path: root/src/engine/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/engine/')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 422 deletions
diff --git a/src/engine/ b/src/engine/
index 588724a..65d6e24 100644
--- a/src/engine/
+++ b/src/engine/
@@ -1,29 +1,22 @@
pub mod command;
pub mod geometry;
pub mod settings;
+pub mod expressive_engine;
-use self::command::{Command, BuildingType};
-use self::geometry::Point;
-use self::settings::{GameSettings, BuildingSettings};
-use std::ops::FnMut;
-#[cfg(feature = "energy-cutoff")] pub const ENERGY_PRODUCTION_CUTOFF: f32 = 1.2;
-#[cfg(feature = "energy-cutoff")] pub const ENERGY_STORAGE_CUTOFF: f32 = 1.5;
+use self::command::{Command};
+use self::geometry::Point;
+use self::settings::{GameSettings};
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
-pub struct GameState {
- pub status: GameStatus,
- pub player: Player,
- pub opponent: Player,
- pub player_unconstructed_buildings: Vec<UnconstructedBuilding>,
- pub player_buildings: Vec<Building>,
- pub unoccupied_player_cells: Vec<Point>,
- pub opponent_unconstructed_buildings: Vec<UnconstructedBuilding>,
- pub opponent_buildings: Vec<Building>,
- pub unoccupied_opponent_cells: Vec<Point>,
- pub player_missiles: Vec<Missile>,
- pub opponent_missiles: Vec<Missile>
+pub trait GameState: Clone + Sync {
+ fn simulate(&mut self, settings: &GameSettings, player_command: Command, opponent_command: Command) -> GameStatus;
+ fn player(&self) -> &Player;
+ fn opponent(&self) -> &Player;
+ fn player_has_max_teslas(&self) -> bool;
+ fn opponent_has_max_teslas(&self) -> bool;
+ fn unoccupied_player_cells(&self) -> &Vec<Point>;
+ fn unoccupied_opponent_cells(&self) -> &Vec<Point>;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
@@ -41,413 +34,12 @@ pub struct Player {
pub energy_generated: u16,
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
-pub struct UnconstructedBuilding {
- pub pos: Point,
- pub health: u8,
- pub construction_time_left: u8,
- pub weapon_damage: u8,
- pub weapon_speed: u8,
- pub weapon_cooldown_period: u8,
- pub energy_generated_per_turn: u16
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
-pub struct Building {
- pub pos: Point,
- pub health: u8,
- pub weapon_damage: u8,
- pub weapon_speed: u8,
- pub weapon_cooldown_time_left: u8,
- pub weapon_cooldown_period: u8,
- pub energy_generated_per_turn: u16
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
-pub struct Missile {
- pub pos: Point,
- pub damage: u8,
- pub speed: u8,
-impl GameState {
- pub fn new(
- player: Player, opponent: Player,
- player_unconstructed_buildings: Vec<UnconstructedBuilding>, player_buildings: Vec<Building>,
- opponent_unconstructed_buildings: Vec<UnconstructedBuilding>, opponent_buildings: Vec<Building>,
- player_missiles: Vec<Missile>, opponent_missiles: Vec<Missile>,
- settings: &GameSettings) -> GameState {
- let unoccupied_player_cells = GameState::unoccupied_cells(
- &player_buildings, &player_unconstructed_buildings, Point::new(0, 0), Point::new(settings.size.x/2, settings.size.y)
- );
- let unoccupied_opponent_cells = GameState::unoccupied_cells(
- &opponent_buildings, &opponent_unconstructed_buildings, Point::new(settings.size.x/2, 0), Point::new(settings.size.x, settings.size.y)
- );
- GameState {
- status: GameStatus::Continue,
- player, opponent,
- player_unconstructed_buildings, player_buildings, unoccupied_player_cells,
- opponent_unconstructed_buildings, opponent_buildings, unoccupied_opponent_cells,
- player_missiles, opponent_missiles
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sorts the various arrays. Generally not necessary, but useful
- * for tests that check equality between states.
