use gtk; use gtk::prelude::*; use std::cell::RefCell; use portaudio as pa; use std::rc::Rc; use std::sync::Arc; use std::sync::RwLock; use std::io; use std::io::Write; use std::thread; use std::sync::mpsc::*; const FPS: u32 = 30; struct RustyUi { dropdown: gtk::ComboBoxText, pitch_label: gtk::Label, pitch_error_indicator: gtk::DrawingArea, oscilloscope_chart: gtk::DrawingArea, correlation_chart: gtk::DrawingArea, oscilloscope_toggle_button: gtk::Button, correlation_toggle_button: gtk::Button } struct ApplicationState { pa: pa::PortAudio, pa_stream: Option>>, ui: RustyUi } struct CrossThreadState { fundamental_frequency: Option, pitch: String, error: Option, signal: Vec, correlation: Vec } pub fn start_gui() -> Result<(), String> { let pa = try!(::audio::init().map_err(|e| e.to_string())); let microphones = try!(::audio::get_device_list(&pa).map_err(|e| e.to_string())); let default_microphone = try!(::audio::get_default_device(&pa).map_err(|e| e.to_string())); try!(gtk::init().map_err(|_| "Failed to initialize GTK.")); let state = Rc::new(RefCell::new(ApplicationState { pa: pa, pa_stream: None, ui: create_window(microphones, default_microphone) })); let cross_thread_state = Arc::new(RwLock::new(CrossThreadState { fundamental_frequency: None, pitch: String::new(), error: None, signal: Vec::new(), correlation: Vec::new() })); let (mic_sender, mic_receiver) = channel(); connect_dropdown_choose_microphone(mic_sender, state.clone()); start_processing_audio(mic_receiver, cross_thread_state.clone()); setup_pitch_label_callbacks(state.clone(), cross_thread_state.clone()); setup_pitch_error_indicator_callbacks(state.clone(), cross_thread_state.clone()); setup_oscilloscope_drawing_area_callbacks(state.clone(), cross_thread_state.clone()); setup_correlation_drawing_area_callbacks(state.clone(), cross_thread_state.clone()); setup_chart_visibility_callbacks(state.clone()); gtk::main(); Ok(()) } fn create_window(microphones: Vec<(u32, String)>, default_microphone: u32) -> RustyUi { let window = gtk::Window::new(gtk::WindowType::Toplevel); window.set_title("Rusty Microphone"); window.connect_delete_event(|_, _| { gtk::main_quit(); Inhibit(false) }); let vbox = gtk::Box::new(gtk::Orientation::Vertical, 5); window.add(&vbox); let hbox = gtk::Box::new(gtk::Orientation::Horizontal, 2); vbox.add(&hbox); let dropdown = gtk::ComboBoxText::new(); dropdown.set_hexpand(true); set_dropdown_items(&dropdown, microphones, default_microphone); hbox.add(&dropdown); let oscilloscope_toggle_button = gtk::Button::new_with_label("Osc"); hbox.add(&oscilloscope_toggle_button); let correlation_toggle_button = gtk::Button::new_with_label("Corr"); hbox.add(&correlation_toggle_button); let pitch_label = gtk::Label::new(None); vbox.add(&pitch_label); let pitch_error_indicator = gtk::DrawingArea::new(); pitch_error_indicator.set_size_request(600, 70); vbox.add(&pitch_error_indicator); let oscilloscope_chart = gtk::DrawingArea::new(); oscilloscope_chart.set_size_request(600, 250); oscilloscope_chart.set_vexpand(true); vbox.add(&oscilloscope_chart); let correlation_chart = gtk::DrawingArea::new(); correlation_chart.set_size_request(600, 250); correlation_chart.set_vexpand(true); vbox.add(&correlation_chart); window.show_all(); // correlation chart is only really useful for debugging, so it // makes sense to have it default to being hidden correlation_chart.set_visible(false); RustyUi { dropdown: dropdown, pitch_label: pitch_label, pitch_error_indicator: pitch_error_indicator, oscilloscope_chart: oscilloscope_chart, correlation_chart: correlation_chart, oscilloscope_toggle_button: oscilloscope_toggle_button, correlation_toggle_button: correlation_toggle_button } } fn set_dropdown_items(dropdown: >k::ComboBoxText, microphones: Vec<(u32, String)>, default_mic: u32) { for (index, name) in microphones { dropdown.append(Some(format!("{}", index).as_ref()), name.as_ref()); } dropdown.set_active_id(Some(format!("{}", default_mic).as_ref())); } fn connect_dropdown_choose_microphone(mic_sender: Sender>, state: Rc>) { let dropdown = state.borrow().ui.dropdown.clone(); start_listening_current_dropdown_value(&dropdown, mic_sender.clone(), state.clone()); dropdown.connect_changed(move |dropdown: >k::ComboBoxText| { start_listening_current_dropdown_value(&dropdown, mic_sender.clone(), state.clone()) }); } fn start_listening_current_dropdown_value(dropdown: >k::ComboBoxText, mic_sender: Sender>, state: Rc>) { match state.borrow_mut().pa_stream { Some(ref mut stream) => {stream.stop().ok();}, _ => {} } let selected_mic = match dropdown.get_active_id().and_then(|id| id.parse().ok()) { Some(mic) => mic, None => {return;} }; let stream = ::audio::start_listening(&state.borrow().pa, selected_mic, mic_sender).ok(); if stream.is_none() { writeln!