path: root/quantum/audio/luts.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'quantum/audio/luts.c')
1 files changed, 398 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/quantum/audio/luts.c b/quantum/audio/luts.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57f2d5924c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quantum/audio/luts.c
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+/* Copyright 2016 IBNobody
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include <avr/io.h>
+#include <avr/interrupt.h>
+#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
+#include "luts.h"
+const float vibrato_lut[VIBRATO_LUT_LENGTH] =
+ 1.0022336811487,
+ 1.0042529943610,
+ 1.0058584256028,
+ 1.0068905285205,
+ 1.0072464122237,
+ 1.0068905285205,
+ 1.0058584256028,
+ 1.0042529943610,
+ 1.0022336811487,
+ 1.0000000000000,
+ 0.9977712970630,
+ 0.9957650169978,
+ 0.9941756956510,
+ 0.9931566259436,
+ 0.9928057204913,
+ 0.9931566259436,
+ 0.9941756956510,
+ 0.9957650169978,
+ 0.9977712970630,
+ 1.0000000000000,
+const uint16_t frequency_lut[FREQUENCY_LUT_LENGTH] =
+ 0x8E0B,
+ 0x8C02,
+ 0x8A00,
+ 0x8805,
+ 0x8612,
+ 0x8426,
+ 0x8241,
+ 0x8063,
+ 0x7E8C,
+ 0x7CBB,
+ 0x7AF2,
+ 0x792E,
+ 0x7772,
+ 0x75BB,
+ 0x740B,
+ 0x7261,
+ 0x70BD,
+ 0x6F20,
+ 0x6D88,
+ 0x6BF6,
+ 0x6A69,
+ 0x68E3,
+ 0x6762,
+ 0x65E6,
+ 0x6470,
+ 0x6300,
+ 0x6194,
+ 0x602E,
+ 0x5ECD,
+ 0x5D71,
+ 0x5C1A,
+ 0x5AC8,
+ 0x597B,
+ 0x5833,
+ 0x56EF,
+ 0x55B0,
+ 0x5475,
+ 0x533F,
+ 0x520E,
+ 0x50E1,
+ 0x4FB8,
+ 0x4E93,
+ 0x4D73,
+ 0x4C57,
+ 0x4B3E,
+ 0x4A2A,
+ 0x491A,
+ 0x480E,
+ 0x4705,
+ 0x4601,
+ 0x4500,
+ 0x4402,
+ 0x4309,
+ 0x4213,
+ 0x4120,
+ 0x4031,
+ 0x3F46,
+ 0x3E5D,
+ 0x3D79,
+ 0x3C97,
+ 0x3BB9,
+ 0x3ADD,
+ 0x3A05,
+ 0x3930,
+ 0x385E,
+ 0x3790,
+ 0x36C4,
+ 0x35FB,
+ 0x3534,
+ 0x3471,
+ 0x33B1,
+ 0x32F3,
+ 0x3238,
+ 0x3180,
+ 0x30CA,
+ 0x3017,
+ 0x2F66,
+ 0x2EB8,
+ 0x2E0D,
+ 0x2D64,
+ 0x2CBD,
+ 0x2C19,
+ 0x2B77,
+ 0x2AD8,
+ 0x2A3A,
+ 0x299F,
+ 0x2907,
+ 0x2870,
+ 0x27DC,
+ 0x2749,
+ 0x26B9,
+ 0x262B,
+ 0x259F,
+ 0x2515,
+ 0x248D,
+ 0x2407,
+ 0x2382,
+ 0x2300,
+ 0x2280,
+ 0x2201,
+ 0x2184,
+ 0x2109,
+ 0x2090,
+ 0x2018,
+ 0x1FA3,
+ 0x1F2E,
+ 0x1EBC,
+ 0x1E4B,
+ 0x1DDC,
