diff options
57 files changed, 13571 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2021/Cargo.lock b/2021/Cargo.lock
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4c9ba9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/Cargo.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo.
+# It is not intended for manual editing.
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+ "winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu",
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+source = "registry+"
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diff --git a/2021/Cargo.toml b/2021/Cargo.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5058d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+name = "aoc2021"
+version = "0.1.0"
+authors = ["Justin Wernick <>"]
+edition = "2021"
+cached = "0.25.0"
+derive_more = "0.99.2"
+nom = "7.0.0"
+proptest = "1.0.0"
+thiserror = "1.0.29"
+# debug = true
diff --git a/2021/inputs/day_1.txt b/2021/inputs/day_1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42f77f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/inputs/day_1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2000 @@
diff --git a/2021/inputs/day_10.txt b/2021/inputs/day_10.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..661c46a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/inputs/day_10.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
diff --git a/2021/inputs/day_11.txt b/2021/inputs/day_11.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..674e736
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/inputs/day_11.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/2021/inputs/day_12.txt b/2021/inputs/day_12.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3ec81f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/inputs/day_12.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
diff --git a/2021/inputs/day_13.txt b/2021/inputs/day_13.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b551a62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/inputs/day_13.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,806 @@
+fold along x=655
+fold along y=447
+fold along x=327
+fold along y=223
+fold along x=163
+fold along y=111
+fold along x=81
+fold along y=55
+fold along x=40
+fold along y=27
+fold along y=13
+fold along y=6
diff --git a/2021/inputs/day_14.txt b/2021/inputs/day_14.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e84aae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/inputs/day_14.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+CF -> N
+NK -> B
+SF -> B
+HV -> P
+FN -> S
+VV -> F
+FO -> F
+VN -> V
+PV -> P
+FF -> P
+ON -> S
+PB -> S
+PK -> P
+OO -> P
+SP -> F
+VF -> H
+OV -> C
+BN -> P
+OH -> H
+NC -> F
+BH -> N
+CS -> C
+BC -> N
+OF -> N
+SN -> B
+FP -> F
+FV -> K
+HP -> H
+VB -> P
+FH -> F
+HF -> P
+BB -> O
+HH -> S
+PC -> O
+PP -> B
+VS -> B
+HC -> H
+NS -> N
+KF -> S
+BO -> V
+NP -> S
+NF -> K
+BS -> O
+KK -> O
+VC -> V
+KP -> K
+CK -> P
+HN -> F
+KN -> H
+KH -> N
+SB -> S
+NO -> K
+HK -> H
+BF -> V
+SV -> B
+CV -> P
+CO -> P
+FC -> O
+CP -> H
+CC -> N
+CN -> P
+SK -> V
+SS -> V
+VH -> B
+OS -> N
+FB -> H
+NB -> N
+SC -> K
+NV -> H
+HO -> S
+SO -> P
+PH -> C
+VO -> O
+OB -> O
+FK -> S
+PN -> P
+VK -> O
+NH -> N
+OC -> B
+BP -> O
+PF -> F
+KB -> K
+KV -> B
+PO -> N
+NN -> K
+CH -> O
+KC -> P
+OP -> V
+VP -> F
+OK -> P
+FS -> K
+CB -> S
+HB -> N
+KS -> O
+BK -> C
+BV -> O
+SH -> H
+PS -> N
+HS -> K
+KO -> N
diff --git a/2021/inputs/day_15.txt b/2021/inputs/day_15.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cd7dc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/inputs/day_15.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
diff --git a/2021/inputs/day_16.txt b/2021/inputs/day_16.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57468d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/inputs/day_16.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/2021/inputs/day_17.txt b/2021/inputs/day_17.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..039df20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/inputs/day_17.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+target area: x=206..250, y=-105..-57
diff --git a/2021/inputs/day_18.txt b/2021/inputs/day_18.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc88c31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/inputs/day_18.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
diff --git a/2021/inputs/day_19.txt b/2021/inputs/day_19.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2f977f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/inputs/day_19.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,856 @@
+--- scanner 0 ---
+--- scanner 1 ---
+--- scanner 2 ---
+--- scanner 3 ---
+--- scanner 4 ---
+--- scanner 5 ---
+--- scanner 6 ---
+--- scanner 7 ---
+--- scanner 8 ---
+--- scanner 9 ---
+--- scanner 10 ---
+--- scanner 11 ---
+--- scanner 12 ---
+--- scanner 13 ---
+--- scanner 14 ---
+--- scanner 15 ---
+--- scanner 16 ---
+--- scanner 17 ---
+--- scanner 18 ---
+--- scanner 19 ---
+--- scanner 20 ---
+--- scanner 21 ---
+--- scanner 22 ---
+--- scanner 23 ---
+--- scanner 24 ---
+--- scanner 25 ---
+--- scanner 26 ---
+--- scanner 27 ---
+--- scanner 28 ---
+--- scanner 29 ---
+--- scanner 30 ---
diff --git a/2021/inputs/day_2.txt b/2021/inputs/day_2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..917f466
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/inputs/day_2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1000 @@
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+forward 8
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+forward 2
+forward 1
+forward 3
+forward 3
+up 9
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+forward 2
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+forward 8
+forward 5
+forward 2
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+up 5
+forward 3
+down 4
+forward 1
+up 9
+down 4
+down 5
+up 4
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+down 4
+down 6
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+down 2
+down 1
+down 6
+forward 2
+down 1
+down 3
+forward 4
+down 3
+down 5
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+up 4
+down 4
+down 4
+down 5
+down 4
+down 5
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+down 5
+down 5
+down 9
+up 1
+up 5
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+down 1
+down 9
+down 4
+down 3
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+down 2
+forward 9
+down 3
+forward 1
+down 9
+down 5
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+forward 3
+forward 1
+forward 2
+down 5
+forward 8
+down 3
+down 3
+forward 6
+down 8
+down 3
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+forward 4
+down 6
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+forward 1
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+forward 8
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+forward 3
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+down 3
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+down 4
+down 2
+down 4
+down 3
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+forward 6
+down 7
+forward 4
+up 2
+down 7
+forward 8
+up 9
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+forward 8
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+down 6
+forward 6
+down 6
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+up 5
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+forward 9
+forward 4
+up 2
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+forward 1
+up 5
+up 4
+up 1
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+down 9
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+down 7
+down 2
+up 2
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+forward 2
+down 5
+down 8
+forward 6
+down 2
+down 3
+forward 6
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+down 4
+forward 5
+down 9
+down 2
+down 7
+down 9
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+forward 9
+forward 2
+down 6
+forward 7
+up 6
+forward 3
+up 2
+forward 9
+forward 2
diff --git a/2021/inputs/day_20.txt b/2021/inputs/day_20.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..758420b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/inputs/day_20.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
diff --git a/2021/inputs/day_21.txt b/2021/inputs/day_21.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfb2937
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/inputs/day_21.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Player 1 starting position: 7
+Player 2 starting position: 5
diff --git a/2021/inputs/day_22.txt b/2021/inputs/day_22.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d6ce39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/inputs/day_22.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
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+on x=-44..10,y=-24..30,z=-24..22
+on x=-34..15,y=-21..27,z=-33..11
+on x=-42..12,y=-43..9,z=1..48
+on x=-31..21,y=-11..42,z=-4..49
+on x=0..44,y=-13..37,z=-30..14
+on x=-41..12,y=-32..17,z=-7..43
+on x=-21..27,y=-16..30,z=-33..15
+on x=-28..24,y=-12..42,z=-6..45
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+on x=-29..17,y=-6..48,z=-27..17
+off x=-34..-20,y=-22..-6,z=-24..-11
+on x=-39..5,y=-24..22,z=-49..2
+off x=-48..-32,y=32..45,z=31..44
+on x=-40..5,y=-9..39,z=-2..43
+off x=15..34,y=3..19,z=-46..-30
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+off x=8..22,y=2..11,z=27..44
+on x=-26..22,y=-17..31,z=-23..30
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+on x=63138..67807,y=40967..45502,z=-23583..-10004
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+on x=-23106..-1748,y=-86112..-68506,z=-39397..-15794
+on x=-52779..-45652,y=19079..39796,z=49639..57070
+on x=-79175..-53055,y=34141..54701,z=4583..26379
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+on x=-47044..-23501,y=-79682..-68957,z=-6125..20082
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+on x=-94509..-71314,y=-22686..18,z=-22100..-3746
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+on x=-50373..-45841,y=-28285..-6170,z=-78397..-51064
+on x=65214..88034,y=24285..54786,z=-6183..23064
+on x=-31431..-12447,y=30325..57775,z=-63903..-49927
+on x=61099..80636,y=13112..36642,z=9225..37647
+on x=49227..58281,y=-72690..-46916,z=6114..26803
+on x=49316..61601,y=52184..69325,z=-34233..-8387
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+on x=67521..77200,y=-30319..-21173,z=-39992..-23255
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+on x=38044..59188,y=-39588..-15132,z=-78211..-59118
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+on x=-19220..-9675,y=29516..54528,z=58963..71318
+on x=-89405..-71366,y=329..20658,z=17088..39485
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+on x=-49260..-25903,y=-59470..-34424,z=-75405..-44239
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+on x=5811..29667,y=76040..84275,z=3794..19078
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+on x=38705..40732,y=53076..81496,z=-20757..9517
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+on x=72099..89917,y=-35339..-6561,z=-18702..3529
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+on x=15650..31204,y=-65831..-46311,z=-71381..-47512
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+on x=-47837..-24016,y=24730..38884,z=62380..65554
+on x=-79483..-69531,y=-3888..15433,z=-50484..-22944
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+on x=-40040..-32781,y=-7855..12988,z=-87105..-60530
+on x=-50283..-24489,y=43700..58185,z=-45955..-26056
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+on x=-56568..-39255,y=40679..69755,z=31070..49467
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+on x=58949..79172,y=-38054..-11546,z=-55399..-43258
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+off x=4371..14179,y=18655..31552,z=69630..80480
+on x=-30156..1315,y=-75493..-59188,z=-45573..-23628
+on x=-19974..-7274,y=48510..70738,z=55087..64610
+on x=21319..39947,y=-76865..-54489,z=-36911..-27790
+off x=19086..32378,y=42017..57587,z=-68959..-44763
+off x=-83..8471,y=-72344..-50195,z=36481..68586
+off x=-36375..-25938,y=-69174..-48526,z=-48854..-46853
+on x=-15285..11416,y=-76130..-59563,z=-46407..-22439
+off x=-69367..-52426,y=25391..46453,z=-10234..7828
+on x=-72727..-60225,y=-38827..-25690,z=-42223..-18667
+on x=42838..64386,y=12680..29933,z=-68831..-52183
+on x=18070..42298,y=-78992..-57543,z=-20906..-13301
+on x=-55875..-39308,y=-55098..-35781,z=30971..57698
+on x=35119..47623,y=-73663..-54295,z=-3539..26342
+on x=-84065..-61161,y=-3207..33256,z=-32001..-15249
+off x=-54756..-30571,y=58767..68023,z=12370..28119
+off x=-87490..-62979,y=5645..40459,z=-21364..-3385
+on x=24194..37541,y=-33900..-28321,z=-78880..-54593
+on x=-62478..-38761,y=22212..41436,z=36708..62622
+off x=56713..68194,y=-20789..-14297,z=-61095..-50322
+on x=-72902..-44221,y=-42793..-26280,z=-48733..-33791
+on x=64373..86115,y=15064..33167,z=16921..49077
+off x=24753..42194,y=-6759..12099,z=70552..85054
+off x=-12199..24098,y=49705..63058,z=-63860..-38435
+on x=3734..42354,y=61212..95571,z=-10562..17698
+on x=-17408..-5695,y=-609..8253,z=-97454..-74672
+on x=-42167..-22341,y=-71935..-42581,z=-50253..-24178
+on x=-54481..-38663,y=-16909..21415,z=-77181..-44426
+off x=-11477..9297,y=-50630..-26321,z=55462..79296
+off x=-84974..-60153,y=-48601..-19827,z=8848..26585
+on x=-62596..-36034,y=-58415..-41586,z=-55666..-27573
+off x=47430..67745,y=18197..49591,z=31865..42439
+off x=23925..32353,y=32122..54623,z=57938..79131
+on x=-16801..4162,y=-98731..-68459,z=4760..29002
+off x=20414..42287,y=44769..56648,z=-67173..-38591
+on x=57757..79682,y=-35686..-15384,z=37594..53205
+on x=43425..77866,y=-54033..-33577,z=-14291..1892
+off x=61941..77486,y=-15977..7549,z=-42755..-23589
+off x=-46801..-17722,y=-76833..-62069,z=-16214..21958
+on x=-33113..-17668,y=36644..50102,z=50787..74022
+off x=60521..75760,y=23551..43986,z=-20580..-6589
+on x=-14911..14191,y=57578..66612,z=-60746..-39130
diff --git a/2021/inputs/day_23.txt b/2021/inputs/day_23.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d20443
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/inputs/day_23.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ #C#A#A#C#
+ #########
diff --git a/2021/inputs/day_24.txt b/2021/inputs/day_24.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c0248a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/inputs/day_24.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+inp w
+mul x 0
+add x z
+mod x 26
+div z 1
+add x 12
+eql x w
+eql x 0
+mul y 0
+add y 25
+mul y x
+add y 1
+mul z y
+mul y 0
+add y w
+add y 6
+mul y x
+add z y
+inp w
+mul x 0
+add x z
+mod x 26
+div z 1
+add x 10
+eql x w
+eql x 0
+mul y 0
+add y 25
+mul y x
+add y 1
+mul z y
+mul y 0
+add y w
+add y 6
+mul y x
+add z y
+inp w
+mul x 0
+add x z
+mod x 26
+div z 1
+add x 13
+eql x w
+eql x 0
+mul y 0
+add y 25
+mul y x
+add y 1
+mul z y
+mul y 0
+add y w
+add y 3
+mul y x
+add z y
+inp w
+mul x 0
+add x z
+mod x 26
+div z 26
+add x -11
+eql x w
+eql x 0
+mul y 0
+add y 25
+mul y x
+add y 1
+mul z y
+mul y 0
+add y w
+add y 11
+mul y x
+add z y
+inp w
+mul x 0
+add x z
+mod x 26
+div z 1
+add x 13
+eql x w
+eql x 0
+mul y 0
+add y 25
+mul y x
+add y 1
+mul z y
+mul y 0
+add y w
+add y 9
+mul y x
+add z y
+inp w
+mul x 0
+add x z
+mod x 26
+div z 26
+add x -1
+eql x w
+eql x 0
+mul y 0
+add y 25
+mul y x
+add y 1
+mul z y
+mul y 0
+add y w
+add y 3
+mul y x
+add z y
+inp w
+mul x 0
+add x z
+mod x 26
+div z 1
+add x 10
+eql x w
+eql x 0
+mul y 0
+add y 25
+mul y x
+add y 1
+mul z y
+mul y 0
+add y w
+add y 13
+mul y x
+add z y
+inp w
+mul x 0
+add x z
+mod x 26
+div z 1
+add x 11
+eql x w
+eql x 0
+mul y 0
+add y 25
+mul y x
+add y 1
+mul z y
+mul y 0
+add y w
+add y 6
+mul y x
+add z y
+inp w
+mul x 0
+add x z
+mod x 26
+div z 26
+add x 0
+eql x w
+eql x 0
+mul y 0
+add y 25
+mul y x
+add y 1
+mul z y
+mul y 0
+add y w
+add y 14
+mul y x
+add z y
+inp w
+mul x 0
+add x z
+mod x 26
+div z 1
+add x 10
+eql x w
+eql x 0
+mul y 0
+add y 25
+mul y x
+add y 1
+mul z y
+mul y 0
+add y w
+add y 10
+mul y x
+add z y
+inp w
+mul x 0
+add x z
+mod x 26
+div z 26
+add x -5
+eql x w
+eql x 0
+mul y 0
+add y 25
+mul y x
+add y 1
+mul z y
+mul y 0
+add y w
+add y 12
+mul y x
+add z y
+inp w
+mul x 0
+add x z
+mod x 26
+div z 26
+add x -16
+eql x w
+eql x 0
+mul y 0
+add y 25
+mul y x
+add y 1
+mul z y
+mul y 0
+add y w
+add y 10
+mul y x
+add z y
+inp w
+mul x 0
+add x z
+mod x 26
+div z 26
+add x -7
+eql x w
+eql x 0
+mul y 0
+add y 25
+mul y x
+add y 1
+mul z y
+mul y 0
+add y w
+add y 11
+mul y x
+add z y
+inp w
+mul x 0
+add x z
+mod x 26
+div z 26
+add x -11
+eql x w
+eql x 0
+mul y 0
+add y 25
+mul y x
+add y 1
+mul z y
+mul y 0
+add y w
+add y 15
+mul y x
+add z y
diff --git a/2021/inputs/day_25.txt b/2021/inputs/day_25.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15fb35a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/inputs/day_25.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
diff --git a/2021/inputs/day_3.txt b/2021/inputs/day_3.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7320494
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/inputs/day_3.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1000 @@
diff --git a/2021/inputs/day_4.txt b/2021/inputs/day_4.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b01c04f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/inputs/day_4.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
+68 16 83 90 69
+14 89 72 33 6
+63 21 43 64 76
+79 65 87 98 85
+41 24 32 53 93
+15 94 72 30 6
+14 80 66 4 78
+44 81 68 67 96
+65 21 64 97 35
+84 90 28 60 2
+97 39 61 15 94
+75 14 66 98 31
+58 80 9 64 56
+19 42 16 85 37
+25 22 38 65 82
+86 31 71 11 56
+99 12 17 10 46
+ 5 33 85 61 2
+30 1 28 88 66
+15 38 21 54 64
+38 52 84 75 91
+77 5 49 71 31
+45 1 60 0 10
+68 29 98 36 34
