64 = v - ((v >> 1) & (!0u64/3));
- let b: u64 = (a & (!0u64/5)) + ((a >> 2) & (!0u64/5));
- let c: u64 = (b + (b >> 4)) & (!0u64/0x11);
- let d: u64 = (c + (c >> 8)) & (!0u64/0x101);
- let mut t: u64 = (d >> 32) + (d >> 48);
- let mut s: u64 = 64;
- s -= (t.wrapping_sub(r) & 256) >> 3; r -= t & (t.wrapping_sub(r) >> 8);
- t = (d >> (s - 16)) & 0xff;
- s -= (t.wrapping_sub(r) & 256) >> 4; r -= t & (t.wrapping_sub(r) >> 8);
- t = (c >> (s - 8)) & 0xf;
- s -= (t.wrapping_sub(r) & 256) >> 5; r -= t & (t.wrapping_sub(r) >> 8);
- t = (b >> (s - 4)) & 0x7;
- s -= (t.wrapping_sub(r) & 256) >> 6; r -= t & (t.wrapping_sub(r) >> 8);
- t = (a >> (s - 2)) & 0x3;
- s -= (t.wrapping_sub(r) & 256) >> 7; r -= t & (t.wrapping_sub(r) >> 8);
- t = (v >> (s - 1)) & 0x1;
- s -= (t.wrapping_sub(r) & 256) >> 8;
- s = 65 - s;
- 64 - s as u8
-impl BitwiseGameState {
- pub fn new(
- player: Player, opponent: Player,
- round: u16
- ) -> BitwiseGameState {
- BitwiseGameState {
- status: GameStatus::Continue,
- player, opponent,
- round
- }
- }
- /**
- * This is to make things more comparable when writing tests, not
- * for actual use in the engine.
- */
- #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
- pub fn sort(&mut self) {
- for j in i+1..MISSILE_MAX_SINGLE_CELL {
- let move_down1 = !self.player.missiles[i].0 & self.player.missiles[j].0;
- self.player.missiles[i].0 |= move_down1;
- self.player.missiles[j].0 &= !move_down1;
- let move_down2 = !self.player.missiles[i].1 & self.player.missiles[j].1;
- self.player.missiles[i].1 |= move_down2;
- self.player.missiles[j].1 &= !move_down2;
- let move_down3 = !self.opponent.missiles[i].0 & self.opponent.missiles[j].0;
- self.opponent.missiles[i].0 |= move_down3;
- self.opponent.missiles[j].0 &= !move_down3;
- let move_down4 = !self.opponent.missiles[i].1 & self.opponent.missiles[j].1;
- self.opponent.missiles[i].1 |= move_down4;
- self.opponent.missiles[j].1 &= !move_down4;
- }
- }
- self.player.unconstructed.sort_by_key(|b| b.pos);
- self.opponent.unconstructed.sort_by_key(|b| b.pos);
- self.player.tesla_cooldowns.sort_by_key(|b| b.pos);
- self.opponent.tesla_cooldowns.sort_by_key(|b| b.pos);
- while self.player.firing_tower > 0 {
- self.player.firing_tower -= 1;
- let zero = self.player.missile_towers[0];
- for i in 1..self.player.missile_towers.len() {
- self.player.missile_towers[i-1] = self.player.missile_towers[i];
- }
- let end = self.player.missile_towers.len()-1;
- self.player.missile_towers[end] = zero;
- }
- while self.opponent.firing_tower > 0 {
- self.opponent.firing_tower -= 1;
- let zero = self.opponent.missile_towers[0];
- for i in 1..self.opponent.missile_towers.len() {
- self.opponent.missile_towers[i-1] = self.opponent.missile_towers[i];
- }
- let end = self.opponent.missile_towers.len()-1;
- self.opponent.missile_towers[end] = zero;
- }
- }
- #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
- pub fn sorted(&self) -> BitwiseGameState {
- let mut res = self.clone();
- res.sort();
- res
- }
- fn update_iron_curtain(player: &mut Player, round: u16) {
- if round != 0 && round % IRON_CURTAIN_UNLOCK_INTERVAL == 0 {
- player.iron_curtain_available = true;
- }
- player.iron_curtain_remaining = player.iron_curtain_remaining.saturating_sub(1);
- }
- fn fire_teslas(player: &mut Player, opponent: &mut Player) {
- BitwiseGameState::fire_single_players_teslas_without_cleanup(player, opponent);
- BitwiseGameState::fire_single_players_teslas_without_cleanup(opponent, player);
- BitwiseGameState::update_tesla_activity(player);
- BitwiseGameState::update_tesla_activity(opponent);
- }
- fn fire_single_players_teslas_without_cleanup(player: &mut Player, opponent: &mut Player) {
- // It's technically more accurate to have this in, but for
- // most practical purposes it's a moot point and it's faster
- // without it.
- //
- // player.tesla_cooldowns.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| b.age.cmp(&a.age));
- for tesla in player.tesla_cooldowns.iter_mut() {
- tesla.age += 1;
- if tesla.cooldown > 0 {
- tesla.cooldown -= 1;
- } else if >= TESLA_FIRING_ENERGY && opponent.iron_curtain_remaining > 0 {
- tesla.cooldown = TESLA_COOLDOWN;
- } else if >= TESLA_FIRING_ENERGY {
- tesla.cooldown = TESLA_COOLDOWN;
- if tesla.pos.to_bitfield() & RIGHT_COL_MASK != 0 {
- =;
- }
- let x = tesla.pos.x();
- let y = tesla.pos.y();
- let missed_cells = (u32::from(SINGLE_MAP_WIDTH - x)).saturating_sub(2);
- let top_row = y.saturating_sub(1);
- let top_row_mask = ROW_MASKS[top_row as usize];
- let mut destroy_mask = top_row_mask.wrapping_shl(missed_cells) & top_row_mask;
- let mut hits = 0;
- for _ in 0..(if y == 0 || y == MAP_HEIGHT-1 { 2 } else { 3 }) {
- hits |= destroy_mask & opponent.buildings[0];
- destroy_mask &= !hits;
- destroy_mask <<= SINGLE_MAP_WIDTH;
- }
- BitwiseGameState::destroy_buildings(opponent, hits);
- }
- }
- }
- fn move_and_collide_missiles(opponent: &mut Player, player_missiles: &mut [(u64, u64); MISSILE_MAX_SINGLE_CELL]) {
- let mut destroyed = 0;
- let mut damaging = 0;
- for _ in 0..MISSILE_SPEED {
- for missile in player_missiles.iter_mut() {
- let swapping_sides = if opponent.iron_curtain_remaining > 0 { 0 } else { missile.0 & RIGHT_COL_MASK };
- let about_to_hit_opponent = missile.1 & LEFT_COL_MASK;
- missile.0 = (missile.0 & !RIGHT_COL_MASK) << 1;
