using System; using System.Windows; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text; namespace Entelect.BattleCity.Challenge { public class GameInProgress { private static ChallengeService.action _nullAction = ChallengeService.action.NONE; private ChallengeService.ChallengeClient _service; private _currentState; private ChallengeService.player _me; private ChallengeService.player _enemy; private BoardCell[][] _board; private AiAgent _tank1Ai; private AiAgent _tank2Ai; private Stopwatch _stepTimer; public GameInProgress(ChallengeService.ChallengeClient service, ChallengeService.state?[][] board) { _service = service; _board = getBoardCellArrayFromServiceStates(board); updateGameStatus(true); _board[_me.@base.x][_me.@base.y] = BoardCell.BASE; _board[_enemy.@base.x][_enemy.@base.y] = BoardCell.BASE; _tank1Ai = new AiAgent(_me.units[0].id, false); _tank2Ai = new AiAgent(_me.units[1].id, true); drawBoard(); } public void run() { while (true) { if (_currentState.millisecondsToNextTick-_stepTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds < 0) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Waiting for next tick. Milliseconds to next tick on last update: {0}. Elapsed milliseconds since then: {1}.", _currentState.millisecondsToNextTick, _stepTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds); updateGameStatus(); continue; } makeNextMove(); waitForNextTick(); updateGameStatus(); } } private void makeNextMove() { Move tank1Move = _tank1Ai.GetBestMove(_currentState, _board, _me, _enemy); Move tank2Move = _tank2Ai.GetBestMove(_currentState, _board, _me, _enemy); sendMovesToService(tank1Move, tank2Move); } private void sendMovesToService(Move tank1Move, Move tank2Move) { if (tank1Move != null && tank2Move != null) { Console.WriteLine("Actions chosen for two tanks"); Console.WriteLine(tank1Move.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(tank2Move.ToString()); _service.setActions(tank1Move.Action, tank2Move.Action); } else if (tank1Move != null) { Console.WriteLine("Actions chosen for first tank only"); Console.WriteLine(tank1Move.ToString()); _service.setAction(tank1Move.Tank, tank1Move.Action); } else if (tank2Move != null) { Console.WriteLine("Actions chosen for second tank only"); Console.WriteLine(tank2Move.ToString()); _service.setAction(tank2Move.Tank, tank2Move.Action); } else { Console.WriteLine("No tanks to set actions for"); } } private void waitForNextTick() { var sleepTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(_currentState.millisecondsToNextTick-_stepTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds+500); if (sleepTime.Ticks < 0L) { Console.Error.WriteLine("ERROR: Gone passed the next tick time"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Sleeping for {0}ms", sleepTime.Milliseconds); try { Thread.Sleep(sleepTime); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Exception thrown while waiting for next tick"); Console.Error.WriteLine("Exception message: "+ ex.Message); } Console.WriteLine("Time since last update after sleep: {0}ms", _stepTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds); } } private void updateGameStatus(bool firstTime = false) { if (firstTime) { _currentState = _service.getStatus(); } else { var previousTick = _currentState.currentTick; Console.WriteLine("Updating game status. Current tick is {0}", previousTick); while (previousTick == _currentState.currentTick) { _currentState = _service.getStatus(); if (previousTick == _currentState.currentTick) { Console.WriteLine("Tried to retrieve new status before next tick. Current tick is {0}. Last tick is {1}.", _currentState.currentTick, previousTick); } } } _stepTimer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); bool meFound = false; bool enemyFound = false; foreach (ChallengeService.player player in _currentState.players) { if ( { _me = player; meFound = true; } else { _enemy = player; enemyFound = true; } } if (!meFound) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Logged in player was not found"); } if (!enemyFound) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Logged in opponent was not found"); } } private void drawBoard() { for (int x = 0; x < _board.Length; ++x) { var stringBoard = new StringBuilder(); for (int y = 0; y < _board[x].Length; ++y) { switch (_board[x][y]) { case BoardCell.EMPTY: stringBoard.Append(' '); break; case BoardCell.WALL: stringBoard.Append('#'); break; case BoardCell.OUT_OF_BOUNDS: stringBoard.Append('O'); break; case BoardCell.BASE: stringBoard.Append('@'); break; default: stringBoard.Append('!'); break; } } Console.WriteLine(stringBoard.ToString()); } } private BoardCell[][] getBoardCellArrayFromServiceStates(ChallengeService.state?[][] stateBoard) { BoardCell[][] newBoard = new BoardCell[stateBoard.Length][]; for (int x = 0; x < stateBoard.Length; ++x) { newBoard[x] = new BoardCell[stateBoard[x].Length]; for (int y = 0; y < stateBoard[x].Length; ++y) { switch (stateBoard[x][y]) { case null: case ChallengeService.state.NONE: case ChallengeService.state.EMPTY: newBoard[x][y] = BoardCell.EMPTY; break; case ChallengeService.state.FULL: newBoard[x][y] = BoardCell.WALL; break; case ChallengeService.state.OUT_OF_BOUNDS: newBoard[x][y] = BoardCell.OUT_OF_BOUNDS; break; default: newBoard[x][y] = BoardCell.OUT_OF_BOUNDS; break; } } } return newBoard; } } }