diff options
authorJustin Wernick <>2020-12-08 17:10:29 +0200
committerJustin Wernick <>2020-12-08 17:10:29 +0200
commitd8c880a2acfff53014fc72ec5718875f4989e9f8 (patch)
parent9149b063fa1b3a2f8ce7d1e7f22da821670e0e16 (diff)
Day 7
2 files changed, 731 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/inputs/day_7.txt b/inputs/day_7.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04950b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inputs/day_7.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
+striped white bags contain 4 drab silver bags.
+drab silver bags contain no other bags.
+pale plum bags contain 1 dark black bag.
+muted gold bags contain 1 wavy red bag, 3 mirrored violet bags, 5 bright gold bags, 5 plaid white bags.
+muted teal bags contain 2 pale beige bags, 5 clear beige bags, 2 dotted gold bags, 4 posh cyan bags.
+posh coral bags contain 1 light silver bag, 2 dull blue bags, 3 dim fuchsia bags, 2 dotted magenta bags.
+faded black bags contain 4 light silver bags.
+muted lavender bags contain 1 pale gold bag.
+clear fuchsia bags contain 1 dull gray bag, 2 shiny indigo bags, 3 posh olive bags, 5 vibrant plum bags.
+shiny olive bags contain 1 dotted gold bag, 5 bright violet bags.
+vibrant lavender bags contain 3 dotted aqua bags, 4 pale chartreuse bags, 5 mirrored blue bags.
+pale fuchsia bags contain 5 pale crimson bags, 2 dull teal bags.
+clear lavender bags contain 5 shiny fuchsia bags, 5 wavy teal bags.
+light chartreuse bags contain 5 mirrored yellow bags, 3 bright maroon bags.
+mirrored white bags contain 1 bright gray bag, 4 plaid blue bags.
+dark teal bags contain 4 bright maroon bags, 5 plaid bronze bags, 1 dark brown bag.
+wavy yellow bags contain 4 dim silver bags, 1 striped tomato bag, 5 clear chartreuse bags.
+dark turquoise bags contain 4 clear plum bags.
+posh gray bags contain 2 faded purple bags, 2 faded orange bags.
+wavy tomato bags contain 1 dark purple bag.
+vibrant gray bags contain 3 muted gray bags, 1 dark fuchsia bag, 5 posh white bags, 5 posh tomato bags.
+light crimson bags contain 2 dotted chartreuse bags.
+dull gray bags contain 4 muted brown bags, 2 shiny blue bags, 4 dim crimson bags.
+drab red bags contain 2 bright cyan bags, 1 pale brown bag.
+dotted salmon bags contain 5 mirrored indigo bags.
+vibrant green bags contain 2 dark coral bags.
+light magenta bags contain 4 clear bronze bags, 4 dull teal bags, 4 posh salmon bags.
+vibrant purple bags contain 4 posh plum bags, 2 bright gray bags.
+posh lime bags contain 3 plaid yellow bags, 4 posh salmon bags.
+bright white bags contain 4 dull aqua bags, 1 shiny silver bag.
+faded blue bags contain 5 muted cyan bags, 2 mirrored coral bags.
+dim green bags contain 2 posh lavender bags.
+faded gray bags contain 2 dark gold bags, 1 drab turquoise bag.
+wavy black bags contain 4 dim fuchsia bags, 1 muted orange bag, 4 drab salmon bags.
+plaid plum bags contain 5 dotted tomato bags, 1 shiny beige bag.
+bright tan bags contain 2 posh salmon bags.
+wavy gold bags contain 1 faded olive bag, 5 vibrant black bags, 3 dull orange bags.
+dull fuchsia bags contain 1 faded crimson bag, 5 vibrant white bags.
+shiny maroon bags contain 5 dull lavender bags, 1 dim white bag.
+wavy white bags contain 5 light teal bags, 4 dim salmon bags, 3 dotted red bags, 5 dark red bags.
+dim cyan bags contain 1 muted orange bag.
+muted cyan bags contain 4 dull turquoise bags, 5 posh gray bags, 5 clear turquoise bags, 1 shiny plum bag.
+posh violet bags contain 5 plaid crimson bags, 5 muted purple bags, 1 wavy beige bag, 2 mirrored orange bags.
+faded purple bags contain 3 plaid blue bags, 1 dull lavender bag, 1 muted orange bag, 2 dotted tomato bags.
+wavy beige bags contain 1 dotted beige bag.
+dim black bags contain 1 wavy blue bag, 1 plaid black bag, 3 pale lavender bags, 2 light violet bags.
+dotted lavender bags contain 1 plaid blue bag, 5 dim crimson bags.
+dark yellow bags contain 3 posh green bags.
+wavy salmon bags contain 1 clear aqua bag, 3 mirrored crimson bags, 3 pale magenta bags, 2 dull teal bags.
+clear silver bags contain 3 faded tan bags, 5 faded aqua bags, 1 clear tomato bag.
+vibrant bronze bags contain 1 faded maroon bag, 4 plaid indigo bags, 2 bright purple bags, 5 dim violet bags.
+pale brown bags contain 1 dull lavender bag, 2 clear turquoise bags.
+faded salmon bags contain 1 pale silver bag.
+dark gray bags contain 2 pale teal bags.
+posh red bags contain 3 faded black bags, 2 dull red bags.
+dim indigo bags contain 3 bright green bags, 2 dotted tomato bags, 5 bright magenta bags.
+dull maroon bags contain 5 light green bags.
+wavy teal bags contain 5 faded tan bags, 4 clear orange bags.
+pale chartreuse bags contain 5 bright blue bags, 3 light indigo bags, 3 shiny white bags, 3 wavy bronze bags.
+mirrored gray bags contain 4 vibrant tomato bags, 1 dark red bag, 5 drab silver bags, 3 posh magenta bags.
+dark lavender bags contain 4 dotted white bags, 5 vibrant chartreuse bags, 2 dim teal bags.
+shiny turquoise bags contain 3 dim lime bags, 5 bright cyan bags, 2 pale green bags.
+shiny indigo bags contain 2 dark fuchsia bags, 4 posh chartreuse bags.
+pale crimson bags contain 5 mirrored silver bags, 2 posh black bags.
+light salmon bags contain 2 vibrant orange bags, 2 dotted red bags.
+plaid orange bags contain 1 dotted turquoise bag, 4 vibrant brown bags.
+dim maroon bags contain 5 shiny gold bags, 4 mirrored maroon bags.
+muted green bags contain 1 plaid plum bag.
+faded indigo bags contain 3 faded purple bags, 4 vibrant indigo bags, 1 light coral bag.
+dull blue bags contain 5 dull salmon bags, 2 wavy magenta bags.
+vibrant black bags contain 1 light coral bag, 5 vibrant cyan bags, 3 dim magenta bags.
+striped lime bags contain 1 striped maroon bag, 2 vibrant brown bags.
+drab brown bags contain 1 faded olive bag, 5 dotted beige bags.
+dark plum bags contain 5 faded brown bags.
+clear olive bags contain 3 dull aqua bags, 5 drab yellow bags.
+wavy crimson bags contain 2 posh plum bags, 2 dull aqua bags, 5 shiny teal bags, 2 vibrant purple bags.
+mirrored olive bags contain 2 wavy gold bags.
+dim crimson bags contain no other bags.
+faded plum bags contain 1 plaid indigo bag.
