use engine::command::{Command, BuildingType}; use engine::geometry::Point; use engine::settings::{GameSettings}; use engine::{GameStatus, Player, GameState}; const MAP_WIDTH: usize = 16; const MISSILE_COOLDOWN: usize = 3; const DEFENCE_HEALTH: usize = 4; // '20' health is 4 hits const MAX_TESLAS: usize = 2; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct BitwiseGameState { pub status: GameStatus, pub player: Player, pub opponent: Player, pub player_buildings: PlayerBuildings, pub opponent_buildings: PlayerBuildings, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct PlayerBuildings { pub unconstructed: Vec, pub buildings: [u64; DEFENCE_HEALTH], pub energy_towers: u64, pub missile_towers: [u64; MISSILE_COOLDOWN+1], pub missiles: [(u64, u64); MAP_WIDTH/4], pub tesla_cooldowns: [TeslaCooldown; MAX_TESLAS] } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct UnconstructedBuilding { pub pos: Point, pub construction_time_left: u8, pub building_type: BuildingType } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct TeslaCooldown { pub active: bool, pub pos: Point, pub cooldown: u8 } const EMPTY: [Point; 0] = []; impl GameState for BitwiseGameState { fn simulate(&mut self, settings: &GameSettings, _player_command: Command, _opponent_command: Command) -> GameStatus { //TODO: Commands //TODO: Make buildings out of under construction buildings //TODO: Fire the TESLAS! //TODO: Put missiles on the map //TODO: Move and collide missiles BitwiseGameState::add_energy(settings, &mut self.player, &mut self.player_buildings); BitwiseGameState::add_energy(settings, &mut self.opponent, &mut self.opponent_buildings); self.update_status(); self.status } fn player(&self) -> &Player { &self.player } fn opponent(&self) -> &Player { &self.opponent } fn player_has_max_teslas(&self) -> bool { self.player_buildings.count_teslas() >= MAX_TESLAS } fn opponent_has_max_teslas(&self) -> bool { self.opponent_buildings.count_teslas() >= MAX_TESLAS } fn unoccupied_player_cells(&self) -> &[Point] { &EMPTY } fn unoccupied_opponent_cells(&self) -> &[Point] { &EMPTY } } impl BitwiseGameState { pub fn new( player: Player, opponent: Player, player_buildings: PlayerBuildings, opponent_buildings: PlayerBuildings ) -> BitwiseGameState { BitwiseGameState { status: GameStatus::Continue, player, opponent, player_buildings, opponent_buildings } } fn add_energy(settings: &GameSettings, player: &mut Player, player_buildings: &mut PlayerBuildings) { player.energy_generated = player_buildings.energy_towers.count_ones() as u16 *; += player.energy_generated; } fn update_status(&mut self) { let player_dead = == 0; let opponent_dead = == 0; self.status = match (player_dead, opponent_dead) { (true, true) => GameStatus::Draw, (false, true) => GameStatus::PlayerWon, (true, false) => GameStatus::OpponentWon, (false, false) => GameStatus::Continue, }; } } impl PlayerBuildings { pub fn count_teslas(&self) -> usize { self.tesla_cooldowns.iter().filter(|t| } pub fn empty() -> PlayerBuildings { PlayerBuildings { unconstructed: Vec::with_capacity(4), buildings: [0; 4], energy_towers: 0, missile_towers: [0; 4], missiles: [(0,0); 4], tesla_cooldowns: [TeslaCooldown::empty(); 2] } } } impl TeslaCooldown { pub fn empty() -> TeslaCooldown { TeslaCooldown { active: false, pos: Point::new(0,0), cooldown: 0 } } }