+ 0x1D6E,
+ 0x1D02,
+ 0x1C98,
+ 0x1C2F,
+ 0x1BC8,
+ 0x1B62,
+ 0x1AFD,
+ 0x1A9A,
+ 0x1A38,
+ 0x19D8,
+ 0x1979,
+ 0x191C,
+ 0x18C0,
+ 0x1865,
+ 0x180B,
+ 0x17B3,
+ 0x175C,
+ 0x1706,
+ 0x16B2,
+ 0x165E,
+ 0x160C,
+ 0x15BB,
+ 0x156C,
+ 0x151D,
+ 0x14CF,
+ 0x1483,
+ 0x1438,
+ 0x13EE,
+ 0x13A4,
+ 0x135C,
+ 0x1315,
+ 0x12CF,
+ 0x128A,
+ 0x1246,
+ 0x1203,
+ 0x11C1,
+ 0x1180,
+ 0x1140,
+ 0x1100,
+ 0x10C2,
+ 0x1084,
+ 0x1048,
+ 0x100C,
+ 0xFD1,
+ 0xF97,
+ 0xF5E,
+ 0xF25,
+ 0xEEE,
+ 0xEB7,
+ 0xE81,
+ 0xE4C,
+ 0xE17,
+ 0xDE4,
+ 0xDB1,
+ 0xD7E,
+ 0xD4D,
+ 0xD1C,
+ 0xCEC,
+ 0xCBC,
+ 0xC8E,
+ 0xC60,
+ 0xC32,
+ 0xC05,
+ 0xBD9,
+ 0xBAE,
+ 0xB83,
+ 0xB59,
+ 0xB2F,
+ 0xB06,
+ 0xADD,
+ 0xAB6,
+ 0xA8E,
+ 0xA67,
+ 0xA41,
+ 0xA1C,
+ 0x9F7,
+ 0x9D2,
+ 0x9AE,
+ 0x98A,
+ 0x967,
+ 0x945,
+ 0x923,
+ 0x901,
+ 0x8E0,
+ 0x8C0,
+ 0x8A0,
+ 0x880,
+ 0x861,
+ 0x842,
+ 0x824,
+ 0x806,
+ 0x7E8,
+ 0x7CB,
+ 0x7AF,
+ 0x792,
+ 0x777,
+ 0x75B,
+ 0x740,
+ 0x726,
+ 0x70B,
+ 0x6F2,
+ 0x6D8,
+ 0x6BF,
+ 0x6A6,
+ 0x68E,
+ 0x676,
+ 0x65E,
+ 0x647,
+ 0x630,
+ 0x619,
+ 0x602,
+ 0x5EC,
+ 0x5D7,
+ 0x5C1,
+ 0x5AC,
+ 0x597,
+ 0x583,
+ 0x56E,
+ 0x55B,
+ 0x547,
+ 0x533,
+ 0x520,
+ 0x50E,
+ 0x4FB,
+ 0x4E9,
+ 0x4D7,
+ 0x4C5,
+ 0x4B3,
+ 0x4A2,
+ 0x491,
+ 0x480,
+ 0x470,
+ 0x460,
+ 0x450,
+ 0x440,
+ 0x430,
+ 0x421,
+ 0x412,
+ 0x403,
+ 0x3F4,
+ 0x3E5,
+ 0x3D7,
+ 0x3C9,
+ 0x3BB,
+ 0x3AD,
+ 0x3A0,
+ 0x393,
+ 0x385,
+ 0x379,
+ 0x36C,
+ 0x35F,
+ 0x353,
+ 0x347,
+ 0x33B,
+ 0x32F,
+ 0x323,
+ 0x318,
+ 0x30C,
+ 0x301,
+ 0x2F6,
+ 0x2EB,
+ 0x2E0,
+ 0x2D6,
+ 0x2CB,
+ 0x2C1,
+ 0x2B7,
+ 0x2AD,
+ 0x2A3,
+ 0x299,
+ 0x290,
+ 0x287,
+ 0x27D,
+ 0x274,
+ 0x26B,
+ 0x262,
+ 0x259,
+ 0x251,
+ 0x248,
+ 0x240,
+ 0x238,
+ 0x230,
+ 0x228,
+ 0x220,
+ 0x218,
+ 0x210,
+ 0x209,
+ 0x201,
+ 0x1FA,
+ 0x1F2,
+ 0x1EB,
+ 0x1E4,
+ 0x1DD,
+ 0x1D6,
+ 0x1D0,
+ 0x1C9,
+ 0x1C2,
+ 0x1BC,
+ 0x1B6,
+ 0x1AF,
+ 0x1A9,
+ 0x1A3,
+ 0x19D,
+ 0x197,
+ 0x191,
+ 0x18C,
+ 0x186,
+ 0x180,
+ 0x17B,
+ 0x175,
+ 0x170,
+ 0x16B,
+ 0x165,
+ 0x160,
+ 0x15B,
+ 0x156,
+ 0x151,
+ 0x14C,
+ 0x148,
+ 0x143,
+ 0x13E,
+ 0x13A,
+ 0x135,
+ 0x131,
+ 0x12C,
+ 0x128,
+ 0x124,
+ 0x120,
+ 0x11C,
+ 0x118,
+ 0x114,
+ 0x110,
+ 0x10C,
+ 0x108,
+ 0x104,
+ 0x100,
+ 0xFD,
+ 0xF9,
+ 0xF5,
+ 0xF2,
+ 0xEE,