+light maroon bags contain 3 vibrant orange bags, 2 clear olive bags, 3 clear brown bags, 1 pale black bag.
+posh white bags contain 3 dull green bags, 3 clear brown bags.
+drab black bags contain 2 shiny turquoise bags.
+light purple bags contain 2 pale black bags, 5 light silver bags, 1 drab coral bag.
+pale yellow bags contain 2 vibrant orange bags, 5 posh black bags, 2 vibrant tomato bags, 3 dotted lavender bags.
+dull cyan bags contain 5 wavy beige bags, 1 dull yellow bag, 3 drab lime bags, 3 drab chartreuse bags.
+drab lavender bags contain 2 plaid black bags, 4 dotted gray bags, 1 dim silver bag, 2 shiny gold bags.
+striped brown bags contain 5 light maroon bags, 3 light red bags, 3 clear indigo bags.
+drab tomato bags contain 2 light black bags, 2 clear salmon bags.
+dotted red bags contain 4 dim salmon bags, 5 striped indigo bags.
+vibrant teal bags contain 5 bright black bags, 1 dark purple bag, 2 bright turquoise bags.
+striped teal bags contain 4 mirrored silver bags.
+dull beige bags contain 4 clear olive bags, 4 light teal bags, 3 bright plum bags, 4 dotted lavender bags.
+light violet bags contain 2 dull lavender bags, 4 bright gray bags, 5 vibrant orange bags, 3 wavy magenta bags.
+dim brown bags contain 2 clear plum bags, 2 shiny teal bags, 2 posh salmon bags.
+striped magenta bags contain 4 posh turquoise bags, 3 pale cyan bags, 3 faded indigo bags.
+bright orange bags contain 4 plaid gray bags, 4 dark black bags, 4 faded red bags, 4 bright black bags.
+muted olive bags contain 2 dotted crimson bags, 4 faded lavender bags, 2 vibrant gray bags.
+plaid teal bags contain 2 light yellow bags, 4 drab cyan bags, 3 light green bags.
+faded fuchsia bags contain 1 posh silver bag, 4 drab chartreuse bags, 4 drab teal bags.
+dim silver bags contain 1 pale turquoise bag.
+bright lime bags contain 1 striped silver bag, 5 muted teal bags, 1 shiny tan bag, 1 dark silver bag.
+dotted green bags contain 3 posh green bags, 1 drab yellow bag.
+drab purple bags contain 5 bright violet bags, 1 posh tomato bag.
+dull bronze bags contain 4 mirrored black bags.
+striped tomato bags contain 1 posh gray bag, 2 posh magenta bags.
+bright crimson bags contain 2 light olive bags, 4 clear tan bags, 3 drab fuchsia bags.
+bright turquoise bags contain 4 pale teal bags, 3 drab silver bags.
+shiny lavender bags contain 2 striped lime bags, 2 plaid tomato bags, 1 faded orange bag, 5 wavy magenta bags.
+light tomato bags contain 5 dotted olive bags.
+wavy magenta bags contain no other bags.
+vibrant fuchsia bags contain 5 posh brown bags, 5 plaid indigo bags.
+dark tomato bags contain 3 shiny plum bags.
+pale bronze bags contain 5 plaid black bags, 5 vibrant brown bags, 2 dim lime bags, 4 muted bronze bags.
+striped fuchsia bags contain 3 muted brown bags, 2 pale chartreuse bags, 1 dim magenta bag.
+dark brown bags contain 4 clear bronze bags.
+posh teal bags contain 5 dotted plum bags, 2 drab gray bags, 3 dull fuchsia bags.
+wavy turquoise bags contain 1 dull lavender bag.
+striped maroon bags contain 4 muted yellow bags, 4 clear orange bags, 4 vibrant orange bags.
+shiny green bags contain 3 muted brown bags, 1 vibrant black bag, 4 wavy cyan bags, 3 posh brown bags.
+plaid salmon bags contain 4 mirrored indigo bags, 2 wavy white bags, 5 mirrored bronze bags, 3 light coral bags.
+dotted magenta bags contain 2 light olive bags, 2 dark red bags, 4 clear green bags, 3 dim plum bags.
+light orange bags contain 5 dark plum bags, 3 bright maroon bags, 2 dotted lime bags.
+clear brown bags contain 3 dim white bags, 2 posh magenta bags.
+vibrant turquoise bags contain 2 striped yellow bags, 1 mirrored crimson bag.
+muted coral bags contain 4 wavy gold bags, 2 dim tan bags, 1 shiny green bag.
+plaid crimson bags contain 1 dull aqua bag.
+vibrant plum bags contain 4 striped tomato bags, 1 striped turquoise bag.
+dark coral bags contain 5 posh black bags, 1 shiny beige bag, 3 pale brown bags.
+mirrored brown bags contain 1 clear blue bag, 1 dull indigo bag.
+bright blue bags contain 2 light violet bags, 1 dotted tomato bag.
+drab cyan bags contain 2 dim turquoise bags, 5 clear violet bags.
+dotted coral bags contain 3 dotted aqua bags.
+shiny yellow bags contain 1 wavy cyan bag.
+shiny red bags contain 5 shiny beige bags, 3 dotted lime bags, 5 dotted plum bags.
+muted lime bags contain 3 dark turquoise bags, 3 bright chartreuse bags.
+pale gray bags contain 5 dotted coral bags, 4 wavy teal bags, 2 clear aqua bags.
+pale blue bags contain 5 dull salmon bags, 3 posh bronze bags, 2 vibrant tomato bags.
+dim turquoise bags contain 4 posh aqua bags, 2 dark turquoise bags.
+pale turquoise bags contain 5 vibrant brown bags, 2 shiny maroon bags.
+dim gray bags contain 2 faded tomato bags, 2 faded indigo bags.
+clear aqua bags contain 1 light turquoise bag, 3 dotted turquoise bags.
+faded turquoise bags contain 5 muted lime bags.
+clear plum bags contain 2 plaid indigo bags, 5 drab yellow bags.
+vibrant white bags contain 2 bright violet bags, 4 dark plum bags, 1 dim plum bag, 4 plaid indigo bags.
+dark orange bags contain 3 posh purple bags, 5 clear orange bags, 1 dim white bag.
+light olive bags contain 3 drab green bags.
+muted salmon bags contain 4 muted cyan bags.
+clear maroon bags contain 2 muted yellow bags, 5 plaid crimson bags, 1 clear turquoise bag.
+wavy orange bags contain 4 vibrant blue bags, 4 posh brown bags, 2 pale turquoise bags, 5 shiny orange bags.
+dotted gold bags contain 3 posh magenta bags, 1 faded crimson bag, 3 dotted olive bags, 3 plaid olive bags.
+dull purple bags contain 5 drab salmon bags, 4 dim lavender bags.
+light bronze bags contain 2 wavy indigo bags.
+muted turquoise bags contain 5 clear turquoise bags, 4 plaid violet bags, 4 clear orange bags, 2 posh maroon bags.
+mirrored blue bags contain 4 clear chartreuse bags.
+drab tan bags contain 3 striped violet bags, 2 bright silver bags, 2 dark bronze bags, 1 mirrored black bag.
+dark maroon bags contain 1 vibrant orange bag.
+drab yellow bags contain 1 vibrant blue bag, 2 dim violet bags.
+light cyan bags contain 4 posh beige bags.
+vibrant salmon bags contain 3 wavy gold bags.