- missile.1 = ((missile.1 & !LEFT_COL_MASK) >> 1) | swapping_sides;
- damaging = (damaging << 1) | about_to_hit_opponent;
- let mut hits = 0;
- for health_tier in (0..DEFENCE_HEALTH).rev() {
- hits = opponent.buildings[health_tier] & missile.1;
- missile.1 &= !hits;
- opponent.buildings[health_tier] &= !hits;
- }
- destroyed |= hits;
- }
- }
- let damage = damaging.count_ones() as u8 * MISSILE_DAMAGE;
- =;
- BitwiseGameState::destroy_buildings(opponent, destroyed);
- BitwiseGameState::update_tesla_activity(opponent);
- }
- fn destroy_buildings(buildings: &mut Player, hit_mask: u64) {
- let deconstruct_mask = !hit_mask;
- buildings.energy_towers &= deconstruct_mask;
- for tier in &mut buildings.missile_towers {
- *tier &= deconstruct_mask;
- }
- for tier in &mut buildings.buildings {
- *tier &= deconstruct_mask;
- }
- buildings.occupied &= deconstruct_mask;
- }
- fn update_tesla_activity(buildings: &mut Player) {
- let occupied = buildings.occupied;
- buildings.tesla_cooldowns.retain(|t| (t.pos.to_bitfield() & occupied) != 0);
- }
- fn add_energy(player: &mut Player) {
- += player.energy_generated();
- }
- fn update_status(&mut self) {
- let player_dead = == 0;
- let opponent_dead = == 0;
- self.status = match (player_dead, opponent_dead) {
- (true, true) => GameStatus::Draw,
- (false, true) => GameStatus::PlayerWon,
- (true, false) => GameStatus::OpponentWon,
- (false, false) => GameStatus::Continue,
- };
- }
-impl Player {
- pub fn count_teslas(&self) -> usize {
- self.tesla_cooldowns.len()
- + self.unconstructed.iter().filter(|t| t.building_type == BuildingType::Tesla).count()
- }
- pub fn empty() -> Player {
- Player {
- health: 0,
- energy: 0,
- unconstructed: ArrayVec::new(),
- buildings: [0; DEFENCE_HEALTH],
- occupied: 0,
- energy_towers: 0,
- missile_towers: [0; MISSILE_COOLDOWN_STATES],
- firing_tower: 0,
- missiles: [(0,0); MISSILE_MAX_SINGLE_CELL],
- tesla_cooldowns: ArrayVec::new(),
- iron_curtain_available: false,
- iron_curtain_remaining: 0,
- }
- }
- pub fn energy_generated(&self) -> u16 {
- ENERGY_GENERATED_BASE + self.energy_towers.count_ones() as u16 * ENERGY_GENERATED_TOWER
- }
- pub fn has_max_teslas(&self) -> bool {
- self.count_teslas() >= TESLA_MAX
- }
- pub fn can_build_iron_curtain(&self) -> bool {
- self.iron_curtain_available && self.iron_curtain_remaining == 0
- }
- pub fn can_build_iron_curtain_in(&self, round: u16, moves: u8) -> bool {
- let unlocks = round % IRON_CURTAIN_UNLOCK_INTERVAL > round + u16::from(moves) % IRON_CURTAIN_UNLOCK_INTERVAL;
- (self.iron_curtain_available || unlocks) && self.iron_curtain_remaining.saturating_sub(moves) == 0
- }
- pub fn unoccupied_cell_count(&self) -> usize { self.occupied.count_zeros() as usize }
- pub fn location_of_unoccupied_cell(&self, i: usize) -> Point {
- let bit = find_bit_index_from_rank(self.occupied, i as u64);
- let point = Point { index: bit };
- debug_assert!(point.to_bitfield() & self.occupied == 0);
- point
- }
- fn perform_command(&mut self, command: Command) {
- match command {
- Command::Nothing => {},
- Command::Build(p, b) => {
- let bitfield = p.to_bitfield();
- let price = match b {
- BuildingType::Attack => MISSILE_PRICE,
- BuildingType::Defence => DEFENCE_PRICE,
- BuildingType::Energy => ENERGY_PRICE,
- BuildingType::Tesla => TESLA_PRICE,
- };
- let construction_time = match b {
- BuildingType::Attack => MISSILE_CONSTRUCTION_TIME,
- BuildingType::Defence => DEFENCE_CONSTRUCTION_TIME,
- BuildingType::Energy => ENERGY_CONSTRUCTION_TIME,
- BuildingType::Tesla => TESLA_CONSTRUCTION_TIME,
- };
- // This is used internally. I should not be making
- // invalid moves!
- debug_assert!(self.buildings[0] & bitfield == 0);
- debug_assert!(p.x() < FULL_MAP_WIDTH && p.y() < MAP_HEIGHT);
- debug_assert!( >= price);
- debug_assert!(b != BuildingType::Tesla ||
- self.count_teslas() < TESLA_MAX);
- -= price;
- self.unconstructed.push(UnconstructedBuilding {
- pos: p,
- construction_time_left: construction_time,
- building_type: b
- });
- self.occupied |= bitfield;
- },
- Command::IronCurtain => {
- debug_assert!(self.iron_curtain_available);
- debug_assert!( >= IRON_CURTAIN_PRICE);
- self.iron_curtain_available = false;
- self.iron_curtain_remaining = IRON_CURTAIN_DURATION;
- }
- }
- }
- fn update_construction(&mut self) {
- let mut buildings_len = self.unconstructed.len();
- for i in (0..buildings_len).rev() {
- if self.unconstructed[i].construction_time_left == 0 {
- let building_type = self.unconstructed[i].building_type;
- let health = if building_type == BuildingType::Defence { DEFENCE_HEALTH } else { 1 };
- let pos = self.unconstructed[i].pos;
- let bitfield = pos.to_bitfield();
- for health_tier in {
- self.buildings[health_tier] |= bitfield;
- }
- if building_type == BuildingType::Energy {
- self.energy_towers |= bitfield;
- }
- if building_type == BuildingType::Attack {
- self.missile_towers[self.firing_tower] |= bitfield;
- }
- if building_type == BuildingType::Tesla {
- self.tesla_cooldowns.push(TeslaCooldown {
- pos,
- cooldown: 0,
- age: 0
- });
- }
- buildings_len -= 1;
- self.unconstructed.swap(i, buildings_len);
- } else {
- self.unconstructed[i].construction_time_left -= 1
- }
- }
- self.unconstructed.truncate(buildings_len);
- }
- fn add_missiles(&mut self) {
