#ifndef CONFIG_USER_H #define CONFIG_USER_H #include "../../config.h" # define SERIAL_UART_BAUD 19200 # define SERIAL_UART_DATA UDR1 # define SERIAL_UART_UBRR (F_CPU / (16UL * SERIAL_UART_BAUD) - 1) # define SERIAL_UART_RXD_VECT USART1_RX_vect # define SERIAL_UART_TXD_READY (UCSR1A & _BV(UDRE1)) # define SERIAL_UART_INIT() do { \ /* baud rate */ \ UBRR1L = SERIAL_UART_UBRR; \ /* baud rate */ \ UBRR1H = SERIAL_UART_UBRR >> 8; \ /* enable TX */ \ UCSR1B = _BV(TXEN1); \ /* 8-bit data */ \ UCSR1C = _BV(UCSZ11) | _BV(UCSZ10); \ sei(); \ } while(0) /* * MIDI options */ /* enable basic MIDI features: - MIDI notes can be sent when in Music mode is on */ #define MIDI_BASIC /* enable advanced MIDI features: - MIDI notes can be added to the keymap - Octave shift and transpose - Virtual sustain, portamento, and modulation wheel - etc. */ //#define MIDI_ADVANCED /* override number of MIDI tone keycodes (each octave adds 12 keycodes and allocates 12 bytes) */ //#define MIDI_TONE_KEYCODE_OCTAVES 2 #endif