+muted orange bags contain 3 dotted tomato bags, 4 vibrant tomato bags, 5 dull lavender bags.
+dull turquoise bags contain 1 wavy white bag.
+dotted indigo bags contain 3 wavy bronze bags.
+dark red bags contain 4 wavy bronze bags, 5 wavy turquoise bags.
+light coral bags contain 4 clear tan bags, 2 vibrant beige bags, 1 dull lavender bag, 5 shiny white bags.
+mirrored turquoise bags contain 5 clear fuchsia bags, 3 mirrored black bags, 4 plaid tan bags.
+mirrored yellow bags contain 4 pale turquoise bags, 2 wavy orange bags, 3 drab coral bags, 4 dim chartreuse bags.
+dotted fuchsia bags contain 4 dim bronze bags, 4 striped indigo bags.
+dotted purple bags contain 5 posh maroon bags, 1 dim yellow bag.
+clear coral bags contain 5 dark olive bags, 2 wavy bronze bags, 3 light red bags.
+mirrored teal bags contain 3 drab yellow bags.
+faded green bags contain 2 dark purple bags.
+light lime bags contain 4 bright chartreuse bags, 5 clear tomato bags, 2 bright green bags, 2 faded teal bags.
+bright yellow bags contain 4 dull purple bags, 3 faded beige bags.
+bright maroon bags contain 2 vibrant blue bags, 5 bright violet bags, 5 plaid indigo bags, 3 vibrant orange bags.
+faded red bags contain 5 pale brown bags, 4 striped tomato bags, 2 bright green bags.
+muted maroon bags contain 1 dark tan bag, 5 drab teal bags, 4 dull maroon bags.
+plaid coral bags contain 5 bright blue bags, 1 dotted indigo bag.
+dotted brown bags contain 1 dull beige bag, 2 bright indigo bags, 2 striped chartreuse bags, 1 muted silver bag.
+wavy coral bags contain 2 clear cyan bags, 2 muted teal bags, 1 faded red bag, 2 mirrored silver bags.
+faded coral bags contain 3 bright green bags, 1 bright cyan bag, 3 plaid blue bags, 5 wavy lavender bags.
+dim gold bags contain 5 dim teal bags, 1 vibrant tomato bag, 5 pale chartreuse bags, 3 bright indigo bags.
+bright salmon bags contain 5 plaid chartreuse bags, 5 light tan bags, 5 vibrant maroon bags.
+wavy violet bags contain 4 bright green bags.
+mirrored lavender bags contain 5 drab plum bags, 2 drab turquoise bags, 2 dark magenta bags.
+faded aqua bags contain 3 faded teal bags, 1 dark red bag.
+muted yellow bags contain 1 mirrored silver bag, 1 striped white bag, 3 mirrored gold bags, 1 muted gray bag.
+pale coral bags contain 2 striped gray bags, 2 clear beige bags.
+mirrored cyan bags contain 1 pale beige bag, 4 dim crimson bags.
+dotted aqua bags contain 4 dim crimson bags, 3 vibrant beige bags.
+dark white bags contain 4 dim maroon bags, 1 light olive bag, 3 dull fuchsia bags, 4 mirrored maroon bags.
+dotted chartreuse bags contain 5 clear tan bags, 2 clear white bags, 2 dark coral bags, 4 faded brown bags.
+mirrored red bags contain 5 faded violet bags, 2 dark chartreuse bags.
+drab maroon bags contain 3 bright violet bags.
+dark violet bags contain 5 dark turquoise bags, 1 muted blue bag, 4 plaid bronze bags.
+dull silver bags contain 4 dotted lime bags, 3 dotted silver bags, 4 dull red bags, 3 pale white bags.
+striped lavender bags contain 5 drab silver bags.
+light yellow bags contain 3 posh plum bags, 3 bright olive bags, 4 wavy crimson bags.
+posh chartreuse bags contain 2 bright violet bags.
+pale green bags contain 5 shiny lime bags, 3 faded teal bags, 5 posh gray bags, 1 posh chartreuse bag.
+shiny lime bags contain 1 dull beige bag, 4 light aqua bags, 4 dotted tomato bags.
+plaid tan bags contain 1 mirrored chartreuse bag.
+drab coral bags contain 5 posh gray bags, 2 dull black bags.
+drab salmon bags contain 4 drab yellow bags, 3 mirrored green bags.
+faded yellow bags contain 2 mirrored beige bags, 1 bright turquoise bag, 1 vibrant black bag.
+bright tomato bags contain 4 clear brown bags.
+muted beige bags contain 1 clear turquoise bag.
+striped black bags contain 1 plaid chartreuse bag.
+bright cyan bags contain 5 clear tomato bags.
+striped coral bags contain 2 muted red bags.
+posh bronze bags contain 5 striped yellow bags.
+mirrored maroon bags contain 4 vibrant tomato bags, 5 bright green bags, 4 vibrant maroon bags, 4 striped violet bags.
+dotted turquoise bags contain 1 posh beige bag, 5 muted silver bags.
+bright purple bags contain 5 drab silver bags, 5 shiny blue bags, 2 plaid bronze bags, 4 faded magenta bags.
+posh plum bags contain 5 striped white bags, 2 pale brown bags, 1 wavy turquoise bag.
+dark crimson bags contain 1 dull black bag, 2 dull yellow bags, 1 posh white bag, 3 dotted lime bags.
+plaid bronze bags contain 5 striped indigo bags, 5 light indigo bags, 4 wavy magenta bags, 3 vibrant blue bags.
+clear red bags contain 4 posh silver bags, 1 dim aqua bag.
+striped salmon bags contain 3 bright violet bags, 4 faded olive bags, 5 dim turquoise bags.
+dim bronze bags contain no other bags.
+wavy brown bags contain 4 vibrant turquoise bags.
+wavy maroon bags contain 1 mirrored bronze bag, 2 posh fuchsia bags, 1 mirrored indigo bag.
+mirrored salmon bags contain 2 faded lavender bags.
+dark aqua bags contain 4 faded teal bags, 1 dim tomato bag.
+pale violet bags contain 5 clear blue bags, 3 plaid blue bags, 5 dim teal bags, 2 pale black bags.
+mirrored crimson bags contain 2 posh magenta bags, 2 dotted aqua bags, 1 dim bronze bag.
+bright indigo bags contain 4 bright violet bags.
+muted violet bags contain 4 mirrored maroon bags, 2 dull red bags, 4 plaid tomato bags, 1 pale yellow bag.
+shiny gold bags contain 3 vibrant blue bags, 5 plaid blue bags, 2 dark red bags, 1 dull green bag.
+clear green bags contain 4 dotted lavender bags.
+dark indigo bags contain 2 light lime bags, 3 wavy brown bags.
+muted fuchsia bags contain 3 plaid green bags.
+bright silver bags contain 4 dim tomato bags, 3 clear olive bags, 1 dull teal bag.
+plaid purple bags contain 4 dark silver bags, 1 vibrant crimson bag, 4 dark black bags, 3 faded magenta bags.
+clear chartreuse bags contain 4 posh plum bags.
+plaid tomato bags contain 2 wavy aqua bags, 3 striped indigo bags, 1 wavy magenta bag.
+posh cyan bags contain 3 drab green bags, 3 bright chartreuse bags, 3 muted gray bags, 2 light black bags.
+posh turquoise bags contain 5 wavy teal bags, 3 light tan bags, 1 dull gold bag.
