/* Copyright 2016 flabbergast <s3+flabbergast@sdfeu.org> Copyright 2017 jpetermans <tibcmhhm@gmail.com> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef _LED_CONTROLLER_H_ #define _LED_CONTROLLER_H_ /* ========================= * communication functions * ========================= */ msg_t is31_write_data(uint8_t page, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size); msg_t is31_write_register(uint8_t page, uint8_t reg, uint8_t data); msg_t is31_read_register(uint8_t page, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *result); /* ============================ * init functions/definitions * ============================*/ void led_controller_init(void); #define CAPS_LOCK_LED_ADDRESS 46 //pin matrix location #define NUM_LOCK_LED_ADDRESS 85 /* ============================= * IS31 chip related definitions * ============================= */ #define IS31_ADDR_DEFAULT 0x74 #define IS31_REG_CONFIG 0x00 // bits in reg #define IS31_REG_CONFIG_PICTUREMODE 0x00 #define IS31_REG_CONFIG_AUTOPLAYMODE 0x08 #define IS31_REG_CONFIG_AUDIOPLAYMODE 0x18 // D2:D0 bits are starting frame for autoplay mode #define IS31_REG_PICTDISP 0x01 // D2:D0 frame select for picture mode #define IS31_REG_AUTOPLAYCTRL1 0x02 // D6:D4 number of loops (000=infty) // D2:D0 number of frames to be used #define IS31_REG_AUTOPLAYCTRL2 0x03 // D5:D0 delay time (*11ms) #define IS31_REG_DISPLAYOPT 0x05 #define IS31_REG_DISPLAYOPT_INTENSITY_SAME 0x20 // same intensity for all frames #define IS31_REG_DISPLAYOPT_BLINK_ENABLE 0x08 // D2:D0 bits blink period time (*0.27s) #define IS31_REG_AUDIOSYNC 0x06 #define IS31_REG_AUDIOSYNC_ENABLE 0x1 #define IS31_REG_FRAMESTATE 0x07 #define IS31_REG_BREATHCTRL1 0x08 // D6:D4 fade out time (26ms*2^i) // D2:D0 fade in time (26ms*2^i) #define IS31_REG_BREATHCTRL2 0x09 #define IS31_REG_BREATHCTRL2_ENABLE 0x10 // D2:D0 extinguish time (3.5ms*2^i) #define IS31_REG_SHUTDOWN 0x0A #define IS31_REG_SHUTDOWN_OFF 0x1 #define IS31_REG_SHUTDOWN_ON 0x0 #define IS31_REG_AGCCTRL 0x0B #define IS31_REG_ADCRATE 0x0C #define IS31_COMMANDREGISTER 0xFD #define IS31_FUNCTIONREG 0x0B // helpfully called 'page nine' #define IS31_TIMEOUT 10000 // needs to be long enough to write a whole page /* ======================================== * LED Thread related items * ========================================*/ extern mailbox_t led_mailbox; void set_led_bit (uint8_t page, uint8_t *led_control_reg, uint8_t led_addr, uint8_t action); void set_lock_leds (uint8_t led_addr, uint8_t led_action, uint8_t page); void write_led_byte (uint8_t page, uint8_t row, uint8_t led_byte); void write_led_page (uint8_t page, uint8_t *led_array, uint8_t led_count); // constants for signaling the LED controller thread enum led_msg_t { KEY_LIGHT, SET_FULL_ROW, OFF_LED, ON_LED, TOGGLE_LED, BLINK_OFF_LED, BLINK_ON_LED, BLINK_TOGGLE_LED, TOGGLE_ALL, TOGGLE_BACKLIGHT, DISPLAY_PAGE, RESET_PAGE, TOGGLE_NUM_LOCK, TOGGLE_CAPS_LOCK, TOGGLE_BREATH, STEP_BRIGHTNESS }; #endif /* _LED_CONTROLLER_H_ */