+61 90 93 14 12
+91 66 28 41 78
+89 16 10 77 39
+84 57 44 32 47
+60 62 26 21 50
+75 61 24 54 93
+ 2 69 99 8 20
+14 35 61 85 73
+39 94 37 63 12
+57 23 30 50 17
+34 70 19 28 77
+50 82 41 59 52
+43 76 85 63 48
+56 67 60 33 45
+42 9 91 23 16
+96 6 34 30 44
+ 0 41 24 42 83
+17 1 34 29 71
+46 67 86 64 21
+95 36 6 38 62
+93 8 30 77 44
+ 6 94 11 14 83
+65 85 97 37 55
+56 19 91 69 1
+26 59 13 96 68
+ 4 28 7 45 53
+96 78 2 32 65
+ 3 63 74 17 4
+76 11 91 48 70
+71 55 69 13 49
+88 30 23 59 10
+28 4 34 64 47
+99 86 44 59 43
+50 91 35 92 51
+32 21 19 74 33
+10 29 66 52 94
+ 0 27 12 23 71
+54 59 32 47 45
+22 85 94 34 31
+29 68 44 61 62
+96 46 52 33 69
+37 79 34 17 56
+26 62 3 77 80
+88 35 71 87 36
+89 60 86 19 48
+82 97 95 85 0
+62 49 48 98 10
+89 37 50 64 17
+80 5 26 42 51
+58 74 6 20 14
+72 2 9 40 69
+71 37 47 21 39
+36 29 26 82 53
+10 17 96 15 43
+ 8 92 19 6 32
+77 89 38 54 13
+16 58 67 23 98
+43 42 26 46 13
+32 22 27 20 21
+37 33 55 86 1
+99 40 17 44 94
+81 59 53 27 36
+11 88 92 57 44
+ 2 26 93 94 77
+76 47 82 19 75
+99 34 98 37 32
+28 13 57 99 7
+42 93 10 76 43
+ 1 52 3 20 53
+82 81 51 2 92
+94 35 49 37 0
+ 5 30 61 77 44
+82 67 98 1 90
+18 62 27 24 15
+16 20 71 69 19
+85 96 25 7 55
+39 51 4 32 30
+64 22 29 48 60
+78 31 44 59 92
+65 10 68 84 16
+40 70 35 26 56
+54 83 12 79 66
+21 49 70 2 24
+20 51 71 99 50
+82 36 57 96 22
+78 52 67 33 72
+ 3 62 5 14 63
+54 75 28 22 51
+ 1 55 86 30 70
+ 9 6 92 83 85
+71 78 96 47 17
+71 59 38 27 2
+90 6 97 75 84
+29 69 45 11 65
+46 31 79 4 8
+51 76 74 87 19
+83 67 10 39 57
+ 7 63 12 59 2
+54 99 95 88 40
+38 71 84 61 56
+81 90 36 58 19
+ 4 47 21 28 46
+22 40 94 83 86
+82 17 43 0 45
+55 36 68 35 84
+52 24 6 80 2
+29 16 75 26 87
+ 6 82 67 36 24
+13 95 35 43 40
+80 68 0 79 71
+34 44 21 30 85
+91 25 24 15 23
+93 14 50 75 74
+88 30 64 52 8
+ 1 7 0 4 80
+96 82 98 81 67
+52 21 71 78 4
+45 73 27 30 56
+ 7 93 67 6 1
+54 20 57 69 2
+94 36 89 46 68
+86 95 15 7 18
+ 8 87 29 11 74
+71 72 43 76 40
+ 6 60 44 19 99
+97 85 5 39 77
+49 14 5 48 33
+95 21 30 1 47
+87 84 85 10 24
+32 86 99 31 23
+69 2 43 37 60
+57 48 99 49 73
+31 92 76 60 96
+47 28 15 70 26
+68 19 56 67 95
+12 23 45 88 6
+77 49 23 42 62
+47 7 80 43 4
+59 72 87 14 84
+66 81 96 97 78
+61 91 8 17 48
+21 25 1 82 20
+78 31 15 30 73
+46 11 13 35 79
+60 22 97 32 4
+23 88 63 17 75
+ 6 3 41 5 44
+91 21 32 49 81
+29 85 47 20 14
+99 31 43 22 69
+90 4 45 8 16
+12 15 96 3 21
+38 71 16 39 24
+77 82 57 55 92
+27 17 19 73 31
+74 48 34 72 14
+80 16 10 79 55
+93 60 4 0 29
+ 7 97 3 9 86
+43 67 78 64 35
+44 83 40 33 12
+36 88 22 21 70
+30 60 13 6 41
+71 89 86 17 39
+73 0 75 32 9
+ 5 10 83 85 99
+40 41 76 38 25
+21 49 79 47 39
+27 88 34 81 24
+69 64 36 32 4
+57 5 58 67 56
+25 95 41 27 19
+93 0 29 56 8
+ 2 17 66 11 82
+96 55 44 39 5
+67 4 33 62 40
+85 12 46 59 36
+91 29 19 63 0
+72 49 14 6 95
+18 50 60 67 80
+10 62 39 82 58
+11 87 4 76 75
+64 47 26 74 98
+89 30 68 21 88
+45 41 77 67 53
+96 92 44 1 18
+33 26 21 8 76
+15 27 41 43 52
+64 85 56 57 66
+11 73 62 69 4
+36 13 94 86 55
+93 80 67 23 6
+57 20 29 69 1
+76 96 72 95 33
+32 91 52 16 83
+26 54 13 94 47
+56 0 58 15 45
+91 40 86 61 60
+14 47 30 5 24
+21 12 33 69 41
+78 98 9 99 46
+59 1 63 96 14
+15 56 23 85 84
+29 98 44 87 46
+75 8 21 54 65
+80 30 40 45 6
+99 40 87 4 63
+64 78 50 74 58
+37 47 61 48 59
+65 56 45 89 67
+18 70 71 90 32
+42 35 1 9 90
+89 13 0 88 17
+67 82 31 77 91
+60 29 68 10 64
+20 92 46 71 95
+ 0 32 81 13 63
+87 17 2 56 69
+23 33 29 67 24
+98 95 86 36 31
+99 42 35 93 1
+71 79 38 84 29
+26 31 73 1 48
+94 85 3 82 89
+19 17 98 92 47
+96 45 11 70 51
+14 69 61 56 33
+98 88 82 76 66
+87 92 42 99 35
+ 0 68 6 44 47
+ 4 91 54 62 23
+10 23 20 40 96
+33 0 21 94 25
+ 4 67 30 88 54
+43 41 60 1 82
+18 78 74 98 91
+60 95 53 7 11
+67 54 44 18 0
+89 98 24 55 37
+39 5 27 62 21
+75 25 43 47 71
+ 5 95 60 19 3
+13 15 42 97 67
+61 79 7 12 39
+53 58 89 25 34
+ 9 11 96 21 66
+89 97 45 84 67
+37 22 64 39 95
+68 63 6 90 80
+92 26 33 35 19
+29 70 5 72 31
+52 46 53 6 31
+77 8 59 99 49
+11 48 4 90 91
+41 70 58 16 44
+ 7 61 9 80 50
+75 0 38 37 33
+99 66 98 14 62
+46 51 43 34 24
+71 92 80 32 22
+60 39 17 52 45
+92 49 80 99 16
+ 6 77 65 9 4
+34 91 86 43 21
+ 0 3 27 84 81
+28 5 19 95 76
+ 5 40 26 89 1
+51 30 75 46 31
+35 58 86 80 0
+98 38 27 81 93
+63 60 39 65 87
+27 56 90 44 60
+48 68 47 96 73
+75 13 80 12 38
+81 21 20 46 97
+67 6 72 76 2
+33 96 4 55 49
+74 43 54 6 51
+30 0 75 28 62
+90 81 2 83 68
+39 95 70 84 42
+97 22 15 30 45
+92 96 50 16 42
+39 23 89 21 2
+72 98 58 48 82
+94 11 1 86 84
+41 13 84 51 76
+33 63 0 62 18
+81 32 57 68 21
+20 64 47 24 93
+ 7 56 27 66 30
+52 81 85 92 3
+15 91 19 13 93
+36 77 74 37 26
+67 16 73 89 33
+43 90 38 31 29
+ 1 52 96 66 86
+30 15 26 82 42
+ 8 94 41 54 5
+84 23 72 77 7
+34 53 18 69 90
+ 7 67 35 2 36
+91 51 56 85 32
+98 22 76 97 71
+70 29 68 44 1
+ 8 80 42 46 93
+ 4 13 90 64 97
+44 28 17 42 18
+72 77 11 35 22
+25 73 41 1 26
+51 8 92 43 2
+ 6 68 51 73 39
+32 60 34 74 18
+ 5 95 11 8 62
+23 3 70 94 54
+36 20 29 10 26
+66 80 77 82 62
+95 25 33 50 14
+94 0 91 46 23
+59 47 96 26 15
+69 6 2 34 75
+72 66 35 81 69
+48 44 11 16 40
+94 5 3 51 54
+89 6 78 37 59
+76 45 8 18 10
+30 46 96 56 69
+66 29 32 74 4
+85 84 99 87 92
+22 50 64 15 57
+78 47 1 48 10
+66 48 90 67 23
+ 3 21 73 71 18
+97 52 64 80 94
+49 42 75 47 38
+ 4 28 19 68 57
+53 46 56 84 57
+55 45 85 89 76
+80 26 2 36 23
+92 10 30 18 69
+67 49 21 8 44
+51 47 85 41 8
+70 34 98 30 16
+82 22 18 95 73
+65 21 49 5 15
+56 19 17 23 46
+25 28 47 84 8
+35 90 13 39 15
+50 86 41 33 51
+57 73 87 45 5
+31 22 48 7 27
+79 71 64 87 21
+10 73 1 40 9
+36 84 80 6 60
+19 81 55 50 56
+67 23 62 86 63
+87 45 56 67 13
+ 8 79 31 48 86
+32 15 88 6 66
+62 27 44 26 99
+64 63 3 70 90
+84 87 89 71 2
+63 67 72 3 75
+39 44 54 20 85
+ 1 97 14 37 98
+25 66 92 17 57
+27 34 64 60 87
+77 29 21 56 23
+79 53 75 72 69
+95 16 85 52 70
+92 65 62 33 15
+42 87 96 79 90
+97 77 58 62 55
+11 86 68 44 52
+93 23 1 61 60
+47 72 14 28 13
+14 78 68 48 74
+50 32 29 24 54
+73 99 57 90 64
+12 76 62 15 44
+70 58 22 1 85
+49 2 75 88 87
+71 61 95 5 38
+99 86 67 8 83
+17 11 9 54 33
+70 78 62 1 58
+11 44 53 73 13
+45 95 15 63 49
+94 34 99 64 10
+78 9 67 12 20
+50 97 96 89 14
+55 3 72 93 81
+25 43 60 85 26
+96 45 53 19 40
+73 42 76 47 80
+74 69 22 23 89
+24 59 62 91 5
+51 75 76 29 35
+86 96 94 66 55
+87 61 82 40 32
+28 22 27 21 49
+66 80 82 46 13
+97 67 41 63 1
+65 89 22 12 15
+94 96 9 91 48
+85 3 60 95 8
+57 90 97 56 33
+79 15 75 70 41
+21 26 20 98 81
+18 36 24 76 35
+42 27 11 67 0
+89 31 86 10 13
+81 8 16 0 77
+92 67 39 96 74
+90 7 75 55 65
+51 2 97 58 17
+92 55 4 83 93
+31 21 74 73 68
+18 41 32 17 77
+56 94 98 72 87
+19 6 49 11 37
+15 79 24 60 91
+25 41 63 32 56
+13 83 69 0 57
+77 7 62 45 98
+64 37 94 55 9
+81 42 29 98 44
+16 83 27 92 60
+22 63 79 64 45
+80 38 56 5 2
+ 0 4 34 37 59
+90 85 32 97 52
+69 37 57 29 51
+22 4 99 67 84
+ 0 2 76 34 47
+63 96 94 83 40
+72 68 70 40 39
+22 7 62 46 76
+25 31 41 71 9
+30 52 78 26 10
+53 17 45 16 98
+66 39 96 16 67
+46 34 27 49 2
+93 25 50 70 57
+33 69 64 30 45
+10 91 20 18 3
+32 35 71 62 43
+24 57 46 39 87
+28 21 26 31 52
+99 60 14 6 97
+ 1 44 89 33 93
+47 15 21 23 20
+ 4 50 6 93 44
+38 53 2 45 42
+83 57 63 17 24
+99 5 34 66 0
+65 91 60 50 62
+16 2 51 14 32
+81 17 58 59 77
+29 98 72 28 3
+15 99 49 37 5
+62 23 48 80 28
+68 2 71 89 36
+13 95 64 98 8
+60 86 51 74 11
+35 27 66 78 7
+65 9 57 85 30
+29 52 27 83 98
+ 7 48 45 21 93
+ 5 71 54 34 91
+96 87 25 84 63
+38 94 65 69 18
+79 81 80 36 91
+17 2 23 53 98
+92 68 21 74 55
+ 3 58 72 70 86
diff --git a/2021/inputs/day_5.txt b/2021/inputs/day_5.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fa6674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/inputs/day_5.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+105,697 -> 287,697
+705,62 -> 517,250
+531,627 -> 531,730
+21,268 -> 417,268
+913,731 -> 271,89
+214,697 -> 82,697
+376,661 -> 376,177
+519,859 -> 977,859
+782,98 -> 184,98
+612,179 -> 515,179
+340,772 -> 352,784
+111,863 -> 111,298
+944,73 -> 594,73
+465,21 -> 970,21
+122,592 -> 111,592
+975,975 -> 16,16
+327,532 -> 561,532
+811,618 -> 811,945
+623,437 -> 623,202
+380,591 -> 871,591
+278,514 -> 125,667
+797,946 -> 953,946
+325,61 -> 484,61
+450,422 -> 450,862
+923,972 -> 119,972
+813,141 -> 69,885
+926,834 -> 926,687
+137,564 -> 595,106
+415,566 -> 274,566
+726,354 -> 251,829
+889,236 -> 470,236
+282,376 -> 282,193
+343,248 -> 932,248
+790,918 -> 790,528
+532,369 -> 222,369
+15,378 -> 820,378
+279,507 -> 279,719
+641,68 -> 220,68
+340,270 -> 340,680
+939,364 -> 32,364
+686,106 -> 568,106
+919,365 -> 255,365
+870,236 -> 879,227
+322,397 -> 397,322
+984,980 -> 350,980
+392,864 -> 31,864
+846,975 -> 243,372
+253,981 -> 500,734
+98,193 -> 280,11
+477,460 -> 350,460
+690,833 -> 48,191
+469,409 -> 218,409
+321,532 -> 321,106
+868,341 -> 223,986
+185,174 -> 801,790
+256,658 -> 800,658
+808,576 -> 931,576
+959,913 -> 959,785
+976,969 -> 47,40
+891,931 -> 572,612
+600,804 -> 866,804
+149,368 -> 680,899
+799,882 -> 157,882
+803,214 -> 803,668
+53,900 -> 940,13
+424,800 -> 424,261
+985,924 -> 80,19
+158,194 -> 158,281
+683,237 -> 683,341
+493,482 -> 493,921
+664,195 -> 664,824
+689,405 -> 616,478
+946,873 -> 846,873
+977,988 -> 28,39
+305,892 -> 662,892
+891,27 -> 891,440
+136,897 -> 35,897
+948,458 -> 935,458
+569,100 -> 599,100
+542,292 -> 974,724
+501,825 -> 104,428
+875,872 -> 875,441
+631,924 -> 43,336
+874,846 -> 874,389
+947,932 -> 81,66
+75,480 -> 75,403
+211,622 -> 211,482
+344,904 -> 699,549
+227,508 -> 698,508
+677,774 -> 385,774
+279,267 -> 391,155
+294,801 -> 547,801
+717,446 -> 614,549
+490,903 -> 490,225
+872,751 -> 278,751
+580,163 -> 61,163
+198,800 -> 389,800
+147,728 -> 516,728
+675,417 -> 675,752
+147,544 -> 134,544
+977,70 -> 164,883
+349,976 -> 349,23
+897,10 -> 14,893
+602,349 -> 602,354
+326,332 -> 355,332
+53,331 -> 34,331
+617,333 -> 466,333
+661,537 -> 661,131
+985,18 -> 20,983
+953,580 -> 953,124
+70,363 -> 74,363
+448,38 -> 141,38
+957,175 -> 957,634
+88,316 -> 88,899
+231,94 -> 857,720
+643,566 -> 643,832
+724,955 -> 243,474
+368,521 -> 537,521
+649,245 -> 406,245
+92,304 -> 399,304
+978,491 -> 819,491
+99,637 -> 765,637
+243,159 -> 803,719
+139,756 -> 305,756
+815,226 -> 79,962
+317,562 -> 491,562
+783,95 -> 783,277
+207,321 -> 133,321
+752,136 -> 185,703
+752,990 -> 752,433
+282,841 -> 466,841
+314,31 -> 314,829
+637,873 -> 637,854
+60,746 -> 563,243
+646,566 -> 119,39
+260,475 -> 124,339
+603,647 -> 327,647
+990,202 -> 342,202
+981,620 -> 606,620
+475,352 -> 313,352
+184,497 -> 143,497
+130,929 -> 329,929
+779,111 -> 779,975
+892,960 -> 11,79
+37,984 -> 919,102
+589,794 -> 589,548
+665,668 -> 385,668
+668,301 -> 281,301
+860,122 -> 623,122
+18,914 -> 782,150
+691,150 -> 25,150
+117,439 -> 462,439
+926,695 -> 926,651
+907,644 -> 708,644
+545,120 -> 229,120
+181,659 -> 181,820
+362,543 -> 575,330
+603,531 -> 603,142
+754,404 -> 754,678
+703,551 -> 450,551
+794,137 -> 581,137
+866,288 -> 327,827
+676,613 -> 676,470
+874,130 -> 23,981
+132,288 -> 360,288
+706,147 -> 706,433
+734,646 -> 588,500
+641,386 -> 598,343
+743,726 -> 79,62
+308,192 -> 859,192
+858,125 -> 603,125
+694,199 -> 653,240
+251,407 -> 79,407
+254,337 -> 254,310
+586,850 -> 17,281
+937,989 -> 17,69
+503,784 -> 584,784
+17,97 -> 906,986
+909,987 -> 23,101
+11,465 -> 953,465
+645,862 -> 251,862
+741,488 -> 856,488
+488,123 -> 488,641
+720,775 -> 79,775
+228,105 -> 702,105
+344,804 -> 873,275
+953,848 -> 669,564
+188,76 -> 524,76
+473,852 -> 137,852
+515,14 -> 515,183
+362,654 -> 362,335
+76,73 -> 969,966
+987,743 -> 468,743
+912,28 -> 912,31
+464,247 -> 380,331
+171,20 -> 171,863
+855,653 -> 855,941
+505,415 -> 505,808
+947,543 -> 947,821
+907,365 -> 726,365
+475,563 -> 475,63
+927,679 -> 773,679
+938,77 -> 26,989
+345,909 -> 299,909
+46,22 -> 972,948
+197,735 -> 288,735
+552,748 -> 756,952
+946,180 -> 946,695
+956,779 -> 216,779
+120,105 -> 950,935
+924,902 -> 35,13
+530,49 -> 451,128
+491,693 -> 340,693
+533,774 -> 623,864
+177,618 -> 177,123
+543,114 -> 637,114
+503,585 -> 344,585
+34,836 -> 34,625
+618,802 -> 212,396
+863,678 -> 349,678
+26,850 -> 768,108
+99,67 -> 988,956
+11,902 -> 871,42
+658,749 -> 507,900
+967,178 -> 218,927
+671,247 -> 671,525
+421,985 -> 541,865
+279,639 -> 754,164
+627,747 -> 627,290
+77,66 -> 977,966
+177,282 -> 617,722
+400,444 -> 451,393
+540,152 -> 540,888
+521,196 -> 36,196
+32,590 -> 32,537
+145,613 -> 279,747
+45,428 -> 45,12
+785,956 -> 785,728
+205,507 -> 205,539
+117,12 -> 117,221
+395,17 -> 479,17
+104,881 -> 933,52
+918,716 -> 570,716
+121,621 -> 937,621
+516,773 -> 516,917
+311,605 -> 311,168
+611,185 -> 611,976
+373,80 -> 373,295
+987,295 -> 515,295
+416,717 -> 416,121
+251,508 -> 196,453
+498,824 -> 428,754
+956,818 -> 153,15
+266,272 -> 266,748
+769,312 -> 769,387
+604,766 -> 184,766
+656,934 -> 520,934
+224,771 -> 162,771
+588,395 -> 133,395
+219,489 -> 219,948
+67,42 -> 979,954
+684,109 -> 920,345
+168,895 -> 762,301
+761,953 -> 59,953
+583,408 -> 592,399
+129,48 -> 931,48
+694,76 -> 404,76
+808,380 -> 808,886
+643,165 -> 643,757
+714,543 -> 714,913
+258,550 -> 295,550
+400,857 -> 400,38
+267,573 -> 267,779
+124,182 -> 255,51
+399,981 -> 552,981
+197,803 -> 197,275
+791,706 -> 791,373
+500,664 -> 924,664
+177,171 -> 177,935
+703,43 -> 696,43
+265,849 -> 889,225
+847,324 -> 661,324
+369,965 -> 369,780
+169,965 -> 935,199
+742,540 -> 742,355
+210,854 -> 204,854
+58,281 -> 954,281
+858,793 -> 666,793
+276,156 -> 733,613
+537,538 -> 80,81
+985,10 -> 14,981
+79,31 -> 692,644
+77,41 -> 77,502
+684,150 -> 17,817
+295,785 -> 920,785
+171,579 -> 171,16
+763,754 -> 763,86
+719,573 -> 719,71
+183,708 -> 227,708
+826,952 -> 835,952
+124,914 -> 975,63
+807,704 -> 653,704
+140,468 -> 140,874
+408,330 -> 408,291
+501,958 -> 501,302
+834,505 -> 686,357
+267,76 -> 267,526
+18,88 -> 863,933
+147,188 -> 147,454
+922,733 -> 277,733
+509,259 -> 957,259
+614,765 -> 238,765
+77,54 -> 77,252
+591,532 -> 591,384
+539,574 -> 729,384
+347,158 -> 347,10
+389,988 -> 989,988
+696,571 -> 662,605
+656,207 -> 656,883
+802,446 -> 802,693
+121,35 -> 121,66
+967,738 -> 949,738
+12,86 -> 809,883
+96,167 -> 758,829
+790,42 -> 790,549
+14,987 -> 986,15
+363,689 -> 363,386
+148,148 -> 807,807
+891,899 -> 891,710
+445,678 -> 445,464
+649,426 -> 649,452
+641,378 -> 967,378
+580,220 -> 300,220
+376,789 -> 376,572
+770,551 -> 647,428
+651,692 -> 399,692
+432,385 -> 432,835
+242,48 -> 512,48
+955,612 -> 955,520
+926,568 -> 938,556
+626,836 -> 626,266
+973,982 -> 39,48
+64,32 -> 64,653
+503,444 -> 641,444
+593,306 -> 11,888
+287,138 -> 287,891
+529,886 -> 529,826
+217,320 -> 217,875
+11,988 -> 989,10
+291,30 -> 488,30
+864,945 -> 113,194
+550,501 -> 550,89
+269,474 -> 269,40
+953,394 -> 908,394
+451,983 -> 451,293
+135,121 -> 455,121
+30,35 -> 915,920
+31,451 -> 31,936
+300,715 -> 42,973
+577,459 -> 577,700
+291,539 -> 456,539
+373,449 -> 855,449
+222,136 -> 358,136
+206,14 -> 206,211
+977,577 -> 977,535
+183,723 -> 183,900
+888,905 -> 821,905
+51,301 -> 388,301
+859,594 -> 859,227
+767,343 -> 767,472
+36,897 -> 565,897
+450,481 -> 855,481
+137,401 -> 137,643
+771,276 -> 771,61
+767,144 -> 767,562
+212,111 -> 978,877
+841,117 -> 234,724
+975,104 -> 263,104
+839,408 -> 839,588
+122,50 -> 911,839
+748,208 -> 748,929
+230,305 -> 645,305
+107,324 -> 175,256
+726,339 -> 726,968
+780,127 -> 664,11
+392,148 -> 392,133
+228,607 -> 228,689
+469,379 -> 739,379
+797,851 -> 841,895
+896,494 -> 896,568
+351,950 -> 566,950
+593,387 -> 492,488
+939,664 -> 843,664
+463,159 -> 197,159
+164,265 -> 164,16
+164,147 -> 510,493
+989,988 -> 11,10
+98,676 -> 693,676
+118,384 -> 118,544
+220,502 -> 220,593
+530,437 -> 802,437
+321,29 -> 321,819
+438,118 -> 438,531
+268,128 -> 802,128
+602,770 -> 602,183
+841,58 -> 846,63
+582,371 -> 592,361
+174,163 -> 296,163
+927,268 -> 927,391
+579,280 -> 12,847
+52,951 -> 52,772
+645,203 -> 985,203
+725,119 -> 725,367
+155,112 -> 779,736
+988,44 -> 320,712
+438,463 -> 914,463
+193,948 -> 292,948
+217,398 -> 638,398
+70,553 -> 465,158
+271,262 -> 867,262
+964,576 -> 442,54
+253,67 -> 972,67
+537,507 -> 290,260
+537,645 -> 213,321
+366,130 -> 913,677
+834,283 -> 834,523
+858,825 -> 858,391
+146,60 -> 146,701
+865,909 -> 162,206
+503,628 -> 326,628
+49,101 -> 583,101
+692,17 -> 692,218
+704,744 -> 210,744
+144,434 -> 587,434
+630,393 -> 630,870
+606,616 -> 606,330
+41,83 -> 916,958
+80,341 -> 706,967
+426,683 -> 426,173
+919,962 -> 499,962
+442,49 -> 442,970
+740,378 -> 498,378
+563,196 -> 563,442
+222,76 -> 614,76
+398,451 -> 851,451
+62,50 -> 243,50
+775,114 -> 775,234
+650,901 -> 650,195
+164,10 -> 164,149
+127,751 -> 67,751
+122,674 -> 780,674
+325,652 -> 70,652
+944,908 -> 99,63
+40,985 -> 977,48
+946,21 -> 126,841
+872,906 -> 872,136
+365,288 -> 827,750
+348,935 -> 244,935
+371,963 -> 499,963
+816,595 -> 392,171
+953,673 -> 953,585
+223,612 -> 223,362
+327,423 -> 553,649
+661,693 -> 258,693
+10,838 -> 10,859
+985,814 -> 985,25
+331,529 -> 87,529
+611,460 -> 355,460
+928,426 -> 748,426
+540,172 -> 365,347
+57,45 -> 57,129
+20,861 -> 628,253
+460,474 -> 297,311
+549,876 -> 131,876
+748,197 -> 287,658
+639,137 -> 741,137
+917,35 -> 917,273
+482,333 -> 975,826
+176,817 -> 89,730
+894,418 -> 806,418
+555,227 -> 349,433
+317,33 -> 432,148
+93,988 -> 93,479
+635,300 -> 870,300
+301,437 -> 301,760
+660,548 -> 660,909
+696,18 -> 60,18
+231,787 -> 165,787
+500,242 -> 371,242
+88,126 -> 405,126
+983,941 -> 61,19
+242,519 -> 242,489
+519,957 -> 926,550
+606,181 -> 606,432
+873,216 -> 851,194
+880,924 -> 880,844
+321,119 -> 801,599
+963,392 -> 726,155
+190,655 -> 190,305
+542,676 -> 542,819
diff --git a/2021/inputs/day_6.txt b/2021/inputs/day_6.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b2dc63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/inputs/day_6.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/2021/inputs/day_7.txt b/2021/inputs/day_7.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84d7622
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/inputs/day_7.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/2021/inputs/day_8.txt b/2021/inputs/day_8.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05a40c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/inputs/day_8.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+cgdf eagcbf fc adefg eacdb fbedga geafcd efc dacfe fdgaecb | dcefbag dgcf fc daefc