- let mut missiles = self.missile_towers[self.firing_tower];
- for mut tier in &mut self.missiles {
- let setting = !tier.0 & missiles;
- tier.0 |= setting;
- missiles &= !setting;
- }
- self.firing_tower = (self.firing_tower + 1) % MISSILE_COOLDOWN_STATES;
- }
- fn any_missile_towers(&self) -> u64 {
- self.missile_towers.iter().fold(0, |acc, next| acc | next)
- }
- pub fn count_attack_towers_in_row(&self, y: u8) -> u16 {
- let mask = ROW_MASKS[y as usize];
- (self.any_missile_towers() & mask).count_ones() as u16
- }
- pub fn count_energy_towers_in_row(&self, y: u8) -> u16 {
- let mask = ROW_MASKS[y as usize];
- (self.energy_towers & mask).count_ones() as u16
- }
- pub fn count_healthy_defence_in_row(&self, y: u8) -> u16 {
- let mask = ROW_MASKS[y as usize];
- (self.buildings[1] & mask).count_ones() as u16
- }
- pub fn count_towers_in_row(&self, y: u8) -> u16 {
- let mask = ROW_MASKS[y as usize];
- (self.occupied & mask).count_ones() as u16
- }
- pub fn count_towers(&self) -> u32 {
- self.occupied.count_ones()
- }
diff --git a/src/engine/ b/src/engine/
deleted file mode 100644
index 76cfaee..0000000
--- a/src/engine/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-use std::fmt;
-use super::constants::*;
-use super::geometry::Point;
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
-pub enum Command {
- Nothing,
- Build(Point, BuildingType),
- IronCurtain
-impl fmt::Display for Command {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
- match *self {
- Command::Nothing => write!(f, ""),
- Command::Build(p, b) => write!(f, "{},{},{}", p.x(), p.y(), b as u8),
- Command::IronCurtain => write!(f, "0,0,5")
- }
- }
-impl Command {
- pub fn cant_build_yet(self, energy: u16) -> bool {
- use self::Command::*;
- match self {
- Nothing => false,
- Build(_, b) => b.cant_build_yet(energy),
- IronCurtain => energy < IRON_CURTAIN_PRICE
- }
- }
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
-pub enum BuildingType {
- Defence = 0,
- Attack = 1,
- Energy = 2,
- Tesla = 4,
-impl BuildingType {
- pub fn all() -> [BuildingType; NUMBER_OF_BUILDING_TYPES] {
- use self::BuildingType::*;
- [Defence, Attack, Energy, Tesla]
- }
- pub fn from_u8(id: u8) -> Option<BuildingType> {
- use std::mem;
- if id <= 4 && id != 3 { Some(unsafe { mem::transmute(id) }) } else { None }
- }
- pub fn cant_build_yet(self, energy: u16) -> bool {
- use self::BuildingType::*;
- let required = match self {
- Defence => DEFENCE_PRICE,
- Attack => MISSILE_PRICE,
- Energy => ENERGY_PRICE,
- Tesla => TESLA_PRICE
- };
- energy < required
- }
diff --git a/src/engine/ b/src/engine/
deleted file mode 100644
index a66c9e1..0000000
--- a/src/engine/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-pub const FULL_MAP_WIDTH: u8 = 16;
-pub const MAP_HEIGHT: u8 = 8;
-pub const MAX_MOVES: u16 = 400;
-pub const INIT_SEED: [u8;16] = [0x7b, 0x6a, 0xe1, 0xf4, 0x41, 0x3c, 0xe9, 0x0f, 0x67, 0x81, 0x67, 0x99, 0x77, 0x0a, 0x6b, 0xda];
-pub const MISSILE_COOLDOWN: usize = 3;
-pub const MISSILE_SPEED: usize = 2;
-pub const MISSILE_DAMAGE: u8 = 5;
-pub const MISSILE_PRICE: u16 = 30;
-pub const DEFENCE_HEALTH: usize = 4; // '20' health is 4 hits
-pub const DEFENCE_PRICE: u16 = 30;
-pub const TESLA_MAX: usize = 2;
-pub const TESLA_COOLDOWN: u8 = 10;
-pub const TESLA_FIRING_ENERGY: u16 = 100;
-pub const TESLA_DAMAGE: u8 = 20;
-pub const TESLA_PRICE: u16 = 100;
-pub const TESLA_CONSTRUCTION_TIME: u8 = 10;
-pub const ENERGY_GENERATED_BASE: u16 = 5;
-pub const ENERGY_GENERATED_TOWER: u16 = 3;
-pub const ENERGY_PRICE: u16 = 20;
-pub const ENERGY_CONSTRUCTION_TIME: u8 = 1;
-pub const IRON_CURTAIN_PRICE: u16 = 100;
-pub const IRON_CURTAIN_UNLOCK_INTERVAL: u16 = 30;
-pub const IRON_CURTAIN_DURATION: u8 = 6;
-pub const DECONSTRUCT_ENERGY: u16 = 5;
-pub const MAX_CONCURRENT_CONSTRUCTION: usize = 6; //2 teslas, and 3 of anything else, 1 extra because it's push here then update construction times
-pub const NUMBER_OF_BUILDING_TYPES: usize = 4;
-pub const NUMBER_OF_MAP_POSITIONS: usize = SINGLE_MAP_WIDTH as usize * MAP_HEIGHT as usize;
-#[cfg(not(any(feature = "reduced-time", feature = "extended-time")))]
-pub const MAX_TIME_MILLIS: i64 = 1950;
-#[cfg(feature = "reduced-time")]
-pub const MAX_TIME_MILLIS: i64 = 950;
-#[cfg(feature = "extended-time")]
-pub const MAX_TIME_MILLIS: i64 = 19950;
diff --git a/src/engine/ b/src/engine/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cd1d90..0000000
--- a/src/engine/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-use engine::constants::*;
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
-pub struct Point {
- pub index: u8
-impl Point {
- pub fn new(x: u8, y: u8) -> Point {
- let flipped_x = if x >= SINGLE_MAP_WIDTH {
- FULL_MAP_WIDTH - x - 1
- } else {
- x
- };
- Point {
- index: y * SINGLE_MAP_WIDTH + flipped_x
- }
- }
- pub fn new_index(index: u8) -> Point {
- Point {
- index
- }
- }
- pub fn new_double_bitfield(x: u8, y: u8, is_left_player: bool) -> (u64, u64) {
- let bitfield = Point::new(x, y).to_bitfield();
- if (x >= SINGLE_MAP_WIDTH) == is_left_player {
- (0, bitfield)
- } else {
- (bitfield, 0)
- }
- }
- pub fn x(self) -> u8 {
- self.index % SINGLE_MAP_WIDTH
- }
- pub fn y(self) -> u8 {
- self.index / SINGLE_MAP_WIDTH
- }
-impl Point {
- /**
- * # Bitfields
- *
- * 0,0 is the top left point.