+plaid olive bags contain 2 dim chartreuse bags.
+shiny orange bags contain 4 pale brown bags, 3 dim salmon bags.
+clear gray bags contain 4 bright salmon bags, 5 vibrant crimson bags.
+shiny brown bags contain 1 bright gold bag, 3 clear tomato bags.
+muted aqua bags contain 2 mirrored indigo bags, 1 dim tan bag.
+plaid red bags contain 1 clear plum bag.
+muted bronze bags contain 4 clear white bags, 3 dotted plum bags.
+plaid blue bags contain 2 dull lavender bags, 5 wavy magenta bags, 1 light indigo bag.
+shiny salmon bags contain 2 dotted black bags, 1 light magenta bag.
+shiny cyan bags contain 5 faded violet bags, 3 mirrored bronze bags, 4 dark maroon bags, 2 wavy lavender bags.
+drab magenta bags contain 2 light blue bags, 1 wavy orange bag, 5 posh chartreuse bags.
+dim violet bags contain 5 dark red bags, 4 light violet bags, 2 dotted fuchsia bags, 2 plaid tomato bags.
+faded crimson bags contain 3 clear silver bags, 1 vibrant beige bag.
+plaid fuchsia bags contain 3 plaid red bags, 4 drab purple bags, 4 clear lime bags, 3 dim turquoise bags.
+dull green bags contain 5 dotted beige bags, 4 drab silver bags, 4 posh magenta bags, 1 muted orange bag.
+wavy indigo bags contain 2 pale tan bags.
+plaid lavender bags contain 1 dark black bag.
+clear bronze bags contain 3 pale teal bags.
+clear blue bags contain 2 light teal bags, 5 dotted olive bags, 3 bright indigo bags.
+posh aqua bags contain 2 light violet bags, 2 dull salmon bags, 1 vibrant violet bag.
+dark gold bags contain 2 striped maroon bags.
+vibrant chartreuse bags contain 3 wavy silver bags.
+dark magenta bags contain 1 clear silver bag.
+dim red bags contain 3 wavy indigo bags, 2 muted teal bags.
+muted silver bags contain 5 pale crimson bags, 2 dotted tomato bags.
+mirrored tan bags contain 1 pale salmon bag.
+dull violet bags contain 2 dull black bags.
+striped beige bags contain 4 dark maroon bags, 2 wavy orange bags.
+striped turquoise bags contain 3 light indigo bags, 5 bright maroon bags, 1 light teal bag.
+pale gold bags contain 5 dotted teal bags.
+wavy olive bags contain 3 dotted fuchsia bags.
+clear violet bags contain 1 dotted lavender bag, 5 bright tan bags, 5 dim violet bags, 5 drab salmon bags.
+pale maroon bags contain 4 drab red bags, 1 wavy yellow bag, 1 muted green bag, 1 striped fuchsia bag.
+drab bronze bags contain 4 light gray bags, 3 posh magenta bags, 1 dull yellow bag.
+vibrant gold bags contain 4 dull violet bags, 3 clear white bags, 5 wavy chartreuse bags, 4 pale turquoise bags.
+clear beige bags contain 4 plaid blue bags, 3 shiny plum bags, 1 light silver bag.
+faded silver bags contain 5 drab turquoise bags, 4 plaid green bags, 4 posh yellow bags, 1 plaid blue bag.
+light brown bags contain 1 dark red bag, 1 dotted gray bag.
+shiny violet bags contain 5 posh cyan bags, 5 vibrant plum bags, 5 mirrored chartreuse bags, 4 plaid green bags.
+dark bronze bags contain 4 bright gold bags, 2 striped maroon bags, 4 dark aqua bags, 5 pale chartreuse bags.
+dull black bags contain 2 vibrant tomato bags, 1 vibrant blue bag, 3 pale yellow bags.
+dotted beige bags contain 5 dotted tomato bags, 1 striped indigo bag.
+clear indigo bags contain 3 dark violet bags.
+bright coral bags contain 1 dark indigo bag.
+drab turquoise bags contain 5 drab plum bags, 3 pale magenta bags, 5 drab red bags, 4 dull olive bags.
+shiny fuchsia bags contain 2 dull lavender bags, 5 striped tomato bags.
+dull indigo bags contain 3 pale turquoise bags, 3 faded tomato bags, 5 dim magenta bags, 3 drab indigo bags.
+dim aqua bags contain 4 faded brown bags, 1 mirrored lime bag.
+muted purple bags contain 3 dim salmon bags, 4 light violet bags, 2 striped turquoise bags, 2 shiny teal bags.
+dotted black bags contain 3 dotted cyan bags, 4 wavy magenta bags, 4 posh chartreuse bags.
+drab violet bags contain 4 dark gray bags, 5 dull chartreuse bags, 4 plaid gray bags.
+plaid green bags contain 3 dark red bags, 1 wavy crimson bag, 4 light coral bags, 4 striped indigo bags.
+faded brown bags contain 3 dark orange bags.
+light teal bags contain 3 striped indigo bags, 4 dim bronze bags.
+plaid black bags contain 2 mirrored crimson bags, 5 dim silver bags, 4 posh purple bags.
+shiny blue bags contain 2 plaid green bags, 4 plaid crimson bags, 2 faded plum bags.
+plaid lime bags contain 2 striped maroon bags.
+pale lavender bags contain 2 mirrored indigo bags, 1 pale green bag, 5 dim chartreuse bags, 3 pale white bags.
+drab chartreuse bags contain 1 bright salmon bag, 4 vibrant brown bags, 1 muted violet bag.
+light indigo bags contain no other bags.
+plaid violet bags contain 2 dim white bags, 4 faded lavender bags.
+drab gold bags contain 5 dotted aqua bags, 3 muted beige bags, 4 faded black bags, 5 dark red bags.
+mirrored bronze bags contain 2 plaid blue bags, 1 light orange bag.
+dim olive bags contain 1 striped silver bag.
+plaid white bags contain 5 pale turquoise bags, 4 mirrored orange bags, 2 vibrant aqua bags.
+wavy purple bags contain 3 dark silver bags, 1 dull white bag, 3 dotted magenta bags, 2 dim salmon bags.
+clear orange bags contain 5 striped indigo bags, 1 wavy bronze bag, 4 vibrant blue bags.
+plaid gray bags contain 1 dull aqua bag, 3 dull olive bags, 3 posh black bags.
+vibrant violet bags contain 2 vibrant maroon bags.
+pale olive bags contain 2 vibrant fuchsia bags.
+muted brown bags contain 5 pale teal bags, 2 light brown bags, 4 light tomato bags.
+posh lavender bags contain 4 bright indigo bags, 1 striped indigo bag, 5 dark purple bags.
+dotted blue bags contain 4 muted salmon bags, 3 mirrored red bags, 5 pale white bags, 3 clear red bags.
+dim purple bags contain 4 muted cyan bags.
+bright fuchsia bags contain 5 muted black bags.
+vibrant lime bags contain 3 posh purple bags, 1 drab aqua bag.
+wavy green bags contain 3 drab red bags, 2 faded brown bags, 2 wavy cyan bags.
+dull lime bags contain 3 bright salmon bags, 4 posh crimson bags, 1 drab salmon bag, 4 pale yellow bags.
+mirrored aqua bags contain 4 striped violet bags, 1 striped indigo bag, 2 striped tomato bags.
