#+TITLE: Rusty Microphone [[https://travis-ci.org/JWorthe/rusty_microphone][https://travis-ci.org/JWorthe/rusty_microphone.svg?branch=master]] * Summary The goal of this project is to create a dashboard for real-time feedback to musicians while they are practicing. This is a personal needs project, and so will at least initially focus only on the trumpet and working on my intonation. More information on how the project works can be read [[https://www.worthe-it.co.za/programming/2017/08/14/rusty-microphone.html][here]]. [[https://www.worthe-it.co.za/rusty-microphone/][Live demo]] * Getting started ** Environment Setup This is a Rust project. The latest version of the Rust compiler and Cargo are available from your system's package manager, or from https://www.rust-lang.org/. The project depends on two native libraries: GTK and Portaudio. These need to be preinstalled. On OSX, this can be done with Homebrew using #+BEGIN_SRC sh brew install pkg-config brew install gtk+3 brew install portaudio #+END_SRC On Ubuntu, you can skip the portaudio install since it can be compiled as part of the build process. You still need to install GTK though, like so: #+BEGIN_SRC sh apt-get install libgtk-3-bin libgtk-3-dev libpango1.0-0 #+END_SRC On Fedora #+BEGIN_SRC sh yum install gtk3-devel portaudio-devel #+END_SRC ** Compiling and running To compile the project: #+BEGIN_SRC sh cargo build #+END_SRC To compile and run: #+BEGIN_SRC sh cargo run #+END_SRC To compile and run unit tests. Use this as the CI build command if setting up a CI server. #+BEGIN_SRC sh cargo test #+END_SRC ** WebAssembly This project also supports WebAssembly as a compilation target. To start, you need to install the nightly rust compiler toolchain and ~wasm32-unknown-unknown~ target. If you installed Rust using Rustup, then you can do this with #+BEGIN_SRC sh rustup toolchain install nightly rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly #+END_SRC You can then compile the project with Make. #+BEGIN_SRC sh make build-web #+END_SRC If you choose not to use Make, you can look in ~Makefile~ for the instructions that ~make build-web~ is actually an alias for. After compiling, open ~target/site/index.html~ in any modern web browser. * Project structure ** File Structure - Dependencies are declared in ~Cargo.toml~ - The project main function for the project executable is in ~src/main.rs~. This should only be an entry point. Any actual functionality should be part of the library build. - The other files to be included in the build are declared in ~src/lib.rs~. - Unit tests are kept in the same files as the units they are testing. - The main function will launch the GUI in ~src/gui.rs~. From here, the GUI can call out to the other parts of the library as required. ** General Architectural Guidelines - Try to keep functions pure when possible. If not possible, try to isolate the impure parts. - Split functionality into files based on their logical separation of concerns. Try to keep mathematical processing separate from presentation logic, so that the processing can be reused independently. * System Requirements I have tested this project and found it to be working on a Linux system. It should also work under MacOS. Unfortunately, Windows is not currently supported. If you wish to contribute to adding Windows support, the most useful approach would be to take a look at the [[https://github.com/RustAudio/rust-portaudio/issues/71][open issue in rust-portaudio]] for supporting Windows in their build script.