+bdecf dcagb gbf gcbdf deacbf fg fdebgc fegdcba dgef bgefac | dbfec gbacefd gf bfg
+cfeag becgda bag ab abcd ecgdb gdefba agcbe gdcebf fgebadc | ab cdegbf cbda cgfebad
+gc bcfgea ebdcf cbedg edbfac ebfdgc bacfged ceg dfcg abdeg | eacbdf geabd dcbef fcgebd
+fgbceda afdbge fbcad badgec cfde gfcba ebcda afd abfdce df | fad fdcab fda befcadg
+gfacd dcf bacedg afgec afdbec df agcdb agcdebf gfbd cdgbfa | df df bceagd ecafg
+gbdfe ag gda bfadcg gbedfa gdefcb beag gedaf cdaef bdgcfea | gacfdb gedfab ga gda
+deabg cag cfdea bfgcda ecgb fcbedga cg dcage agebdc gdbfea | bacefdg bdcgfa adcgfb afedc
+agfecbd gbcadf ce defc dabcfe fgeab gbdcae ecb fcabd bcafe | ebafcd ce ceb ce
+fa adfebc gdacef bfeca begca bfad bdfce febcagd dfgceb fea | afe cfdgbe af eabfc
+abge eb efbgadc cadeg cabefd gbced cgdfb abegdc acfged bce | dgeac ebdagc edagc gacbfde
+cfbedg gdafbe fgebd bc cbgdae bcagfed ecgfa bcfge bgc bdcf | gafebdc bgfdce bcfged dfgbe
+cafebgd gafdc bgcef bcagf fba cabefd ba baeg feabgc bdfcge | fba ab ab gaeb
+ecgfbda afbeg fcdeg fecbga cea afbc abdegc befagd ac gcaef | beadgc eca cae gebacfd
+cedag gf afbcd cbaedgf eacbdg acfegb fcadg fgedac gfed fgc | dacbf daecgb bagcef cgf
+fagbd gdaceb ebf efbad gacebf fcde ef ceabdf aecgbfd dbeac | dbeac bagfd cbfdae fbe
+begadcf aedb cgefa ebdgac acfdbg cdebfg agebc ba bac gdbce | ab faceg bac adbe
+bgde gb abefcg fdaecg gcbdf ebdgafc dfgce gfebdc cgb acfdb | fdbcg gb dcegaf cfdge
+efbagd gefcdb dgbefca badce cegdb efdgb gfcbae cge dcgf cg | dbeca bdaec ecg egc
+begdca caef gfebd cgbefda cgf cf gdecf cfagde cagbfd agdce | dgfcbea fcae abcfgd acdgbf
+cadfbeg acd egbad dcbf efcab cd agfbce daebc gefdac afbced | bdefacg cd abgfec dgecfa
+fd bfd bgcfd bagcfe edgf fcbge acbdg cdebgf efbadc bgeacdf | df bdcga fbd gbedfc
+fdgbca deca de edagbc ebadg gbfea bcgda bcdegf dge gcebadf | abgcfde de gdeba acde
+df gdbecaf bdfe fbcgae fedabg fdaegc cgdba fdg adbgf egbfa | gdf fbgaec egafb gadbf
+egfbd cefg gfdbac fbdea bedcg gadcfeb gdefbc gf bfg adgcbe | dfebg dbacfg gcafdb dbafe
+bgadc bacfdg acbdge egafdcb ea deca cfbaeg eab dabeg fgbde | aecd bdcag dgeacb bafdecg
+cfbeag febcgad cge dacbg facdbg ge gcbde eadg acbgde fcbed | cagbed gcabfe gdcfbae bdgec
+cgefa eabf gbedc gcefb cdbfaeg dfabgc fb beacgf gfb gfedac | bf afceg bfg fgaec
+fdg gd edfcbg gaed gfcda febcga ecdafg cgfebad fgcae dfcab | cafegd cedbagf gfcea aecgfb
+dcafbe ebcadfg adcgbf abfcd bg fdaeg agfdb gcba bgd efbgdc | cgab ecbdgf agdbf efcbgd
+adcbf dagfcb dfecb dagc feadbg ad bgacf cegdbfa bad gcafbe | cfdbage deafcbg fcagdb cedgbfa
+afbecg fe egdcf gef afde acdegf feadgbc fdbgca gdceb fgdac | edcbg edafgcb afgcdb dbgce
+gbdfc aecdgb ef bfe acdbe aefc fceadb bcaefgd agbefd bfced | fbe gcbdf fcea adbec
+fcgae ebcfa becdagf fgadcb cba bfdea bedc ebacdf bfgead bc | egbfadc cb cb caefg
+efbd abcde cfeag aecbdg daf df eafcd gcafbd fdeabc cgbefad | gbefadc fecga cgfae acdbe
+afegbc becaf gaf fcagbd egbf adbcef gafec aedcg afdcegb gf | bcfae efacb bcaef fga
+gf bgecdf gaebfdc fdcbg fdg ebfg agcdb cfdbe febacd efcgda | fdcbe gbcdf bcdga cgafde
+fdebac dgac dfega dec feadbcg fdcgea cefgb dfaegb egcdf dc | decgf gdca ecd cfgaebd
+fabdgc dceab dbfgc dagfeb begdfc bdgca dabfcge dga ga facg | gfacdb adgcbef bgedaf facg
+cfeag cgdfa aegb fecdgb dfacbe dcgbfae ebfca ge egc gcbafe | ebgfdca aebg gcebfd cbfea
+dcafg edcgba afebd faedbgc bgef edafbc fabdg bgefad dbg bg | ebdagc abgefd afcebd bfeadc
+dfbgce efcbg efgbac fcbea abdfgce fecad bgac fba ba dfaebg | cafdgeb bcag adcef ab
+acfb bec fabged gbeafc ecgabd fecdg gabfe bc cbgef gcbeadf | cbaf bafcdge baegf fagbde
+fgebcad cgadfe agbdcf gfadc edfcg badefc efag ef gdbec efd | dcfeg becdfa bdecg bgdec
+bafdgc fdcegba deafb dcbfe abf gedfa ab ecab cbaedf fecdbg | aecb ba baf dbefc
+bgfeca cadeg adfgc gea ae bcdagef edba abdceg gbdec fcebdg | dcgefab efcbag fcdag beda
+fcag afecbg cabdge dbefa cef ecbgfda begdcf fceba fc gbaec | gfca bdcegf cfe aebcfdg
+cfbga df bgaed dgef eafdgbc cdabfe bdecag adgefb dfa agbdf | fd gdfe df df
+edagfb cdfbaeg aecd gcbad dcgbef dbeagc da dcegb dab fgcba | cdae ecad abgdfec cfgab
+ebc agbcfe eb bdfcag decgbaf agecd egdbfc egacb afeb bacgf | ebc cbe abfe fegbcd
+dcefabg bfaed feg ebgfa eg egad cgdebf cgfab degbfa acdefb | edbfgca cdfaeb gfe feg
+adfebc dbgce ecfdgb ba daegb beadgc dfgea dcegfab agcb aeb | cagb acebfdg cbga eafgbcd
+afcbged gfdbc cd bdc edgfbc befacg edcf abdceg dgbfa cfegb | gfcdb gebcf bcd fdce
+gbfceda bf bfd cedgf fgdeb gfab befgad gcebda debacf gbade | gfdbe fdebag adegfb gdeba
+eacd cdegafb bac gbedcf gcebd afgdb ca gadbc gdcbae eabfgc | becgd fcbgea aedc edac
+bagd bfgac adbfc aefcg gcbfad cadfbe dgecfb gfb gb gefdabc | fbg dcegabf bgad bdcfa
+bfaedg bfcga cdgfe fcdgba gabcfe eacb debfcag eb fbe gcefb | bef efdcbag cbfaegd ebca
+afcebg dbfag dabe dgbef cebfgd gdafc egadbcf ba abg afdgbe | bga bga gab ba
+ecdabg defgc bdacgf dae eadcg cdbag gcbdafe aecb adebgf ea | bfedagc adcbg eagdc bdgeaf
+acgde bcdea bfcd bface becfad afdcgeb dfaebg bd adb cfgeba | eacdb cbgefa fabcge bcdea
+gecfad fbcegd dbfaceg fgabe dge gfbed fbdgca gdfcb bdec ed | gdbfec egd eagbf gadcfe
+dagfe cbafdge bag dgebcf cfab dafcgb adgbf ab fgdcb geacdb | gacfdb fgbcd gafdb afbc
+afecbdg bdc adefb eabdcg fcged bfdce bfgead bdafce bc bfca | dbcega bc dabgefc fcba
+cdgafb bafcge fb bdfg dagcb cbgafed fcdba cedfa cbdgea fba | deacf dbecga fdbacg gabfdc
+dcf bcadf ebgdfa bcadgf bedac fc dfcbeg beadfcg afgbd fagc | dcf bgdfa cbgdfe agebdcf
+gadbf egdba gfdeca aeg cegdb gdbcfa faeb ae gdaefcb gebfda | ebdag eafb baged ae
+ebfgc daeb cae gceba cgabfde cgabdf ea abcgd bdaecg ecgadf | ace eagbcfd ea efacgd
+bdeaf ag bgdeca dag agfdb agcf dcgbf cfgbeda dfcbeg cdagbf | fbaed fgdabce beacdg ecabdfg
+ecagf gcfdea ba gbfa badgce cab abfce fecdb bagcfe bafegcd | faecdg ab bedcf edcfb
+geadf adgebf eda cdgfab bedg bfadec de gefbdca adfbg gafce | ecagfbd cafge de eda
+fb agcbe gbfc cbaegd ecgfdab edafg bdcefa efgba bfa gabecf | bfa fcbade gceab fba
+bdaefcg dgacfe fbgadc gfbea dcae aegdf ad gcdfe bgdcef dga | cdae da cade gdfcae
+cbeg eacfg fbcage acfdge bgeafd gbfacde afcgb bga gb cbdfa | bg gabfde gba fdagbe
+bca defgab bc gfcae gaebd dfebac bcage deafgcb gcebda cgbd | edbgfa cb gfcea cb
+fcb cgadfeb bcagf abdgf cegdfa begcaf gcbe fcebda cafeg cb | cfeadbg cfb dfbga gdaecf
+fdebag abdcge gfdb efbac gcefad eagfb agb degaf bg acfegbd | agefbdc gfdb gb bedafg
+ec dce cgbaed egabdf dbeacf cagdf ebcg agcde gbedacf eagbd | bafecd eadgbc cdgfa degac
+beg fageb bfgad ge abecf bdcfae caeg efadgbc egbfdc cgebaf | dfabg fabgd fbdceg beg
+gdcfe bacfeg dfb db cfbdae bade aegfcdb fbecd bagdfc fceab | cbagfe bd bd bd
+gab cagdfb fgecdb fgaed ab gcbdf baecgd abcdfge gbfad bacf | gbdfca gab bgdcea abg
+ecfga afdbeg gdceafb gcedf ecgabf afc dcgfab ca bcae gbaef | cgeadbf fagec cfa aebfdcg
+fgaebc aefcdg fdceb dfbeg gbf agefbd fegdbac bdga bg fgdae | bcdfe fgb acfgbe gdab
+dgaecf fadbgc cdfeab cagbe cbd bd bdeac gadbfce afced bdfe | gfdace febd db cgfade
+bfdgac efgdab abd edcbf baeg ab afegd dagecf cgbfdae edbfa | gdaef dbefc dab ba
+acgb bda gdaefb eabcfdg ba abced gdcbe dacef gcdeab bcdefg | adefc bcade deagcb adb
+fgabc cdfabg cga dgcfeb deagbc ag fgda dcfagbe caefb fgbdc | dagfbec bfacg gfdbac edgcab
+gcfdeb fbgdca beagf fgbad ecfba efg egbfacd ge daeg defgba | fcbgade fbgae fbcae adgbfe
+abe dgab defca dbeacg ba fgbdce cbdeg bfceag cebagdf eadcb | bgda dfgbce dfegbc gbcfaed
+cbafg efdgcb cfaebg afecb aefg gafcdeb ecf ef becda fdgcab | cafgeb acgbf acebgf dcbfag
+eb cebg dbe dceab dcbage ecgadf gcaed cbfda agbdef gadefcb | agebdc baedc dacfb gcebda
+degcb cagbef dfceba gbf fg gbacdf gfeacdb fbgec fgae ebafc | bfcdga bfg fbaec fbg
+dbgaf bca gacde cefbga acebgd edcb gbacd fbcagde cb cdefga | gcdea fgcebad cab cdebfga
+bdgfea gb fcdeg gfcdae ecgfbd cdgb egcfb ebafdcg befca gbf | gb dagebcf dgfec dfgcbe
+geacb fg badfc dagecfb bfcgad gfb fcbga gcdf efadbg befadc | dfbgcae badgcf dcbfa aebcg
+febdc aecfd aebgfd gcdfbe dbgcf bef adbfcg dbefacg gbce be | feb eb ebdcf dceaf
+acde cdegb decfbga gebac eag cegfbd ea cdbgea ebgafd cbagf | ae gea bgdafe cagbe
+gefac egbfadc degbfa badgce gef fe efgbac agecb fcdag bfec | afdegb adbecg agbcde agfce
+gfceb bg edcbf afcegd gacb fagec fegdbca gbaefc fgb edgafb | bgf agcb eagcf facged
+bdcagef dcfbg ceafd bead adfcb fgeadc cba cefbga ba cfdeba | gcabfed decfag ecgdfa fgbdc
+cdbfge bfgac efgad cbae daegbcf fgaecb ebg begfa be gdacbf | eb be efbga adefg
+gfabd bgaed gf cebfga fgb eafcbdg degf aegfbd acdfb gdbeac | abged aebdfg bfgeca bdagec
+gcafd efagcd edcg bafdeg bfgdeac ebcgaf gd facdb dgf efagc | fbadc fbcda cbeafg cdebgfa
+dfeba cfb dbcgef dbceafg efgca cbeaf fecdag fbgcea bc gacb | aebcf fcb adgfce fcbea
+badgf agdcef dafbec ag gabe dfeab dgfeab bdgaefc gfa gdbfc | eadfb dcefag cafdebg edfagc
+bef eb abec fabgec facbdg afbcg defbag dcfge fcbge deafgbc | cgebaf eacb dcagbf bfcga
+bdfe dgebcf bcgefa ed cbeadg gefdcba fbceg dcgfe facdg dge | dcfge de cgdabe dge
+gbadc dgbefac cgbafd dfcg dfacb ecgabf cg gcb bcfdae bedag | cbdga cdbag gdabfc bdeag
+bagecd cf fbedcg cefa cafbd bfc cbedfa gafbd baecfgd caedb | gfdebc cdeab cfae cfb
+fgdab efbacd decb cgaefb dbcaf acfdge fbc fdaec edgabcf cb | edbc bc fgecab cfgade
+dcbga adfbc df decfab fbed cfeba afd egfcadb dcaegf befcga | ebfd bgafec aebcgf ebdf
+cbdaegf fdegcb cgbd dafecg dbfgae dfbce gdfec bdf bd eafcb | cbdg dcgb gdfaec ecabfdg
+bgfade bdeagc befcd daecgfb efb abecd eacbfd gdcbf cfae ef | cfea ecdba agdcbfe gbaefcd
+fagd dcafbe gdabfec df bgcfe cgfdba bgadce agdbc fbd gbcdf | bgcdf df edbcfag df
+gfceb ae eac adbegfc gadcef dcbfge afceb adcbf gfbeca ageb | cbegfa cfdab ae ae
+adgeb fcbdg fbdgec cbged ecb ce efgabc dgefcab bfcgad dcfe | abdegfc fgbcae cdbfag gfdbc
+dfbegc cb dgeac afedbg cebf ebacdfg dfegb gdbce cbg fgbdca | efagdb gdbecf dbgec bacgfd
+fdcgabe adfceg fegbcd bg cdefg bfg cegfb ebfca bfagcd edgb | gbf dbge fcedg gb
+dgefc cdaef cbafgd dbgecaf egfb bcegfd gabced eg bdfgc gde | acgdbf bedgac dfgce adcef
+fgeac dgbfeca gaecdf cb bcegfa cgbf ebc cdageb defba ecbaf | fbace ecb gface gbecad
+abedfg cdefb gfb egafd bg ecagfd gbfde agcfbe bdga dgceafb | fbg efgbd bfg bdfce
+gbfcde fb ebdga faced bfca eadfgc adbcef eabdf gedfabc bef | bfca bf bdefa fb
+fbgadec gcbe bfgca cg bacfde egfdca cag afbec gadbf cagbfe | gbecafd bacdfe cga egcb
+cfead fcdbge ebf bace eafdcg bagdf fgbecad be eadfb fecbda | efcdab feb aefdb ebf
+dabfc cfeabd ec cae cagbdf fadeg cdafbeg dbecag bcfe efcad | bcef aec eac bfacd
+fed fbdgea adgfce gfcd acdge acdef afbec df gcabed bdcefga | aebgfd afecd bcfae ecdga
+fcabe da deac fdgeb fbead facebg gcdbefa fcabgd dfbeac dab | fecab bcfgae fcaeb ecbgaf
+cdebg dgebac abe fagcbed ea cbagf adeg cfdbge gacbe edbcaf | dcebaf fgbca adeg cafgbed
+gedfcb bg bgc gfacd fdgcabe dgba bfagc afbec bgacdf eadcfg | gfcab bcg bg dgba
+fecga fgbeda fadec fdcbega cdefba becdf dgfbec ad dacb dfa | cedbfg gebadf agefdb bdac
+bcgade agefd ebfg bag gfdbea afegdcb cfdba dagfb bg gfcdae | adfbg bga gb agb
+fgaced bcdag dcbagef gedcbf dcfge fga af efda gacdf eabgfc | bdcga fga dcfeag fead
+dega abd adbgc eabdgfc dbcefg da fadbec ebcgd cafgb adgcbe | cbdga cabdg adgefbc bfcgde
+bfdacg eabgc bce abgdc cebgafd be ecadgb faebdc bdge gface | bdeg acefg gefbadc dcgba
+fedgc cadefg cedagbf adcfe abfdc efa ae agfedb gace bfecgd | acbfd ae gcbafed cdabefg
+egdcab egdfba gca abfec bafgd gcbefda gfbcad cg fcdg bcfga | gc gc edabgc cga
+eb gdbfca befdc gdcfb ebdg efb edcbgaf ecfdbg fedac egbfca | gbdcf acfegb aedfc dafcebg
+aebcgd bacg ecgbafd dafbec ga dcbae aedbg gad bdgef fadgce | adegb gad becagd edbcfa
+cgad ceabdfg fedbc gd cfbage gfcba abgefd fdabgc dcgfb gdf | dcgfb gbdafec gbfadc dgca
+acgebd fdebga cde cedfa gfceabd baefd cfeb cgadf ce fedcab | afedb deabf afdce fabged
+gcabe adge bcdfea cgebf bgcfda aeb gdacb ea aegdcb cefagbd | bea gaed agbce dgfacb
+cefad cadgbfe cgeafd eg agdbfe acgbf fge cged gfcea ebfacd | dacebf dceafb fabecd gcde
+gbfcde fcg ecgadb cbdge eagdf edgfc bfdc bfecag fc dbcagfe | cfbd gfdecb gfc efdga
+gebafc bcfae fcebd gfabed bea bfagc fdcgba ea ceag gacbefd | ebacfg egac bacfg febac
+ed gfde dcgea cdagf ead cfdgaeb gcdafb aedgfc dbaefc ceagb | dae eda gfabcd gdbfca
+cfbgd bfaecg dgbecf fgcdab dbgaf fba bdcefga af gebad cdfa | feadbcg fcad bfaegcd af
+gbd eabfgc egdfbc dcge dg bdcgfae dbacf cdfbg fbedga cefbg | ecgd gbd dgce dbg
+gac gcdaebf agfcbe gdebcf ga bcfdag adcbg bfgcd dafg cedab | gcafeb agcdb cbfdag ag
+dfg bcfaegd dg gacef dgbefc dbcaef gfcbad ebdg efcdb degfc | efcga dfcgbe gbde cefdb
+bcae aegfb egdaf gdcbfa eb fbcgae afgcbde ebg dbfcge bcfga | cdbegf ebg fbacg egb
+ceafgb ab edbgfac aedcgf abfc fgaedb eab bcedg ebagc acegf | fbac ba ecagf abcgfe
+geafd bgeacfd bcfgda bdca cebfga gdbaf fgdcbe dgfbc ba bga | efagd gfbda cebafgd agfde
+gacfed agc cfgdbe ca ecfdg fagdc agfbced bacdeg bdfga eafc | egdfc badgf egcfbd bfadg
+eca ac cadgef eacbdg fecgdba dbace gbca dfgbec afedb bgcde | gbecad bcag dcaeb cae
+gfaebc fg fcaebd facbe fgeab cbdafg aebgd gfce caefbgd afg | gf cfbea edbag efgc
+fgaed gacedf fbdcga ecfa degabf cga ac efabgdc gecad begdc | efca acg edbgc cag
+afdbgec gcebad fecgad ecagd fdac af bfaegc fae efadg efgdb | acdge afegcb gafde fa
+eadcf dbecgfa dfaegb gdcb ecg adbegc gc geacd ecabgf edabg | gdbace bcdg ebagfd cbdg
+fgade dgb gcbe gafcdb fecdb bfacde ecgdabf bdegf febgcd bg | cdgfab cgbe gdb gacdebf
+dcfbe dbfeag dgebca fbagcde gbafdc cagf bgf dcgfb fg gcbda | abcfdg bfg gcbfd dcfgab
+bgf dgcbef acbefd egadcbf bafdge bfdae bg eagb acfgd dgbfa | deafb bdfae dfagc cdgaf
+bafcd egcbdaf dg cfbgde eagd gfbea bgd adbgf gdeabf befgca | badcf fbaeg dfgab fdgeabc
+gea fecdag gadbfe aegdc acfde dbcefa ge bcagd bgdacef egfc | ecgf defac gea defca
+bfgdae gefabc fd edgcb gefab abgcdf aecgfdb fdea fgbed dbf | fbd cgedb fbd df
+adbgec bc dabfge dafeb dcb cegfd cafb becfd cgdebaf bdecaf | febcd cbfa cb adbcgef
+ecgdf fbdgcae acfbg fdgaeb adf afgcbd dagfc ad adcb acgbef | dbaefg cbfga cabgf gfacd
+cefa ae adcbg gefbad eagfcb decbgf aeg gebcf gfdacbe abgec | cefdgb fedbcg cfeabg gbcea
+ebfag fdbcge gdbaf fcdag fgbace bfd abde gfcdeba db gefbda | bdgecf ebad deafbg fbaged
+bgecd edcba bgacef dgacbe fdcabeg fbeacd gbc fgdce dgab bg | decab bcdeg fcgbea caedb
+bc abged abgfdc dgbac edfgca cfba gcdbef dafgc dbc cbgdfae | adebg bcefgd cabfedg cdgafb
+gcfad fb bceadf cgaeb agfbdc fbc gfaced acdbfge cgbfa gbfd | afedbc cadfg gcbae ecbag
+cgadb begfcad gdcbfe bdegc edab cabfg cagfde dca ad egbdca | adc da adc da
+gfcbd cbegfda dbga da bgdcef bgdcaf gceaf cfebda fdgca acd | dcgfa fedagbc bgcfd afgdc
+afge ge beg abcgd afgcedb fgcabe fcbae cdebfa dgebfc cabge | acefbgd geb fage eadcfb
+fgecadb fcae edgfcb aedgf gdfce eagdb af dagcef fcdabg adf | adfecg ecaf dbafceg cgefbd
+gabfd bedag abegcf df fad abcgfd bafgc bfgcdae fcdb gacfed | aefgbc agdcfb cagdfe afd
+degbafc ga efcga age fdcgae agcd dgfeba dgefcb fcgde cbaef | eadfgb afcbedg degfcab fabecdg
+beg aefgbc eb efbd cbagd gaedb aegcfd afdge dafecbg eagdbf | dagcb geb febd cefdga
+da cagfd fbgcae fgbcda gfbcaed edfcg fad ebfcad dabg bgfac | fcgde daf cgfabe afd
+gefdc ebafgd fgacbd agbc fdacg dcabgef ac cda bafdec abfgd | gacb gdfca fedcbga fdcga
+gedfba bgdca dfgbc bcfgde bdace bacgdf cafg ga dag bdcafeg | debcfg cgbad acfg ecdgbf
+fagde fdgeca agc gc afedbg ecgf agcedb dfaecbg acdfb fgdac | cg adfeg fdgae efcg
+dgcbe fe abcfg cfgead gdcbfa efc egfbadc bgacef fbae gfbce | fbcag abef faeb cafbdg
+beadfc eb gbef fbgda cfbgda gadbe gdace gefadb edb cgdabef | aedcg deb bde dgbaf
+afbdge dbgfcea fadcbe cb febcd bcd gfdce cfagbd bcae bdfea | bdc gfadeb cebdf afdbe
+degca adbfgec bfcgda fa eafb fac bafecd fedbc cfade bgecfd | cbdafg edbacf agcfedb fa
+fabde egdacb bfd fdgbac ebcda bf bdecfa fadge dfegabc fcbe | feabd fdb cfdeba bf
+aedbfcg fadbg cefgba ecdfga efg ge adefc dfebac afdeg dceg | bdfeca gcde aedcfb faecd
+dgaecbf cefdgb bcgdfa edb ed beafc gfed bgfcd dacegb dcfbe | deb gdbcfa cfgdeb gfecabd
+bdagfc bf gcdaeb dbgac gdfce cbdfg abgf bfc abfgdec bdacfe | dcgfb defgc bfga bf
+gef bgcf dafbec bcfde decgf bcefdg fg bgcfade cedag fdbgea | bacefgd gcbf fg dbfagce
+fagcdb cf bcafed cefa bdegf cdaeb edfcb ecdgafb daegcb bcf | dcfgba eagcbdf caebd afbdcg
+ecd dcebaf bgeafdc adfbcg gdafe cbagde ecbf fceda ce fdacb | bgecad decfabg ec bfce
+begda gfbd fbgade agdbcfe gfe gacebd bfega gf bcfae adcgef | efg fcabe geadcf abfcedg
+cbfga ef efcgb befcga fcea fge cbdeg dgebaf fcbgad afegcbd | fadebg ef abefdg fe
+dagbc dab fbdg cdfag efcbda gecba bdcefga gdbcaf cdefga bd | feabdc dgabc db cadgef
+ge beg afcbed edbag fbgcea dgaebcf adbce fbadg bgacde gdce | gced egdc feadcb eagcdb
+geafbdc ca gdafce adbeg cfab bagdc dcgebf adc gdfbc gbcafd | cegfbd adc ecfgbd cfdgb
+adg afgdc gcedfba cadfb bgfaed agbc cabdgf dgfec ag febacd | fbecda cdgafb ga dga
+abcdfge egc egfabc ce gedabc dgfcb edgab gbdec fbaged adce | ec gdbce ceg cbefga
+acbgf ebdfg gefadc fae efbag gcaefb ea cbea cgbafd cagdbfe | bcae ea fdcgbae ecbfag
diff --git a/2021/inputs/day_9.txt b/2021/inputs/day_9.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9494363
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/inputs/day_9.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
diff --git a/2021/proptest-regressions/bin/day_24.txt b/2021/proptest-regressions/bin/day_24.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9b9ac2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/proptest-regressions/bin/day_24.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Seeds for failure cases proptest has generated in the past. It is
+# automatically read and these particular cases re-run before any
+# novel cases are generated.
+# It is recommended to check this file in to source control so that
+# everyone who runs the test benefits from these saved cases.