(io::stderr(), "Failed to open audio channel").ok(); } state.borrow_mut().pa_stream = stream; } fn start_processing_audio(mic_receiver: Receiver>, cross_thread_state: Arc>) { thread::spawn(move || { loop { let mut samples = None; // ignore all pending samples until we get to the most recent one while let Ok(next_samples) = mic_receiver.try_recv() { samples = Some(next_samples); } let samples = match samples { Some(samples) => samples, None => {continue;} }; let signal = ::transforms::align_to_rising_edge(&samples); let correlation = ::transforms::correlation(&samples); let fundamental = ::transforms::find_fundamental_frequency_correlation(&samples, ::audio::SAMPLE_RATE); let pitch = match fundamental { Some(fundamental) => ::transforms::hz_to_pitch(fundamental), None => String::new() }; let error =; match cross_thread_state.write() { Ok(mut state) => { state.fundamental_frequency = fundamental; state.pitch = pitch; state.signal = signal; state.correlation = correlation; state.error = error; }, Err(err) => { println!("Error updating cross thread state: {}", err); } }; } }); } fn setup_pitch_label_callbacks(state: Rc>, cross_thread_state: Arc>) { gtk::timeout_add(1000/FPS, move || { let ref ui = state.borrow().ui; if let Ok(cross_thread_state) = { let ref pitch = cross_thread_state.pitch; ui.pitch_label.set_label(pitch.as_ref()); ui.pitch_error_indicator.queue_draw(); ui.oscilloscope_chart.queue_draw(); ui.correlation_chart.queue_draw(); } gtk::Continue(true) }); } fn setup_pitch_error_indicator_callbacks(state: Rc>, cross_thread_state: Arc>) { let outer_state = state.clone(); let ref canvas = outer_state.borrow().ui.pitch_error_indicator; canvas.connect_draw(move |ref canvas, ref context| { let width = canvas.get_allocated_width() as f64; let midpoint = width / 2.0; let line_indicator_height = 20.0; let color_indicator_height = canvas.get_allocated_height() as f64 - line_indicator_height; match|state| state.error) { Ok(Some(error)) => { let error_line_x = midpoint + error as f64 * midpoint / 50.0; context.new_path(); context.move_to(error_line_x, 0.0); context.line_to(error_line_x, line_indicator_height); context.stroke(); //flat on the left context.set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, if error < 0.0 {-error as f64/50.0} else {0.0}); context.rectangle(0.0, line_indicator_height, midpoint, color_indicator_height+line_indicator_height); context.fill(); //sharp on the right context.set_source_rgb(if error > 0.0 {error as f64/50.0} else {0.0}, 0.0, 0.0); context.rectangle(midpoint, line_indicator_height, width, color_indicator_height+line_indicator_height); context.fill(); }, _ => { context.set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); context.rectangle(0.0, line_indicator_height, width, color_indicator_height+line_indicator_height); context.fill(); } } gtk::Inhibit(false) }); } fn setup_oscilloscope_drawing_area_callbacks(state: Rc>, cross_thread_state: Arc>) { let outer_state = state.clone(); let ref canvas = outer_state.borrow().ui.oscilloscope_chart; canvas.connect_draw(move |ref canvas, ref context| { if let Ok(cross_thread_state) = { let ref signal = cross_thread_state.signal; let width = canvas.get_allocated_width() as f64; let len = 512.0; //Set as a constant so signal won't change size based on zero point. let height = canvas.get_allocated_height() as f64; let mid_height = height / 2.0; let max = 1.0; context.new_path(); context.move_to(0.0, mid_height); for (i, &intensity) in signal.iter().enumerate() { let x = i as f64 * width / len; let y = mid_height - (intensity as f64 * mid_height / max); context.line_to(x, y); } context.stroke(); } gtk::Inhibit(false) }); } fn setup_correlation_drawing_area_callbacks(state: Rc>, cross_thread_state: Arc>) { let outer_state = state.clone(); let ref canvas = outer_state.borrow().ui.correlation_chart; canvas.connect_draw(move |ref canvas, ref context| { let width = canvas.get_allocated_width() as f64; let height = canvas.get_allocated_height() as f64; //draw zero context.new_path(); context.move_to(0.0, height/2.0); context.line_to(width, height/2.0); context.stroke(); if let Ok(cross_thread_state) = { let ref correlation = cross_thread_state.correlation; let len = correlation.len() as f64; let max = match correlation.first() { Some(&c) => c as f64, None => 1.0 }; context.new_path(); context.move_to(0.0, height); for (i, &val) in correlation.iter().enumerate() { let x = i as f64 * width / len; let y = height/2.0 - (val as f64 * height / max / 2.0); context.line_to(x, y); } context.stroke(); //draw the fundamental if let Some(fundamental) = cross_thread_state.fundamental_frequency { context.new_path(); let fundamental_x = ::audio::SAMPLE_RATE as f64 / fundamental as f64 * width / len; context.move_to(fundamental_x, 0.0); context.line_to(fundamental_x, height); context.stroke(); } } gtk::Inhibit(false) }); } fn setup_chart_visibility_callbacks(state: Rc>) { let outer_state = state.clone(); let ref oscilloscope_toggle_button = outer_state.borrow().ui.oscilloscope_toggle_button; let ref correlation_toggle_button = outer_state.borrow().ui.correlation_toggle_button; let oscilloscope_state = state.clone(); oscilloscope_toggle_button.connect_clicked(move |_| { let ref chart = oscilloscope_state.borrow().ui.oscilloscope_chart; chart.set_visible(!chart.get_visible()); }); let correlation_state = state.clone(); correlation_toggle_button.connect_clicked(move |_| { let ref chart = correlation_state.borrow().ui.correlation_chart; chart.set_visible(!chart.get_visible()); }); }