- * >> (towards 0) moves bits towards the player that owns that side
- * << (towards max) moves bits towards the opponent
- * This involves mirroring the x dimension for the opponent's side
- */
- pub fn to_bitfield(self) -> u64 {
- 1u64 << self.index
- }
-use std::cmp::Ord;
-use std::cmp::Ordering;
-impl PartialOrd for Point {
- fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Point) -> Option<Ordering> {
- Some(self.cmp(other))
- }
-impl Ord for Point {
- fn cmp(&self, other: &Point) -> Ordering {
- self.index.cmp(&other.index)
- }
diff --git a/src/engine/ b/src/engine/
deleted file mode 100644
index f98ef6b..0000000
--- a/src/engine/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-pub mod command;
-pub mod geometry;
-pub mod bitwise_engine;
-pub mod constants;
-pub mod status;
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deleted file mode 100644
index d6ee4dd..0000000
--- a/src/engine/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
-pub enum GameStatus {
- Continue,
- PlayerWon,
- OpponentWon,
- Draw
diff --git a/src/input/ b/src/input/
deleted file mode 100644
index a71d49e..0000000
--- a/src/input/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-use std::fs::File;
-use std::io::prelude::*;
-use serde_json;
-use std::error::Error;
-use engine;
-use engine::command;
-use engine::bitwise_engine;
-use engine::constants::*;
-pub fn read_bitwise_state_from_file(filename: &str) -> Result<bitwise_engine::BitwiseGameState, Box<Error>> {
- let mut file = File::open(filename)?;
- let mut content = String::new();
- file.read_to_string(&mut content)?;
- let state: State = serde_json::from_str(content.as_ref())?;
- let engine_state = state.to_bitwise_engine();
- Ok(engine_state)
-#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
-struct State {
- game_details: GameDetails,
- players: Vec<Player>,
- game_map: Vec<Vec<GameCell>>,
-#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
-struct GameDetails {
- round: u16
-#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
-struct Player {
- player_type: char,
- energy: u16,
- health: u8,
- iron_curtain_available: bool,
- active_iron_curtain_lifetime: i16
-#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
-struct GameCell {
- x: u8,
- y: u8,
- buildings: Vec<BuildingState>,
- missiles: Vec<MissileState>,
-#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
-struct BuildingState {
- health: u8,
- construction_time_left: i16,
- weapon_cooldown_time_left: u8,
- building_type: String,
- x: u8,
- y: u8,
- player_type: char
-#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
-struct MissileState {
- player_type: char
-impl State {
- fn to_bitwise_engine(&self) -> bitwise_engine::BitwiseGameState {
- let mut player = bitwise_engine::Player::empty();
- let mut opponent = bitwise_engine::Player::empty();
- self.player().map_onto_engine(&mut player);
- self.opponent().map_onto_engine(&mut opponent);
- for row in &self.game_map {
- for cell in row {
- let point = engine::geometry::Point::new(cell.x, cell.y);
- for building in &cell.buildings {
- let building_type = building.convert_building_type();
- let mut bitwise_buildings = if building.player_type == 'A' {
- &mut player
- } else {
- &mut opponent
- };
- let bitfield = point.to_bitfield();
- bitwise_buildings.occupied |= bitfield;
- if building.construction_time_left >= 0 {
- bitwise_buildings.unconstructed.push(building.to_bitwise_engine_unconstructed());
- } else {
- for health_tier in 0..DEFENCE_HEALTH {
- if > health_tier as u8 * MISSILE_DAMAGE {
- bitwise_buildings.buildings[health_tier] |= bitfield;
- }
- }
- if building_type == command::BuildingType::Energy {
- bitwise_buildings.energy_towers |= bitfield;
- }
- else if building_type == command::BuildingType::Attack {
- for cooldown_tier in 0..MISSILE_COOLDOWN + 1 {
- if building.weapon_cooldown_time_left == cooldown_tier as u8 {
- bitwise_buildings.missile_towers[cooldown_tier] |= bitfield;
- }
- }
- }
- else if building_type == command::BuildingType::Tesla {
- bitwise_buildings.tesla_cooldowns.push(bitwise_engine::TeslaCooldown {
- pos: point,
- cooldown: building.weapon_cooldown_time_left,
- age: building.construction_time_left.abs() as u16
- });
- }
- }
- }
- for missile in &cell.missiles {
- let (mut left, mut right) = engine::geometry::Point::new_double_bitfield(cell.x, cell.y, missile.player_type == 'A');
- let mut bitwise_buildings = if missile.player_type == 'A' {
- &mut player
- } else {
- &mut opponent
- };
- for mut tier in &mut bitwise_buildings.missiles {
- let setting = (!tier.0 & left, !tier.1 & right);
- tier.0 |= setting.0;
- tier.1 |= setting.1;
- left &= !setting.0;
- right &= !setting.1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- bitwise_engine::BitwiseGameState::new(
- player, opponent,
- self.game_details.round
- )
- }
- fn player(&self) -> &Player {
- self.players.iter()
- .find(|p| p.player_type == 'A')
- .expect("Player character did not appear in state.json")
- }
- fn opponent(&self) -> &Player {
- self.players.iter()
- .find(|p| p.player_type == 'B')
- .expect("Opponent character did not appear in state.json")
- }
-impl BuildingState {
- fn to_bitwise_engine_unconstructed(&self) -> bitwise_engine::UnconstructedBuilding {
- bitwise_engine::UnconstructedBuilding {
- pos: engine::geometry::Point::new(self.x, self.y),
- construction_time_left: self.construction_time_left as u8, // > 0 check already happened
- building_type: self.convert_building_type()
- }
- }
- fn convert_building_type(&self) -> command::BuildingType {
- match self.building_type.as_ref() {
- "ATTACK" => command::BuildingType::Attack,
- "ENERGY" => command::BuildingType::Energy,
- "TESLA" => command::BuildingType::Tesla,
- _ => command::BuildingType::Defence,
- }
- }
-impl Player {
- fn map_onto_engine(&self, engine_player: &mut bitwise_engine::Player) {
- =;
- =;
- engine_player.iron_curtain_available = self.iron_curtain_available;
- engine_player.iron_curtain_remaining = if self.active_iron_curtain_lifetime < 0 {
- 0
- } else {
- self.active_iron_curtain_lifetime as u8
- };
- }
diff --git a/src/input/ b/src/input/
deleted file mode 100644
index 22fdbb3..0000000
--- a/src/input/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-pub mod json;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cd8730..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-extern crate serde;