+cc 3ff1975a827f0f896df7fad66e81f158bb513003aa57b9392c7be206d91c401e # shrinks to input = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
+cc 34000b524f14fadce85ab48285657651fd5756cb94b8ad9868e068d808705ec5 # shrinks to input = [1, 1, 9, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
+cc df520bbe1425f1b68bcd1e837caa8c6cea82fe8ac2fc8f58e3044cace37c5f9e # shrinks to input = [1, 1, 9, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
+cc 2cff9266126660d75f7f6e9c8872fb4a7e91e5225507126c18f4488ebe52d4c4 # shrinks to input = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 3, 8, 3, 1, 1]
+cc 113d1afb9c126057c1d0d46b73c603364647fd914104f7c4dd23334d286089c1 # shrinks to input = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 8, 2, 7, 6, 1, 1]
diff --git a/2021/ b/2021/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..642364f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+* Advent of Code 2021
diff --git a/2021/src/bin/ b/2021/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62ab045
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+use nom::{
+ character::complete::{line_ending, u64 as nom_u64},
+ combinator::map,
+ multi::separated_list1,
+ IResult,
+use std::fs;
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_1.txt")?;
+ let sonar_scan = parse_sonar_scan(&input).unwrap().1;
+ let simple_increase_counter = count_increases(sonar_scan.iter());
+ dbg!(simple_increase_counter);
+ let windowed_sonar_scan = sonar_scan
+ .iter()
+ .zip(sonar_scan.iter().skip(1))
+ .zip(sonar_scan.iter().skip(2))
+ .map(|((depth1, depth2), depth3)| ThreeDepthWindowSum::new([*depth1, *depth2, *depth3]))
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ let windowed_increase_counter = count_increases(windowed_sonar_scan.iter());
+ dbg!(windowed_increase_counter);
+ Ok(())
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone, Copy)]
+struct Depth(u64);
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone, Copy)]
+struct ThreeDepthWindowSum(u64);
+impl ThreeDepthWindowSum {
+ fn new(depths: [Depth; 3]) -> ThreeDepthWindowSum {
+ ThreeDepthWindowSum(depths.into_iter().map(|d| d.0).sum())
+ }
+fn parse_sonar_scan(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<Depth>> {
+ separated_list1(line_ending, parse_depth)(input)
+fn parse_depth(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Depth> {
+ map(nom_u64, Depth)(input)
+#[derive(Default, Debug)]
+struct DepthIncreaseCounter(u64);
+impl DepthIncreaseCounter {
+ fn increment(&mut self) {
+ self.0 += 1;
+ }
+fn count_increases<T: Ord>(i: impl IntoIterator<Item = T> + Clone) -> DepthIncreaseCounter {
+ let mut increases = DepthIncreaseCounter::default();
+ for (depth, next_depth) in i.clone().into_iter().zip(i.into_iter().skip(1)) {
+ if next_depth > depth {
+ increases.increment();
+ }
+ }
+ increases
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn parses_a_depth() {
+ assert_eq!(parse_depth("96\n"), Ok(("\n", Depth(96))));
+ }
diff --git a/2021/src/bin/ b/2021/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9a9f75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+use nom::{
+ branch::alt, character::complete::char as nom_char, combinator::map, multi::many0, IResult,
+use std::fs;
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_10.txt")?;
+ let mut syntax_error_score = 0;
+ let mut autocomplete_scores = Vec::new();
+ for line in input.split("\n") {
+ match parse_lisp(line) {
+ Ok(_) => {
+ // boring
+ }
+ Err(nom::Err::Failure(ParseError::MismatchedExpectation(_, actual))) => {
+ syntax_error_score += match actual {
+ ')' => 3,
+ ']' => 57,
+ '}' => 1197,
+ '>' => 25137,
+ _ => 0,
+ }
+ }
+ Err(nom::Err::Failure(ParseError::EndOfInput(_))) => {
+ let mut line = line.to_owned();
+ let mut autocomplete_score = 0u64;
+ while let Err(nom::Err::Failure(ParseError::EndOfInput(expected))) =
+ parse_lisp(&line)
+ {
+ autocomplete_score *= 5;
+ autocomplete_score += match expected {
+ ')' => 1,
+ ']' => 2,
+ '}' => 3,
+ '>' => 4,
+ _ => 0,
+ };
+ line.push(expected);
+ }
+ autocomplete_scores.push(autocomplete_score);
+ }
+ Err(_) => panic!("Unexpected nom error type"),
+ }
+ }
+ dbg!(syntax_error_score);
+ autocomplete_scores.sort();
+ dbg!(autocomplete_scores[autocomplete_scores.len() / 2]);
+ Ok(())
+enum ParseError<'a> {
+ MismatchedExpectation(char, char),
+ EndOfInput(char),
+ Other(nom::error::Error<&'a str>),
+impl<'a> From<nom::error::Error<&'a str>> for ParseError<'a> {
+ fn from(e: nom::error::Error<&'a str>) -> Self {
+ ParseError::Other(e)
+ }
+impl<'a> nom::error::ParseError<&'a str> for ParseError<'a> {
+ fn from_error_kind(input: &'a str, kind: nom::error::ErrorKind) -> Self {
+ nom::error::Error::from_error_kind(input, kind).into()
+ }
+ fn append(_input: &'a str, _kind: nom::error::ErrorKind, other: Self) -> Self {
+ other
+ }
+ fn from_char(input: &'a str, c: char) -> Self {
+ nom::error::Error::from_char(input, c).into()
+ }
+struct Lisp {
+ blocks: Vec<Block>,
+struct Block {
+ opening: char,
+ blocks: Vec<Block>,
+fn parse_lisp(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Lisp, ParseError> {
+ map(parse_blocks, |blocks| Lisp { blocks })(input)
+fn parse_blocks(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<Block>, ParseError> {
+ many0(parse_block)(input)
+fn parse_block(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Block, ParseError> {
+ alt((
+ block('{', '}'),
+ block('[', ']'),
+ block('(', ')'),
+ block('<', '>'),
+ ))(input)
+fn block(opening: char, closing: char) -> impl Fn(&str) -> IResult<&str, Block, ParseError> {
+ move |input: &str| {
+ let (input, _) = nom_char(opening)(input)?;
+ let (input, blocks) = parse_blocks(input)?;
+ let (input, _) = match nom_char(closing)(input) {
+ Ok((input, closing)) => (input, closing),
+ Err(nom::Err::Error(_)) => {
+ return Err(nom::Err::Failure(match input.chars().next() {
+ Some(actual) => ParseError::MismatchedExpectation(closing, actual),
+ None => ParseError::EndOfInput(closing),
+ }))
+ }
+ Err(e) => return Err(e),
+ };
+ Ok((input, Block { opening, blocks }))
+ }
diff --git a/2021/src/bin/ b/2021/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a4cd89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+use nom::{
+ character::complete::{line_ending, one_of},
+ combinator::map_res,
+ multi::{many1, separated_list1},
+ IResult,
+use std::fs;
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_11.txt")?;
+ let squid_grid = parse_squid_grid(&input).unwrap().1;
+ {
+ let mut squid_grid = squid_grid.clone();
+ let mut flashes_on_100 = 0;
+ for _ in 0..100 {
+ flashes_on_100 += squid_grid.flash();
+ }
+ dbg!(flashes_on_100);
+ }
+ {
+ let mut squid_grid = squid_grid.clone();
+ let sync_time = std::iter::repeat_with(|| squid_grid.flash())
+ .position(|flashes| flashes == 100)
+ .map(|x| x + 1);
+ dbg!(sync_time);
+ }
+ Ok(())
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+struct Squid {
+ energy: u8,
+ has_flashed: bool,
+impl Squid {
+ fn should_flash(&self) -> bool {
+ > 9 && !self.has_flashed
+ }
+ fn reset(&mut self) {
+ = 0;
+ self.has_flashed = false;
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+struct SquidGrid {
+ squids: [[Squid; 10]; 10],
+impl SquidGrid {
+ fn flash(&mut self) -> usize {
+ for y in 0..10 {
+ for x in 0..10 {
+ self.squids[y][x].energy += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ let mut any_new_flashes = true;
+ while any_new_flashes {
+ any_new_flashes = false;
+ for y in 0..10 {
+ for x in 0..10 {
+ if self.squids[y][x].should_flash() {
+ any_new_flashes = true;
+ self.squids[y][x].has_flashed = true;
+ if y > 0 && x > 0 {
+ self.squids[y - 1][x - 1].energy += 1;
+ }
+ if y > 0 {
+ self.squids[y - 1][x].energy += 1;
+ }
+ if y > 0 && x < 9 {
+ self.squids[y - 1][x + 1].energy += 1;
+ }
+ if x > 0 {
+ self.squids[y][x - 1].energy += 1;
+ }
+ if x < 9 {
+ self.squids[y][x + 1].energy += 1;
+ }
+ if y < 9 && x > 0 {
+ self.squids[y + 1][x - 1].energy += 1;
+ }
+ if y < 9 {
+ self.squids[y + 1][x].energy += 1;
+ }
+ if y < 9 && x < 9 {
+ self.squids[y + 1][x + 1].energy += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let mut flashes = 0;
+ for y in 0..10 {
+ for x in 0..10 {
+ if self.squids[y][x].has_flashed {
+ self.squids[y][x].reset();
+ flashes += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ flashes
+ }
+fn parse_squid_grid(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, SquidGrid> {
+ map_res(separated_list1(line_ending, parse_squid_row), |squids| {
+ squids.try_into().map(|squids| SquidGrid { squids })
+ })(input)
+fn parse_squid_row(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, [Squid; 10]> {
+ map_res(many1(parse_squid), |squids| squids.try_into())(input)
+fn parse_squid(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Squid> {
+ map_res(one_of("0123456789"), |digit| {
+ digit.to_string().parse().map(|energy| Squid {
+ energy,
+ has_flashed: false,
+ })
+ })(input)
diff --git a/2021/src/bin/ b/2021/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..708037d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+use nom::{
+ character::complete::{alpha1, char as nom_char, line_ending},
+ combinator::map,
+ multi::separated_list1,
+ sequence::tuple,
+ IResult,
+use std::{collections::BTreeMap, fs};
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_12.txt")?;
+ let cave_system = parse_cave_system(&input).unwrap().1;
+ dbg!(cave_system.find_all_paths(0).len());
+ dbg!(cave_system.find_all_paths(1).len());
+ Ok(())
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
+struct CaveId(String);
+impl CaveId {
+ fn big(&self) -> bool {
+ self.0.chars().next().map_or(false, char::is_uppercase)
+ }
+ fn terminal(&self) -> bool {
+ self.0 == "start" || self.0 == "end"
+ }
+struct Cave {
+ id: CaveId,
+ exits: Vec<CaveId>,
+impl Cave {
+ fn new(id: CaveId) -> Cave {
+ Cave {
+ id,
+ exits: Vec::new(),
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+struct CavePath {
+ path: Vec<CaveId>,
+ remaining_small_cave_visits: usize,
+impl CavePath {
+ fn new(max_small_cave_visits: usize) -> CavePath {
+ CavePath {
+ path: vec![CaveId("start".into())],
+ remaining_small_cave_visits: max_small_cave_visits,
+ }
+ }
+ fn push(&mut self, next: CaveId) {
+ if !next.big() && self.path.iter().any(|visited| visited == &next) {
+ self.remaining_small_cave_visits -= 1;
+ }
+ self.path.push(next);
+ }
+ fn can_go_to(&self, dest: &CaveId) -> bool {
+ dest.big()
+ || !self.path.iter().any(|visited| visited == dest)
+ || (!dest.terminal() && self.remaining_small_cave_visits > 0)
+ }
+ fn is_complete(&self) -> bool {
+ self.tail() == &CaveId("end".into())
+ }
+ fn tail(&self) -> &CaveId {
+ self.path
+ .get(self.path.len() - 1)
+ .expect("There should not be empty paths")
+ }
+struct CaveSystem {
+ caves: BTreeMap<CaveId, Cave>,
+impl CaveSystem {
+ fn new(tunnels: Vec<(CaveId, CaveId)>) -> CaveSystem {
+ let mut caves = BTreeMap::new();
+ for (tunnel_start, tunnel_end) in tunnels {
+ let start = caves
+ .entry(tunnel_start.clone())
+ .or_insert(Cave::new(tunnel_start.clone()));
+ start.exits.push(tunnel_end.clone());
+ let end = caves
+ .entry(tunnel_end.clone())
+ .or_insert(Cave::new(tunnel_end.clone()));
+ end.exits.push(tunnel_start);
+ }
+ CaveSystem { caves }
+ }
+ fn find_all_paths(&self, max_small_cave_visits: usize) -> Vec<CavePath> {
+ self.find_paths(CavePath::new(max_small_cave_visits))
+ }
+ fn find_paths(&self, active_path: CavePath) -> Vec<CavePath> {
+ if active_path.is_complete() {
+ vec![active_path]
+ } else {
+ let current = self.caves.get(active_path.tail()).expect("Unknown path");
+ current
+ .exits
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|next| active_path.can_go_to(next))
+ .flat_map(|next| {
+ let mut active_path = active_path.clone();
+ active_path.push(next.clone());
+ self.find_paths(active_path)
+ })
+ .collect()
+ }
+ }
+fn parse_cave_system(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, CaveSystem> {
+ map(parse_tunnels, CaveSystem::new)(input)
+fn parse_tunnels(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<(CaveId, CaveId)>> {
+ separated_list1(line_ending, parse_tunnel)(input)
+fn parse_tunnel(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, (CaveId, CaveId)> {
+ map(
+ tuple((parse_cave_id, nom_char('-'), parse_cave_id)),
+ |(a, _, b)| (a, b),
+ )(input)
+fn parse_cave_id(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, CaveId> {
+ map(alpha1, |s: &str| CaveId(s.to_owned()))(input)
diff --git a/2021/src/bin/ b/2021/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..547c7a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+use nom::{
+ branch::alt,
+ bytes::complete::tag,
+ character::complete::{char as nom_char, line_ending, u32 as nom_u32},
+ combinator::map,
+ multi::{many0, separated_list1},
+ sequence::tuple,
+ IResult,
+use std::{collections::BTreeSet, fmt, fs};
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_13.txt")?;
+ let mut page = parse_page(&input).unwrap().1;
+ page.do_next_fold();
+ dbg!(page.count_points());
+ while page.do_next_fold() {}
+ println!("{}", page);
+ Ok(())
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone)]
+struct Point {
+ x: u32,
+ y: u32,
+enum Fold {
+ X(u32),
+ Y(u32),
+struct Page {
+ points: BTreeSet<Point>,
+ folds: Vec<Fold>,
+impl Page {
+ fn do_next_fold(&mut self) -> bool {
+ let fold = self.folds.pop();
+ match fold {
+ Some(Fold::X(x)) => {
+ self.points = std::mem::take(&mut self.points)
+ .into_iter()
+ .filter(|point| point.x != x)
+ .map(|point| {
+ if point.x > x {
+ Point {
+ x: x - (point.x - x),
+ y: point.y,
+ }
+ } else {
+ point
+ }
+ })
+ .collect();
+ true
+ }
+ Some(Fold::Y(y)) => {
+ self.points = std::mem::take(&mut self.points)
+ .into_iter()
+ .filter(|point| point.y != y)
+ .map(|point| {
+ if point.y > y {
+ Point {
+ x: point.x,
+ y: y - (point.y - y),
+ }
+ } else {
+ point
+ }
+ })
+ .collect();
+ true
+ }
+ None => false,
+ }
+ }
+ fn count_points(&self) -> usize {
+ self.points.len()
+ }
+impl fmt::Display for Page {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
+ let width = self.points.iter().map(|p| p.x).max().unwrap_or(0);
+ let height = self.points.iter().map(|p| p.y).max().unwrap_or(0);
+ for y in 0..=height {
+ for x in 0..=width {
+ let p = Point { x, y };
+ if self.points.contains(&p) {
+ write!(f, "#")?;
+ } else {
+ write!(f, ".")?;
+ }
+ }
+ writeln!(f)?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+fn parse_page(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Page> {
+ let (input, points) = separated_list1(line_ending, parse_point)(input)?;
+ let (input, _) = many0(line_ending)(input)?;
+ let (input, mut folds) = separated_list1(line_ending, parse_fold)(input)?;
+ folds.reverse();
+ Ok((
+ input,
+ Page {
+ points: points.into_iter().collect(),
+ folds,
+ },
+ ))
+fn parse_fold(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Fold> {
+ alt((
+ map(tuple((tag("fold along x="), nom_u32)), |(_, val)| {
+ Fold::X(val)
+ }),
+ map(tuple((tag("fold along y="), nom_u32)), |(_, val)| {
+ Fold::Y(val)
+ }),
+ ))(input)
+fn parse_point(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Point> {
+ map(tuple((nom_u32, nom_char(','), nom_u32)), |(x, _, y)| {
+ Point { x, y }
+ })(input)
diff --git a/2021/src/bin/ b/2021/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e757faf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+use nom::{
+ bytes::complete::tag,
+ character::complete::{alpha1, anychar, line_ending},
+ combinator::map,
+ multi::{many0, separated_list1},
+ sequence::tuple,
+ IResult,
+use std::{collections::BTreeMap, fs};
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_14.txt")?;
+ let mut polymer = parse_polymer_expansion(&input).unwrap().1;
+ let small_expansion_counts = polymer.count_after_expansions(10);
+ dbg!(small_expansion_counts.most_common() - small_expansion_counts.least_common());
+ let big_expansion_counts = polymer.count_after_expansions(40);
+ dbg!(big_expansion_counts.most_common() - big_expansion_counts.least_common());
+ Ok(())
+struct PolymerExpansion {
+ polymer: Vec<char>,
+ rules: Rules,
+ cache: BTreeMap<(char, char, usize), ElementCount>,
+impl PolymerExpansion {
+ fn new(polymer: Vec<char>, rules: Rules) -> PolymerExpansion {
+ PolymerExpansion {
+ polymer,
+ rules,
+ cache: BTreeMap::new(),
+ }
+ }
+ fn count_after_expansions(&mut self, expansions: usize) -> ElementCount {
+ let mut counts = ElementCount::default();
+ for i in 0..self.polymer.len() - 1 {
+ counts.add(self.polymer[i]);
+ counts.append(self.count_between(self.polymer[i], self.polymer[i + 1], expansions));
+ }
+ counts.add(self.polymer[self.polymer.len() - 1]);
+ counts
+ }
+ fn count_between(
+ &mut self,
+ left: char,
+ right: char,
+ remaining_expansions: usize,
+ ) -> ElementCount {
+ if remaining_expansions == 0 {
+ ElementCount::default()
+ } else if let Some(cached) = self.cache.get(&(left, right, remaining_expansions)) {
+ cached.clone()
+ } else {
+ let mut counts = ElementCount::default();
+ let middle = self.rules.get(&[left, right]).expect("No rule!");
+ counts.add(middle);
+ counts.append(self.count_between(left, middle, remaining_expansions - 1));
+ counts.append(self.count_between(middle, right, remaining_expansions - 1));
+ self.cache
+ .insert((left, right, remaining_expansions), counts.clone());
+ counts
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
+struct ElementCount(BTreeMap<char, u64>);
+impl ElementCount {
+ fn add(&mut self, c: char) {
+ *self.0.entry(c).or_insert(0) += 1;
+ }
+ fn append(&mut self, other: ElementCount) {
+ for (key, val) in other.0 {
+ *self.0.entry(key).or_insert(0) += val;
+ }
+ }
+ fn most_common(&self) -> u64 {
+ self.0.values().max().cloned().unwrap_or(0)
+ }
+ fn least_common(&self) -> u64 {
+ self.0.values().min().cloned().unwrap_or(0)
+ }
+struct Rules {
+ rules: BTreeMap<[char; 2], char>,
+impl Rules {
+ fn get(&self, key: &[char; 2]) -> Option<char> {
+ self.rules.get(key).cloned()
+ }
+fn parse_polymer_expansion(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, PolymerExpansion> {
+ let (input, polymer) = map(alpha1, |s: &str| s.chars().collect())(input)?;
+ let (input, _) = many0(line_ending)(input)?;
+ let (input, rules) = parse_rules(input)?;
+ Ok((input, PolymerExpansion::new(polymer, rules)))
+fn parse_rules(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Rules> {
+ map(separated_list1(line_ending, parse_rule), |rules| Rules {
+ rules: rules.into_iter().collect(),
+ })(input)
+fn parse_rule(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, ([char; 2], char)> {
+ map(
+ tuple((anychar, anychar, tag(" -> "), anychar)),
+ |(p1, p2, _, r)| ([p1, p2], r),
+ )(input)
diff --git a/2021/src/bin/ b/2021/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6103384
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+use nom::{
+ character::complete::{line_ending, one_of},
+ combinator::{map, map_res},
+ multi::{many1, separated_list1},
+ IResult,
+use std::{collections::BTreeMap, fs};
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_15.txt")?;
+ let risk_grid = parse_risk_grid(&input).unwrap().1;
+ let big_risk_grid = risk_grid.expand();
+ {
+ let mut searcher = Searcher::new(risk_grid);
+ while searcher.end_risk().is_none() {
+ searcher.explore_next();
+ }
+ dbg!(searcher.end_risk());
+ }
+ {
+ let mut big_searcher = Searcher::new(big_risk_grid);
+ while big_searcher.end_risk().is_none() {
+ big_searcher.explore_next();
+ }
+ dbg!(big_searcher.end_risk());
+ }
+ Ok(())
+struct Searcher {
+ grid: RiskGrid,
+ frontier: Vec<(Risk, Point)>,
+ explored: BTreeMap<Point, Risk>,
+impl Searcher {
+ fn new(grid: RiskGrid) -> Searcher {
+ let start = grid.start();
+ let mut explored = BTreeMap::new();
+ explored.insert(start.clone(), Risk(0));
+ Searcher {
+ grid,
+ explored,
+ frontier: vec![(Risk(0), start)],
+ }
+ }
+ fn explore_next(&mut self) {
+ if let Some((next_risk, next_point)) = {
+ for (neighbour_risk, neighbour_point) in self.grid.neighbours(&next_point) {
+ if !self.explored.contains_key(&neighbour_point) {
+ let total_risk = next_risk + neighbour_risk;
+ self.explored.insert(neighbour_point.clone(), total_risk);
+, neighbour_point));
+ }
+ }
+|a, b| b.0.cmp(&a.0));
+ }
+ }
+ fn end_risk(&self) -> Option<Risk> {
+ self.explored.get(&self.grid.end()).cloned()
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
+struct Point {
+ x: usize,
+ y: usize,
+struct RiskGrid {
+ map: Vec<Vec<Risk>>,
+impl RiskGrid {
+ fn start(&self) -> Point {
+ Point { x: 0, y: 0 }
+ }
+ fn end(&self) -> Point {
+ let y = - 1;
+ let x =[y].len() - 1;
+ Point { x, y }
+ }
+ fn risk_at_point(&self, p: &Point) -> Option<Risk> {
+|row| row.get(p.x)).cloned()
+ }
+ fn neighbours(&self, p: &Point) -> Vec<(Risk, Point)> {
+ let mut neighbours = Vec::new();
+ if p.x > 0 {
+ let left = Point { x: p.x - 1, y: p.y };
+ if let Some(risk) = self.risk_at_point(&left) {
+ neighbours.push((risk, left));
+ }
+ }
+ if p.y > 0 {
+ let up = Point { x: p.x, y: p.y - 1 };
+ if let Some(risk) = self.risk_at_point(&up) {
+ neighbours.push((risk, up));
+ }
+ }
+ let right = Point { x: p.x + 1, y: p.y };
+ if let Some(risk) = self.risk_at_point(&right) {
+ neighbours.push((risk, right));
+ }
+ let down = Point { x: p.x, y: p.y + 1 };
+ if let Some(risk) = self.risk_at_point(&down) {
+ neighbours.push((risk, down));
+ }
+ neighbours
+ }
+ fn expand(&self) -> RiskGrid {
+ let mut new_map = Vec::new();
+ for y_repeat in 0..5 {
+ for original_row in & {
+ let mut new_row = Vec::new();
+ for x_repeat in 0..5 {
+ let risk_modifier = y_repeat + x_repeat;
+ for original_risk in original_row {
+ let modified_risk = original_risk.grid_wrap_increment(risk_modifier);
+ new_row.push(modified_risk);
+ }
+ }
+ new_map.push(new_row);
+ }
+ }
+ RiskGrid { map: new_map }
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, derive_more::Add, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
+struct Risk(u64);
+impl Risk {
+ fn grid_wrap_increment(&self, increment_count: u64) -> Risk {
+ let new = (self.0 + increment_count) % 9;
+ if new == 0 {
+ Risk(9)
+ } else {
+ Risk(new)
+ }
+ }
+fn parse_risk_grid(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, RiskGrid> {
+ map(separated_list1(line_ending, many1(parse_risk)), |risks| {
+ RiskGrid { map: risks }
+ })(input)
+fn parse_risk(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Risk> {
+ map_res(one_of("0123456789"), |digit| {
+ digit.to_string().parse().map(Risk)
+ })(input)
diff --git a/2021/src/bin/ b/2021/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..368ecc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+use nom::{
+ branch::alt,
+ bytes::complete::take,
+ character::complete::{char as nom_char, one_of},
+ combinator::{consumed, map, map_res},
+ error::FromExternalError,
+ multi::many0,
+ IResult,
+use std::fs;
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_16.txt")?;
+ let binary = convert_to_binary(&input).unwrap().1;
+ let packet = parse_packet(&binary).unwrap().1;
+ dbg!(packet.version_sum());
+ dbg!(packet.eval());
+ Ok(())
+struct Packet {
+ version: u8,
+ data: PacketData,
+impl Packet {
+ fn version_sum(&self) -> u32 {
+ self.version as u32
+ + match & {
+ PacketData::Literal(_) => 0,
+ PacketData::Operator(data) => {
+ data.sub_packets.iter().map(|p| p.version_sum()).sum()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn eval(&self) -> u64 {
+ match & {
+ PacketData::Literal(val) => *val,
+ PacketData::Operator(data) => data.eval(),
+ }
+ }
+enum PacketData {
+ Literal(u64),
+ Operator(OperatorData),
+struct OperatorData {
+ type_id: OperatorType,
+ sub_packets: Vec<Packet>,
+impl OperatorData {
+ fn eval(&self) -> u64 {
+ match &self.type_id {
+ OperatorType::Sum => self.sub_packets.iter().map(|p| p.eval()).sum(),
+ OperatorType::Product => self.sub_packets.iter().map(|p| p.eval()).product(),
+ OperatorType::Minimum => self.sub_packets.iter().map(|p| p.eval()).min().unwrap_or(0),
+ OperatorType::Maximum => self.sub_packets.iter().map(|p| p.eval()).max().unwrap_or(0),
+ OperatorType::GreaterThan => {
+ if self.sub_packets[0].eval() > self.sub_packets[1].eval() {
+ 1
+ } else {
+ 0
+ }
+ }
+ OperatorType::LessThan => {
+ if self.sub_packets[0].eval() < self.sub_packets[1].eval() {
+ 1
+ } else {
+ 0
+ }
+ }
+ OperatorType::EqualTo => {
+ if self.sub_packets[0].eval() == self.sub_packets[1].eval() {
+ 1
+ } else {
+ 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+enum OperatorType {
+ Sum,
+ Product,
+ Minimum,
+ Maximum,
+ GreaterThan,
+ LessThan,
+ EqualTo,
+#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
+enum OperatorError {
+ #[error("type was not a valid operator")]
+ InvalidType,
+impl TryFrom<u8> for OperatorType {
+ type Error = OperatorError;
+ fn try_from(num: u8) -> Result<Self, OperatorError> {
+ match num {
+ 0 => Ok(Self::Sum),
+ 1 => Ok(Self::Product),
+ 2 => Ok(Self::Minimum),
+ 3 => Ok(Self::Maximum),
+ 5 => Ok(Self::GreaterThan),
+ 6 => Ok(Self::LessThan),
+ 7 => Ok(Self::EqualTo),
+ _ => Err(OperatorError::InvalidType),
+ }
+ }
+fn convert_to_binary(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, String> {
+ map(
+ many0(map(one_of("0123456789ABCDEF"), |hex_char| {
+ let digit = hex_char.to_digit(16).unwrap();
+ format!("{:04b}", digit)
+ })),
+ |bin_strings| bin_strings.join(""),
+ )(input)
+fn parse_packet(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Packet> {
+ let (input, version) = parse_bits3(input)?;
+ let (input, type_id) = parse_bits3(input)?;
+ if type_id == 4 {
+ let (input, literal) = parse_literal(input)?;
+ Ok((
+ input,
+ Packet {
+ version,