+striped tan bags contain 4 light blue bags, 4 dull beige bags.
+drab green bags contain 5 muted silver bags, 1 vibrant orange bag, 2 striped indigo bags, 4 striped tomato bags.
+dotted orange bags contain 5 mirrored white bags, 5 muted orange bags, 2 drab tomato bags, 2 dull white bags.
+dim tomato bags contain 2 dull lavender bags.
+dull magenta bags contain 3 faded brown bags, 5 faded teal bags.
+faded maroon bags contain 4 posh brown bags, 2 dotted aqua bags.
+plaid cyan bags contain 4 faded crimson bags, 4 light chartreuse bags, 1 light crimson bag, 1 posh fuchsia bag.
+dim salmon bags contain 1 dotted olive bag, 4 light indigo bags.
+faded chartreuse bags contain 4 bright gold bags, 4 clear silver bags.
+light plum bags contain 2 dotted chartreuse bags, 1 drab white bag.
+posh silver bags contain 3 mirrored black bags, 4 dull blue bags.
+dull salmon bags contain 4 dim white bags, 5 clear tomato bags, 2 mirrored maroon bags.
+light green bags contain 4 plaid chartreuse bags, 5 vibrant aqua bags.
+posh indigo bags contain 2 dull olive bags, 2 dotted lime bags, 1 drab red bag.
+dark blue bags contain 5 dotted green bags, 3 wavy crimson bags, 4 clear silver bags.
+bright black bags contain 5 posh bronze bags, 3 bright cyan bags, 5 muted black bags.
+bright lavender bags contain 1 shiny indigo bag, 1 dim yellow bag, 1 wavy yellow bag.
+faded white bags contain 1 dotted black bag, 5 wavy red bags.
+muted black bags contain 1 mirrored aqua bag, 4 dark red bags, 5 dull yellow bags.
+light turquoise bags contain 3 shiny plum bags.
+vibrant coral bags contain 2 shiny orange bags, 4 bright olive bags.
+vibrant aqua bags contain 2 wavy crimson bags, 2 muted orange bags.
+dotted tan bags contain 1 light indigo bag, 2 dim magenta bags.
+posh yellow bags contain 4 faded lavender bags.
+pale lime bags contain 4 mirrored orange bags, 3 dull gray bags, 1 muted magenta bag.
+drab white bags contain 2 faded tan bags, 3 wavy aqua bags.
+shiny tomato bags contain 4 dim coral bags, 3 dotted lime bags.
+wavy plum bags contain 1 bright orange bag.
+dull crimson bags contain 2 pale silver bags, 1 light beige bag, 4 wavy violet bags.
+dotted violet bags contain 4 light indigo bags, 1 dark black bag, 3 pale green bags.
+dark salmon bags contain 5 light tan bags, 4 dim chartreuse bags, 5 faded green bags, 3 light brown bags.
+dull brown bags contain 5 mirrored aqua bags, 5 dim magenta bags, 4 light brown bags, 5 plaid black bags.
+shiny chartreuse bags contain 5 wavy yellow bags, 3 faded aqua bags, 1 bright fuchsia bag, 5 drab plum bags.
+muted red bags contain 3 drab white bags, 5 dim beige bags, 4 bright olive bags.
+posh blue bags contain 1 dotted beige bag, 1 vibrant cyan bag, 4 vibrant brown bags, 2 clear turquoise bags.
+wavy bronze bags contain 4 wavy turquoise bags, 4 dim bronze bags, 3 shiny beige bags, 2 dull lavender bags.
+posh beige bags contain 3 muted gray bags, 4 light salmon bags, 5 striped turquoise bags.
+vibrant red bags contain 5 muted blue bags.
+dark olive bags contain 5 dark maroon bags.
+dotted gray bags contain 3 wavy magenta bags.
+vibrant cyan bags contain 5 dotted lavender bags, 3 vibrant orange bags.
+dark chartreuse bags contain 3 pale white bags, 1 dull lavender bag.
+faded lime bags contain 4 clear green bags, 3 shiny plum bags, 2 light green bags.
+vibrant blue bags contain 1 wavy turquoise bag, 4 dim salmon bags.
+dull tan bags contain 3 dim chartreuse bags, 1 plaid tomato bag, 4 dark brown bags.
+muted gray bags contain 4 clear tan bags, 3 wavy aqua bags, 5 dim white bags.
+clear yellow bags contain 1 drab white bag, 5 dark salmon bags, 2 dull yellow bags.
+clear tomato bags contain 2 dotted gray bags, 5 vibrant beige bags, 1 bright maroon bag, 2 drab green bags.
+shiny tan bags contain 5 posh lavender bags, 5 pale yellow bags.
+dark black bags contain 4 muted purple bags, 5 light gray bags, 5 drab red bags.
+striped plum bags contain 3 dull red bags, 1 dark tomato bag, 4 dark yellow bags, 5 plaid cyan bags.
+light gray bags contain 3 plaid chartreuse bags.
+light aqua bags contain 4 wavy magenta bags, 3 light black bags.
+vibrant brown bags contain 1 bright blue bag, 1 posh black bag.
+posh tomato bags contain 5 wavy magenta bags.
+dotted bronze bags contain 4 mirrored chartreuse bags.
+mirrored violet bags contain 2 clear maroon bags, 1 light red bag, 4 mirrored gray bags.
+dark purple bags contain 5 bright blue bags, 3 plaid blue bags.
+faded beige bags contain 4 plaid bronze bags, 5 vibrant turquoise bags, 3 pale orange bags, 5 mirrored aqua bags.
+mirrored green bags contain 1 dotted fuchsia bag, 5 light indigo bags, 3 shiny beige bags.
+striped violet bags contain 5 drab silver bags, 2 dim crimson bags, 3 plaid blue bags.
+mirrored tomato bags contain 5 light lavender bags.
+posh purple bags contain 3 pale orange bags.
+dim blue bags contain 5 dotted plum bags, 1 light orange bag, 4 dim maroon bags.
+dark cyan bags contain 4 vibrant white bags, 4 dull white bags, 1 posh purple bag.
+drab beige bags contain 5 dull purple bags.
+vibrant olive bags contain 5 light silver bags.
+plaid beige bags contain 3 muted silver bags, 4 vibrant orange bags.
+wavy silver bags contain 2 dim crimson bags, 4 shiny maroon bags, 4 pale indigo bags.
+posh crimson bags contain 2 light violet bags, 4 pale coral bags, 3 plaid bronze bags.
+vibrant crimson bags contain 3 dull red bags.
+dotted olive bags contain no other bags.
+mirrored beige bags contain 2 plaid gray bags, 5 mirrored yellow bags.
+bright brown bags contain 2 faded aqua bags, 1 dim tomato bag, 5 posh magenta bags.
+bright magenta bags contain 2 posh gray bags, 3 dim salmon bags.
+clear magenta bags contain 2 dim cyan bags, 3 clear red bags, 1 dull fuchsia bag, 4 wavy coral bags.
+clear lime bags contain 5 dull green bags, 2 shiny bronze bags, 2 faded orange bags, 1 bright beige bag.
+muted tan bags contain 4 vibrant maroon bags, 3 vibrant black bags, 5 shiny maroon bags, 5 vibrant turquoise bags.
+pale beige bags contain 3 light tomato bags.