-extern crate serde_json;
-extern crate serde_derive;
-extern crate rand;
-extern crate time;
-extern crate rayon;
-extern crate arrayvec;
-#[cfg(feature = "heuristic-random")]
-extern crate lazy_static;
-pub mod input;
-pub mod engine;
-pub mod strategy;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fa0366..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-extern crate zombot;
-extern crate time;
-use time::{PreciseTime, Duration};
-use zombot::*;
-use zombot::engine::constants::*;
-use zombot::engine::command::Command;
-use std::error::Error;
-const STATE_PATH: &str = "state.json";
-const COMMAND_PATH: &str = "command.txt";
-use std::fs::File;
-use std::io::prelude::*;
-use std::process;
-fn write_command(filename: &str, command: Command) -> Result<(), Box<Error> > {
- let mut file = File::create(filename)?;
- write!(file, "{}", command)?;
- Ok(())
-fn main() {
- let start_time = PreciseTime::now();
- let max_time = Duration::milliseconds(MAX_TIME_MILLIS);
- let state = match input::json::read_bitwise_state_from_file(STATE_PATH) {
- Ok(ok) => ok,
- Err(error) => {
- println!("Error while parsing JSON file: {}", error);
- process::exit(1);
- }
- };
- let command = if cfg!(feature = "static-opening") && state.round < strategy::static_opening::STATIC_OPENING_LENGTH {
- strategy::static_opening::choose_move(&state)
- } else if cfg!(feature = "full-monte-carlo-tree") {
- strategy::monte_carlo_tree::choose_move(&state, start_time, max_time)
- } else {
- strategy::monte_carlo::choose_move(&state, start_time, max_time)
- };
- match write_command(COMMAND_PATH, command) {
- Ok(()) => {}
- Err(error) => {
- println!("Error while writing command file: {}", error);
- process::exit(1);
- }
- }
- println!("Elapsed time: {}",;
diff --git a/src/strategy/ b/src/strategy/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ec41bb..0000000
--- a/src/strategy/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-pub mod monte_carlo;
-pub mod monte_carlo_tree;
-pub mod static_opening;
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deleted file mode 100644
index adbb911..0000000
--- a/src/strategy/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,505 +0,0 @@
-use engine::command::*;
-use engine::status::GameStatus;
-use engine::bitwise_engine::{Player, BitwiseGameState};
-use engine::constants::*;
-use std::fmt;
-use rand::{Rng, XorShiftRng, SeedableRng};
-use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
-use time::{Duration, PreciseTime};
-#[cfg(not(feature = "single-threaded"))]
-use rayon::prelude::*;
-#[cfg(feature = "energy-cutoff")] pub const ENERGY_PRODUCTION_CUTOFF: u16 = 50;
-#[cfg(feature = "energy-cutoff")] pub const ENERGY_STORAGE_CUTOFF: u16 = 120;
-pub fn choose_move(state: &BitwiseGameState, start_time: PreciseTime, max_time: Duration) -> Command {
- let mut command_scores = CommandScore::init_command_scores(state);
- let command = {
- let best_command_score = simulate_options_to_timeout(&mut command_scores, state, start_time, max_time);
- match best_command_score {
- Some(best) if !best.starts_with_nothing => best.command,
- _ => Command::Nothing
- }
- };
- #[cfg(feature = "benchmarking")]
- {
- let total_iterations: u32 = command_scores.iter().map(|c| c.attempts).sum();
- println!("Iterations: {}", total_iterations);
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "debug-decisions")]
- {
- debug_print_choices("ENERGY", &command_scores, |score| match score.command {
- Command::Build(p, BuildingType::Energy) => Some((p, score.win_ratio())),
- _ => None
- });
- debug_print_choices("ATTACK", &command_scores, |score| match score.command {
- Command::Build(p, BuildingType::Attack) => Some((p, score.win_ratio())),
- _ => None
- });
- debug_print_choices("DEFENCE", &command_scores, |score| match score.command {
- Command::Build(p, BuildingType::Defence) => Some((p, score.win_ratio())),
- _ => None
- });
- debug_print_choices("TESLA", &command_scores, |score| match score.command {
- Command::Build(p, BuildingType::Tesla) => Some((p, score.win_ratio())),
- _ => None
- });
- println!("NOTHING");
- println!("{}", command_scores.iter().find(|c| c.command == Command::Nothing).map(|s| s.win_ratio()).unwrap_or(0));
- println!();
- println!("IRON CURTAIN");
- println!("{}", command_scores.iter().find(|c| c.command == Command::IronCurtain).map(|s| s.win_ratio()).unwrap_or(0));
- println!();
- }
- command
-#[cfg(feature = "debug-decisions")]
-fn debug_print_choices<F: FnMut(&CommandScore) -> Option<(Point, i32)>>(label: &str, command_scores: &[CommandScore], extractor: F) {
- println!("#+NAME: {}", label);
- println!("#+PLOT: type:3d with:pm3d");
- let relevant_moves: Vec<(Point, i32)> = command_scores.iter()
- .filter_map(extractor)
- .collect();
- for y in 0..MAP_HEIGHT {
- for x in 0..SINGLE_MAP_WIDTH {
- let point = Point::new(x, y);
- let score = relevant_moves.iter().find(|(p, _)| *p == point);
- print!(" | {}",|(_,s)| s).cloned().unwrap_or(0));
- }
- println!(" |");
- }
- println!();
-#[cfg(not(feature = "discard-poor-performers"))]
-fn simulate_options_to_timeout<'a>(command_scores: &'a mut Vec<CommandScore>, state: &BitwiseGameState, start_time: PreciseTime, max_time: Duration) -> Option<&'a CommandScore> {
- loop {
- simulate_all_options_once(command_scores, state);
- if > max_time {
- break;
- }
- }
- command_scores.iter().max_by_key(|&c| c.win_ratio())
-#[cfg(feature = "discard-poor-performers")]
-fn simulate_options_to_timeout<'a>(command_scores: &'a mut Vec<CommandScore>, state: &BitwiseGameState, start_time: PreciseTime, max_time: Duration) -> Option<&'a CommandScore> {
- use std::cmp;
- let min_options = cmp::min(command_scores.len(), 5);
- let maxes = [max_time / 3, max_time * 2 / 3, max_time];
- for (i, &max) in maxes.iter().enumerate() {
- let new_length = cmp::max(min_options, command_scores.len() / (2usize.pow(i as u32)));
- let active_scores = &mut command_scores[0..new_length];
- loop {
- simulate_all_options_once(active_scores, state);
- if > max {
- break;
- }
- }
- active_scores.sort_unstable_by_key(|c| -c.win_ratio());
- }
- command_scores.first()
-#[cfg(feature = "single-threaded")]
-fn simulate_all_options_once(command_scores: &mut[CommandScore], state: &BitwiseGameState) {
- command_scores.iter_mut()
- .for_each(|score| {
- let mut rng = XorShiftRng::from_seed(score.next_seed);