+ data: PacketData::Literal(literal),
+ },
+ ))
+ } else {
+ let (input, sub_packets) =
+ alt((parse_sub_packets_bits_mode, parse_sub_packets_count_mode))(input)?;
+ Ok((
+ input,
+ Packet {
+ version,
+ data: PacketData::Operator(OperatorData {
+ type_id: type_id.try_into().expect("Invalid operator"),
+ sub_packets,
+ }),
+ },
+ ))
+ }
+fn parse_bits3(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, u8> {
+ map_res(take(3usize), |bin_str| u8::from_str_radix(bin_str, 2))(input)
+fn parse_literal(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, u64> {
+ let (input, mut chunks) = many0(parse_literal_continuing_chunk)(input)?;
+ let (input, last_chunk) = parse_literal_last_chunk(input)?;
+ chunks.push(last_chunk);
+ let binary_num = chunks.join("");
+ let num = u64::from_str_radix(&binary_num, 2).map_err(|e| {
+ nom::Err::Error(nom::error::Error::from_external_error(
+ input,
+ nom::error::ErrorKind::MapRes,
+ e,
+ ))
+ })?;
+ Ok((input, num))
+fn parse_literal_continuing_chunk(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
+ let (input, _) = nom_char('1')(input)?;
+ take(4usize)(input)
+fn parse_literal_last_chunk(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
+ let (input, _) = nom_char('0')(input)?;
+ take(4usize)(input)
+fn parse_sub_packets_bits_mode(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<Packet>> {
+ let (input, _) = nom_char('0')(input)?;
+ let (mut input, length_in_bits) =
+ map_res(take(15usize), |bin_str| usize::from_str_radix(bin_str, 2))(input)?;
+ let mut consumed_by_subpackets = String::new();
+ let mut sub_packets = Vec::new();
+ while consumed_by_subpackets.len() < length_in_bits {
+ let (next_input, (next_consumed, next_packet)) = consumed(parse_packet)(input)?;
+ input = next_input;
+ consumed_by_subpackets += next_consumed;
+ sub_packets.push(next_packet);
+ }
+ Ok((input, sub_packets))
+fn parse_sub_packets_count_mode(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<Packet>> {
+ let (input, _) = nom_char('1')(input)?;
+ let (mut input, number_of_packets) =
+ map_res(take(11usize), |bin_str| u16::from_str_radix(bin_str, 2))(input)?;
+ let mut sub_packets = Vec::new();
+ for _ in 0..number_of_packets {
+ let (next_input, next_packet) = parse_packet(input)?;
+ input = next_input;
+ sub_packets.push(next_packet);
+ }
+ Ok((input, sub_packets))
diff --git a/2021/src/bin/ b/2021/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d60240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+use nom::{
+ bytes::complete::tag, character::complete::i32 as nom_i32, combinator::map, sequence::tuple,
+ IResult,
+use std::fs;
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_17.txt")?;
+ let target = parse_target(&input).unwrap().1;
+ let max_y_throw = 0 - target.min_y - 1;
+ let max_height = max_y_throw * (max_y_throw + 1) / 2;
+ dbg!(max_height);
+ let min_y_throw = target.min_y;
+ let max_x_throw = target.max_x;
+ let min_x_throw = (2.0 * target.min_x as f32).sqrt() as i32;
+ let mut count = 0;
+ for x in min_x_throw..=max_x_throw {
+ for y in min_y_throw..=max_y_throw {
+ if simulate_throw(x, y, &target) {
+ count += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dbg!(count);
+ Ok(())
+fn simulate_throw(mut x_vel: i32, mut y_vel: i32, target: &TargetArea) -> bool {
+ let mut x_pos = 0;
+ let mut y_pos = 0;
+ loop {
+ x_pos += x_vel;
+ y_pos += y_vel;
+ if x_vel > 0 {
+ x_vel -= 1;
+ }
+ y_vel -= 1;
+ if x_pos >= target.min_x
+ && x_pos <= target.max_x
+ && y_pos >= target.min_y
+ && y_pos <= target.max_y
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if x_pos > target.max_x || y_pos < target.min_y {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+struct TargetArea {
+ min_x: i32,
+ max_x: i32,
+ min_y: i32,
+ max_y: i32,
+fn parse_target(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, TargetArea> {
+ map(
+ tuple((
+ tag("target area: x="),
+ nom_i32,
+ tag(".."),
+ nom_i32,
+ tag(", y="),
+ nom_i32,
+ tag(".."),
+ nom_i32,
+ )),
+ |(_, min_x, _, max_x, _, min_y, _, max_y)| TargetArea {
+ min_x,
+ max_x,
+ min_y,
+ max_y,
+ },
+ )(input)
diff --git a/2021/src/bin/ b/2021/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b77f1f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+use nom::{
+ branch::alt,
+ character::complete::{char as nom_char, line_ending, u8 as nom_u8},
+ combinator::map,
+ multi::separated_list1,
+ sequence::tuple,
+ IResult,
+use std::fs;
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_18.txt")?;
+ let snail_nums = parse_snail_nums(&input).unwrap().1;
+ {
+ let mut snail_nums_iter = snail_nums.clone().into_iter();
+ let sum = snail_nums_iter
+ .next()
+ .map(|first_num| snail_nums_iter.fold(first_num, |acc, next| acc + next))
+ .expect("Expected at least one snail number");
+ dbg!(&sum);
+ dbg!(sum.magnitude());
+ }
+ let mut max_magnitude = 0;
+ for i in 0..snail_nums.len() {
+ for j in 0..snail_nums.len() {
+ if i != j {
+ let new_magnitude = (snail_nums[i].clone() + snail_nums[j].clone()).magnitude();
+ if new_magnitude > max_magnitude {
+ max_magnitude = new_magnitude;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dbg!(max_magnitude);
+ Ok(())
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+enum SnailNum {
+ Regular(u8),
+ Pair(Box<SnailNum>, Box<SnailNum>),
+impl Default for SnailNum {
+ fn default() -> SnailNum {
+ SnailNum::Regular(0)
+ }
+#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
+enum NormalizeResult {
+ AlreadyNormalized,
+ NormalizeActionHandledInternally,
+ Explode(u8, u8),
+impl SnailNum {
+ fn unwrap_val(&self) -> u8 {
+ match self {
+ SnailNum::Regular(val) => *val,
+ SnailNum::Pair(_, _) => panic!("unwrapped the val on a pair"),
+ }
+ }
+ fn add_to_left(&mut self, add: u8) {
+ match self {
+ Self::Regular(val) => *val += add,
+ Self::Pair(left, _) => left.add_to_left(add),
+ }
+ }
+ fn add_to_right(&mut self, add: u8) {
+ match self {
+ Self::Regular(val) => *val += add,
+ Self::Pair(_, right) => right.add_to_right(add),
+ }
+ }
+ fn normalize_split_pass(&mut self) -> NormalizeResult {
+ match self {
+ Self::Regular(val) => {
+ if *val > 9 {
+ let half = *val / 2;
+ *self = SnailNum::Pair(
+ Box::new(SnailNum::Regular(half)),
+ Box::new(SnailNum::Regular(if *val % 2 == 0 {
+ half
+ } else {
+ half + 1
+ })),
+ );
+ return NormalizeResult::NormalizeActionHandledInternally;
+ }
+ }
+ Self::Pair(left, right) => {
+ match left.normalize_split_pass() {
+ NormalizeResult::AlreadyNormalized => {}
+ _ => {
+ return NormalizeResult::NormalizeActionHandledInternally;
+ }
+ }
+ match right.normalize_split_pass() {
+ NormalizeResult::AlreadyNormalized => {}
+ _ => {
+ return NormalizeResult::NormalizeActionHandledInternally;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ NormalizeResult::AlreadyNormalized
+ }
+ fn normalize_explode_pass(&mut self, current_depth: u8) -> NormalizeResult {
+ match self {
+ Self::Regular(_val) => {}
+ Self::Pair(left, right) => {
+ if current_depth >= 4 {
+ let result = NormalizeResult::Explode(left.unwrap_val(), right.unwrap_val());
+ *self = SnailNum::Regular(0);
+ return result;
+ }
+ match left.normalize_explode_pass(current_depth + 1) {
+ NormalizeResult::AlreadyNormalized => {}
+ NormalizeResult::NormalizeActionHandledInternally => {
+ return NormalizeResult::NormalizeActionHandledInternally;
+ }
+ NormalizeResult::Explode(leftadd, rightadd) => {
+ right.add_to_left(rightadd);
+ return NormalizeResult::Explode(leftadd, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ match right.normalize_explode_pass(current_depth + 1) {
+ NormalizeResult::AlreadyNormalized => {}
+ NormalizeResult::NormalizeActionHandledInternally => {
+ return NormalizeResult::NormalizeActionHandledInternally;
+ }
+ NormalizeResult::Explode(leftadd, rightadd) => {
+ left.add_to_right(leftadd);
+ return NormalizeResult::Explode(0, rightadd);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ NormalizeResult::AlreadyNormalized
+ }
+ fn normalize(&mut self) {
+ let mut normalized = false;
+ while !normalized {
+ let explode_result = self.normalize_explode_pass(0);
+ if explode_result == NormalizeResult::AlreadyNormalized {
+ let split_result = self.normalize_split_pass();
+ if split_result == NormalizeResult::AlreadyNormalized {
+ normalized = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn magnitude(&self) -> u64 {
+ match self {
+ Self::Regular(val) => *val as u64,
+ Self::Pair(left, right) => 3 * left.magnitude() + 2 * right.magnitude(),
+ }
+ }
+impl std::ops::Add<SnailNum> for SnailNum {
+ type Output = SnailNum;
+ fn add(self, other: SnailNum) -> SnailNum {
+ let mut result = SnailNum::Pair(Box::new(self), Box::new(other));
+ result.normalize();
+ result
+ }
+fn parse_snail_nums(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<SnailNum>> {
+ separated_list1(line_ending, parse_snail_num)(input)
+fn parse_snail_num(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, SnailNum> {
+ alt((
+ map(nom_u8, SnailNum::Regular),
+ map(
+ tuple((
+ nom_char('['),
+ parse_snail_num,
+ nom_char(','),
+ parse_snail_num,
+ nom_char(']'),
+ )),
+ |(_, left, _, right, _)| SnailNum::Pair(Box::new(left), Box::new(right)),
+ ),
+ ))(input)
diff --git a/2021/src/bin/ b/2021/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fd8291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+use nom::{
+ bytes::complete::tag,
+ character::complete::{char as nom_char, i32 as nom_i32, line_ending, not_line_ending},
+ combinator::map,
+ multi::{many1, separated_list1},
+ sequence::tuple,
+ IResult,
+use std::{collections::BTreeSet, fs};
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_19.txt")?;
+ let mut scanner_data = parse_scanner_cloud(&input).unwrap().1;
+ scanner_data.align_scanners();
+ let beacons = scanner_data.combine_beacons();
+ dbg!(&beacons.len());
+ dbg!(scanner_data.max_aligned_sensor_distance());
+ Ok(())
+#[derive(Default, Debug)]
+struct ScannerCloud {
+ aligned_scanners: Vec<Scanner>,
+ aligned_checking_for_neighbours_scanners: Vec<Scanner>,
+ unaligned_scanners: Vec<Scanner>,
+impl ScannerCloud {
+ fn new(mut scanners: Vec<Scanner>) -> ScannerCloud {
+ if let Some(first_aligned_scanner) = scanners.pop() {
+ ScannerCloud {
+ aligned_scanners: Vec::new(),
+ aligned_checking_for_neighbours_scanners: vec![first_aligned_scanner],
+ unaligned_scanners: scanners,
+ }
+ } else {
+ ScannerCloud::default()
+ }
+ }
+ fn align_scanners(&mut self) {
+ while let Some(current_aligned_scanner) =
+ self.aligned_checking_for_neighbours_scanners.pop()
+ {
+ let mut to_remove_indices = Vec::new();
+ for i in 0..self.unaligned_scanners.len() {
+ if let Some(aligned) =
+ self.unaligned_scanners[i].try_align_with(&current_aligned_scanner)
+ {
+ to_remove_indices.push(i);
+ self.aligned_checking_for_neighbours_scanners.push(aligned);
+ }
+ }
+ for i in to_remove_indices.into_iter().rev() {
+ self.unaligned_scanners.remove(i);
+ }
+ self.aligned_scanners.push(current_aligned_scanner);
+ }
+ assert_eq!(
+ self.unaligned_scanners.len(),
+ 0,
+ "Not all scanners were aligned"
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ self.aligned_checking_for_neighbours_scanners.len(),
+ 0,
+ "Not all aligned scanners were processed"
+ );
+ }
+ fn combine_beacons(&self) -> BTreeSet<Point> {
+ let mut combined_beacons = BTreeSet::new();
+ for scanner in &self.aligned_scanners {
+ combined_beacons.append(&mut scanner.beacons.clone())
+ }
+ combined_beacons
+ }
+ fn max_aligned_sensor_distance(&self) -> i32 {
+ let mut max_distance = 0;
+ for a in &self.aligned_scanners {
+ for b in &self.aligned_scanners {
+ let distance = a.position.manhattan_distance(&b.position);
+ if distance > max_distance {
+ max_distance = distance;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ max_distance
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+struct Scanner {
+ position: Point,
+ beacons: BTreeSet<Point>,
+impl Scanner {
+ fn try_align_with(&self, other: &Scanner) -> Option<Scanner> {
+ for (roll, pitch) in [(0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 0), (0, 1), (0, 3)] {
+ for yaw in [0, 1, 2, 3] {
+ let candidate = self.spin(roll, pitch, yaw);
+ for candidate_position in candidate.beacons.iter() {
+ for other_position in other.beacons.iter() {
+ let aligned_candidate =
+ candidate.position(*other_position - *candidate_position);
+ if aligned_candidate.count_overlap(other) >= 12 {
+ return Some(aligned_candidate);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ None
+ }
+ fn spin(&self, roll: u8, pitch: u8, yaw: u8) -> Scanner {
+ let beacons = self
+ .beacons
+ .clone()
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|mut beacon| {
+ for _ in 0..roll {
+ beacon = beacon.roll();
+ }
+ beacon
+ })
+ .map(|mut beacon| {
+ for _ in 0..pitch {
+ beacon = beacon.pitch();
+ }
+ beacon
+ })
+ .map(|mut beacon| {
+ for _ in 0..yaw {
+ beacon = beacon.yaw();
+ }
+ beacon
+ })
+ .collect();
+ Scanner {
+ position: self.position, // this is wrong, but doesn't matter because we spin then position
+ beacons,
+ }
+ }
+ fn position(&self, offset: Point) -> Scanner {
+ Scanner {
+ position: self.position + offset,
+ beacons: self.beacons.iter().map(|b| *b + offset).collect(),
+ }
+ }
+ fn count_overlap(&self, other: &Scanner) -> usize {
+ self.beacons.intersection(&other.beacons).count()
+ }
+ Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone, Copy, derive_more::Sub, derive_more::Add,
+struct Point {
+ x: i32,
+ y: i32,
+ z: i32,
+impl Point {
+ fn roll(self) -> Self {
+ Point {
+ x: self.x,
+ y: self.z,
+ z: -self.y,
+ }
+ }
+ fn pitch(self) -> Self {
+ Point {
+ x: -self.z,
+ y: self.y,
+ z: self.x,
+ }
+ }
+ fn yaw(self) -> Self {
+ Point {
+ x: -self.y,
+ y: self.x,
+ z: self.z,
+ }
+ }
+ fn manhattan_distance(&self, other: &Point) -> i32 {
+ (self.x - other.x).abs() + (self.y - other.y).abs() + (self.z - other.z).abs()
+ }
+fn parse_scanner_cloud(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, ScannerCloud> {
+ map(
+ separated_list1(many1(line_ending), parse_scanner),
+ ScannerCloud::new,
+ )(input)
+fn parse_scanner(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Scanner> {
+ let (input, _) = tuple((tag("--- scanner"), not_line_ending, line_ending))(input)?;
+ map(separated_list1(line_ending, parse_point), |beacons| {
+ Scanner {
+ position: Point::default(),
+ beacons: beacons.into_iter().collect(),
+ }
+ })(input)
+fn parse_point(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Point> {
+ map(
+ tuple((nom_i32, nom_char(','), nom_i32, nom_char(','), nom_i32)),
+ |(x, _, y, _, z)| Point { x, y, z },
+ )(input)
diff --git a/2021/src/bin/ b/2021/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08d01c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+use nom::{
+ branch::alt,
+ bytes::complete::tag,
+ character::complete::{i64 as nom_i64, line_ending, space1},
+ combinator::{map, value},
+ multi::separated_list1,
+ sequence::tuple,
+ IResult,
+use std::fs;
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_2.txt")?;
+ let route = parse_route(&input).unwrap().1;
+ let mut position = Position::default();
+ for instruction in &route {
+ position.advance(&instruction);
+ }
+ dbg!(position.horizontal.0 * position.depth.0);
+ Ok(())
+struct Route(Vec<Instruction>);
+impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a Route {
+ type Item = &'a Instruction;
+ type IntoIter = std::slice::Iter<'a, Instruction>;
+ fn into_iter(self) -> <Self as IntoIterator>::IntoIter {
+ self.0.iter()
+ }
+struct Instruction {
+ direction: Direction,
+ distance: Distance,
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+enum Direction {
+ Forward,
+ Up,
+ Down,
+ Default,
+ Debug,
+ Clone,
+ Copy,
+ derive_more::Add,
+ derive_more::AddAssign,
+ derive_more::Sub,
+ derive_more::SubAssign,
+struct Distance(i64);
+#[derive(Default, Debug)]
+struct Position {
+ horizontal: Distance,
+ depth: Distance,
+impl Position {
+ fn advance(&mut self, instruction: &Instruction) {
+ match instruction.direction {
+ Direction::Forward => self.horizontal += instruction.distance,
+ Direction::Down => self.depth += instruction.distance,
+ Direction::Up => self.depth -= instruction.distance,
+ }
+ }
+fn parse_route(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Route> {
+ map(separated_list1(line_ending, parse_instruction), Route)(input)
+fn parse_instruction(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Instruction> {
+ map(
+ tuple((parse_direction, space1, parse_distance)),
+ |(direction, _, distance)| Instruction {
+ direction,
+ distance,
+ },
+ )(input)
+fn parse_direction(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Direction> {
+ alt((
+ value(Direction::Forward, tag("forward")),
+ value(Direction::Up, tag("up")),
+ value(Direction::Down, tag("down")),
+ ))(input)
+fn parse_distance(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Distance> {
+ map(nom_i64, Distance)(input)
diff --git a/2021/src/bin/ b/2021/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b42658
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+use nom::{
+ branch::alt,
+ character::complete::{char as nom_char, line_ending},
+ combinator::{map, map_res, value},
+ multi::{many1, separated_list1},
+ sequence::tuple,
+ IResult,
+use std::{collections::BTreeSet, fs};
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_20.txt")?;
+ let mut enhanceable_image = parse_enhanceable_image(&input).unwrap().1;
+ for _ in 0..2 {
+ enhanceable_image = enhanceable_image.enhance();
+ }
+ dbg!(enhanceable_image.image.count_light_spots().unwrap());
+ for _ in 2..50 {
+ enhanceable_image = enhanceable_image.enhance();
+ }
+ dbg!(enhanceable_image.image.count_light_spots().unwrap());
+ Ok(())
+struct EnhanceableImage {
+ enhancement_lights: [bool; 512],
+ image: Image,
+impl EnhanceableImage {
+ fn enhance(&self) -> EnhanceableImage {
+ let current_background_dark = matches!(self.image, Image::LightSpots(_));
+ let next_background_dark =
+ !self.enhancement_lights[if current_background_dark { 0 } else { 511 }];
+ let mut spots = BTreeSet::new();
+ let top_left = self.image.top_left(1);
+ let bottom_right = self.image.bottom_right(1);
+ for y in top_left.y..=bottom_right.y {
+ for x in top_left.x..=bottom_right.x {
+ let center = Point { x, y };
+ let surrounds = center.surrounds();
+ let number = self.image.to_number(surrounds);
+ let center_is_light = self.enhancement_lights[number];
+ if center_is_light == next_background_dark {
+ spots.insert(center);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ EnhanceableImage {
+ enhancement_lights: self.enhancement_lights.clone(),
+ image: if next_background_dark {
+ Image::LightSpots(spots)
+ } else {
+ Image::DarkSpots(spots)
+ },
+ }
+ }
+enum Image {
+ LightSpots(BTreeSet<Point>),
+ DarkSpots(BTreeSet<Point>),
+enum ImageError {
+ InfiniteLight,
+impl Image {
+ fn count_light_spots(&self) -> Result<usize, ImageError> {
+ match self {
+ Self::LightSpots(spots) => Ok(spots.len()),
+ Self::DarkSpots(_) => Err(ImageError::InfiniteLight),
+ }
+ }
+ fn top_left(&self, margin: i32) -> Point {
+ let (Self::LightSpots(spots) | Self::DarkSpots(spots)) = self;
+ let min_x = spots.iter().map(|p| p.x).min().unwrap_or(0);
+ let min_y = spots.iter().map(|p| p.y).min().unwrap_or(0);
+ Point {
+ x: min_x - margin,
+ y: min_y - margin,
+ }
+ }
+ fn bottom_right(&self, margin: i32) -> Point {
+ let (Self::LightSpots(spots) | Self::DarkSpots(spots)) = self;
+ let max_x = spots.iter().map(|p| p.x).max().unwrap_or(0);
+ let max_y = spots.iter().map(|p| p.y).max().unwrap_or(0);
+ Point {
+ x: max_x + margin,
+ y: max_y + margin,
+ }
+ }
+ fn to_number(&self, bit_locations: [Point; 9]) -> usize {
+ let mut result = 0;
+ for bit_location in bit_locations {
+ result <<= 1;
+ let next_is_1 = match self {
+ Self::LightSpots(spots) => spots.contains(&bit_location),
+ Self::DarkSpots(spots) => !spots.contains(&bit_location),
+ };
+ if next_is_1 {
+ result += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ result
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
+struct Point {
+ x: i32,
+ y: i32,
+impl Point {
+ fn surrounds(&self) -> [Point; 9] {
+ [
+ Point {
+ x: self.x - 1,
+ y: self.y - 1,
+ },
+ Point {
+ x: self.x,
+ y: self.y - 1,
+ },
+ Point {
+ x: self.x + 1,
+ y: self.y - 1,
+ },
+ Point {
+ x: self.x - 1,
+ y: self.y,
+ },
+ Point {
+ x: self.x,
+ y: self.y,
+ },
+ Point {
+ x: self.x + 1,
+ y: self.y,
+ },
+ Point {
+ x: self.x - 1,
+ y: self.y + 1,
+ },
+ Point {
+ x: self.x,
+ y: self.y + 1,
+ },
+ Point {
+ x: self.x + 1,
+ y: self.y + 1,
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+fn parse_enhanceable_image(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, EnhanceableImage> {
+ map(
+ tuple((parse_enhancement_lights, many1(line_ending), parse_image)),
+ |(enhancement_lights, _, image)| EnhanceableImage {
+ enhancement_lights,
+ image,
+ },
+ )(input)
+fn parse_enhancement_lights(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, [bool; 512]> {
+ map_res(many1(parse_pixel), |pixels| pixels.try_into())(input)
+fn parse_image(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Image> {
+ map(separated_list1(line_ending, many1(parse_pixel)), |pixels| {
+ let mut result = BTreeSet::new();
+ for (y, row) in pixels.into_iter().enumerate() {
+ for (x, light) in row.into_iter().enumerate() {
+ if light {
+ result.insert(Point {
+ x: x as i32,
+ y: y as i32,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Image::LightSpots(result)
+ })(input)
+fn parse_pixel(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, bool> {
+ alt((value(true, nom_char('#')), value(false, nom_char('.'))))(input)
diff --git a/2021/src/bin/ b/2021/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..245a0e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+use cached::proc_macro::cached;
+use nom::{
+ bytes::complete::tag,
+ character::complete::u32 as nom_u32,
+ combinator::map,
+ sequence::{preceded, tuple},
+ IResult,
+use std::fs;
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_21.txt")?;
+ let player_positions = parse_starting_positions(&input).unwrap().1;
+ {
+ let mut player_positions = player_positions.clone();
+ let mut player_scores = [0, 0];
+ let mut dice = (1..=100).cycle().enumerate().peekable();
+ let mut player_turn = 0;
+ while player_scores[0] < 1000 && player_scores[1] < 1000 {
+ let dice_roll: u32 = dice.by_ref().take(3).map(|(_, roll)| roll).sum();
+ player_positions[player_turn] = (player_positions[player_turn] + dice_roll) % 10;
+ if player_positions[player_turn] == 0 {
+ player_positions[player_turn] = 10;
+ }
+ player_scores[player_turn] += player_positions[player_turn];
+ player_turn = (player_turn + 1) % 2;
+ }
+ let losing_score = player_scores.iter().min().cloned().unwrap_or(0);
+ let dice_roll_count = dice.peek().unwrap().0;
+ dbg!((losing_score, dice_roll_count));
+ dbg!(losing_score * dice_roll_count as u32);
+ }
+ let win_counts = player_win_counts(player_positions, [0, 0]);
+ dbg!(win_counts);
+ dbg!(win_counts.into_iter().max().unwrap_or(0));
+ Ok(())
+fn player_win_counts(player_positions: [u32; 2], player_scores: [u32; 2]) -> [u64; 2] {
+ let mut win_counts = [0; 2];
+ for dice_roll_1 in 1..=3 {
+ for dice_roll_2 in 1..=3 {
+ for dice_roll_3 in 1..=3 {
+ let dice_roll = dice_roll_1 + dice_roll_2 + dice_roll_3;
+ let mut new_position = (player_positions[0] + dice_roll) % 10;
+ if new_position == 0 {
+ new_position = 10;
+ }
+ let new_score = player_scores[0] + new_position;
+ if new_score >= 21 {
+ win_counts[0] += 1;
+ } else {
+ let recursive_wins = player_win_counts(
+ [player_positions[1], new_position],
+ [player_scores[1], new_score],
+ );
+ win_counts[0] += recursive_wins[1];
+ win_counts[1] += recursive_wins[0];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ win_counts
+fn parse_starting_positions(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, [u32; 2]> {
+ map(
+ tuple((
+ preceded(tag("Player 1 starting position: "), nom_u32),
+ preceded(tag("\nPlayer 2 starting position: "), nom_u32),
+ )),
+ |(a, b)| [a, b],
+ )(input)
diff --git a/2021/src/bin/ b/2021/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85d9ec9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+use nom::{
+ branch::alt,
+ bytes::complete::tag,
+ character::complete::{i32 as nom_i32, line_ending},
+ combinator::{map, value},
+ multi::separated_list1,
+ sequence::tuple,
+ IResult,
+use std::{cmp, fs};
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_22.txt")?;
+ let instructions = parse_instructions(&input).unwrap().1;
+ {
+ let bounds_50 = Block {
+ min_x: -50,
+ max_x: 51,
+ min_y: -50,
+ max_y: 51,
+ min_z: -50,
+ max_z: 51,
+ };
+ let mut octtree_50 = OctTree::default();
+ for instruction in &instructions {
+ octtree_50.set_block(&bounds_50, &instruction.bounds, instruction.new_state);
+ }
+ dbg!(octtree_50.count_on_blocks(&bounds_50));
+ }
+ {
+ let problem_boundary = Block {
+ min_x: instructions
+ .iter()
+ .map(|i| i.bounds.min_x)
+ .min()
+ .unwrap_or(0),
+ max_x: instructions
+ .iter()
+ .map(|i| i.bounds.max_x)
+ .max()
+ .unwrap_or(0),
+ min_y: instructions
+ .iter()
+ .map(|i| i.bounds.min_y)
+ .min()
+ .unwrap_or(0),
+ max_y: instructions
+ .iter()
+ .map(|i| i.bounds.max_y)
+ .max()
+ .unwrap_or(0),
+ min_z: instructions
+ .iter()
+ .map(|i| i.bounds.min_z)
+ .min()
+ .unwrap_or(0),
+ max_z: instructions
+ .iter()
+ .map(|i| i.bounds.max_z)
+ .max()
+ .unwrap_or(0),
+ }
+ .expand_to_power_cube();
+ // This chunking and adding partial solutions is necessary
+ // because I can't fit the whole thing in memory at once :(
+ // It runs really slowly.