+dark fuchsia bags contain 2 faded brown bags, 3 dotted lavender bags, 4 shiny teal bags, 2 bright blue bags.
+dim magenta bags contain 4 posh chartreuse bags.
+bright aqua bags contain 5 drab violet bags.
+striped crimson bags contain 2 bright green bags.
+dull chartreuse bags contain 4 plaid bronze bags, 2 shiny gray bags, 4 dull lavender bags.
+wavy chartreuse bags contain 1 vibrant tomato bag, 1 dim tomato bag, 3 pale green bags, 1 posh plum bag.
+dotted white bags contain 1 dark teal bag, 4 dotted violet bags, 5 bright beige bags, 3 dim silver bags.
+mirrored purple bags contain 1 posh green bag.
+faded bronze bags contain 4 dotted indigo bags.
+faded lavender bags contain 3 muted purple bags.
+clear turquoise bags contain 4 muted orange bags, 1 striped violet bag, 5 clear tan bags, 5 dim white bags.
+shiny plum bags contain 4 dim crimson bags.
+wavy fuchsia bags contain 3 dotted brown bags, 5 dark magenta bags, 2 dark bronze bags.
+faded olive bags contain 5 plaid indigo bags.
+mirrored orange bags contain 4 striped violet bags, 2 light violet bags, 4 shiny orange bags.
+pale indigo bags contain 3 shiny indigo bags.
+faded tan bags contain 3 shiny maroon bags, 5 posh aqua bags, 1 striped violet bag, 2 dim white bags.
+bright chartreuse bags contain 1 posh black bag, 5 bright gray bags, 3 plaid chartreuse bags.
+drab blue bags contain 1 pale violet bag, 4 vibrant green bags.
+posh tan bags contain 4 shiny lime bags.
+plaid maroon bags contain 2 dotted black bags.
+dull coral bags contain 4 posh coral bags, 1 dotted silver bag, 5 drab beige bags, 1 plaid red bag.
+striped yellow bags contain 1 plaid tomato bag, 1 dotted lavender bag.
+muted magenta bags contain 4 muted black bags.
+dotted cyan bags contain 1 vibrant tomato bag, 3 light indigo bags, 1 wavy turquoise bag.
+dim lavender bags contain 1 muted black bag, 4 pale white bags, 2 mirrored coral bags, 5 pale brown bags.
+bright gold bags contain 5 vibrant green bags.
+light white bags contain 2 striped lime bags, 2 muted lime bags, 5 muted brown bags, 4 bright green bags.
+wavy lavender bags contain 2 vibrant purple bags, 5 posh white bags.
+clear black bags contain 2 posh turquoise bags, 3 dotted orange bags, 3 faded teal bags.
+muted crimson bags contain 1 pale violet bag, 5 drab lavender bags.
+posh green bags contain 4 vibrant beige bags, 5 dark purple bags, 3 dim salmon bags, 3 light black bags.
+vibrant silver bags contain 3 posh coral bags, 4 posh white bags.
+dim coral bags contain 2 posh violet bags, 1 dark cyan bag, 3 shiny green bags, 3 vibrant cyan bags.
+striped red bags contain 5 muted olive bags, 4 wavy teal bags, 3 shiny gray bags, 1 mirrored coral bag.
+bright violet bags contain 3 shiny beige bags, 1 wavy magenta bag, 5 light indigo bags.
+vibrant magenta bags contain 4 striped salmon bags, 1 light tan bag.
+faded gold bags contain 5 light tomato bags, 1 wavy black bag, 4 faded maroon bags.
+muted plum bags contain 1 vibrant brown bag, 2 muted cyan bags, 4 muted salmon bags.
+plaid gold bags contain 5 shiny beige bags, 3 faded fuchsia bags, 5 vibrant cyan bags, 5 shiny gold bags.
+striped indigo bags contain no other bags.
+wavy gray bags contain 2 plaid indigo bags, 3 clear tomato bags, 4 dull blue bags.
+plaid silver bags contain 5 clear salmon bags, 5 faded lime bags, 4 shiny tan bags, 5 mirrored chartreuse bags.
+plaid yellow bags contain 4 shiny chartreuse bags, 1 light lime bag, 2 dull green bags.
+plaid turquoise bags contain 3 dotted aqua bags, 3 posh magenta bags.
+striped olive bags contain 2 faded aqua bags, 5 dotted orange bags, 5 dull turquoise bags, 1 pale violet bag.
+faded teal bags contain 3 striped indigo bags.
+dull red bags contain 1 mirrored gray bag, 4 drab coral bags, 2 bright plum bags, 1 dull green bag.
+dull gold bags contain 5 bright blue bags.
+shiny magenta bags contain 1 light white bag.
+striped green bags contain 1 clear blue bag.
+dull teal bags contain 3 dark purple bags, 4 dim lime bags, 5 clear chartreuse bags.
+faded magenta bags contain 4 shiny gray bags, 5 pale crimson bags, 5 light coral bags, 2 pale white bags.
+pale tomato bags contain 4 dull black bags, 1 posh chartreuse bag, 1 faded cyan bag.
+muted blue bags contain 5 striped white bags, 1 faded orange bag.
+light blue bags contain 4 posh white bags.
+plaid chartreuse bags contain 2 bright gray bags.
+dull aqua bags contain 5 clear tan bags, 5 dotted red bags, 5 vibrant tomato bags.
+light lavender bags contain 5 clear fuchsia bags, 1 striped olive bag.
+bright green bags contain 4 vibrant violet bags, 2 vibrant maroon bags.
+light beige bags contain 1 striped maroon bag.
+drab indigo bags contain 4 posh tomato bags, 5 faded brown bags.
+dotted yellow bags contain 3 wavy violet bags, 4 bright violet bags, 4 vibrant lime bags, 1 pale beige bag.
+striped gold bags contain 2 light indigo bags, 3 dull red bags, 5 vibrant beige bags.
+muted indigo bags contain 5 bright purple bags, 1 pale plum bag, 5 wavy black bags.
+dark lime bags contain 2 faded blue bags.
+shiny white bags contain 4 clear tan bags, 3 pale yellow bags, 5 plaid tomato bags, 4 wavy turquoise bags.
+vibrant maroon bags contain 4 dark red bags, 2 dull aqua bags, 5 wavy aqua bags.
+drab teal bags contain 3 shiny indigo bags.
+bright plum bags contain 2 plaid chartreuse bags.
+vibrant yellow bags contain 3 posh purple bags.
+posh salmon bags contain 4 dim plum bags, 1 pale yellow bag, 2 shiny gold bags.
+shiny black bags contain 3 dim magenta bags.
+bright gray bags contain no other bags.
+dull orange bags contain 3 dotted purple bags.
+pale purple bags contain 2 bright cyan bags, 2 drab teal bags, 2 dotted gold bags, 4 mirrored fuchsia bags.
+dull yellow bags contain 3 posh gray bags.
+muted tomato bags contain 3 faded orange bags.
+drab olive bags contain 4 dim maroon bags, 1 bright turquoise bag, 3 shiny indigo bags, 5 vibrant lavender bags.
+clear salmon bags contain 2 dim chartreuse bags, 2 shiny black bags, 5 dotted indigo bags, 3 dotted aqua bags.
+posh black bags contain 2 wavy turquoise bags, 2 shiny plum bags, 2 mirrored gold bags.
+light gold bags contain 5 shiny tomato bags, 4 light cyan bags.
+shiny coral bags contain 3 faded silver bags.
