export function parse(idNumber: string): { /** * - true */ isValid: boolean; /** * - The date of birth from the ID number. */ dateOfBirth: Date; /** * - The sex from the ID number - true if male, false if female. */ isMale: boolean; /** * - The sex from the ID number - true if female, false if male. */ isFemale: boolean; /** * - Citizenship status from the ID * number, true if it indicates South African citizenship. */ isSouthAfricanCitizen: boolean; } | { /** * - false */ isValid: boolean; }; export function validate(idNumber: string): boolean; export function parseDateOfBirth(idNumber: string): Date; export function parseIsMale(idNumber: string): boolean; export function parseIsFemale(idNumber: string): boolean; export function parseIsSouthAfricanCitizen(idNumber: string): boolean; //# sourceMappingURL=south-african-id-parser.d.ts.map