extern crate rust_git_hooks; use rust_git_hooks::*; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Write; use std::io::Read; use std::process; use std::env; fn main() { log(); let commit_filename = env::args().nth(1); let commit_source = env::args().nth(2); let current_branch = get_current_branch(); match (current_branch, commit_filename, commit_source) { (Ok(branch), Some(filename), None) => { let write_result = prepend_branch_name(branch, filename); match write_result { Ok(_) => {}, Err(e) => { eprintln!("Failed to prepend message. {}", e); process::exit(2); } }; }, (_, _, Some(_)) => { // do nothing silently. This comes up on merge commits, // ammendment commits, if a message was specified on the // cli. } (Err(e), _, _) => { eprintln!("Failed to find current branch. {}", e); process::exit(1); }, (_, None, _) => { eprintln!("Commit file was not provided"); process::exit(2); } } } fn prepend_branch_name(branch_name: String, commit_filename: String) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { // It turns out that prepending a string to a file is not an // obvious action. You can only write to the end of a file :( // // The solution is to read the existing contents, then write a new // file starting with the branch name, and then writing the rest // of the file. let mut read_commit_file = File::open(commit_filename.clone())?; let mut current_message = String::new(); read_commit_file.read_to_string(&mut current_message)?; let mut commit_file = File::create(commit_filename)?; writeln!(commit_file, "{}:", branch_name)?; write!(commit_file, "{}", current_message) }