+ let mut count = 0;
+ for chunk_index in 0..8 {
+ let problem_boundary = problem_boundary.oct_chunk(chunk_index);
+ for chunk_index in 0..8 {
+ let problem_boundary = problem_boundary.oct_chunk(chunk_index);
+ for chunk_index in 0..8 {
+ let problem_boundary = problem_boundary.oct_chunk(chunk_index);
+ let mut octtree = OctTree::default();
+ for instruction in &instructions {
+ octtree.set_block(
+ &problem_boundary,
+ &instruction.bounds,
+ instruction.new_state,
+ );
+ }
+ count += dbg!(octtree.count_on_blocks(&problem_boundary));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dbg!(count);
+ }
+ Ok(())
+#[derive(Default, Clone)]
+struct OctTree {
+ data: OctTreeData,
+impl OctTree {
+ fn set_block(&mut self, self_bounds: &Block, bounds: &Block, new_val: bool) {
+ if bounds.completely_covers(self_bounds) {
+ = new_val.into();
+ } else if bounds.intersects(self_bounds) {
+ match &mut {
+ OctTreeData::AllOff => {
+ if new_val {
+ self.split(self_bounds);
+ self.set_block(self_bounds, bounds, new_val);
+ }
+ }
+ OctTreeData::AllOn => {
+ if !new_val {
+ self.split(self_bounds);
+ self.set_block(self_bounds, bounds, new_val);
+ }
+ }
+ OctTreeData::BitSet(ref mut bits) => {
+ let min_x = cmp::max(self_bounds.min_x, bounds.min_x);
+ let max_x = cmp::min(self_bounds.max_x, bounds.max_x);
+ let min_x_index = (min_x - self_bounds.min_x) as usize;
+ let max_x_index = min_x_index + (max_x - min_x) as usize;
+ let min_y = cmp::max(self_bounds.min_y, bounds.min_y);
+ let max_y = cmp::min(self_bounds.max_y, bounds.max_y);
+ let min_y_index = (min_y - self_bounds.min_y) as usize;
+ let max_y_index = min_y_index + (max_y - min_y) as usize;
+ let min_z = cmp::max(self_bounds.min_z, bounds.min_z);
+ let max_z = cmp::min(self_bounds.max_z, bounds.max_z);
+ let min_z_index = (min_z - self_bounds.min_z) as usize;
+ let max_z_index = min_z_index + (max_z - min_z) as usize;
+ for z_index in min_z_index..max_z_index {
+ let z_bit_index = z_index << 4;
+ for y_index in min_y_index..max_y_index {
+ let y_bit_index = y_index << 2;
+ for x_index in min_x_index..max_x_index {
+ let x_bit_index = x_index;
+ let bit_mask = 1u64 << (z_bit_index + y_bit_index + x_bit_index);
+ if new_val {
+ *bits |= bit_mask;
+ } else {
+ *bits &= !bit_mask;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if *bits == 0 {
+ = OctTreeData::AllOff;
+ } else if *bits == !0u64 {
+ = OctTreeData::AllOn;
+ }
+ }
+ OctTreeData::Diverse(ref mut subtrees) => {
+ for (sub_index, sub) in subtrees.iter_mut().enumerate() {
+ sub.set_block(&self_bounds.oct_chunk(sub_index as u8), bounds, new_val);
+ }
+ if subtrees
+ .iter()
+ .all(|sub| matches!(, OctTreeData::AllOn))
+ {
+ = OctTreeData::AllOn;
+ } else if subtrees
+ .iter()
+ .all(|sub| matches!(, OctTreeData::AllOff))
+ {
+ = OctTreeData::AllOff;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ fn split(&mut self, self_bounds: &Block) {
+ assert!(!matches!(, OctTreeData::Diverse(_)));
+ if self_bounds.volume() == 64 {
+ let new_bitset = match {
+ OctTreeData::AllOn => !0u64,
+ OctTreeData::AllOff => 0,
+ _ => panic!("weird split"),
+ };
+ = OctTreeData::BitSet(new_bitset);
+ } else {
+ let template = OctTree {
+ data:,
+ };
+ = OctTreeData::Diverse(Box::new([
+ template.clone(),
+ template.clone(),
+ template.clone(),
+ template.clone(),
+ template.clone(),
+ template.clone(),
+ template.clone(),
+ template.clone(),
+ ]));
+ }
+ }
+ fn count_on_blocks(&self, self_bounds: &Block) -> usize {
+ match & {
+ OctTreeData::AllOff => 0,
+ OctTreeData::AllOn => self_bounds.volume(),
+ OctTreeData::BitSet(bitset) => bitset.count_ones() as usize,
+ OctTreeData::Diverse(subtrees) => subtrees
+ .iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(index, sub)| sub.count_on_blocks(&self_bounds.oct_chunk(index as u8)))
+ .sum(),
+ }
+ }
+enum OctTreeData {
+ AllOff,
+ AllOn,
+ BitSet(u64),
+ Diverse(Box<[OctTree; 8]>),
+impl Default for OctTreeData {
+ fn default() -> OctTreeData {
+ Self::AllOff
+ }
+impl From<bool> for OctTreeData {
+ fn from(b: bool) -> Self {
+ if b {
+ Self::AllOn
+ } else {
+ Self::AllOff
+ }
+ }
+struct Instruction {
+ new_state: bool,
+ bounds: Block,
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+struct Block {
+ min_x: i32,
+ max_x: i32,
+ min_y: i32,
+ max_y: i32,
+ min_z: i32,
+ max_z: i32,
+impl Block {
+ fn volume(&self) -> usize {
+ let x = (self.max_x - self.min_x) as usize;
+ let y = (self.max_y - self.min_y) as usize;
+ let z = (self.max_z - self.min_z) as usize;
+ x * y * z
+ }
+ fn completely_covers(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
+ self.min_x <= other.min_x
+ && self.max_x >= other.max_x
+ && self.min_y <= other.min_y
+ && self.max_y >= other.max_y
+ && self.min_z <= other.min_z
+ && self.max_z >= other.max_z
+ }
+ fn intersects(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
+ if self.max_x <= other.min_x
+ || self.min_x >= other.max_x
+ || self.max_y <= other.min_y
+ || self.min_y >= other.max_y
+ || self.max_z <= other.min_z
+ || self.min_z >= other.max_z
+ {
+ false
+ } else {
+ true
+ }
+ }
+ fn oct_chunk(&self, chunk: u8) -> Block {
+ let lower_x = (chunk & 1) == 0;
+ let lower_y = (chunk & 2) == 0;
+ let lower_z = (chunk & 4) == 0;
+ let mid_x = (self.min_x + self.max_x) / 2;
+ let mid_y = (self.min_y + self.max_y) / 2;
+ let mid_z = (self.min_z + self.max_z) / 2;
+ Block {
+ min_x: if lower_x { self.min_x } else { mid_x },
+ max_x: if lower_x { mid_x } else { self.max_x },
+ min_y: if lower_y { self.min_y } else { mid_y },
+ max_y: if lower_y { mid_y } else { self.max_y },
+ min_z: if lower_z { self.min_z } else { mid_z },
+ max_z: if lower_z { mid_z } else { self.max_z },
+ }
+ }
+ fn expand_to_power_cube(&self) -> Block {
+ let mag_x = self.max_x - self.min_x;
+ let mag_y = self.max_y - self.min_y;
+ let mag_z = self.max_z - self.min_z;
+ let mag_max = cmp::max(mag_x, cmp::max(mag_y, mag_z));
+ let first_power_of_2 = (0..)
+ .map(|pow| 2_i32.pow(pow))
+ .filter(|pow_size| *pow_size >= mag_max)
+ .next()
+ .unwrap();
+ Block {
+ min_x: self.min_x,
+ max_x: self.max_x + first_power_of_2 - mag_x,
+ min_y: self.min_y,
+ max_y: self.max_y + first_power_of_2 - mag_y,
+ min_z: self.min_z,
+ max_z: self.max_z + first_power_of_2 - mag_z,
+ }
+ }
+fn parse_instructions(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<Instruction>> {
+ separated_list1(line_ending, parse_instruction)(input)
+fn parse_instruction(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Instruction> {
+ map(
+ tuple((
+ alt((value(true, tag("on ")), value(false, tag("off ")))),
+ parse_block,
+ )),
+ |(new_state, bounds)| Instruction { new_state, bounds },
+ )(input)
+fn parse_block(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Block> {
+ map(
+ tuple((
+ tag("x="),
+ nom_i32,
+ tag(".."),
+ nom_i32,
+ tag(",y="),
+ nom_i32,
+ tag(".."),
+ nom_i32,
+ tag(",z="),
+ nom_i32,
+ tag(".."),
+ nom_i32,
+ )),
+ |(
+ _,
+ min_x,
+ _,
+ max_x_inclusive,
+ _,
+ min_y,
+ _,
+ max_y_inclusive,
+ _,
+ min_z,
+ _,
+ max_z_inclusive,
+ )| Block {
+ min_x,
+ max_x: max_x_inclusive + 1,
+ min_y,
+ max_y: max_y_inclusive + 1,
+ min_z,
+ max_z: max_z_inclusive + 1,
+ },
+ )(input)
diff --git a/2021/src/bin/ b/2021/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed2fb01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+use nom::{
+ branch::alt,
+ bytes::complete::tag,
+ character::complete::{char as nom_char, line_ending, not_line_ending},
+ combinator::value,
+ multi::{many1, separated_list1},
+ sequence::{delimited, pair},
+ IResult,
+use std::{cmp, collections::HashSet, fs};
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_23.txt")?;
+ let maze = parse_maze(&input).unwrap().1;
+ dbg!(find_shortest_path(&maze).cost);
+ Ok(())
+fn find_shortest_path(maze: &Maze) -> Move {
+ let mut visited = HashSet::new();
+ visited.insert(maze.clone());
+ let mut frontier = vec![Move {
+ next_state: maze.clone(),
+ cost: 0,
+ }];
+ let mut best_so_far: Option<Move> = None;
+ while let Some(current) = frontier.pop() {
+ if let Some(best_so_far) = &best_so_far {
+ if current.cost >= best_so_far.cost {
+ return best_so_far.clone();
+ }
+ }
+ let next_moves: Vec<Move> = current
+ .next_state
+ .valid_moves()
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|next| Move {
+ cost: next.cost + current.cost,
+ })
+ .collect();
+ for next in next_moves {
+ if next.next_state.is_complete() {
+ best_so_far = if let Some(best_so_far) = best_so_far {
+ if best_so_far.cost < next.cost {
+ Some(best_so_far)
+ } else {
+ Some(next.clone())
+ }
+ } else {
+ Some(next.clone())
+ };
+ } else if !visited.contains(&next.next_state) {
+ visited.insert(next.next_state.clone());
+ frontier.push(next);
+ }
+ }
+ frontier.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| b.cost.cmp(&a.cost));
+ }
+ best_so_far.expect("There is no path through!")