- simulate_to_endstate(score, state, &mut rng);
- });
-#[cfg(not(feature = "single-threaded"))]
-fn simulate_all_options_once(command_scores: &mut[CommandScore], state: &BitwiseGameState) {
- command_scores.par_iter_mut()
- .for_each(|score| {
- let mut rng = XorShiftRng::from_seed(score.next_seed);
- simulate_to_endstate(score, state, &mut rng);
- });
-fn simulate_to_endstate<R: Rng>(command_score: &mut CommandScore, state: &BitwiseGameState, rng: &mut R) {
- let mut state_mut = state.clone();
- let mut status = GameStatus::Continue; //state_mut.simulate(command_score.command, opponent_first);
- let mut first_move_made = false;
- for _ in 0..MAX_MOVES {
- if status != GameStatus::Continue {
- break;
- }
- let player_command = if first_move_made {
- random_move(&state_mut.player, &state_mut.opponent, rng)
- } else {
- let do_nothing = command_score.command.cant_build_yet(;
- first_move_made = !do_nothing;
- if do_nothing { Command::Nothing } else { command_score.command }
- };
- let opponent_command = random_move(&state_mut.opponent, &state_mut.player, rng);
- status = state_mut.simulate(player_command, opponent_command);
- }
- let mut next_seed: [u8;16] = [0; 16];
- rng.fill_bytes(&mut next_seed);
- match status {
- GameStatus::PlayerWon => command_score.add_victory(state_mut.player.count_towers() as i32 - state_mut.opponent.count_towers() as i32, next_seed),
- GameStatus::OpponentWon => command_score.add_defeat(state_mut.opponent.count_towers() as i32 - state_mut.player.count_towers() as i32, next_seed),
- GameStatus::Continue => command_score.add_stalemate(next_seed),
- GameStatus::Draw => command_score.add_draw(next_seed)
- }
-#[cfg(feature = "heuristic-random")]
-pub fn random_move<R: Rng>(player: &Player, opponent: &Player, rng: &mut R) -> Command {
- lazy_static! {
- static ref MOVES: [Command; NUMBER_OF_POSSIBLE_MOVES] = {
- let mut m = [Command::Nothing; NUMBER_OF_POSSIBLE_MOVES];
- m[1] = Command::IronCurtain;
- let mut i = 2;
- for b in &[BuildingType::Energy, BuildingType::Defence, BuildingType::Attack, BuildingType::Tesla] {
- for p in 0..NUMBER_OF_MAP_POSITIONS as u8 {
- let point = Point::new_index(p);
- m[i] = Command::Build(point, *b);
- i += 1;
- }
- }
- m
- };
- }
- let mut cdf_other = [0; 2];
- let mut cdf_energy = [0; NUMBER_OF_MAP_POSITIONS];
- let mut cdf_defence = [0; NUMBER_OF_MAP_POSITIONS];
- let mut cdf_attack = [0; NUMBER_OF_MAP_POSITIONS];
- let mut cdf_tesla = [0; NUMBER_OF_MAP_POSITIONS];
- let mut attack_metric_per_row = [0; MAP_HEIGHT as usize];
- let mut defence_metric_per_row = [0; MAP_HEIGHT as usize];
- for y in 0..MAP_HEIGHT {
- let opponent_energy = opponent.count_energy_towers_in_row(y);
- let opponent_attack = opponent.count_attack_towers_in_row(y);
- let opponent_towers = opponent.count_towers_in_row(y);
- let player_energy = player.count_energy_towers_in_row(y);
- let player_attack = player.count_attack_towers_in_row(y);
- let player_towers = player.count_towers_in_row(y);
- defence_metric_per_row[y as usize] = if opponent_attack == 0 { 0 } else { opponent_attack + player_towers };
- attack_metric_per_row[y as usize] = 8 + opponent_energy + opponent_towers + player_energy - player_attack;
- }
- let mut other_end: u16 = 0;
- // Nothing
- {
- let weight = if player.can_build_iron_curtain() && < IRON_CURTAIN_PRICE {
- 5
- } else {
- 0
- };
- other_end += weight;
- cdf_other[0] = other_end;
- }
- // Iron Curtain
- {
- let weight = if player.can_build_iron_curtain() && >= IRON_CURTAIN_PRICE {
- 50
- } else {
- 0
- };
- other_end += weight;
- cdf_other[1] = other_end;
- }
- // Energy
- let mut energy_end: u16 = other_end;
- let needs_energy = player.energy_generated() <= ENERGY_PRODUCTION_CUTOFF ||
- if needs_energy && >= ENERGY_PRICE {
- for p in 0..NUMBER_OF_MAP_POSITIONS as u8 {
- let point = Point::new_index(p);
- let weight = if player.occupied & point.to_bitfield() != 0 {
- 0
- } else {
- 2
- };
- energy_end += weight;
- cdf_energy[p as usize] = energy_end;
- }
- }
- // Defence
- let mut defence_end: u16 = energy_end;
- for p in 0..NUMBER_OF_MAP_POSITIONS as u8 {
- let point = Point::new_index(p);
- let y = usize::from(point.y());
- let weight = if player.occupied & point.to_bitfield() != 0 || point.x() < 4 {
- 0
- } else {
- defence_metric_per_row[y]
- };
- defence_end += weight;
- cdf_defence[p as usize] = defence_end;
- }
- }
- // Attack
- let mut attack_end: u16 = defence_end;
- for p in 0..NUMBER_OF_MAP_POSITIONS as u8 {
- let point = Point::new_index(p);
- let weight = if player.occupied & point.to_bitfield() != 0 {
- 0
- } else {
- let y = usize::from(point.y());
- attack_metric_per_row[y]
- };
- attack_end += weight;
- cdf_attack[p as usize] = attack_end;
- }
- }
- // Tesla
- let mut tesla_end: u16 = attack_end;
- let cant_tesla = player.has_max_teslas() || < TESLA_PRICE;
- if !cant_tesla {
- for p in 0..NUMBER_OF_MAP_POSITIONS as u8 {
- let point = Point::new_index(p);
- let weight = if (player.occupied & point.to_bitfield() != 0) || point.y() < 7 {
- 0
- } else {
- 10
- };
- tesla_end += weight;
- cdf_tesla[p as usize] = tesla_end;
- }
- }
- let cumulative_distribution = tesla_end;
- if cumulative_distribution == 0 {
- return Command::Nothing;
- }
- let choice = rng.gen_range(0, cumulative_distribution);
- let index = match choice {
- c if c < other_end => cdf_other.iter().position(|&c| c > choice).expect("Random number has exceeded cumulative distribution"),
- c if c < energy_end => 2 + cdf_energy.iter().position(|&c| c > choice).expect("Random number has exceeded cumulative distribution"),
- c if c < defence_end => 2 + NUMBER_OF_MAP_POSITIONS + cdf_defence.iter().position(|&c| c > choice).expect("Random number has exceeded cumulative distribution"),
- c if c < attack_end => 2 + 2 * NUMBER_OF_MAP_POSITIONS + cdf_attack.iter().position(|&c| c > choice).expect("Random number has exceeded cumulative distribution"),
- _ => 2 + 3 * NUMBER_OF_MAP_POSITIONS + cdf_tesla.iter().position(|&c| c > choice).expect("Random number has exceeded cumulative distribution"),
- };
- MOVES[index]
-#[cfg(not(feature = "heuristic-random"))]
-pub fn random_move<R: Rng>(player: &Player, _opponent: &Player, rng: &mut R) -> Command {
- let free_positions_count = player.unoccupied_cell_count();
- let open_building_spot = free_positions_count > 0;
