# Rust Sample Bot Rust is a systems programming language, giving programmers the low level control that they would usually associate with a programming langauge like C or C++, but modern high level programming features. Rust is a compiled language, which compiles to an architecture-specific binary. For getting started with this bot in particular, I've done a write up about [writing a Rust bot for the Entelect challenge](https://www.worthe-it.co.za/programming/2018/05/02/writing-an-entelect-challenge-bot-in-rust.html). ## Environment Setup The Rust compiler toolchain can be downloaded from the Rust project website. https://www.rust-lang.org/en-US/install.html ## Compilation The bot can be built using the Rust build tool, Cargo. For the sake of the competition, the `--release` flag should be used. ``` cargo build --release ``` ## Running After compilation, there will be an executable in `target/release/`. For example, this sample bot's name is `entelect_challenge_rust_sample`, so the executable to be run is `target/release/entelect_challenge_rust_sample` on Linux or `target/release/entelect_challenge_rust_sample.exe` on Windows.