extern crate portaudio; use portaudio as pa; use std::sync::mpsc::*; pub const SAMPLE_RATE: f32 = 44100.0; pub const FRAMES: usize = 512; pub fn init() -> Result { pa::PortAudio::new() } pub fn get_device_list(pa: &pa::PortAudio) -> Result, pa::Error> { // This pa.devices gives a Result of devices, each of which is // also a Result. So a Result>>. We // mould it into devices: a Vec<(index, DeviceInfo)>. let devices = try!(try!(pa.devices()).map(|device| { device.map(|(pa::DeviceIndex(idx), info)| (idx, info)) }).collect::, _>>()); let list = devices.iter().filter(|&&(_, ref info)| info.max_input_channels > 0) .map(|&(idx, ref info)| (idx, info.name.to_string())) .collect(); Ok(list) } pub fn get_default_device(pa: &pa::PortAudio) -> Result { let pa::DeviceIndex(default_input_index) = pa.default_input_device()?; Ok(default_input_index) } pub fn start_listening_default(pa: &pa::PortAudio, sender: Sender>) -> Result>, pa::Error> { let default = get_default_device(pa)?; start_listening(pa, default, sender) } pub fn start_listening(pa: &pa::PortAudio, device_index: u32, sender: Sender>) -> Result>, pa::Error> { let device_info = try!(pa.device_info(pa::DeviceIndex(device_index))); let latency = device_info.default_low_input_latency; // Construct the input stream parameters. let input_params = pa::StreamParameters::::new(pa::DeviceIndex(device_index), 1, true, latency); // Check that the stream format is supported. try!(pa.is_input_format_supported(input_params, SAMPLE_RATE as f64)); // Construct the settings with which we'll open our stream. let stream_settings = pa::InputStreamSettings::new(input_params, SAMPLE_RATE as f64, FRAMES as u32); // This callback A callback to pass to the non-blocking stream. let callback = move |pa::InputStreamCallbackArgs { buffer, .. }| { match sender.send(Vec::from(buffer)) { Ok(_) => pa::Continue, Err(_) => pa::Complete } }; let mut stream = try!(pa.open_non_blocking_stream(stream_settings, callback)); try!(stream.start()); Ok(stream) } #[test] #[ignore] //ignored because TravisCI doesn't have any audio devices to test with fn start_listening_returns_successfully() { // Just a note on unit tests here, portaudio doesn't seem to // respond well to being initialized many times, and starts // throwing errors. let pa = init().expect("Could not init portaudio"); let devices = get_device_list(&pa).expect("Getting devices had an error"); assert!(devices.len() > 0); let (sender, _) = channel(); start_listening_default(&pa, sender).expect("Error starting listening to first channel"); }