# Junk files *.bak *.swp *~ .DS_Store ._* # Merge files *.orig *.rej # Build artifacts .clang_complete .build/ *.elf *.log *.lss *.lst *.map *.o *.stackdump *.sym # QMK-specific api_data/v1 quantum/version.h *.bin *.eep *.hex *.qmk *.uf2 # Old-style QMK Makefiles /keyboards/**/Makefile # kbfirmware.... /keyboards/**/kb.h /keyboards/**/kb.c # Eclipse/PyCharm/Other IDE Settings *.iml .browse.VC.db* .cproject .idea .idea/ .project .settings/ .vagrant/ # ? .dep .history/ build/ cmake-build-debug CMakeLists.txt # Let these ones be user specific, since we have so many different configurations *.code-workspace .stfolder .tags .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json .vscode/ipch/ .vscode/last.sql .vscode/launch.json .vscode/tasks.json .vscode/temp.sql tags # Ignore image/font files *.gif *.jpg *.png *.ttf *.otf # Things Travis sees /.vs id_rsa_* secrets.tar # Python things __pycache__ .python-version # Prerequisites for updating ChibiOS /util/fmpp* # Allow to exist but don't include it in the repo user_song_list.h /util/wsl_downloaded /util/win_downloaded /users/ /layouts/ /keyboards/* !/keyboards/ergodox_ez/ !/keyboards/planck/ !/keyboards/moonlander/ # clangd compile_commands.json .clangd/ .cache/ # VIA(L) json files that don't belong in QMK repo via*.json