Rally X
ELEN3009 Project by Justin Wernick and David Schneider
PlayerCar Member List
This is the complete list of members for PlayerCar, including all inherited members.
_baseSpeedCar [protected, static]
_destroyedGameObject [protected]
_facingGameObject [protected]
_imageGameObject [protected]
_inputPlayerCar [private]
_petrolPlayerCar [private]
_speedCar [protected]
_xGameObject [protected]
_yGameObject [protected]
Car(double x, double y, BitmapStore::Image image, Maze::Direction facing)Car
destroyed() const GameObject
facing() const GameObject
GameObject(double x, double y, BitmapStore::Image image, Maze::Direction facing=Maze::UP)GameObject
image() const GameObject
makeSmoke(list< Smokescreen > &currentSmoke)PlayerCar
move(const Maze &maze)Car [protected]
petrol() const PlayerCar
PETROL_FROM_CHECKPOINTPlayerCar [private, static]
PETROL_USE_RATEPlayerCar [private, static]
PETROL_USE_SMOKESCREENPlayerCar [private, static]
PlayerCar(double x, double y, Maze::Direction facing=Maze::UP)PlayerCar
speed() const Car
update(const Maze &maze, list< Smokescreen > &currentSmoke)PlayerCar
x() const GameObject
y() const GameObject
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