- */
- pub fn sort(&mut self) {
- self.player_unconstructed_buildings.sort_by_key(|b| b.pos);
- self.player_buildings.sort_by_key(|b| b.pos);
- self.unoccupied_player_cells.sort();
- self.opponent_unconstructed_buildings.sort_by_key(|b| b.pos);
- self.opponent_buildings.sort_by_key(|b| b.pos);
- self.unoccupied_opponent_cells.sort();
- self.player_missiles.sort_by_key(|b| b.pos);
- self.opponent_missiles.sort_by_key(|b| b.pos);
- }
- pub fn simulate(&self, settings: &GameSettings, player_command: Command, opponent_command: Command) -> GameState {
- let mut state = self.clone();
- state.simulate_mut(settings, player_command, opponent_command);
- state
- }
- pub fn simulate_mut(&mut self, settings: &GameSettings, player_command: Command, opponent_command: Command) {
- if self.status.is_complete() {
- return;
- }
- GameState::perform_construct_command(&mut self.player_unconstructed_buildings, &mut self.player_buildings, &mut self.player, &mut self.unoccupied_player_cells, settings, player_command, &settings.size);
- GameState::perform_construct_command(&mut self.opponent_unconstructed_buildings, &mut self.opponent_buildings, &mut self.opponent, &mut self.unoccupied_opponent_cells, settings, opponent_command, &settings.size);
- GameState::perform_deconstruct_command(&mut self.player_unconstructed_buildings, &mut self.player_buildings, &mut self.player, &mut self.unoccupied_player_cells, player_command);
- GameState::perform_deconstruct_command(&mut self.opponent_unconstructed_buildings, &mut self.opponent_buildings, &mut self.opponent, &mut self.unoccupied_opponent_cells, opponent_command);
- GameState::update_construction(&mut self.player_unconstructed_buildings, &mut self.player_buildings, &mut self.player);
- GameState::update_construction(&mut self.opponent_unconstructed_buildings, &mut self.opponent_buildings, &mut self.opponent);
- GameState::fire_teslas(&mut self.player, &mut self.player_buildings, &mut self.unoccupied_player_cells, &mut self.opponent, &mut self.opponent_buildings, &mut self.unoccupied_opponent_cells, &settings);
- GameState::add_missiles(&mut self.player_buildings, &mut self.player_missiles);
- GameState::add_missiles(&mut self.opponent_buildings, &mut self.opponent_missiles);
- GameState::move_missiles(&mut self.player_missiles, |p| p.wrapping_move_right(),
- &mut self.opponent_buildings, &mut self.opponent,
- &mut self.unoccupied_opponent_cells,
- &settings);
- GameState::move_missiles(&mut self.opponent_missiles, |p| p.wrapping_move_left(),
- &mut self.player_buildings, &mut self.player,
- &mut self.unoccupied_player_cells,
- &settings);
- GameState::add_energy(&mut self.player);
- GameState::add_energy(&mut self.opponent);
- GameState::update_status(self);
- }
- fn perform_construct_command(unconstructed_buildings: &mut Vec<UnconstructedBuilding>, buildings: &mut Vec<Building>, player: &mut Player, unoccupied_cells: &mut Vec<Point>, settings: &GameSettings, command: Command, size: &Point) {
- if let Command::Build(p, b) = command {
- let blueprint = settings.building_settings(b);
- // This is used internally. I should not be making
- // invalid moves!
