// Copyright 2022 Daniel Kao (dkao) // Copyright 2022 Stefan Kerkmann (KarlK90) // Copyright 2022 Ulrich Spörlein (@uqs) // Copyright 2021 Alabastard (@Alabastard-64) // Copyright 2020 Christopher Courtney, aka Drashna Jael're (@drashna) <drashna@live.com> // Copyright 2019 Sunjun Kim // Copyright 2020 Ploopy Corporation // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #include "debug.h" #include "pmw33xx_common.h" #include "print.h" #include "string.h" #include "wait.h" #include "spi_master.h" #include "progmem.h" extern const uint8_t pmw33xx_firmware_data[PMW33XX_FIRMWARE_LENGTH] PROGMEM; extern const uint8_t pmw33xx_firmware_signature[3] PROGMEM; static const pin_t cs_pins[] = PMW33XX_CS_PINS; static bool in_burst[sizeof(cs_pins) / sizeof(pin_t)] = {0}; const size_t pmw33xx_number_of_sensors = sizeof(cs_pins) / sizeof(pin_t); bool __attribute__((cold)) pmw33xx_upload_firmware(uint8_t sensor); bool __attribute__((cold)) pmw33xx_check_signature(uint8_t sensor); void pmw33xx_set_cpi_all_sensors(uint16_t cpi) { for (uint8_t sensor = 0; sensor < pmw33xx_number_of_sensors; sensor++) { pmw33xx_set_cpi(sensor, cpi); } } bool pmw33xx_spi_start(uint8_t sensor) { if (!spi_start(cs_pins[sensor], false, 3, PMW33XX_SPI_DIVISOR)) { spi_stop(); return false; } // tNCS-SCLK, 10ns wait_us(1); return true; } bool pmw33xx_write(uint8_t sensor, uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t data) { if (!pmw33xx_spi_start(sensor)) { return false; } if (reg_addr != REG_Motion_Burst) { in_burst[sensor] = false; } // send address of the register, with MSBit = 1 to indicate it's a write uint8_t command[2] = {reg_addr | 0x80, data}; if (spi_transmit(command, sizeof(command)) != SPI_STATUS_SUCCESS) { return false; } // tSCLK-NCS for write operation is 35us wait_us(35); spi_stop(); // tSWW/tSWR (=18us) minus tSCLK-NCS. Could be shortened, but it looks like // a safe lower bound wait_us(145); return true; } uint8_t pmw33xx_read(uint8_t sensor, uint8_t reg_addr) { if (!pmw33xx_spi_start(sensor)) { return 0; } // send adress of the register, with MSBit = 0 to indicate it's a read spi_write(reg_addr & 0x7f); // tSRAD (=160us) wait_us(160); uint8_t data = spi_read(); // tSCLK-NCS, 120ns wait_us(1); spi_stop(); // tSRW/tSRR (=20us) mins tSCLK-NCS wait_us(19); return data; } bool pmw33xx_check_signature(uint8_t sensor) { uint8_t signature_dump[3] = { pmw33xx_read(sensor, REG_Product_ID), pmw33xx_read(sensor, REG_Inverse_Product_ID), pmw33xx_read(sensor, REG_SROM_ID), }; return memcmp(pmw33xx_firmware_signature, signature_dump, sizeof(signature_dump)) == 0; } bool pmw33xx_upload_firmware(uint8_t sensor) { // Datasheet claims we need to disable REST mode first, but during startup // it's already disabled and we're not turning it on ... // pmw33xx_write(REG_Config2, 0x00); // disable REST mode if (!pmw33xx_write(sensor, REG_SROM_Enable, 0x1d)) { return false; } wait_ms(10); pmw33xx_write(sensor, REG_SROM_Enable, 0x18); if (!pmw33xx_spi_start(sensor)) { return false; } spi_write(REG_SROM_Load_Burst | 0x80); wait_us(15); for (size_t i = 0; i < PMW33XX_FIRMWARE_LENGTH; i++) { spi_write(pgm_read_byte(pmw33xx_firmware_data + i)); wait_us(15); } wait_us(200); pmw33xx_read(sensor, REG_SROM_ID); pmw33xx_write(sensor, REG_Config2, 0x00); return true; } bool pmw33xx_init(uint8_t sensor) { if (sensor >= pmw33xx_number_of_sensors) { return false; } spi_init(); // power up, need to first drive NCS high then low. the datasheet does not // say for how long, 40us works well in practice. if (!pmw33xx_spi_start(sensor)) { return false; } wait_us(40); spi_stop(); wait_us(40); if (!pmw33xx_write(sensor, REG_Power_Up_Reset, 0x5a)) { return false; } wait_ms(50); // read registers and discard pmw33xx_read(sensor, REG_Motion); pmw33xx_read(sensor, REG_Delta_X_L); pmw33xx_read(sensor, REG_Delta_X_H); pmw33xx_read(sensor, REG_Delta_Y_L); pmw33xx_read(sensor, REG_Delta_Y_H); if (!pmw33xx_upload_firmware(sensor)) { dprintf("PMW33XX (%d): firmware upload failed!\n", sensor); return false; } spi_stop(); wait_ms(10); pmw33xx_set_cpi(sensor, PMW33XX_CPI); wait_ms(1); pmw33xx_write(sensor, REG_Config2, 0x00); pmw33xx_write(sensor, REG_Angle_Tune, CONSTRAIN(ROTATIONAL_TRANSFORM_ANGLE, -127, 127)); pmw33xx_write(sensor, REG_Lift_Config, PMW33XX_LIFTOFF_DISTANCE); if (!pmw33xx_check_signature(sensor)) { dprintf("PMW33XX (%d): firmware signature verification failed!\n", sensor); return false; } return true; } pmw33xx_report_t pmw33xx_read_burst(uint8_t sensor) { pmw33xx_report_t report = {0}; if (sensor >= pmw33xx_number_of_sensors) { return report; } if (!in_burst[sensor]) { dprintf("PMW33XX (%d): burst\n", sensor); if (!pmw33xx_write(sensor, REG_Motion_Burst, 0x00)) { return report; } in_burst[sensor] = true; } if (!pmw33xx_spi_start(sensor)) { return report; } spi_write(REG_Motion_Burst); wait_us(35); // waits for tSRAD_MOTBR spi_receive((uint8_t*)&report, sizeof(report)); // panic recovery, sometimes burst mode works weird. if (report.motion.w & 0b111) { in_burst[sensor] = false; } spi_stop(); if (debug_config.mouse) { dprintf("PMW33XX (%d): motion: 0x%x dx: %i dy: %i\n", sensor, report.motion.w, report.delta_x, report.delta_y); } report.delta_x *= -1; report.delta_y *= -1; return report; }