# Contributing ## Development Guide ### Setting up a dev environment Install the following through your system's package manager or by visiting the project's website. - [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org) 18 (LTS) or newer - npm 8 or newer (note that this is generally bundled with Node ### Building and running tests Dependencies are fetched with NPM. ```sh npm install ``` After fetching dependencies, tests can also be run using NPM. This includes both linting and unit tests. ```sh npm test ``` ## Submitting contributions If you have a change you'd like to contribute upstream, please open a pull request on [Codeberg](https://codeberg.org/worthe-it/south-african-id-parser/pulls). ## I Have a Question If you have a question which isn't answered by any of the existing documentation, please open an [issue](https://codeberg.org/worthe-it/south-african-id-parser/issues). Please search the issues to see if anyone else has already asked the same question before opening a new issue.