- let all_buildings = sensible_buildings(player, open_building_spot);
- let iron_curtain_count = if player.can_build_iron_curtain() && >= IRON_CURTAIN_PRICE { 1 } else { 0 };
- let nothing_count = 1;
- let building_choice_index = rng.gen_range(0, all_buildings.len() + nothing_count + iron_curtain_count);
- if building_choice_index < all_buildings.len() {
- let position_choice = rng.gen_range(0, free_positions_count);
- Command::Build(
- player.location_of_unoccupied_cell(position_choice),
- all_buildings[building_choice_index]
- )
- }
- else if building_choice_index == all_buildings.len() {
- Command::Nothing
- } else {
- Command::IronCurtain
- }
-struct CommandScore {
- command: Command,
- starts_with_nothing: bool,
- victory_score: i32,
- victories: u32,
- defeat_score: i32,
- defeats: u32,
- draws: u32,
- stalemates: u32,
- attempts: u32,
- next_seed: [u8; 16]
-impl CommandScore {
- fn new(command: Command, starts_with_nothing: bool) -> CommandScore {
- CommandScore {
- command, starts_with_nothing,
- victory_score: 0,
- victories: 0,
- defeat_score: 0,
- defeats: 0,
- draws: 0,
- stalemates: 0,
- attempts: 0,
- next_seed: INIT_SEED
- }
- }
- fn add_victory(&mut self, weight: i32, next_seed: [u8; 16]) {
- use std::cmp;
- self.victory_score += cmp::max(weight, 1);
- self.victories += 1;
- self.attempts += 1;
- self.next_seed = next_seed;
- }
- fn add_defeat(&mut self, weight: i32, next_seed: [u8; 16]) {
- use std::cmp;
- self.defeat_score += cmp::max(weight, 1);
- self.defeats += 1;
- self.attempts += 1;
- self.next_seed = next_seed;
- }
- fn add_draw(&mut self, next_seed: [u8; 16]) {
- self.draws += 1;
- self.attempts += 1;
- self.next_seed = next_seed;
- }
- fn add_stalemate(&mut self, next_seed: [u8; 16]) {
- self.stalemates += 1;
- self.attempts += 1;
- self.next_seed = next_seed;
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "weighted-win-ratio")]
- fn win_ratio(&self) -> i32 {
- (self.victory_score - self.defeat_score) * 10000 / (self.attempts as i32)
- }
- #[cfg(not(feature = "weighted-win-ratio"))]
- fn win_ratio(&self) -> i32 {
- (self.victories as i32 - self.defeats as i32) * 10000 / (self.attempts as i32)
- }
- fn init_command_scores(state: &BitwiseGameState) -> Vec<CommandScore> {
- let unoccupied_cells_count = state.player.unoccupied_cell_count();
- let unoccupied_cells = (0..unoccupied_cells_count)
- .map(|i| state.player.location_of_unoccupied_cell(i));
- let energy_generated = state.player.energy_generated();
- let mut all_buildings: ArrayVec<[BuildingType; NUMBER_OF_BUILDING_TYPES]> = ArrayVec::new();
- all_buildings.push(BuildingType::Defence);
- }
- all_buildings.push(BuildingType::Attack);
- }
- if ENERGY_PRICE <= {
- all_buildings.push(BuildingType::Energy);
- }
- if !state.player.has_max_teslas() && (TESLA_PRICE.saturating_sub( / energy_generated < 4) {
- all_buildings.push(BuildingType::Tesla);
- }
- let building_command_count = unoccupied_cells.len()*all_buildings.len();
- let mut commands = Vec::with_capacity(building_command_count + 1);
- let time_to_curtain_energy = (IRON_CURTAIN_PRICE.saturating_sub( / energy_generated) as u8;
- if time_to_curtain_energy < 4 && state.player.can_build_iron_curtain_in(state.round, time_to_curtain_energy) {
- commands.push(CommandScore::new(Command::IronCurtain, < IRON_CURTAIN_PRICE));
- }
- for position in unoccupied_cells {
- for &building in &all_buildings {
- commands.push(CommandScore::new(Command::Build(position, building), building.cant_build_yet(;
- }
- }
- commands
- }
-impl fmt::Display for CommandScore {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
- write!(f, "{},{}", self.command, self.win_ratio())
- }
-#[cfg(all(not(feature = "heuristic-random"), not(feature = "energy-cutoff")))]
-fn sensible_buildings(player: &Player, open_building_spot: bool) -> ArrayVec<[BuildingType; NUMBER_OF_BUILDING_TYPES]> {
- let mut result = ArrayVec::new();
- if !open_building_spot {
- return result;
- }
- result.push(BuildingType::Defence);
- }
- result.push(BuildingType::Attack);
- }
- if ENERGY_PRICE <= {
- result.push(BuildingType::Energy);
- }
- if TESLA_PRICE <= && !player.has_max_teslas() {
- result.push(BuildingType::Tesla);
- }
- result
-#[cfg(all(not(feature = "heuristic-random"), feature = "energy-cutoff"))]
-fn sensible_buildings(player: &Player, open_building_spot: bool) -> ArrayVec<[BuildingType; NUMBER_OF_BUILDING_TYPES]> {
- let mut result = ArrayVec::new();
- if !open_building_spot {
- return result;
- }
- let needs_energy = player.energy_generated() <= ENERGY_PRODUCTION_CUTOFF ||
- result.push(BuildingType::Defence);
- }
- result.push(BuildingType::Attack);
- }
- if ENERGY_PRICE <= && needs_energy {
- result.push(BuildingType::Energy);
- }
- if TESLA_PRICE <= && !player.has_max_teslas() {
- result.push(BuildingType::Tesla);
- }
- result
diff --git a/src/strategy/ b/src/strategy/
deleted file mode 100644
index 24b2088..0000000
--- a/src/strategy/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-use engine::command::*;
-use engine::status::GameStatus;
-use engine::bitwise_engine::{Player, BitwiseGameState};
-use engine::constants::*;
-use rand::{Rng, XorShiftRng, SeedableRng};
-use time::{Duration, PreciseTime};
-use strategy::monte_carlo;
-use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
-struct NodeStats {
- wins: f32,
- losses: f32,
- attempts: f32,
- average: f32,
- confidence: f32,
- explored: Vec<(Command, NodeStats)>,
- unexplored: Vec<Command>,
-impl NodeStats {
- fn create_node(player: &Player) -> NodeStats {
- let unoccupied_cells_count = player.unoccupied_cell_count();
- let unoccupied_cells = (0..unoccupied_cells_count)
- .map(|i| player.location_of_unoccupied_cell(i));
- let mut all_buildings: ArrayVec<[BuildingType; NUMBER_OF_BUILDING_TYPES]> = ArrayVec::new();
- all_buildings.push(BuildingType::Defence);
- }
- all_buildings.push(BuildingType::Attack);
- }
- if ENERGY_PRICE <= {
- all_buildings.push(BuildingType::Energy);
- }
- if TESLA_PRICE <= && !player.has_max_teslas() {
- all_buildings.push(BuildingType::Tesla);
- }
- let building_command_count = unoccupied_cells.len()*all_buildings.len();
- let mut commands = Vec::with_capacity(building_command_count + 2);
- commands.push(Command::Nothing);
- if IRON_CURTAIN_PRICE <= && player.can_build_iron_curtain() {
- commands.push(Command::IronCurtain);
- }
- for position in unoccupied_cells {
