path: root/2022/src
diff options
authorJustin Wernick <>2022-12-11 16:29:09 +0200
committerJustin Wernick <>2022-12-11 16:29:09 +0200
commit7f512bda0db0b8c59ba110e7429239cf39b2fdc5 (patch)
treef5699bf01dca57257d583c3d70df1f94ece1611a /2022/src
parent274266a31829e86512f9ce5edc818e1381511236 (diff)
Day 11
Diffstat (limited to '2022/src')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2022/src/bin/ b/2022/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffba6ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2022/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+use nom::{
+ branch::alt,
+ bytes::complete::tag,
+ character::complete::{line_ending, u64},
+ combinator::{map, value},
+ multi::separated_list1,
+ sequence::{pair, preceded, tuple},
+ IResult,
+use std::fs;
+fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_11.txt")?;
+ let troop = MonkeyTroop::parser(&input).unwrap().1;
+ {
+ let mut troop_1 = troop.clone();
+ for _ in 0..20 {
+ troop_1.monkey_game_round(true);
+ }
+ dbg!(&troop_1.monkey_business_score());
+ }
+ {
+ let mut troop_2 = troop.clone();
+ for _ in 0..10000 {
+ troop_2.monkey_game_round(false);
+ }
+ dbg!(&troop_2.monkey_business_score());
+ }
+ Ok(())
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+struct MonkeyTroop {
+ monkeys: Vec<Monkey>,
+ gcd: u64,
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+struct Monkey {
+ items: Vec<u64>,
+ operation: Operation,
+ test_denominator: u64,
+ true_target: usize,
+ false_target: usize,
+ inspection_count: usize,
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+enum Operation {
+ Add(u64),
+ Multiply(u64),
+ Square,
+impl MonkeyTroop {
+ fn parser(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Self> {
+ map(
+ separated_list1(pair(line_ending, line_ending), Monkey::parser),
+ |monkeys| MonkeyTroop {
+ gcd: monkeys.iter().map(|m| m.test_denominator).product(),
+ monkeys,
+ },
+ )(input)
+ }
+ fn monkey_game_round(&mut self, worry_reduction: bool) {
+ for monkey_i in 0..self.monkeys.len() {
+ self.monkeys[monkey_i].inspect_items(worry_reduction, self.gcd);
+ let items = std::mem::take(&mut self.monkeys[monkey_i].items);
+ let test_denominator = self.monkeys[monkey_i].test_denominator.clone();
+ let true_target = self.monkeys[monkey_i].true_target.clone();
+ let false_target = self.monkeys[monkey_i].false_target.clone();
+ for item in items {
+ let target_monkey = if item % test_denominator == 0 {
+ true_target
+ } else {
+ false_target
+ };
+ self.monkeys[target_monkey].items.push(item);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn monkey_business_score(&self) -> usize {
+ let mut counts: Vec<usize> = self
+ .monkeys
+ .iter()
+ .map(|m| m.inspection_count.clone())
+ .collect();
+ counts.sort();
+ counts.reverse();
+ counts[0] * counts[1]
+ }
+impl Monkey {
+ fn parser(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Self> {
+ map(
+ tuple((
+ preceded(
+ tuple((
+ tag("Monkey "),
+ u64,
+ tag(":"),
+ line_ending,
+ tag(" Starting items: "),
+ )),
+ separated_list1(tag(", "), u64),
+ ),
+ preceded(
+ pair(line_ending, tag(" Operation: new = old ")),
+ alt((
+ map(preceded(tag("+ "), u64), Operation::Add),
+ map(preceded(tag("* "), u64), Operation::Multiply),
+ value(Operation::Square, tag("* old")),
+ )),
+ ),
+ preceded(pair(line_ending, tag(" Test: divisible by ")), u64),
+ preceded(pair(line_ending, tag(" If true: throw to monkey ")), u64),
+ preceded(
+ pair(line_ending, tag(" If false: throw to monkey ")),
+ u64,
+ ),
+ )),
+ |(items, operation, test_denominator, true_target, false_target)| Monkey {
+ items,
+ operation,
+ test_denominator,
+ true_target: true_target as usize,
+ false_target: false_target as usize,
+ inspection_count: 0,
+ },
+ )(input)
+ }
+ fn inspect_items(&mut self, worry_reduction: bool, gcd: u64) {
+ for item in &mut self.items {
+ match self.operation {
+ Operation::Add(i) => *item += i,
+ Operation::Multiply(i) => *item *= i,
+ Operation::Square => *item = *item * *item,
+ };
+ if worry_reduction {
+ *item /= 3;
+ }
+ *item = *item % gcd;
+ }
+ self.inspection_count += self.items.len()
+ }