AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-08-08Move dip switch init to back of the init process (#9233)Drashna Jaelre
2020-08-08Void Linux: Switch to cross-arm-none-eabi toolchain (#9228)Ryan
2020-08-08Fix layer mask size for RGBLIGHT_LAYER_BLINK (#9260)Joshua Diamond
2020-08-08Option to allow lighting layers when RGB Lighting is off (#9051)Joshua Diamond
2020-08-08Fix build when using IGNORE_MOD_TAP_INTERRUPT_PER_KEY. (#9258)Nick Brassel
2020-08-082020 May 30 Breaking Changes Update (#9215)James Young
2020-08-08Fix running qmk info without any arguments (#9218)Zach White
2020-08-08ISSI driver compile error fix (#9169)Wilba
2020-08-08Fix the path for generated keymaps (#9213)Zach White
2020-08-08Fix compiling json files (#9210)Zach White
2020-08-08[CLI] Add a subcommand for getting information about a keyboard (#8666)Zach White
2020-08-08CLI: fix `json2c` subcommand and add/fix tests (#9206)Erovia
2020-08-08Fix capitalisation of "GitHub" (#9184)Ryan
2020-07-28Fix Moonlander InitializationDrashna Jael're
2020-07-28Remove Handwired folderDrashna Jaelre
2020-06-12fix: HoustonFlorian Didron
2020-06-12Pull A5 High when channel is stoppedDrashna Jael're
2020-06-12Added missing shutdown_user() hook (#9180)yulei
2020-06-12Fix i2c EEPROM compile issue when Console is enabled (#9186)Drashna Jaelre
2020-06-12Fix SPI EEPROM compile issue when Console is enabled (#9193)Drashna Jaelre
2020-06-12Fix build. (#9163)Nick Brassel
2020-06-12CLI: Rework submodule checking (#9162)Erovia
2020-06-12Remove broken example from Makefile (#9159)ridingqwerty
2020-06-12Initial arm serial partially based on old lets split codezvecr
2020-06-12ARM split - Add uart half duplex transport support (#7987)Joel Challis
2020-06-12Slight speed increases for matrix scanning (#9150)Joel Challis
2020-06-12Use LUFA funcs for split_util (#8594)Joel Challis
2020-06-12Allow for overriding RAW endpoint usage page and ID. (#8834)Nick Brassel
2020-06-12Fix submodule check (#9155)Erovia
2020-06-12Fix ChibiOS FPU build logic (#9132)Joel Challis
2020-06-12CLI: Improve experience when running `qmk setup` on FreeBSD. (#8798)Pete Johanson
2020-06-12MSYS2 install: bodge out avrdude package installation for USBaspLoaderRyan
2020-06-12Disable Mousekey Command interface when Constant speed is enabled (#7017)Drashna Jaelre
2020-06-12Streamline the macos install processskullY
2020-06-12Add SPI 25xx EEPROM support. (#8780)Nick Brassel
2020-06-12Reorder logic within (#8517)Joel Challis
2020-06-12Add query functions for RGB Light and RGB Matrix (#8960)Drashna Jaelre
2020-06-12Adding unit tests for list-keymaps command (#7711)codecoffeecode
2020-06-12CLI: Tune doctor's udev rule checking to match #8750Erovia
2020-06-12[kle2info] Trim the code in `kle2xy` (#8955)Keenan Brock
2020-06-12avoid 'Entering|Leaving directory' messages (#9061)Joel Challis
2020-06-12Improve stock bootloader list (#9067)Ryan
2020-06-12V-USB Interface reorder (#9090)yiancar
2020-06-12One shot support for swap hands (#8590)Zsolt Parragi
2020-06-12Allow expanding from 8 to 32 RGB Lighting Layers (#8941)Joshua Diamond
2020-06-12Optimization for scanning less layers. (#8311)Alex Ong
2020-06-12Fix off by one error with oled_write_raw_P (#9045)Brian Mock
2020-06-12Improve security of avrdude by eliminating the use of well-known names. (#9026)Zach White
2020-06-12New RGB Lighting effect: Twinkle (#8887)Joshua Diamond
2020-06-12Add ability to blink lighting layer for a specified duration (#8760)Joshua Diamond