- debug_assert!(!buildings.iter().any(|b| b.pos == p));
- debug_assert!(p.x < size.x && p.y < size.y);
- debug_assert!( >= blueprint.price);
- debug_assert!(b != BuildingType::Tesla ||
- unconstructed_buildings.iter().filter(|b| b.weapon_damage == 20).count() +
- buildings.iter().filter(|b| b.weapon_damage == 20).count() < 2);
- -= blueprint.price;
- unconstructed_buildings.push(UnconstructedBuilding::new(p, blueprint));
- let to_remove_index = unoccupied_cells.iter().position(|&pos| pos == p).unwrap();
- unoccupied_cells.swap_remove(to_remove_index);
- }
- }
- fn perform_deconstruct_command(unconstructed_buildings: &mut Vec<UnconstructedBuilding>, buildings: &mut Vec<Building>, player: &mut Player, unoccupied_cells: &mut Vec<Point>, command: Command) {
- if let Command::Deconstruct(p) = command {
- let to_remove_index = buildings.iter().position(|ref b| b.pos == p);
- let unconstructed_to_remove_index = unconstructed_buildings.iter().position(|ref b| b.pos == p);
- debug_assert!(to_remove_index.is_some() || unconstructed_to_remove_index.is_some());
- if let Some(i) = to_remove_index {
- player.energy_generated -= buildings[i].energy_generated_per_turn;
- buildings.swap_remove(i);
- }
- if let Some(i) = unconstructed_to_remove_index {
- unconstructed_buildings.swap_remove(i);
- }
- += 5;
- unoccupied_cells.push(p);
- }
- }
- fn update_construction(unconstructed_buildings: &mut Vec<UnconstructedBuilding>, buildings: &mut Vec<Building>, player: &mut Player) {
- let mut buildings_len = unconstructed_buildings.len();
- for i in (0..buildings_len).rev() {
- if unconstructed_buildings[i].is_constructed() {
- player.energy_generated += unconstructed_buildings[i].energy_generated_per_turn;
- buildings.push(unconstructed_buildings[i].to_building());
- buildings_len -= 1;
- unconstructed_buildings.swap(i, buildings_len);
- } else {
- unconstructed_buildings[i].construction_time_left -= 1
- }
- }
- unconstructed_buildings.truncate(buildings_len);
- }
- fn fire_teslas(player: &mut Player, player_buildings: &mut Vec<Building>, player_unoccupied_cells: &mut Vec<Point>, opponent: &mut Player, opponent_buildings: &mut Vec<Building>, opponent_unoccupied_cells: &mut Vec<Point>,settings: &GameSettings) {
- for tesla in player_buildings.iter_mut().filter(|b| b.weapon_damage == 20) {
- if tesla.weapon_cooldown_time_left > 0 {
- tesla.weapon_cooldown_time_left -= 1;
- } else if >= 100 {
- -= 100;
- tesla.weapon_cooldown_time_left = tesla.weapon_cooldown_period;
- if tesla.pos.x + 1 >= settings.size.x/2 {
- =;
- }
- 'player_col_loop: for x in tesla.pos.x+1..tesla.pos.x+(settings.size.x/2)+2 {
- for &y in [tesla.pos.y.saturating_sub(1), tesla.pos.y, tesla.pos.y.saturating_add(1)].iter() {
- let target_point = Point::new(x, y);
- for b in 0..opponent_buildings.len() {
- if opponent_buildings[b].pos == target_point && opponent_buildings[b].health > 0 {
- opponent_buildings[b].health = opponent_buildings[b].health.saturating_sub(settings.tesla.weapon_damage);
- continue 'player_col_loop;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for tesla in opponent_buildings.iter_mut().filter(|b| b.weapon_damage == 20) {
- if tesla.weapon_cooldown_time_left > 0 {
- tesla.weapon_cooldown_time_left -= 1;
- } else if >= 100 {
- -= 100;
- tesla.weapon_cooldown_time_left = tesla.weapon_cooldown_period;
- if tesla.pos.x <= settings.size.x/2 {
- =;
- }
- 'opponent_col_loop: for x in tesla.pos.x.saturating_sub((settings.size.x/2)+1)..tesla.pos.x {