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+struct Move {
+ next_state: Maze,
+ cost: usize,
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
+struct Maze {
+ corridor: Vec<Option<usize>>,
+ rooms: Vec<Room>,
+impl Maze {
+ fn is_complete(&self) -> bool {
+ self.rooms.iter().all(|room| room.is_complete())
+ }
+ fn valid_moves(&self) -> Vec<Move> {
+ let mut valid_moves = Vec::new();
+ for i in 0..self.corridor.len() {
+ if let Some(shrimp) = self.corridor[i] {
+ let target_room = &self.rooms[shrimp / 2 - 1];
+ if target_room.can_enter() {
+ let route_free = (cmp::min(shrimp, i)..=cmp::max(shrimp, i))
+ .all(|route_i| route_i == i || self.corridor[route_i].is_none());
+ if route_free {
+ let mut next_state = self.clone();
+ next_state.corridor[i] = None;
+ let next_room = &mut next_state.rooms[shrimp / 2 - 1];
+ let room_depth = next_room
+ .max_free()
+ .expect("no space in room, but we checked!");
+ next_room.contents[room_depth] = Some(shrimp);
+ let distance = room_depth + 1 + cmp::max(shrimp, i) - cmp::min(shrimp, i);
+ let cost = calculate_cost(shrimp, distance);
+ valid_moves.push(Move { next_state, cost });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (room_i, room) in self
+ .rooms
+ .iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .filter(|(_, room)| !room.can_enter())
+ {
+ if let Some((room_depth, shrimp)) = room
+ .contents
+ .iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .filter_map(|(room_depth, maybe_shrimp)| {
+|shrimp| (room_depth, shrimp))
+ })
+ .next()
+ {
+ for corridor_i in 0..self.corridor.len() {
+ let in_entrance = self.rooms.iter().any(|room| room.entrance == corridor_i);
+ let route_free = (cmp::min(room.entrance, corridor_i)
+ ..=cmp::max(room.entrance, corridor_i))
+ .all(|route_i| self.corridor[route_i].is_none());
+ if !in_entrance && route_free {
+ let mut next_state = self.clone();
+ next_state.corridor[corridor_i] = Some(shrimp);
+ next_state.rooms[room_i].contents[room_depth] = None;
+ let distance = room_depth + 1 + cmp::max(room.entrance, corridor_i)
+ - cmp::min(room.entrance, corridor_i);
+ let cost = calculate_cost(shrimp, distance);
+ valid_moves.push(Move { next_state, cost });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ valid_moves
+ }
+fn calculate_cost(shrimp: usize, distance: usize) -> usize {
+ let shrimp_cost = match shrimp {
+ 2 => 1,
+ 4 => 10,
+ 6 => 100,
+ 8 => 1000,
+ _ => panic!("Unknown shrimp"),
+ };
+ shrimp_cost * distance
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
+struct Room {
+ entrance: usize,
+ contents: Vec<Option<usize>>,
+impl Room {
+ fn is_complete(&self) -> bool {
+ self.contents
+ .iter()
+ .all(|slot| slot == &Some(self.entrance))
+ }
+ fn can_enter(&self) -> bool {
+ self.contents
+ .iter()
+ .all(|slot| slot.is_none() || slot == &Some(self.entrance))
+ }
+ fn max_free(&self) -> Option<usize> {
+ self.contents.iter().rposition(|slot| slot.is_none())
+ }
+fn parse_maze(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Maze> {
+ let (input, _) = pair(not_line_ending, line_ending)(input)?; // skip first line
+ let (input, corridor) = delimited(nom_char('#'), many1(corridor_contents), tag("#\n"))(input)?;
+ let (input, rooms_line_1) = delimited(
+ tag("###"),
+ separated_list1(nom_char('#'), corridor_contents),
+ tag("###\n"),
+ )(input)?;
+ let (input, rooms_line_2) = delimited(
+ tag(" #"),
+ separated_list1(nom_char('#'), corridor_contents),
+ tag("#\n"),
+ )(input)?;
+ let rooms = vec![
+ Room {
+ entrance: 2,
+ contents: vec![rooms_line_1[0], Some(8), Some(8), rooms_line_2[0]],
+ },
+ Room {
+ entrance: 4,
+ contents: vec![rooms_line_1[1], Some(6), Some(4), rooms_line_2[1]],
+ },
+ Room {
+ entrance: 6,
+ contents: vec![rooms_line_1[2], Some(4), Some(2), rooms_line_2[2]],
+ },
+ Room {
+ entrance: 8,
+ contents: vec![rooms_line_1[3], Some(2), Some(6), rooms_line_2[3]],
+ },
+ ];
+ Ok((input, Maze { corridor, rooms }))
+fn corridor_contents(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Option<usize>> {
+ alt((
+ value(None, nom_char('.')),
+ value(Some(2), nom_char('A')),
+ value(Some(4), nom_char('B')),
+ value(Some(6), nom_char('C')),
+ value(Some(8), nom_char('D')),
+ ))(input)
diff --git a/2021/src/bin/ b/2021/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2916f57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
+use nom::{
+ branch::alt,
+ bytes::complete::{is_not, tag},
+ character::complete::{line_ending, space1},
+ combinator::map,
+ multi::separated_list1,
+ sequence::{pair, preceded, separated_pair},
+ IResult,
+use proptest::prelude::*;
+use std::fs;
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_24.txt")?;
+ let program = parse_program(&input).unwrap().1;
+ program.print_oracle();
+ // input[2] - 8 == input[3]
+ // input[4] + 8 == input[5]
+ // input[7] + 6 == input[8]
+ // input[9] + 5 == input[10]
+ // input[6] - 3 == input[11]
+ // input[1] - 1 == input[12]
+ // input[0] - 5 == input[13]
+ dbg!(refactored([9, 9, 9, 1, 1, 9, 9, 3, 9, 4, 9, 6, 8, 4]).unwrap());
+ dbg!(refactored([6, 2, 9, 1, 1, 9, 4, 1, 7, 1, 6, 1, 1, 1]).unwrap());
+ Ok(())
+fn subroutine_1(
+ next_input: i64,
+ running_total: i64,
+ mod_conditional: i64,
+ result_additive: i64,
+) -> i64 {
+ if next_input != (running_total % 26) + mod_conditional {
+ running_total * 26 + next_input + result_additive
+ } else {
+ running_total
+ }
+fn subroutine_2(
+ next_input: i64,
+ running_total: i64,
+ mod_conditional: i64,
+ result_additive: i64,
+) -> i64 {
+ if next_input != running_total % 26 + mod_conditional {
+ running_total / 26 * 26 + next_input + result_additive
+ } else {
+ running_total / 26
+ }
+fn refactored_one_to_nine_assumption(input: [i64; 14]) -> Result<i64, String> {
+ let mut z = input[0] + 6;
+ // z-stack 1
+ z = z * 26 + input[1] + 6;
+ // z-stack 2
+ z = z * 26 + input[2] + 3;
+ // z-stack 3
+ z = if input[2] - 8 == input[3] {
+ z / 26
+ } else {
+ z / 26 * 26 + input[3] + 11
+ };
+ // z-stack 2
+ z = z * 26 + input[4] + 9;
+ // z-stack 3
+ z = if input[4] + 8 == input[5] {
+ z / 26
+ } else {
+ z / 26 * 26 + input[5] + 3
+ };
+ // z-stack 2
+ z = z * 26 + input[6] + 13;
+ // z-stack 3
+ z = z * 26 + input[7] + 6;
+ // z-stack 4
+ z = if input[7] + 6 == input[8] {
+ z / 26
+ } else {
+ z / 26 * 26 + input[8] + 14
+ };
+ // z-stack 3
+ z = z * 26 + input[9] + 10;
+ // z-stack 4
+ z = if input[9] + 5 == input[10] {
+ z / 26
+ } else {
+ z / 26 * 26 + input[10] + 12
+ };
+ // z-stack 3
+ z = if input[9] + 5 == input[10] {
+ if input[7] + 6 == input[8] {
+ if input[6] + 13 - 16 == input[11] {
+ z / 26
+ } else {
+ z / 26 * 26 + input[11] + 10
+ }
+ } else {
+ if input[8] + 14 - 16 == input[11] {
+ z / 26
+ } else {
+ z / 26 * 26 + input[11] + 10
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if input[10] + 12 - 16 == input[11] {
+ z / 26
+ } else {
+ z / 26 * 26 + input[11] + 10
+ }
+ };
+ // z-stack 2
+ z = subroutine_2(input[12], z, -7, 11);
+ // z-stack 1
+ z = subroutine_2(input[13], z, -11, 15);
+ // z-stack 0
+ Ok(z)
+fn refactored(input: [i64; 14]) -> Result<i64, String> {
+ let mut z: i64 = 0;
+ z = subroutine_1(input[0], z, 12, 6);
+ z = subroutine_1(input[1], z, 10, 6);
+ z = subroutine_1(input[2], z, 13, 3);
+ z = subroutine_2(input[3], z, -11, 11);
+ z = subroutine_1(input[4], z, 13, 9);
+ z = subroutine_2(input[5], z, -1, 3);
+ z = subroutine_1(input[6], z, 10, 13);
+ z = subroutine_1(input[7], z, 11, 6);
+ z = subroutine_2(input[8], z, 0, 14);
+ z = subroutine_1(input[9], z, 10, 10);
+ z = subroutine_2(input[10], z, -5, 12);
+ z = subroutine_2(input[11], z, -16, 10);
+ z = subroutine_2(input[12], z, -7, 11);
+ z = subroutine_2(input[13], z, -11, 15);
+ Ok(z)
+struct Program(Vec<Instruction>);
+impl Program {
+ fn print_oracle(&self) {
+ println!("fn oracle(input: [i64; 14]) -> Result<i64, String> {{");
+ println!("let mut w: i64 = 0;");
+ println!("let mut x: i64 = 0;");
+ println!("let mut y: i64 = 0;");
+ println!("let mut z: i64 = 0;");
+ let mut input_index = 0;
+ for instruction in &self.0 {
+ match instruction {
+ Instruction::Inp(a) => {
+ println!("{} = input[{}];", a, input_index);
+ input_index += 1;
+ }
+ Instruction::Add(a, b) => {
+ println!("{0} = {0} + {1};", a, b);
+ }
+ Instruction::Mul(a, b) => {
+ println!("{0} = {0} * {1};", a, b);
+ }
+ Instruction::Div(a, b) => {
+ println!("if {0} == 0 {{ return Err(\"Div by 0\".into()); }}", b);
+ println!("{0} = {0} / {1};", a, b);
+ }
+ Instruction::Mod(a, b) => {
+ println!("if {0} == 0 {{ return Err(\"Mod by 0\".into()); }}", b);
+ println!("{0} = {0} % {1};", a, b);
+ }
+ Instruction::Eql(a, b) => {
+ println!("{0} = if {0} == {1} {{ 1 }} else {{ 0 }};", a, b);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ println!("Ok(z)");
+ println!("}}");
+ }
+enum Instruction {
+ Inp(String),
+ Add(String, String),
+ Mul(String, String),
+ Div(String, String),
+ Mod(String, String),
+ Eql(String, String),
+fn parse_program(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Program> {
+ map(separated_list1(line_ending, parse_instruction), Program)(input)
+fn parse_instruction(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Instruction> {
+ alt((
+ map(preceded(pair(tag("inp"), space1), word), |a| {
+ Instruction::Inp(a)
+ }),
+ map(
+ preceded(pair(tag("add"), space1), separated_pair(word, space1, word)),
+ |(a, b)| Instruction::Add(a, b),
+ ),
+ map(
+ preceded(pair(tag("mul"), space1), separated_pair(word, space1, word)),
+ |(a, b)| Instruction::Mul(a, b),
+ ),
+ map(
+ preceded(pair(tag("div"), space1), separated_pair(word, space1, word)),
+ |(a, b)| Instruction::Div(a, b),
+ ),
+ map(
+ preceded(pair(tag("mod"), space1), separated_pair(word, space1, word)),
+ |(a, b)| Instruction::Mod(a, b),
+ ),
+ map(
+ preceded(pair(tag("eql"), space1), separated_pair(word, space1, word)),
+ |(a, b)| Instruction::Eql(a, b),
+ ),
+ ))(input)
+fn word(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, String> {
+ map(is_not(" \t\r\n"), |s: &str| s.to_string())(input)
+fn oracle(input: [i64; 14]) -> Result<i64, String> {
+ let mut w: i64 = 0;
+ let mut x: i64 = 0;
+ let mut y: i64 = 0;
+ let mut z: i64 = 0;
+ w = input[0];
+ x = x * 0;
+ x = x + z;
+ if 26 == 0 {
+ return Err("Mod by 0".into());
+ }
+ x = x % 26;
+ if 1 == 0 {
+ return Err("Div by 0".into());
+ }
+ z = z / 1;
+ x = x + 12;
+ x = if x == w { 1 } else { 0 };
+ x = if x == 0 { 1 } else { 0 };
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + 25;
+ y = y * x;
+ y = y + 1;
+ z = z * y;
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + w;
+ y = y + 6;
+ y = y * x;
+ z = z + y;
+ w = input[1];
+ x = x * 0;
+ x = x + z;
+ if 26 == 0 {
+ return Err("Mod by 0".into());
+ }
+ x = x % 26;
+ if 1 == 0 {
+ return Err("Div by 0".into());
+ }
+ z = z / 1;
+ x = x + 10;
+ x = if x == w { 1 } else { 0 };
+ x = if x == 0 { 1 } else { 0 };
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + 25;
+ y = y * x;
+ y = y + 1;
+ z = z * y;
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + w;
+ y = y + 6;
+ y = y * x;
+ z = z + y;
+ w = input[2];
+ x = x * 0;
+ x = x + z;
+ if 26 == 0 {
+ return Err("Mod by 0".into());
+ }
+ x = x % 26;
+ if 1 == 0 {
+ return Err("Div by 0".into());
+ }
+ z = z / 1;
+ x = x + 13;
+ x = if x == w { 1 } else { 0 };
+ x = if x == 0 { 1 } else { 0 };
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + 25;
+ y = y * x;
+ y = y + 1;
+ z = z * y;
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + w;
+ y = y + 3;
+ y = y * x;
+ z = z + y;
+ w = input[3];
+ x = x * 0;
+ x = x + z;
+ if 26 == 0 {
+ return Err("Mod by 0".into());
+ }
+ x = x % 26;
+ if 26 == 0 {
+ return Err("Div by 0".into());
+ }
+ z = z / 26;
+ x = x + -11;
+ x = if x == w { 1 } else { 0 };
+ x = if x == 0 { 1 } else { 0 };
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + 25;
+ y = y * x;
+ y = y + 1;
+ z = z * y;
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + w;
+ y = y + 11;
+ y = y * x;
+ z = z + y;
+ w = input[4];
+ x = x * 0;
+ x = x + z;
+ if 26 == 0 {
+ return Err("Mod by 0".into());
+ }
+ x = x % 26;
+ if 1 == 0 {
+ return Err("Div by 0".into());
+ }
+ z = z / 1;
+ x = x + 13;
+ x = if x == w { 1 } else { 0 };
+ x = if x == 0 { 1 } else { 0 };
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + 25;
+ y = y * x;
+ y = y + 1;
+ z = z * y;
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + w;
+ y = y + 9;
+ y = y * x;
+ z = z + y;
+ w = input[5];
+ x = x * 0;
+ x = x + z;
+ if 26 == 0 {
+ return Err("Mod by 0".into());
+ }
+ x = x % 26;
+ if 26 == 0 {
+ return Err("Div by 0".into());
+ }
+ z = z / 26;
+ x = x + -1;
+ x = if x == w { 1 } else { 0 };
+ x = if x == 0 { 1 } else { 0 };
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + 25;
+ y = y * x;
+ y = y + 1;
+ z = z * y;
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + w;
+ y = y + 3;
+ y = y * x;
+ z = z + y;
+ w = input[6];
+ x = x * 0;
+ x = x + z;
+ if 26 == 0 {
+ return Err("Mod by 0".into());
+ }
+ x = x % 26;
+ if 1 == 0 {
+ return Err("Div by 0".into());
+ }
+ z = z / 1;
+ x = x + 10;
+ x = if x == w { 1 } else { 0 };
+ x = if x == 0 { 1 } else { 0 };
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + 25;
+ y = y * x;
+ y = y + 1;
+ z = z * y;
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + w;
+ y = y + 13;
+ y = y * x;
+ z = z + y;
+ w = input[7];
+ x = x * 0;
+ x = x + z;
+ if 26 == 0 {
+ return Err("Mod by 0".into());
+ }
+ x = x % 26;
+ if 1 == 0 {
+ return Err("Div by 0".into());
+ }
+ z = z / 1;
+ x = x + 11;
+ x = if x == w { 1 } else { 0 };
+ x = if x == 0 { 1 } else { 0 };
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + 25;
+ y = y * x;
+ y = y + 1;
+ z = z * y;
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + w;
+ y = y + 6;
+ y = y * x;
+ z = z + y;
+ w = input[8];
+ x = x * 0;
+ x = x + z;
+ if 26 == 0 {
+ return Err("Mod by 0".into());
+ }
+ x = x % 26;
+ if 26 == 0 {
+ return Err("Div by 0".into());
+ }
+ z = z / 26;
+ x = x + 0;
+ x = if x == w { 1 } else { 0 };
+ x = if x == 0 { 1 } else { 0 };
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + 25;
+ y = y * x;
+ y = y + 1;
+ z = z * y;
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + w;
+ y = y + 14;
+ y = y * x;
+ z = z + y;
+ w = input[9];
+ x = x * 0;
+ x = x + z;
+ if 26 == 0 {
+ return Err("Mod by 0".into());
+ }
+ x = x % 26;
+ if 1 == 0 {
+ return Err("Div by 0".into());
+ }
+ z = z / 1;
+ x = x + 10;
+ x = if x == w { 1 } else { 0 };
+ x = if x == 0 { 1 } else { 0 };
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + 25;
+ y = y * x;
+ y = y + 1;
+ z = z * y;
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + w;
+ y = y + 10;
+ y = y * x;
+ z = z + y;
+ w = input[10];
+ x = x * 0;
+ x = x + z;
+ if 26 == 0 {
+ return Err("Mod by 0".into());
+ }
+ x = x % 26;
+ if 26 == 0 {
+ return Err("Div by 0".into());
+ }
+ z = z / 26;
+ x = x + -5;
+ x = if x == w { 1 } else { 0 };
+ x = if x == 0 { 1 } else { 0 };
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + 25;
+ y = y * x;
+ y = y + 1;
+ z = z * y;
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + w;
+ y = y + 12;
+ y = y * x;
+ z = z + y;
+ w = input[11];
+ x = x * 0;
+ x = x + z;
+ if 26 == 0 {
+ return Err("Mod by 0".into());
+ }
+ x = x % 26;
+ if 26 == 0 {
+ return Err("Div by 0".into());
+ }
+ z = z / 26;
+ x = x + -16;
+ x = if x == w { 1 } else { 0 };
+ x = if x == 0 { 1 } else { 0 };
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + 25;
+ y = y * x;
+ y = y + 1;
+ z = z * y;
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + w;
+ y = y + 10;
+ y = y * x;
+ z = z + y;
+ w = input[12];
+ x = x * 0;
+ x = x + z;
+ if 26 == 0 {
+ return Err("Mod by 0".into());
+ }
+ x = x % 26;
+ if 26 == 0 {
+ return Err("Div by 0".into());
+ }
+ z = z / 26;
+ x = x + -7;
+ x = if x == w { 1 } else { 0 };
+ x = if x == 0 { 1 } else { 0 };
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + 25;
+ y = y * x;
+ y = y + 1;
+ z = z * y;
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + w;
+ y = y + 11;
+ y = y * x;
+ z = z + y;
+ w = input[13];
+ x = x * 0;
+ x = x + z;
+ if 26 == 0 {
+ return Err("Mod by 0".into());
+ }
+ x = x % 26;
+ if 26 == 0 {
+ return Err("Div by 0".into());
+ }
+ z = z / 26;
+ x = x + -11;
+ x = if x == w { 1 } else { 0 };
+ x = if x == 0 { 1 } else { 0 };
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + 25;
+ y = y * x;
+ y = y + 1;
+ z = z * y;
+ y = y * 0;
+ y = y + w;
+ y = y + 15;
+ y = y * x;
+ z = z + y;
+ Ok(z)
+proptest! {
+ #[test]
+ fn oracle_matches_refactored(input in proptest::array::uniform14(1i64..10)) {
+ let oracle_result = oracle(input.clone());
+ let refactored_result = refactored(input.clone());
+ let refactored_one_to_nine_assumption_result = refactored_one_to_nine_assumption(input);
+ assert_eq!(oracle_result, refactored_result);
+ assert_eq!(oracle_result, refactored_one_to_nine_assumption_result);
+ }
diff --git a/2021/src/bin/ b/2021/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..742c911
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+use nom::{
+ branch::alt,
+ character::complete::{char as nom_char, line_ending},
+ combinator::{map, value},
+ multi::{many1, separated_list1},
+ IResult,
+use std::fs;
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_25.txt")?;
+ let mut seafloor = parse_seafloor(&input).unwrap().1;
+ for i in 1.. {
+ let next =;
+ if next == seafloor {
+ dbg!(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ seafloor = next;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+struct Seafloor(Vec<Vec<Option<Cucumber>>>);
+impl Seafloor {
+ fn next(&self) -> Seafloor {
+ self.next_east().next_south()
+ }
+ fn next_east(&self) -> Seafloor {
+ let mut results = Vec::new();
+ for y in 0..self.0.len() {
+ let mut current_row = Vec::new();
+ for x in 0..self.0[y].len() {
+ let old = &self.0[y][x];
+ let old_left = &self.0[y][if x == 0 { self.0[y].len() - 1 } else { x - 1 }];
+ let old_right = &self.0[y][(x + 1) % self.0[y].len()];
+ let new = if *old == None && *old_left == Some(Cucumber::East) {
+ old_left.clone()
+ } else if *old == Some(Cucumber::East) && *old_right == None {
+ None
+ } else {
+ old.clone()
+ };
+ current_row.push(new);
+ }
+ results.push(current_row);
+ }
+ Seafloor(results)
+ }
+ fn next_south(&self) -> Seafloor {
+ let mut results = Vec::new();
+ for y in 0..self.0.len() {
+ let mut current_row = Vec::new();
+ for x in 0..self.0[y].len() {
+ let old = &self.0[y][x];
+ let old_up = &self.0[if y == 0 { self.0.len() - 1 } else { y - 1 }][x];
+ let old_down = &self.0[(y + 1) % self.0.len()][x];
+ let new = if *old == None && *old_up == Some(Cucumber::South) {
+ old_up.clone()
+ } else if *old == Some(Cucumber::South) && *old_down == None {
+ None
+ } else {
+ old.clone()
+ };
+ current_row.push(new);
+ }
+ results.push(current_row);
+ }
+ Seafloor(results)
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+enum Cucumber {
+ East,
+ South,
+fn parse_seafloor(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Seafloor> {
+ map(
+ separated_list1(line_ending, many1(parse_cucumber)),
+ Seafloor,
+ )(input)
+fn parse_cucumber(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Option<Cucumber>> {
+ alt((
+ value(None, nom_char('.')),
+ value(Some(Cucumber::East), nom_char('>')),
+ value(Some(Cucumber::South), nom_char('v')),
+ ))(input)
diff --git a/2021/src/bin/ b/2021/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de5b334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+use nom::{
+ branch::alt,
+ bytes::complete::tag,
+ character::complete::{i64 as nom_i64, line_ending, space1},
+ combinator::map,
+ multi::separated_list1,
+ sequence::tuple,
+ IResult,
+use std::fs;
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_2.txt")?;
+ let route = parse_route(&input).unwrap().1;
+ let mut position = Position::default();
+ for instruction in &route {
+ position.advance(&instruction);
+ }
+ dbg!(position.horizontal.0 * position.depth.0);
+ Ok(())
+struct Route(Vec<Instruction>);
+impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a Route {
+ type Item = &'a Instruction;
+ type IntoIter = std::slice::Iter<'a, Instruction>;
+ fn into_iter(self) -> <Self as IntoIterator>::IntoIter {
+ self.0.iter()
+ }
+enum Instruction {
+ Forward(Distance),
+ Up(Aim),
+ Down(Aim),
+ Default,
+ Debug,
+ Clone,
+ Copy,
+ derive_more::Add,
+ derive_more::AddAssign,
+ derive_more::Sub,
+ derive_more::SubAssign,
+struct Distance(i64);
+ Default,
+ Debug,
+ Clone,
+ Copy,
+ derive_more::Add,
+ derive_more::AddAssign,
+ derive_more::Sub,
+ derive_more::SubAssign,
+struct Aim(i64);
+impl std::ops::Mul<Distance> for Aim {
+ type Output = Distance;
+ fn mul(self, other: Distance) -> Distance {
+ Distance(self.0 * other.0)
+ }
+#[derive(Default, Debug)]
+struct Position {
+ horizontal: Distance,
+ depth: Distance,
+ aim: Aim,
+impl Position {
+ fn advance(&mut self, instruction: &Instruction) {
+ match instruction {
+ Instruction::Forward(distance) => {
+ self.horizontal += *distance;
+ self.depth += self.aim * *distance;
+ }
+ Instruction::Down(aim) => self.aim += *aim,
+ Instruction::Up(aim) => self.aim -= *aim,
+ }
+ }
+fn parse_route(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Route> {
+ map(separated_list1(line_ending, parse_instruction), Route)(input)
+fn parse_instruction(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Instruction> {
+ alt((parse_forward, parse_up, parse_down))(input)
+fn parse_forward(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Instruction> {
+ map(
+ tuple((tag("forward"), space1, parse_distance)),
+ |(_, _, distance)| Instruction::Forward(distance),
+ )(input)
+fn parse_up(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Instruction> {
+ map(tuple((tag("up"), space1, parse_aim)), |(_, _, aim)| {
+ Instruction::Up(aim)
+ })(input)
+fn parse_down(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Instruction> {
+ map(tuple((tag("down"), space1, parse_aim)), |(_, _, aim)| {
+ Instruction::Down(aim)
+ })(input)
+fn parse_distance(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Distance> {
+ map(nom_i64, Distance)(input)
+fn parse_aim(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Aim> {
+ map(nom_i64, Aim)(input)
diff --git a/2021/src/bin/ b/2021/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2238dfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+use nom::{
+ character::complete::{digit1, line_ending},
+ combinator::{map, map_res},
+ multi::separated_list1,
+ IResult,
+use std::fs;
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_3.txt")?;
+ let diagnostics = parse_diagnostics(&input).unwrap().1;
+ dbg!(diagnostics.gamma());
+ dbg!(diagnostics.epsilon());
+ dbg!(diagnostics.oxygen());
+ dbg!(diagnostics.co2());
+ dbg!(diagnostics.gamma() * diagnostics.epsilon());
+ dbg!(diagnostics.oxygen() * diagnostics.co2());
+ Ok(())
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+struct Diagnostics {
+ bitsets: Vec<Bitset>,
+ bitset_len: usize,
+impl Diagnostics {
+ fn new(bitsets: Vec<Bitset>) -> Diagnostics {
+ Diagnostics {
+ bitset_len: bitsets.iter().map(|b| b.len).max().unwrap_or(0),
+ bitsets,
+ }
+ }
+ fn gamma(&self) -> Bitset {
+ let mut gamma = Bitset {
+ bits: 0,
+ len: self.bitset_len,
+ };
+ for bit in 0..gamma.len {
+ let ones_count = self
+ .bitsets
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|bitset| bitset.check_bit(bit))
+ .count();
+ if ones_count >= self.bitsets.len() / 2 {
+ gamma.set_bit(bit);
+ }
+ }
+ gamma
+ }
+ fn epsilon(&self) -> Bitset {
+ !self.gamma()
+ }
+ fn oxygen(&self) -> Bitset {
+ self.bit_criteria_match(|d| d.gamma())
+ }
+ fn co2(&self) -> Bitset {
+ self.bit_criteria_match(|d| d.epsilon())
+ }
+ fn bit_criteria_match(&self, criteria: impl Fn(&Diagnostics) -> Bitset) -> Bitset {
+ let mut candidates = self.clone();
+ for bit in (0..self.bitset_len).rev() {
+ let bit_criteria = criteria(&candidates).check_bit(bit);
+ candidates
+ .bitsets
+ .retain(|candidate| candidate.check_bit(bit) == bit_criteria);
+ if candidates.bitsets.len() == 1 {
+ return candidates.bitsets[0];
+ }
+ }
+ Bitset::default()
+ }
+#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
+struct Bitset {
+ bits: u32,
+ len: usize,
+impl Bitset {
+ fn check_bit(&self, bit: usize) -> bool {
+ self.bits & (1 << bit) != 0
+ }
+ fn set_bit(&mut self, bit: usize) {
+ self.bits |= 1 << bit;
+ }
+impl std::ops::Mul for Bitset {
+ type Output = Self;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: Bitset) -> Self::Output {
+ Bitset {
+ bits: self.bits * rhs.bits,
+ len: self.len.max(rhs.len), // dodgy. This might need to grow.
