"""Format C code according to QMK's style.
from shutil import which
from subprocess import CalledProcessError, DEVNULL, Popen, PIPE

from argcomplete.completers import FilesCompleter
from milc import cli

from qmk.path import normpath
from qmk.c_parse import c_source_files

c_file_suffixes = ('c', 'h', 'cpp')
core_dirs = ('drivers', 'quantum', 'tests', 'tmk_core', 'platforms')
ignored = ('tmk_core/protocol/usb_hid', 'platforms/chibios/boards')

def is_relative_to(file, other):
    """Provide similar behavior to PurePath.is_relative_to in Python > 3.9
    return str(normpath(file).resolve()).startswith(str(normpath(other).resolve()))

def find_clang_format():
    """Returns the path to clang-format.
    for clang_version in range(20, 6, -1):
        binary = f'clang-format-{clang_version}'

        if which(binary):
            return binary

    return 'clang-format'

def find_diffs(files):
    """Run clang-format and diff it against a file.
    found_diffs = False

    for file in files:
        cli.log.debug('Checking for changes in %s', file)
        clang_format = Popen([find_clang_format(), file], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
        diff = cli.run(['diff', '-u', f'--label=a/{file}', f'--label=b/{file}', str(file), '-'], stdin=clang_format.stdout, capture_output=True)

        if diff.returncode != 0:
            found_diffs = True

    return found_diffs

def cformat_run(files):
    """Spawn clang-format subprocess with proper arguments
    # Determine which version of clang-format to use
    clang_format = [find_clang_format(), '-i']

        cli.run([*clang_format, *map(str, files)], check=True, capture_output=False, stdin=DEVNULL)
        cli.log.info('Successfully formatted the C code.')
        return True

    except CalledProcessError as e:
        cli.log.error('Error formatting C code!')
        cli.log.debug('%s exited with returncode %s', e.cmd, e.returncode)
        return False

def filter_files(files, core_only=False):
    """Yield only files to be formatted and skip the rest
    files = list(map(normpath, filter(None, files)))

    for file in files:
        if core_only:
            # The following statement checks each file to see if the file path is
            # - in the core directories
            # - not in the ignored directories
            if not any(is_relative_to(file, i) for i in core_dirs) or any(is_relative_to(file, i) for i in ignored):
                cli.log.debug("Skipping non-core file %s, as '--core-only' is used.", file)

        if file.suffix[1:] in c_file_suffixes:
            yield file
            cli.log.debug('Skipping file %s', file)

@cli.argument('-n', '--dry-run', arg_only=True, action='store_true', help="Flag only, don't automatically format.")
@cli.argument('-b', '--base-branch', default='origin/master', help='Branch to compare to diffs to.')
@cli.argument('-a', '--all-files', arg_only=True, action='store_true', help='Format all core files.')
@cli.argument('--core-only', arg_only=True, action='store_true', help='Format core files only.')
@cli.argument('files', nargs='*', arg_only=True, type=normpath, completer=FilesCompleter('.c'), help='Filename(s) to format.')
@cli.subcommand("Format C code according to QMK's style.", hidden=False if cli.config.user.developer else True)
def format_c(cli):
    """Format C code according to QMK's style.
    # Find the list of files to format
    if cli.args.files:
        files = list(filter_files(cli.args.files, cli.args.core_only))

        if not files:
            cli.log.error('No C files in filelist: %s', ', '.join(map(str, cli.args.files)))

        if cli.args.all_files:
            cli.log.warning('Filenames passed with -a, only formatting: %s', ','.join(map(str, files)))

    elif cli.args.all_files:
        all_files = c_source_files(core_dirs)
        files = list(filter_files(all_files, True))

        git_diff_cmd = ['git', 'diff', '--name-only', cli.args.base_branch, *core_dirs]
        git_diff = cli.run(git_diff_cmd, stdin=DEVNULL)

        if git_diff.returncode != 0:
            cli.log.error("Error running %s", git_diff_cmd)
            return git_diff.returncode

        changed_files = git_diff.stdout.strip().split('\n')
        files = list(filter_files(changed_files, True))

    # Sanity check
    if not files:
        cli.log.error('No changed files detected. Use "qmk format-c -a" to format all core files')
        return False

    # Run clang-format on the files we've found
    if cli.args.dry_run:
        return not find_diffs(files)
        return cformat_run(files)