+plaid magenta bags contain 1 vibrant black bag, 2 bright blue bags.
+dotted teal bags contain 4 faded olive bags, 5 vibrant brown bags, 3 clear salmon bags.
+striped purple bags contain 5 shiny bronze bags.
+dim tan bags contain 2 light tan bags, 1 dotted gold bag, 3 shiny white bags.
+light silver bags contain 5 dotted cyan bags, 4 dotted aqua bags.
+dull white bags contain 5 striped turquoise bags.
+plaid aqua bags contain 3 dim bronze bags, 5 dull brown bags, 3 faded plum bags, 2 mirrored crimson bags.
+dotted silver bags contain 1 faded teal bag.
+dull olive bags contain 1 dark turquoise bag, 3 muted orange bags.
+clear purple bags contain 3 drab salmon bags.
+mirrored plum bags contain 1 vibrant lavender bag.
+bright beige bags contain 4 plaid magenta bags, 1 dull turquoise bag, 4 dim white bags, 1 light aqua bag.
+pale red bags contain 1 muted lavender bag, 2 vibrant teal bags, 4 plaid cyan bags, 5 dull orange bags.
+drab orange bags contain 3 bright plum bags, 5 vibrant chartreuse bags.
+mirrored gold bags contain 2 wavy magenta bags.
+posh maroon bags contain 3 dotted lime bags, 2 muted black bags, 3 faded green bags.
+clear white bags contain 4 pale black bags.
+pale silver bags contain 2 dim coral bags, 2 dull lavender bags, 2 dark teal bags, 3 wavy green bags.
+vibrant tomato bags contain 5 dull lavender bags.
+striped orange bags contain 5 shiny salmon bags, 1 pale gold bag, 4 mirrored gray bags, 1 plaid black bag.
+dim beige bags contain 5 dim salmon bags, 2 striped yellow bags, 5 shiny orange bags, 5 light salmon bags.
+clear gold bags contain 2 dim salmon bags, 4 vibrant cyan bags.
+dim teal bags contain 3 light indigo bags, 3 pale green bags, 5 muted bronze bags.
+shiny silver bags contain 3 drab red bags, 1 pale magenta bag, 3 plaid blue bags, 4 pale white bags.
+dark beige bags contain 4 posh black bags, 1 dark maroon bag.
+bright bronze bags contain 4 mirrored yellow bags, 1 vibrant salmon bag, 2 mirrored teal bags, 1 shiny beige bag.
+dotted maroon bags contain 1 clear tomato bag.
+bright olive bags contain 3 striped tomato bags, 3 plaid indigo bags, 3 posh magenta bags.
+faded tomato bags contain 5 bright violet bags.
+mirrored magenta bags contain 3 wavy coral bags, 4 dull tan bags, 3 wavy chartreuse bags.
+striped aqua bags contain 3 drab teal bags, 3 drab crimson bags, 5 plaid gold bags, 2 vibrant aqua bags.
+clear crimson bags contain 5 striped chartreuse bags, 5 vibrant blue bags.
+striped blue bags contain 4 dull red bags, 3 vibrant white bags, 4 posh black bags.
+posh olive bags contain 5 muted cyan bags.
+plaid indigo bags contain 5 dotted fuchsia bags, 2 plaid chartreuse bags, 3 vibrant blue bags.
+mirrored lime bags contain 2 dotted lavender bags, 2 wavy bronze bags.
+wavy blue bags contain 5 mirrored green bags, 5 faded tomato bags, 1 posh turquoise bag.
+light fuchsia bags contain 3 faded tomato bags, 5 muted beige bags, 2 faded beige bags, 4 wavy indigo bags.
+dull plum bags contain 4 dark blue bags, 5 shiny maroon bags, 3 pale gray bags, 5 drab lime bags.
+drab fuchsia bags contain 3 dark maroon bags.
+pale teal bags contain 4 vibrant blue bags, 1 bright green bag, 3 dim crimson bags, 1 posh salmon bag.
+dull tomato bags contain 3 dim maroon bags, 4 plaid gray bags, 5 striped gold bags, 5 striped white bags.
+pale orange bags contain 4 drab yellow bags.
+wavy aqua bags contain 1 dim bronze bag.
+dim chartreuse bags contain 2 bright violet bags.
+dotted crimson bags contain 5 vibrant orange bags, 4 wavy magenta bags.
+faded cyan bags contain 3 mirrored blue bags, 3 shiny fuchsia bags, 4 bright indigo bags.
+pale salmon bags contain 2 pale cyan bags, 2 muted lime bags, 2 vibrant plum bags.
+drab lime bags contain 2 drab yellow bags, 2 light magenta bags, 3 dotted fuchsia bags.
+shiny bronze bags contain 1 posh lavender bag.
+dim fuchsia bags contain 5 dotted gold bags, 5 vibrant indigo bags, 4 shiny teal bags, 2 dotted silver bags.
+dark green bags contain 2 shiny blue bags.
+bright red bags contain 2 pale brown bags, 3 plaid blue bags, 4 drab bronze bags, 3 dim yellow bags.
+clear teal bags contain 2 drab white bags, 3 muted beige bags.
+pale aqua bags contain 4 light tan bags.
+dull lavender bags contain 1 dim bronze bag, 5 dim crimson bags, 1 dotted olive bag.
+dotted plum bags contain 1 light black bag.
+shiny teal bags contain 3 light indigo bags.
+dotted lime bags contain 1 shiny gold bag, 3 plaid crimson bags.
+dark tan bags contain 5 faded tan bags.
+vibrant indigo bags contain 3 shiny fuchsia bags.
+light tan bags contain 4 pale yellow bags, 1 pale crimson bag, 3 light gray bags.
+drab plum bags contain 2 shiny turquoise bags, 2 vibrant yellow bags, 4 muted brown bags, 2 drab lavender bags.
+dim white bags contain 5 dark red bags, 5 dotted olive bags.
+light red bags contain 2 vibrant indigo bags, 1 wavy salmon bag, 3 dull brown bags.
+mirrored fuchsia bags contain 5 dotted tomato bags.
+mirrored indigo bags contain 5 pale lime bags, 5 light magenta bags, 4 light gray bags, 2 dull red bags.
+dim yellow bags contain 2 muted beige bags, 2 plaid olive bags, 3 faded aqua bags.
+shiny gray bags contain 1 drab yellow bag, 3 shiny lavender bags, 1 posh white bag.
+faded violet bags contain 2 bright olive bags, 5 clear gray bags, 2 dark orange bags, 1 pale magenta bag.
+mirrored black bags contain 4 clear blue bags.
+drab aqua bags contain 1 vibrant crimson bag, 4 clear fuchsia bags.
+pale black bags contain 5 pale turquoise bags, 4 striped yellow bags, 4 dotted beige bags.
+wavy cyan bags contain 1 vibrant brown bag.
+dark silver bags contain 3 light tomato bags, 5 dotted lavender bags, 3 bright turquoise bags.
+faded orange bags contain 3 clear turquoise bags, 3 mirrored gold bags, 2 plaid bronze bags, 2 dotted fuchsia bags.
+drab crimson bags contain 5 clear blue bags.
+posh magenta bags contain 1 bright violet bag, 2 dotted beige bags, 2 bright gray bags.
+posh brown bags contain 3 dim tomato bags, 1 dim chartreuse bag, 5 shiny orange bags.
