use engine::command::*; use engine::status::GameStatus; use engine::bitwise_engine::{Player, BitwiseGameState}; use engine::constants::*; use engine::geometry::*; use std::fmt; use rand::{Rng, XorShiftRng, SeedableRng}; use arrayvec::ArrayVec; const MAX_MOVES: u16 = 400; const INIT_SEED: [u8;16] = [0x7b, 0x6a, 0xe1, 0xf4, 0x41, 0x3c, 0xe9, 0x0f, 0x67, 0x81, 0x67, 0x99, 0x77, 0x0a, 0x6b, 0xda]; use time::{Duration, PreciseTime}; #[cfg(not(feature = "single-threaded"))] use rayon::prelude::*; //TODO Rethink / adjust these? #[cfg(feature = "energy-cutoff")] pub const ENERGY_PRODUCTION_CUTOFF: u16 = 50; #[cfg(feature = "energy-cutoff")] pub const ENERGY_STORAGE_CUTOFF: u16 = 100; pub fn choose_move(state: &BitwiseGameState, start_time: PreciseTime, max_time: Duration) -> Command { let mut command_scores = CommandScore::init_command_scores(state); let command = { let best_command_score = simulate_options_to_timeout(&mut command_scores, state, start_time, max_time); match best_command_score { Some(best) if !best.starts_with_nothing => best.command, _ => Command::Nothing } }; #[cfg(feature = "benchmarking")] { let total_iterations: u32 = command_scores.iter().map(|c| c.attempts).sum(); println!("Iterations: {}", total_iterations); } #[cfg(feature = "debug-decisions")] { debug_print_choices("ENERGY", &command_scores, |score| match score.command { Command::Build(p, BuildingType::Energy) => Some((p, score.win_ratio())), _ => None }); debug_print_choices("ATTACK", &command_scores, |score| match score.command { Command::Build(p, BuildingType::Attack) => Some((p, score.win_ratio())), _ => None }); debug_print_choices("DEFENCE", &command_scores, |score| match score.command { Command::Build(p, BuildingType::Defence) => Some((p, score.win_ratio())), _ => None }); debug_print_choices("TESLA", &command_scores, |score| match score.command { Command::Build(p, BuildingType::Tesla) => Some((p, score.win_ratio())), _ => None }); println!("NOTHING"); println!("{}", command_scores.iter().find(|c| c.command == Command::Nothing).map(|s| s.win_ratio()).unwrap_or(0)); println!(""); println!("IRON CURTAIN"); println!("{}", command_scores.iter().find(|c| c.command == Command::IronCurtain).map(|s| s.win_ratio()).unwrap_or(0)); println!(""); } command } #[cfg(feature = "debug-decisions")] fn debug_print_choices Option<(Point, i32)>>(label: &str, command_scores: &[CommandScore], extractor: F) { println!("#+NAME: {}", label); println!("#+PLOT: type:3d with:pm3d"); let relevant_moves: Vec<(Point, i32)> = command_scores.iter() .filter_map(extractor) .collect(); for y in 0..MAP_HEIGHT { for x in 0..SINGLE_MAP_WIDTH { let point = Point::new(x, y); let score = relevant_moves.iter().find(|(p, _)| *p == point); print!(" | {}",|(_,s)| s).cloned().unwrap_or(0)); } println!(" |"); } println!(""); } #[cfg(not(feature = "discard-poor-performers"))] fn simulate_options_to_timeout(command_scores: &'a mut Vec, settings: &GameSettings, state: &BitwiseGameState, start_time: PreciseTime, max_time: Duration) -> Option<&'a CommandScore> { loop { simulate_all_options_once(command_scores, settings, state); if > max_time { break; } } command_scores.iter().max_by_key(|&c| c.win_ratio()) } #[cfg(feature = "discard-poor-performers")] fn simulate_options_to_timeout<'a>(command_scores: &'a mut Vec, state: &BitwiseGameState, start_time: PreciseTime, max_time: Duration) -> Option<&'a CommandScore> { use std::cmp; let min_options = cmp::min(command_scores.len(), 5); let maxes = [max_time / 4, max_time / 2, max_time * 3 / 4, max_time]; for (i, &max) in maxes.iter().enumerate() { let new_length = cmp::max(min_options, command_scores.len() / (2usize.pow(i as u32))); let active_scores = &mut command_scores[0..new_length]; loop { simulate_all_options_once(active_scores, state); if > max { break; } } active_scores.sort_unstable_by_key(|c| -c.win_ratio()); } command_scores.first() } #[cfg(feature = "single-threaded")] fn simulate_all_options_once(command_scores: &mut[CommandScore], state: &BitwiseGameState) { command_scores.iter_mut() .for_each(|score| { let mut rng = XorShiftRng::from_seed(score.next_seed); simulate_to_endstate(score, state, &mut rng); }); } #[cfg(not(feature = "single-threaded"))] fn simulate_all_options_once(command_scores: &mut[CommandScore], state: &BitwiseGameState) { command_scores.par_iter_mut() .for_each(|score| { let mut rng = XorShiftRng::from_seed(score.next_seed); simulate_to_endstate(score, state, &mut rng); }); } fn simulate_to_endstate(command_score: &mut CommandScore, state: &BitwiseGameState, rng: &mut R) { let mut state_mut = state.clone(); let mut status = GameStatus::Continue; //state_mut.simulate(command_score.command, opponent_first); let mut first_move_made = false; for _ in 0..MAX_MOVES { if status != GameStatus::Continue { break; } let player_command = if first_move_made { random_move(&state_mut.player, rng) } else { let do_nothing = command_score.command.cant_build_yet(; first_move_made = !do_nothing; if do_nothing { Command::Nothing } else { command_score.command } }; let opponent_command = random_move(&state_mut.opponent, rng); status = state_mut.simulate(player_command, opponent_command); } let mut next_seed: [u8;16] = [0; 16]; rng.fill_bytes(&mut next_seed); match status { GameStatus::PlayerWon => command_score.add_victory(next_seed), GameStatus::OpponentWon => command_score.add_defeat(next_seed), GameStatus::Continue => command_score.add_stalemate(next_seed), GameStatus::Draw => command_score.add_draw(next_seed) } } // TODO: This needs a decent heuristic play. Don't do nothing and // target certain rows with missiles? fn random_move(player: &Player, rng: &mut R) -> Command { let free_positions_count = player.unoccupied_cell_count(); let open_building_spot = free_positions_count > 0; let all_buildings = sensible_buildings(player, open_building_spot); let iron_curtain_count = if player.can_build_iron_curtain() && >= IRON_CURTAIN_PRICE { 1 } else { 0 }; let nothing_count = 1; let building_choice_index = rng.gen_range(0, all_buildings.len() + nothing_count + iron_curtain_count); if building_choice_index < all_buildings.len() { let position_choice = rng.gen_range(0, free_positions_count); Command::Build( player.location_of_unoccupied_cell(position_choice), all_buildings[building_choice_index] ) } else if building_choice_index == all_buildings.len() { Command::Nothing } else { Command::IronCurtain } } #[derive(Debug)] struct CommandScore { command: Command, starts_with_nothing: bool, victories: u32, defeats: u32, draws: u32, stalemates: u32, attempts: u32, next_seed: [u8; 16] } impl CommandScore { fn new(command: Command, starts_with_nothing: bool) -> CommandScore { CommandScore { command, starts_with_nothing, victories: 0, defeats: 0, draws: 0, stalemates: 0, attempts: 0, next_seed: INIT_SEED } } fn add_victory(&mut self, next_seed: [u8; 16]) { self.victories += 1; self.attempts += 1; self.next_seed = next_seed; } fn add_defeat(&mut self, next_seed: [u8; 16]) { self.defeats += 1; self.attempts += 1; self.next_seed = next_seed; } fn add_draw(&mut self, next_seed: [u8; 16]) { self.draws += 1; self.attempts += 1; self.next_seed = next_seed; } fn add_stalemate(&mut self, next_seed: [u8; 16]) { self.stalemates += 1; self.attempts += 1; self.next_seed = next_seed; } fn win_ratio(&self) -> i32 { (self.victories as i32 - self.defeats as i32) * 10000 / (self.attempts as i32) } fn init_command_scores(state: &BitwiseGameState) -> Vec { let unoccupied_cells_count = state.player.unoccupied_cell_count(); let unoccupied_cells = (0..unoccupied_cells_count) .map(|i| state.player.location_of_unoccupied_cell(i)); let energy_generated = state.player.energy_generated(); let mut all_buildings: ArrayVec<[BuildingType; 4]> = ArrayVec::new(); if DEFENCE_PRICE <= { all_buildings.push(BuildingType::Defence); } if MISSILE_PRICE <= { all_buildings.push(BuildingType::Attack); } if ENERGY_PRICE <= { all_buildings.push(BuildingType::Energy); } if !state.player.has_max_teslas() && (TESLA_PRICE.saturating_sub( / energy_generated < 4) { all_buildings.push(BuildingType::Tesla); } let building_command_count = unoccupied_cells.len()*all_buildings.len(); let mut commands = Vec::with_capacity(building_command_count + 1); if state.player.can_build_iron_curtain() && IRON_CURTAIN_PRICE.saturating_sub( / energy_generated < 4 { commands.push(CommandScore::new(Command::IronCurtain, < IRON_CURTAIN_PRICE)); } for position in unoccupied_cells { for &building in &all_buildings { commands.push(CommandScore::new(Command::Build(position, building), building.cant_build_yet(; } } commands } } impl fmt::Display for CommandScore { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{},{}", self.command, self.win_ratio()) } } #[cfg(not(feature = "energy-cutoff"))] fn sensible_buildings(player: &Player, open_building_spot: bool) -> ArrayVec<[BuildingType;4]> { let mut result = ArrayVec::new(); if !open_building_spot { return result; } if DEFENCE_PRICE <= { result.push(BuildingType::Defence); } if MISSILE_PRICE <= { result.push(BuildingType::Attack); } if ENERGY_PRICE <= { result.push(BuildingType::Energy); } if TESLA_PRICE <= && !player.has_max_teslas() { result.push(BuildingType::Tesla); } result } #[cfg(feature = "energy-cutoff")] fn sensible_buildings(player: &Player, open_building_spot: bool) -> ArrayVec<[BuildingType;4]> { let mut result = ArrayVec::new(); if !open_building_spot { return result; } let needs_energy = player.energy_generated() <= ENERGY_PRODUCTION_CUTOFF || <= ENERGY_STORAGE_CUTOFF; if DEFENCE_PRICE <= { result.push(BuildingType::Defence); } if MISSILE_PRICE <= { result.push(BuildingType::Attack); } if ENERGY_PRICE <= && needs_energy { result.push(BuildingType::Energy); } if TESLA_PRICE <= && !player.has_max_teslas() { result.push(BuildingType::Tesla); } result }