+ }
+ }
+impl std::ops::Not for Bitset {
+ type Output = Bitset;
+ fn not(self) -> <Self as std::ops::Not>::Output {
+ Bitset {
+ bits: !self.bits & ((1 << self.len) - 1),
+ len: self.len,
+ }
+ }
+fn parse_diagnostics(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Diagnostics> {
+ map(separated_list1(line_ending, parse_bitset), Diagnostics::new)(input)
+fn parse_bitset(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Bitset> {
+ map_res(digit1, |num| {
+ u32::from_str_radix(num, 2).map(|bits| Bitset {
+ bits,
+ len: num.len(),
+ })
+ })(input)
diff --git a/2021/src/bin/ b/2021/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3938e14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+use nom::{
+ bytes::complete::tag,
+ character::complete::{line_ending, space0, space1, u32 as nom_u32},
+ combinator::{map, map_res},
+ multi::{many1, separated_list1},
+ sequence::{preceded, tuple},
+ IResult,
+use std::fs;
+use thiserror::Error;
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_4.txt")?;
+ let mut bingo_game = parse_bingo_game(&input).unwrap().1;
+ let total_boards = bingo_game.boards.len();
+ let mut winning_game_iter = std::iter::repeat_with(|| bingo_game.do_draw()).flatten();
+ let (winning_block, winning_board, winning_mask) =;
+ dbg!(winning_board.score(&winning_mask) * winning_block);
+ let (losing_block, losing_board, losing_mask) =
+ winning_game_iter.nth(total_boards - 2).unwrap();
+ dbg!(losing_board.score(&losing_mask) * losing_block);
+ Ok(())
+const BINGO_BOARD_WIDTH: usize = 5;
+struct BingoGame {
+ draws: Vec<BingoBlock>,
+ boards: Vec<BingoBoard>,
+ masks: Vec<BingoBoardMask>,
+impl BingoGame {
+ fn do_draw(&mut self) -> Vec<(BingoBlock, BingoBoard, BingoBoardMask)> {
+ let mut wins = Vec::new();
+ let mut results = Vec::new();
+ if let Some(block) = self.draws.pop() {
+ for (index, (mask, board)) in self
+ .masks
+ .iter_mut()
+ .zip(self.boards.iter())
+ .enumerate()
+ .rev()
+ {
+ if let Some((row, col)) = board.find_block(&block) {
+ mask.mark(row, col);
+ if mask.has_bingo() {
+ wins.push(index);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for win in wins {
+ results.push((
+ block.clone(),
+ self.boards.remove(win),
+ self.masks.remove(win),
+ ))
+ }
+ }
+ results
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Error)]
+enum BingoBoardParseError {
+ #[error("input board was the wrong width")]
+ WrongWidth,
+ #[error("input board was the wrong height")]
+ WrongHeight,
+#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+struct BingoBoardMask {
+impl BingoBoardMask {
+ fn has_bingo(&self) -> bool {
+ for i in 0..BINGO_BOARD_WIDTH {
+ let row_bingo =[i].iter().all(|marked| *marked);
+ let col_bingo =|row| row[i]);
+ if row_bingo || col_bingo {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ false
+ }
+ fn mark(&mut self, row: usize, col: usize) {
+[row][col] = true;
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+struct BingoBoard {
+impl BingoBoard {
+ fn find_block(&self, block: &BingoBlock) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
+ for (row, row_data) in {
+ for (col, col_data) in row_data.iter().enumerate() {
+ if col_data == block {
+ return Some((row, col));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ None
+ }
+ fn score(&self, mask: &BingoBoardMask) -> BingoGameScore {
+ let mut score = BingoGameScore::default();
+ for row in 0..BINGO_BOARD_WIDTH {
+ for col in 0..BINGO_BOARD_WIDTH {
+ if ![row][col] {
+ score = score +[row][col];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ score
+ }
+impl BingoBoard {
+ fn new(data: Vec<Vec<BingoBlock>>) -> Result<BingoBoard, BingoBoardParseError> {
+ let vec_array_data: Vec<[BingoBlock; BINGO_BOARD_WIDTH]> = data
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|row| row.try_into())
+ .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
+ .map_err(|_| BingoBoardParseError::WrongWidth)?;
+ let array_array_data: [[BingoBlock; BINGO_BOARD_WIDTH]; BINGO_BOARD_WIDTH] = vec_array_data
+ .try_into()
+ .map_err(|_| BingoBoardParseError::WrongHeight)?;
+ Ok(BingoBoard {
+ data: array_array_data,
+ })
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
+struct BingoBlock(u32);
+#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
+struct BingoGameScore(u32);
+impl std::ops::Add<BingoBlock> for BingoGameScore {
+ type Output = BingoGameScore;
+ fn add(self, rhs: BingoBlock) -> BingoGameScore {
+ BingoGameScore(self.0 + rhs.0)
+ }
+impl std::ops::Mul<BingoBlock> for BingoGameScore {
+ type Output = BingoGameScore;
+ fn mul(self, rhs: BingoBlock) -> BingoGameScore {
+ BingoGameScore(self.0 * rhs.0)
+ }
+fn parse_bingo_game(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, BingoGame> {
+ map(
+ tuple((
+ parse_draws,
+ many1(line_ending),
+ separated_list1(many1(line_ending), parse_board),
+ )),
+ |(draws, _, boards)| BingoGame {
+ draws: draws.into_iter().rev().collect(),
+ masks: vec![BingoBoardMask::default(); boards.len()],
+ boards,
+ },
+ )(input)
+fn parse_draws(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<BingoBlock>> {
+ separated_list1(tag(","), parse_block)(input)
+fn parse_block(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, BingoBlock> {
+ map(nom_u32, BingoBlock)(input)
+fn parse_board(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, BingoBoard> {
+ map_res(
+ separated_list1(
+ line_ending,
+ preceded(space0, separated_list1(space1, parse_block)),
+ ),
+ BingoBoard::new,
+ )(input)
+mod test {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn parses_a_board() {
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse_board(
+ r##"86 31 71 11 56
+99 12 17 10 46
+ 5 33 85 61 2
+30 1 28 88 66
+15 38 21 54 64"##
+ ),
+ Ok((
+ "",
+ BingoBoard {
+ data: [
+ [
+ BingoBlock(86),
+ BingoBlock(31),
+ BingoBlock(71),
+ BingoBlock(11),
+ BingoBlock(56)
+ ],
+ [
+ BingoBlock(99),
+ BingoBlock(12),
+ BingoBlock(17),
+ BingoBlock(10),
+ BingoBlock(46)
+ ],
+ [
+ BingoBlock(5),
+ BingoBlock(33),
+ BingoBlock(85),
+ BingoBlock(61),
+ BingoBlock(2)
+ ],
+ [
+ BingoBlock(30),
+ BingoBlock(1),
+ BingoBlock(28),
+ BingoBlock(88),
+ BingoBlock(66)
+ ],
+ [
+ BingoBlock(15),
+ BingoBlock(38),
+ BingoBlock(21),
+ BingoBlock(54),
+ BingoBlock(64)
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ ))
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/2021/src/bin/ b/2021/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08eaecd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+use nom::{
+ bytes::complete::tag,
+ character::complete::{char as nom_char, line_ending, u32 as nom_u32},
+ combinator::map,
+ multi::separated_list1,
+ sequence::tuple,
+ IResult,
+use std::{collections::BTreeMap, fs};
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_5.txt")?;
+ let lines = parse_lines(&input).unwrap().1;
+ {
+ let mut map_simple = Bitmap::default();
+ for line in &lines {
+ map_simple.mark_line_only_simple(line);
+ }
+ dbg!(map_simple.count_overlapped_points());
+ }
+ {
+ let mut map = Bitmap::default();
+ for line in &lines {
+ map.mark_line(line);
+ }
+ dbg!(map.count_overlapped_points());
+ }
+ Ok(())
+struct Bitmap(BTreeMap<Point, usize>);
+impl Bitmap {
+ fn mark_line_only_simple(&mut self, l: &Line) {
+ if l.is_horizontal() {
+ for x in l.a.x..=l.b.x {
+ self.mark_point(&Point { x, y: l.a.y });
+ }
+ } else if l.is_vertical() {
+ for y in l.a.y..=l.b.y {
+ self.mark_point(&Point { x: l.a.x, y });
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ fn mark_line(&mut self, l: &Line) {
+ if l.is_horizontal() {
+ for x in l.a.x..=l.b.x {
+ self.mark_point(&Point { x, y: l.a.y });
+ }
+ } else if l.is_vertical() {
+ for y in l.a.y..=l.b.y {
+ self.mark_point(&Point { x: l.a.x, y });
+ }
+ } else if l.is_diagonal_up() {
+ for delta in 0..=(l.b.x - l.a.x) {
+ self.mark_point(&Point {
+ x: l.a.x + delta,
+ y: l.a.y + delta,
+ });
+ }
+ } else if l.is_diagonal_down() {
+ for delta in 0..=(l.b.x - l.a.x) {
+ let reverse_delta = l.b.x - l.a.x - delta;
+ self.mark_point(&Point {
+ x: l.a.x + delta,
+ y: l.b.y + reverse_delta,
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ panic!("There shouldn't be other cases...")
+ }
+ }
+ fn mark_point(&mut self, p: &Point) {
+ *self.0.entry(p.clone()).or_insert(0) += 1;
+ }
+ fn count_overlapped_points(&self) -> usize {
+ self.0.values().filter(|v| **v > 1).count()
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone)]
+struct Point {
+ x: u32,
+ y: u32,
+struct Line {
+ a: Point,
+ b: Point,
+impl Line {
+ fn is_horizontal(&self) -> bool {
+ self.a.y == self.b.y
+ }
+ fn is_vertical(&self) -> bool {
+ self.a.x == self.b.x
+ }
+ fn is_diagonal_up(&self) -> bool {
+ self.a.x < self.b.x && self.a.y < self.b.y
+ }
+ fn is_diagonal_down(&self) -> bool {
+ self.a.x < self.b.x && self.a.y > self.b.y
+ }
+fn parse_lines(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<Line>> {
+ separated_list1(line_ending, parse_line)(input)
+fn parse_line(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Line> {
+ map(
+ tuple((parse_point, tag(" -> "), parse_point)),
+ |(a, _, b)| {
+ if a < b {
+ Line { a, b }
+ } else {
+ Line { a: b, b: a }
+ }
+ },
+ )(input)
+fn parse_point(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Point> {
+ map(tuple((nom_u32, nom_char(','), nom_u32)), |(x, _, y)| {
+ Point { x, y }
+ })(input)
diff --git a/2021/src/bin/ b/2021/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a40f9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+use nom::{
+ bytes::complete::tag,
+ character::complete::u32 as nom_u32,
+ combinator::{map, map_res},
+ multi::separated_list1,
+ IResult, ToUsize,
+use std::{collections::VecDeque, fs};
+use thiserror::Error;
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_6.txt")?;
+ let mut swarm = parse_swarm(&input).unwrap().1;
+ for _ in 0..80 {
+ swarm.grow();
+ }
+ dbg!(swarm.fish_sum());
+ for _ in 80..256 {
+ swarm.grow();
+ }
+ dbg!(swarm.fish_sum());
+ Ok(())
+ Default, Debug, Clone, Copy, derive_more::Add, derive_more::AddAssign, derive_more::Sum,
+struct FishCount(u64);
+struct Swarm {
+ fish: VecDeque<FishCount>,
+#[derive(Debug, Error)]
+enum SwarmParseError {
+ #[error("input was out of range")]
+ OutOfRange,
+impl Swarm {
+ fn new(fish_counters: Vec<usize>) -> Result<Swarm, SwarmParseError> {
+ let mut fish = VecDeque::with_capacity(FISH_INITIAL_SPAWN_COUNTDOWN);
+ fish.push_back(FishCount::default());
+ }
+ for fish_counter in fish_counters {
+ if fish_counter > fish.len() {
+ return Err(SwarmParseError::OutOfRange);
+ }
+ fish[fish_counter] += FishCount(1);
+ }
+ Ok(Swarm { fish })
+ }
+ fn grow(&mut self) {
+ let spawning = self
+ .fish
+ .pop_front()
+ .expect("Fish buffer should maintain exactly 9 entries");
+ }
+ fn fish_sum(&self) -> FishCount {
+ }
+fn parse_swarm(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Swarm> {
+ map_res(
+ separated_list1(tag(","), map(nom_u32, |n| n.to_usize())),
+ Swarm::new,
+ )(input)
diff --git a/2021/src/bin/ b/2021/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b568e07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+use nom::{
+ bytes::complete::tag, character::complete::u64 as nom_u64, combinator::map,
+ multi::separated_list1, IResult,
+use std::fs;
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_7.txt")?;
+ let crabs = parse_swarm(&input).unwrap().1;
+ dbg!(crabs.linear_min_fuel_sum());
+ dbg!(crabs.exponential_min_fuel_sum());
+ Ok(())
+ Default, Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, derive_more::Add, derive_more::Sum,
+struct Fuel(u64);
+#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
+struct CrabPosition(u64);
+impl CrabPosition {
+ fn linear_fuel(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Fuel {
+ if self > rhs {
+ Fuel(self.0 - rhs.0)
+ } else {
+ Fuel(rhs.0 - self.0)
+ }
+ }
+ fn exponential_fuel(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Fuel {
+ let linear_difference = if self > rhs {
+ self.0 - rhs.0
+ } else {
+ rhs.0 - self.0
+ };
+ Fuel(linear_difference * (linear_difference + 1) / 2)
+ }
+#[derive(Default, Debug)]
+struct CrabSwarm {
+ crabs: Vec<CrabPosition>,
+impl CrabSwarm {
+ fn new(mut crabs: Vec<CrabPosition>) -> CrabSwarm {
+ crabs.sort();
+ CrabSwarm { crabs }
+ }
+ fn linear_min_fuel_sum(&self) -> (CrabPosition, Fuel) {
+ (self.crabs[0].0..self.crabs[self.crabs.len() - 1].0)
+ .map(CrabPosition)
+ .map(|pos| {
+ (
+ pos,
+ self.crabs.iter().map(|crab| crab.linear_fuel(&pos)).sum(),
+ )
+ })
+ .min_by_key(|(_pos, fuel)| *fuel)
+ .expect("Expected at least one crab")
+ }
+ fn exponential_min_fuel_sum(&self) -> (CrabPosition, Fuel) {
+ (self.crabs[0].0..self.crabs[self.crabs.len() - 1].0)
+ .map(CrabPosition)
+ .map(|pos| {
+ (
+ pos,
+ self.crabs
+ .iter()
+ .map(|crab| crab.exponential_fuel(&pos))
+ .sum(),
+ )
+ })
+ .min_by_key(|(_pos, fuel)| *fuel)
+ .expect("Expected at least one crab")
+ }
+fn parse_swarm(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, CrabSwarm> {
+ map(
+ separated_list1(tag(","), map(nom_u64, CrabPosition)),
+ CrabSwarm::new,
+ )(input)
diff --git a/2021/src/bin/ b/2021/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dc2bed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+use nom::{
+ branch::alt,
+ bytes::complete::tag,
+ character::complete::{line_ending, space1},
+ combinator::{map, map_res, value},
+ multi::{many1, separated_list1},
+ sequence::tuple,
+ IResult,
+use std::{
+ collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet},
+ fs,
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_8.txt")?;
+ let encrypted = parse_encrypted_inputs(&input).unwrap().1;
+ let permutations = WiringPermutation::all();
+ let unencrypted: Vec<Input> = encrypted
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|encrypted_line| {
+ for permutation in &permutations {
+ if let Ok(input) = encrypted_line.decrypt(&permutation) {
+ return input;
+ }
+ }
+ panic!("Didn't find a solution!")
+ })
+ .collect();
+ let part1_sum: usize = unencrypted
+ .iter()
+ .map(|input| {
+ input
+ .plaintext
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|digit| {
+ digit.value == 1 || digit.value == 4 || digit.value == 7 || digit.value == 8
+ })
+ .count()
+ })
+ .sum();
+ dbg!(part1_sum);
+ let part2_sum: u32 = unencrypted
+ .iter()
+ .map(|input| {
+ input.plaintext[0].value * 1000
+ + input.plaintext[1].value * 100
+ + input.plaintext[2].value * 10
+ + input.plaintext[3].value
+ })
+ .sum();
+ dbg!(part2_sum);
+ Ok(())
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone, Copy)]
+enum Wire {
+ A,
+ B,
+ C,
+ D,
+ E,
+ F,
+ G,
+impl Wire {
+ fn all() -> Vec<Wire> {
+ vec![
+ Wire::A,
+ Wire::B,
+ Wire::C,
+ Wire::D,
+ Wire::E,
+ Wire::F,
+ Wire::G,
+ ]
+ }
+struct WiringPermutation {
+ mapping: BTreeMap<Wire, Wire>,
+impl WiringPermutation {
+ fn all() -> Vec<WiringPermutation> {
+ let all_wires = Wire::all();
+ let all_wires_set: BTreeSet<Wire> = all_wires.iter().cloned().collect();
+ WiringPermutation::permutations(&all_wires, &all_wires_set)
+ }
+ fn permutations(
+ remaining_starts: &[Wire],
+ remaining_ends: &BTreeSet<Wire>,
+ ) -> Vec<WiringPermutation> {
+ let mut permutations = Vec::new();
+ if remaining_starts.is_empty() {
+ } else if remaining_starts.len() == 1 {
+ for end in remaining_ends {
+ let mut permutation = BTreeMap::new();
+ permutation.insert(remaining_starts[0], *end);
+ permutations.push(WiringPermutation {
+ mapping: permutation,
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ let start = remaining_starts[0];
+ for first_end in remaining_ends {
+ let mut inner_remaining_ends = remaining_ends.clone();
+ inner_remaining_ends.remove(first_end);
+ let inner_permutations =
+ WiringPermutation::permutations(&remaining_starts[1..], &inner_remaining_ends);
+ for mut permutation in inner_permutations {
+ permutation.mapping.insert(start, *first_end);
+ permutations.push(permutation);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ permutations
+ }
+struct Digit {
+ value: u32,
+ wires: BTreeSet<Wire>,
+struct Input {
+ plaintext: [Digit; 4],
+#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
+enum WiringError {
+ #[error("digit was not a known digit")]
+ InvalidDigit,
+ #[error("wrong number of numbers")]
+ WrongNumberOfNumbers,
+impl Digit {
+ fn new(wires: BTreeSet<Wire>) -> Result<Digit, WiringError> {
+ let valid_digits: [BTreeSet<Wire>; 10] = [
+ [Wire::A, Wire::B, Wire::C, Wire::E, Wire::F, Wire::G].into(),
+ [Wire::C, Wire::F].into(),
+ [Wire::A, Wire::C, Wire::D, Wire::E, Wire::G].into(),
+ [Wire::A, Wire::C, Wire::D, Wire::F, Wire::G].into(),
+ [Wire::B, Wire::C, Wire::D, Wire::F].into(),
+ [Wire::A, Wire::B, Wire::D, Wire::F, Wire::G].into(),
+ [Wire::A, Wire::B, Wire::D, Wire::E, Wire::F, Wire::G].into(),
+ [Wire::A, Wire::C, Wire::F].into(),
+ [
+ Wire::A,
+ Wire::B,
+ Wire::C,
+ Wire::D,
+ Wire::E,
+ Wire::F,
+ Wire::G,
+ ]
+ .into(),
+ [Wire::A, Wire::B, Wire::C, Wire::D, Wire::F, Wire::G].into(),
+ ];
+ valid_digits
+ .into_iter()
+ .position(|digit| digit == wires)
+ .map(|pos| Digit {
+ value: pos as u32,
+ wires,
+ })
+ .ok_or(WiringError::InvalidDigit)
+ }
+struct EncryptedDigit {
+ wires: BTreeSet<Wire>,
+impl EncryptedDigit {
+ fn decrypt(&self, permutation: &WiringPermutation) -> Result<Digit, WiringError> {
+ let mut fixed_wires = BTreeSet::new();
+ for wire in &self.wires {
+ fixed_wires.insert(permutation.mapping[wire]);
+ }
+ Digit::new(fixed_wires)
+ }
+struct EncryptedInput {
+ digits: [EncryptedDigit; 10],
+ ciphertext: [EncryptedDigit; 4],
+impl EncryptedInput {
+ fn decrypt(&self, permutation: &WiringPermutation) -> Result<Input, WiringError> {
+ for test_digit in &self.digits {
+ let _ = test_digit.decrypt(&permutation)?;
+ }
+ let plaintext = self
+ .ciphertext
+ .iter()
+ .map(|digit| digit.decrypt(&permutation))
+ .collect::<Result<Vec<Digit>, WiringError>>()?;
+ Ok(Input {
+ plaintext: plaintext
+ .try_into()
+ .map_err(|_| WiringError::WrongNumberOfNumbers)?,
+ })
+ }
+fn parse_encrypted_inputs(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<EncryptedInput>> {
+ separated_list1(line_ending, parse_encrypted_input)(input)
+fn parse_encrypted_input(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, EncryptedInput> {
+ map_res(
+ tuple((
+ separated_list1(space1, parse_encrypted_digit),
+ tag(" | "),
+ separated_list1(space1, parse_encrypted_digit),
+ )),
+ |(digits, _, ciphertext)| {
+ let digits = digits
+ .try_into()
+ .map_err(|_| WiringError::WrongNumberOfNumbers)?;
+ let ciphertext = ciphertext
+ .try_into()
+ .map_err(|_| WiringError::WrongNumberOfNumbers)?;
+ let result: Result<EncryptedInput, WiringError> =
+ Ok(EncryptedInput { digits, ciphertext });
+ result
+ },
+ )(input)
+fn parse_encrypted_digit(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, EncryptedDigit> {
+ map(many1(parse_wire), |wires| EncryptedDigit {
+ wires: wires.into_iter().collect(),
+ })(input)
+fn parse_wire(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Wire> {
+ alt((
+ value(Wire::A, tag("a")),
+ value(Wire::B, tag("b")),
+ value(Wire::C, tag("c")),
+ value(Wire::D, tag("d")),
+ value(Wire::E, tag("e")),
+ value(Wire::F, tag("f")),
+ value(Wire::G, tag("g")),
+ ))(input)
diff --git a/2021/src/bin/ b/2021/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ef0dae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+use nom::{
+ character::complete::{line_ending, one_of},
+ combinator::{map, map_res},
+ multi::{many1, separated_list1},
+ IResult,
+use std::fs;
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_9.txt")?;
+ let height_map = parse_height_map(&input).unwrap().1;
+ let risk_level_sum: RiskLevel = height_map.risk_levels().into_iter().sum();
+ dbg!(risk_level_sum);
+ let mut basin_sizes: Vec<u32> = height_map.basins.iter().map(|basin| basin.size).collect();
+ basin_sizes.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| b.cmp(a));
+ dbg!(basin_sizes.iter().take(3).product::<u32>());
+ Ok(())
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone, Copy)]
+struct Height(u8);
+ Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone, Copy, derive_more::Add, derive_more::Sum,
+struct RiskLevel(u32);
+impl From<Height> for RiskLevel {
+ fn from(h: Height) -> Self {
+ RiskLevel(h.0 as u32 + 1)
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Default)]
+struct Basin {
+ size: u32,
+struct HeightMap {
+ heights: Vec<Vec<Height>>,
+ low_points: Vec<(usize, usize)>,
+ basins: Vec<Basin>,
+ basin_map: Vec<Vec<Option<usize>>>,
+impl HeightMap {
+ fn new(heights: Vec<Vec<Height>>) -> HeightMap {
+ let mut height_map = HeightMap {
+ heights,
+ low_points: Vec::new(),
+ basins: Vec::new(),
+ basin_map: Vec::new(),
+ };
+ height_map.init_low_points();
+ height_map.init_basins();
+ height_map
+ }
+impl HeightMap {
+ fn init_low_points(&mut self) {
+ self.low_points = Vec::new();
+ for y in 0..self.heights.len() {
+ for x in 0..self.heights[y].len() {
+ let current = self.heights[y][x];
+ let mut is_low_point = true;
+ let edges = [
+ (x as isize - 1, y as isize),
+ (x as isize + 1, y as isize),
+ (x as isize, y as isize - 1),
+ (x as isize, y as isize + 1),
+ ];
+ for edge in edges {
+ if self
+ .get_height(edge.0, edge.1)
+ .map_or(false, |other| other <= current)
+ {
+ is_low_point = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if is_low_point {
+ self.low_points.push((x, y));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn init_basins(&mut self) {
+ for low_point in self.low_points.clone() {
+ if self
+ .get_basin(low_point.0 as isize, low_point.1 as isize)
+ .is_some()
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let mut basin = Basin::default();
+ let basin_index = self.basins.len();
+ self.set_basin(basin_index, low_point.0, low_point.1);
+ basin.size += 1;
+ let mut boundary = vec![low_point];
+ while boundary.len() > 0 {
+ let (x, y) = boundary.pop().unwrap();
+ let edges = [
+ (x as isize - 1, y as isize),
+ (x as isize + 1, y as isize),
+ (x as isize, y as isize - 1),
+ (x as isize, y as isize + 1),
+ ];
+ for edge in edges {
+ if self
+ .get_height(edge.0, edge.1)
+ .map_or(false, |other| other != Height(9))
+ && self.get_basin(edge.0, edge.1).is_none()
+ {
+ let x = edge.0 as usize;
+ let y = edge.1 as usize;
+ self.set_basin(basin_index, x, y);
+ basin.size += 1;
+ boundary.push((x, y));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ self.basins.push(basin);
+ }
+ }
+ fn get_height(&self, x: isize, y: isize) -> Option<Height> {
+ if x < 0 || y < 0 {
+ None
+ } else {
+ let x = x as usize;
+ let y = y as usize;
+ self.heights.get(y).and_then(|row| row.get(x)).cloned()
+ }
+ }
+ fn get_basin(&self, x: isize, y: isize) -> Option<usize> {
+ if x < 0 || y < 0 {
+ None
+ } else {
+ let x = x as usize;
+ let y = y as usize;
+ self.basin_map
+ .get(y)
+ .and_then(|row| row.get(x))
+ .cloned()
+ .flatten()
+ }
+ }
+ fn set_basin(&mut self, basin: usize, x: usize, y: usize) {
+ while self.basin_map.len() <= y {
+ self.basin_map.push(Vec::new());
+ }
+ while self.basin_map[y].len() <= x {
+ self.basin_map[y].push(None);
+ }
+ self.basin_map[y][x] = Some(basin);
+ }
+ fn risk_levels(&self) -> Vec<RiskLevel> {
+ self.low_points
+ .iter()
+ .copied()
+ .map(|(x, y)| self.heights[y][x].clone().into())
+ .collect()
+ }
+fn parse_height_map(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, HeightMap> {
+ map(separated_list1(line_ending, parse_row), HeightMap::new)(input)
+fn parse_row(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<Height>> {
+ many1(parse_height)(input)
+fn parse_height(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Height> {
+ map_res(one_of("0123456789"), |digit| {
+ digit.to_string().parse().map(Height)
+ })(input)
diff --git a/2021/src/ b/2021/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be756a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+pub mod parsers;
diff --git a/2021/src/ b/2021/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b13789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2021/src/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@