- for &y in [tesla.pos.y.saturating_sub(1), tesla.pos.y, tesla.pos.y.saturating_add(1)].iter() {
- let target_point = Point::new(x, y);
- for b in 0..player_buildings.len() {
- if player_buildings[b].pos == target_point && player_buildings[b].health > 0 {
- player_buildings[b].health = player_buildings[b].health.saturating_sub(settings.tesla.weapon_damage);
- continue 'opponent_col_loop;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for building in player_buildings.iter().filter(|b| == 0) {
- player_unoccupied_cells.push(building.pos);
- player.energy_generated -= building.energy_generated_per_turn;
- }
- player_buildings.retain(|b| > 0);
- for building in opponent_buildings.iter().filter(|b| == 0) {
- opponent_unoccupied_cells.push(building.pos);
- opponent.energy_generated -= building.energy_generated_per_turn;
- }
- opponent_buildings.retain(|b| > 0);
- }
- fn add_missiles(buildings: &mut Vec<Building>, missiles: &mut Vec<Missile>) {
- for building in buildings.iter_mut().filter(|b| b.is_shooty()) {
- if building.weapon_cooldown_time_left > 0 {
- building.weapon_cooldown_time_left -= 1;
- } else {
- missiles.push(Missile {
- pos: building.pos,
- speed: building.weapon_speed,
- damage: building.weapon_damage,
- });
- building.weapon_cooldown_time_left = building.weapon_cooldown_period;
- }
- }
- }
- fn move_missiles<F>(missiles: &mut Vec<Missile>, mut wrapping_move_fn: F, opponent_buildings: &mut Vec<Building>, opponent: &mut Player, unoccupied_cells: &mut Vec<Point>, settings: &GameSettings)
- where F: FnMut(&mut Point) {
- let mut missiles_len = missiles.len();
- 'speed_loop: for _ in 0..settings.attack.weapon_speed {
- 'missile_loop: for m in (0..missiles.len()).rev() {
- wrapping_move_fn(&mut missiles[m].pos);
- if missiles[m].pos.x >= settings.size.x {
- =[m].damage);
- missiles_len -= 1;
- missiles.swap(m, missiles_len);
- continue 'missile_loop;
- }
- else {
- for b in 0..opponent_buildings.len() {
- if opponent_buildings[b].pos == missiles[m].pos {
- opponent_buildings[b].health = opponent_buildings[b].health.saturating_sub(missiles[m].damage);
- missiles_len -= 1;
- missiles.swap(m, missiles_len);
- if opponent_buildings[b].health == 0 {
- unoccupied_cells.push(opponent_buildings[b].pos);
- opponent.energy_generated -= opponent_buildings[b].energy_generated_per_turn;
- opponent_buildings.swap_remove(b);
- }
- //after game engine bug fix, this should go back to missile_loop
- continue 'missile_loop;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- missiles.truncate(missiles_len);
- }
- }
- fn add_energy(player: &mut Player) {
- += player.energy_generated;
- }
- fn update_status(state: &mut GameState) {
- let player_dead = == 0;
- let opponent_dead = == 0;
- state.status = match (player_dead, opponent_dead) {
- (true, true) => GameStatus::Draw,
- (false, true) => GameStatus::PlayerWon,
- (true, false) => GameStatus::OpponentWon,
- (false, false) => GameStatus::Continue,
- };
- }
- fn unoccupied_cells(buildings: &[Building], unconstructed_buildings: &[UnconstructedBuilding], bl: Point, tr: Point) -> Vec<Point> {
- let mut result = Vec::with_capacity((tr.y-bl.y) as usize * (tr.x-bl.x) as usize);
- for y in {
- for x in {
- let pos = Point::new(x, y);
- if !buildings.iter().any(|b| b.pos == pos) && !unconstructed_buildings.iter().any(|b| b.pos == pos) {
- result.push(pos);
- }
- }
- }
- result
- }