- for &building in &all_buildings {
- commands.push(Command::Build(position, building));
- }
- }
- NodeStats {
- wins: 0.,
- losses: 0.,
- attempts: 0.,
- average: 0.,
- confidence: 0.,
- explored: Vec::with_capacity(commands.len()),
- unexplored: commands
- }
- }
- fn node_with_highest_ucb<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut (Command, NodeStats) {
- debug_assert!(self.unexplored.is_empty());
- debug_assert!(self.explored.len() > 0);
- let sqrt_n = self.attempts.sqrt();
- let mut max_position = 0;
- let mut max_value = self.explored[0].1.ucb(sqrt_n);
- for i in 1..self.explored.len() {
- let value = self.explored[i].1.ucb(sqrt_n);
- if value > max_value {
- max_position = i;
- max_value = value;
- }
- }
- &mut self.explored[max_position]
- }
- fn ucb(&self, sqrt_n: f32) -> f32 {
- self.average + sqrt_n * self.confidence
- }
- fn add_node<'a>(&'a mut self, player: &Player, command: Command) -> &'a mut (Command, NodeStats) {
- let node = NodeStats::create_node(player);
- self.explored.push((command, node));
- self.unexplored.retain(|c| *c != command);
- self.explored.last_mut().unwrap()
- }
- fn add_victory(&mut self) {
- self.attempts += 1.;
- self.wins += 1.;
- self.update_confidence();
- }
- fn add_defeat(&mut self) {
- self.attempts += 1.;
- self.losses += 1.;
- self.update_confidence();
- }
- fn add_draw(&mut self) {
- self.attempts += 1.;
- self.update_confidence();
- }
- fn update_confidence(&mut self) {
- self.average = self.wins / self.attempts;
- self.confidence = (2.0 / self.attempts).sqrt();
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "benchmarking")]
- fn count_explored(&self) -> usize {
- 1 + self.explored.iter().map(|(_, n)| n.count_explored()).sum::<usize>()
- }
-pub fn choose_move(state: &BitwiseGameState, start_time: PreciseTime, max_time: Duration) -> Command {
- let mut rng = XorShiftRng::from_seed(INIT_SEED);
- let mut root = NodeStats::create_node(&state.player);
- while < max_time {
- tree_search(&state, &mut root, &mut rng);
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "benchmarking")]
- {
- println!("Explored nodes: {}", root.count_explored());
- }
- let (command, _) = root.node_with_highest_ucb();
- command.clone()
-fn tree_search<R: Rng>(state: &BitwiseGameState, stats: &mut NodeStats, rng: &mut R) -> GameStatus {
- // root is opponent move
- // node being added is player move
- if state.round >= MAX_MOVES {
- return GameStatus::Draw
- }
- if stats.unexplored.is_empty() {
- let result = {
- let (next_command, next_tree) = stats.node_with_highest_ucb();
- tree_search_opponent(state, next_tree, next_command.clone(), rng)
- };
- match result {
- GameStatus::PlayerWon => {stats.add_defeat()},
- GameStatus::OpponentWon => {stats.add_victory()},
- _ => {stats.add_draw()}
- };
- result
- } else {
- let next_command = rng.choose(&stats.unexplored).expect("Partially explored had no options").clone();
- let result = {
- let (_, next_stats) = stats.add_node(&state.opponent, next_command);
- let opponent_random = monte_carlo::random_move(&state.opponent, &state.player, rng);
- let mut next_state = state.clone();
- next_state.simulate(next_command, opponent_random);
- let result = simulate_to_endstate(next_state, rng);
- match result {
- GameStatus::PlayerWon => {next_stats.add_victory()},
- GameStatus::OpponentWon => {next_stats.add_defeat()},
- _ => {next_stats.add_draw()}
- };
- result
- };
- match result {
- GameStatus::PlayerWon => {stats.add_defeat()},
- GameStatus::OpponentWon => {stats.add_victory()},
- _ => {stats.add_draw()}
- };
- result
- }
-fn tree_search_opponent<R: Rng>(state: &BitwiseGameState, stats: &mut NodeStats, player_command: Command, rng: &mut R) -> GameStatus {
- // root is player move
- // node being added is opponent move
- if stats.unexplored.is_empty() {
- let result = {
- let (next_command, next_tree) = stats.node_with_highest_ucb();
- let mut next_state = state.clone();
- next_state.simulate(player_command, next_command.clone());
- tree_search(&next_state, next_tree, rng)
- };
- match result {
- GameStatus::PlayerWon => {stats.add_victory()},
- GameStatus::OpponentWon => {stats.add_defeat()},
- _ => {stats.add_draw()}
- };
- result
- } else {
- let next_command = rng.choose(&stats.unexplored).expect("Partially explored had no options").clone();
- let mut next_state = state.clone();
- next_state.simulate(player_command, next_command);
- let result = {
- let (_, next_stats) = stats.add_node(&next_state.player, next_command);
- let result = simulate_to_endstate(next_state, rng);
- match result {
- GameStatus::PlayerWon => {next_stats.add_defeat()},
- GameStatus::OpponentWon => {next_stats.add_victory()},
- _ => {next_stats.add_draw()}
- };
- result
- };
- match result {
- GameStatus::PlayerWon => {stats.add_victory()},
- GameStatus::OpponentWon => {stats.add_defeat()},
- _ => {stats.add_draw()}
- };
- result
- }
-fn simulate_to_endstate<R: Rng>(mut state: BitwiseGameState, rng: &mut R) -> GameStatus {
- let mut status = GameStatus::Continue;
- while status == GameStatus::Continue && state.round < MAX_MOVES {
- let player_command = monte_carlo::random_move(&state.player, &state.opponent, rng);
- let opponent_command = monte_carlo::random_move(&state.opponent, &state.player, rng);
- status = state.simulate(player_command, opponent_command);
- }
- status
diff --git a/src/strategy/ b/src/strategy/
deleted file mode 100644
index f7e101c..0000000
--- a/src/strategy/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-use engine::geometry::*;
-use engine::command::*;
-use engine::bitwise_engine::*;
-pub const STATIC_OPENING_LENGTH: u16 = 12;
-pub fn choose_move(state: &BitwiseGameState) -> Command {
- match state.round {
- 0 => Command::Build(Point::new(0,0), BuildingType::Energy),
- 3 => Command::Build(Point::new(0,1), BuildingType::Energy),
- 5 => Command::Build(Point::new(0,2), BuildingType::Energy),
- 7 => Command::Build(Point::new(0,3), BuildingType::Energy),
- 9 => Command::Build(Point::new(0,4), BuildingType::Energy),
- 10 => Command::Build(Point::new(0,5), BuildingType::Energy),
- 11 => Command::Build(Point::new(0,6), BuildingType::Energy),
- 12 => Command::Build(Point::new(0,7), BuildingType::Energy),
- 13 => Command::Build(Point::new(1,0), BuildingType::Energy),
- 14 => Command::Build(Point::new(1,7), BuildingType::Energy),
- _ => Command::Nothing
- }