+drab gray bags contain 3 striped violet bags.
+pale cyan bags contain 5 dotted aqua bags, 3 striped tomato bags.
+wavy tan bags contain 3 pale indigo bags.
+plaid brown bags contain 2 dotted indigo bags, 1 dull indigo bag, 2 light brown bags.
+vibrant beige bags contain 1 shiny teal bag, 3 vibrant cyan bags, 2 posh gray bags, 3 striped tomato bags.
+shiny aqua bags contain 2 vibrant black bags, 2 muted coral bags, 4 vibrant coral bags.
+mirrored silver bags contain 3 drab silver bags, 1 clear turquoise bag.
+pale tan bags contain 3 pale magenta bags.
+striped cyan bags contain 5 drab tomato bags.
+mirrored coral bags contain 1 mirrored crimson bag, 1 bright maroon bag.
+pale white bags contain 4 shiny beige bags, 1 shiny maroon bag, 5 dim bronze bags.
+shiny beige bags contain 3 mirrored gold bags.
+mirrored chartreuse bags contain 1 dotted tomato bag, 2 bright cyan bags.
+wavy red bags contain 1 posh lavender bag, 1 vibrant blue bag, 3 muted brown bags.
+muted chartreuse bags contain 3 dim lavender bags, 4 pale plum bags, 4 light magenta bags.
+shiny purple bags contain 4 muted green bags, 5 light white bags, 2 faded tan bags, 5 light beige bags.
+clear tan bags contain 3 dotted red bags, 1 striped violet bag, 4 plaid chartreuse bags.
+bright teal bags contain 1 faded black bag, 3 faded maroon bags.
+posh orange bags contain 5 light gold bags, 3 posh aqua bags.
+striped gray bags contain 2 bright plum bags, 2 shiny gray bags.
+dim lime bags contain 1 plaid blue bag.
+posh fuchsia bags contain 1 dull indigo bag, 2 plaid blue bags.
+dotted tomato bags contain no other bags.
+dim plum bags contain 1 dim chartreuse bag.
+dim orange bags contain 2 muted magenta bags, 5 faded aqua bags.
+posh gold bags contain 5 light maroon bags, 4 dark turquoise bags, 1 posh white bag, 5 wavy beige bags.
+striped bronze bags contain 1 dark magenta bag.
+wavy lime bags contain 4 mirrored lavender bags, 3 pale bronze bags, 1 dull white bag.
+pale magenta bags contain 2 dim crimson bags, 4 plaid plum bags, 5 muted silver bags, 2 dim yellow bags.
+striped chartreuse bags contain 5 light black bags, 3 bright fuchsia bags, 4 pale black bags.
+vibrant tan bags contain 2 dim tan bags.
+shiny crimson bags contain 5 pale beige bags, 3 clear purple bags, 2 pale violet bags, 4 dotted chartreuse bags.
+vibrant orange bags contain no other bags.
+striped silver bags contain 5 clear orange bags, 2 dotted fuchsia bags.
+clear cyan bags contain 5 muted gray bags, 3 wavy aqua bags.
+light black bags contain 1 striped yellow bag.
+muted white bags contain 3 muted tomato bags, 5 light black bags, 4 pale black bags, 5 shiny gold bags.
diff --git a/src/bin/ b/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45cb9ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+use bevy::prelude::*;
+use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
+use std::fs::File;
+use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};
+fn main() {
+ App::build()
+ .add_resource(WindowDescriptor {
+ title: "Advent of Code".to_string(),
+ width: 1920,
+ height: 1080,
+ ..Default::default()
+ })
+ .add_resource(ClearColor(Color::rgb(0., 0., 0.)))
+ .add_startup_system(setup_camera.system())
+ .add_startup_system(read_input_file.system())
+ .add_system(trim_empty_bags.system())
+ .add_system(add_known_sizes.system())
+ .add_system(report_gold_bag_known_size.system())
+ //.add_system(debug_print_bags.system())
+ .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins)
+ .run();
+fn setup_camera(mut commands: Commands) {
+ commands.spawn(Camera2dComponents::default());
+const TARGET_COLOUR: &str = "shiny gold";
+struct Bag {
+ colour: String,
+ required: BTreeMap<String, usize>,
+struct CantContainShinyGold;
+struct KnownSize(usize);
+fn read_input_file(mut commands: Commands) {
+ let f = File::open("./inputs/day_7.txt").unwrap();
+ for line in BufReader::new(f).lines() {
+ let line = line.unwrap();
+ let line = line.trim();
+ let (src_colour, contents) = split_2(line, "bags contain");
+ let contents_parts = contents
+ .trim_end_matches('.')
+ .split(',')
+ .filter(|part| part != &"no other bags")
+ .map(|part| {
+ let (quantity, colour) = split_2(
+ part.trim().trim_end_matches("bags").trim_end_matches("bag"),
+ " ",
+ );
+ (colour, quantity.parse().unwrap())
+ })
+ .collect();
+ commands.spawn((Bag {
+ colour: src_colour,
+ required: contents_parts,
+ },));
+ }
+fn split_2(line: &str, split: &str) -> (String, String) {
+ let parts = line.splitn(2, split).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ assert_eq!(parts.len(), 2);
+ (parts[0].trim().to_string(), parts[1].trim().to_string())
+fn debug_print_bags(bags: Query<&Bag>) {
+ for bag in bags.iter() {
+ println!("{} requires {:?}", bag.colour, bag.required);
+ }
+fn trim_empty_bags(
+ mut commands: Commands,
+ bags: Query<Without<CantContainShinyGold, (Entity, &Bag)>>,
+) {
+ let mut colours_cleared = BTreeSet::new();
+ for (entity, bag) in bags.iter() {
+ let required_not_relevant = bag.required.keys().all(|required| {
+ !bags
+ .iter()
+ .any(|can_contain_shiny_gold| &can_contain_shiny_gold.1.colour == required)
+ });
+ if required_not_relevant && bag.colour != TARGET_COLOUR {
+ colours_cleared.insert(bag.colour.clone());
+ commands.insert_one(entity, CantContainShinyGold);
+ }
+ }
+ if colours_cleared.is_empty() {
+ println!(
+ "{} bags can hold the shiny gold one",
+ bags.iter().count() - 1
+ );
+ }
+fn add_known_sizes(mut commands: Commands, bags: Query<(Entity, &Bag, Option<&KnownSize>)>) {
+ for (entity, bag, size) in bags.iter() {
+ if size.is_some() {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let mut new_size = Some(0);
+ for (required_colour, required_quantity) in bag.required.iter() {
+ if new_size.is_none() {
+ break;
+ }
+ let inner_bag_size = bags
+ .iter()
+ .find(|(_, bag, _)| &bag.colour == required_colour)
+ .and_then(|(_, _, size)| size.clone());
+ new_size = new_size
+ .zip(inner_bag_size)
+ .map(|(a, b)| a + required_quantity * b.0)
+ }
+ if let Some(new_size) = new_size {
+ commands.insert_one(entity, KnownSize(new_size + 1));
+ }
+ }
+fn report_gold_bag_known_size(bags: Query<(&Bag, &KnownSize)>) {
+ println!("{} have a known size", bags.iter().count());
+ for (bag, size) in bags.iter() {
+ if bag.colour == TARGET_COLOUR {
+ println!("The shiny gold bag must contain {} other bags!", size.0 - 1)
+ }
+ }