- pub fn count_player_teslas(&self) -> usize {
- self.player_unconstructed_buildings.iter().filter(|b| b.weapon_damage == 20).count() +
- self.player_buildings.iter().filter(|b| b.weapon_damage == 20).count()
- }
- pub fn count_opponent_teslas(&self) -> usize {
- self.opponent_unconstructed_buildings.iter().filter(|b| b.weapon_damage == 20).count() +
- self.opponent_buildings.iter().filter(|b| b.weapon_damage == 20).count()
- }
-impl GameStatus {
- fn is_complete(&self) -> bool {
- *self != GameStatus::Continue
- }
impl Player {
- pub fn new(energy: u16, health: u8, settings: &GameSettings, buildings: &[Building]) -> Player {
+ pub fn new(energy: u16, health: u8, settings: &GameSettings, buildings: &[expressive_engine::Building]) -> Player {
Player {
energy_generated: settings.energy_income + buildings.iter().map(|b| b.energy_generated_per_turn).sum::<u16>()
- #[cfg(not(feature = "energy-cutoff"))]
- pub fn sensible_buildings(&self, tesla_allowed: bool, settings: &GameSettings) -> Vec<BuildingType> {
- let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(3);
- for b in BuildingType::all().iter() {
- let building_setting = settings.building_settings(*b);
- let affordable = building_setting.price <=;
- let is_tesla = building_setting.weapon_damage == 20;
- if affordable && (!is_tesla || tesla_allowed) {
- result.push(*b);
- }
- }
- result
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "energy-cutoff")]
- pub fn sensible_buildings(&self, tesla_allowed: bool, settings: &GameSettings) -> Vec<BuildingType> {
- let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(3);
- let needs_energy = self.energy_generated as f32 <= ENERGY_PRODUCTION_CUTOFF * settings.max_building_price as f32 &&
- as f32 <= ENERGY_STORAGE_CUTOFF * settings.max_building_price as f32;
- for b in BuildingType::all().iter() {
- let building_setting = settings.building_settings(*b);
- let affordable = building_setting.price <=;
- let energy_producing = building_setting.energy_generated_per_turn > 0;
- let is_tesla = building_setting.weapon_damage == 20;
- if affordable && (!energy_producing || needs_energy) && (!is_tesla || tesla_allowed) {
- result.push(*b);
- }
- }
- result
- }
-impl UnconstructedBuilding {
- pub fn new(pos: Point, blueprint: &BuildingSettings) -> UnconstructedBuilding {
- UnconstructedBuilding {
- pos,
- health:,
- construction_time_left: blueprint.construction_time,
- weapon_damage: blueprint.weapon_damage,
- weapon_speed: blueprint.weapon_speed,
- weapon_cooldown_period: blueprint.weapon_cooldown_period,
- energy_generated_per_turn: blueprint.energy_generated_per_turn
- }
- }
- fn is_constructed(&self) -> bool {
- self.construction_time_left == 0
- }
- fn to_building(&self) -> Building {
- Building {
- pos: self.pos,
- health:,
- weapon_damage: self.weapon_damage,
- weapon_speed: self.weapon_speed,
- weapon_cooldown_time_left: 0,
- weapon_cooldown_period: self.weapon_cooldown_period,
- energy_generated_per_turn: self.energy_generated_per_turn
- }
- }
-impl Building {
- pub fn new(pos: Point, blueprint: &BuildingSettings) -> Building {
- Building {
- pos,
- health:,
- weapon_damage: blueprint.weapon_damage,
- weapon_speed: blueprint.weapon_speed,
- weapon_cooldown_time_left: 0,
- weapon_cooldown_period: blueprint.weapon_cooldown_period,
- energy_generated_per_turn: blueprint.energy_generated_per_turn
- }
- }
- fn is_shooty(&self) -> bool {
- self.weapon_damage > 0 && self.weapon_damage < 20
- }