using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Entelect.BattleCity.Challenge { class AiAgent { private int? _lastX; private int? _lastY; private ChallengeService.action _lastAction; private bool _hasShotFromLastPosition; private int _tankId; private int? _targetX; private bool _checkForOpenPathToMiddle; private bool _headingToMiddle; public AiAgent(int tankId, bool checkForOpenPathToMiddle) { _tankId = tankId; _checkForOpenPathToMiddle = checkForOpenPathToMiddle; _lastAction = ChallengeService.action.NONE; _hasShotFromLastPosition = false; _headingToMiddle = false; } public Move GetBestMove( game, BoardCell[][] board, ChallengeService.player me, ChallengeService.player enemy) { Move move = null; ChallengeService.unit tank = findTankInPlayer(_tankId, me); if (tank == null) { Console.WriteLine("Tank {0} does not exist", _tankId); return null; } if (tank.x != _lastX || tank.y != _lastY) { _hasShotFromLastPosition = false; } Console.WriteLine("Tank {0} position: {1}, {2}", _tankId, tank.x, tank.y); var bulletInAir = checkIsBulletInAir(board, me, tank); var stuckLastTurn = checkStuckLastTurn(tank); var enemyBase = enemy.@base; var pastMidpoint = (Math.Abs(enemyBase.y-tank.y) < (board[0].Length / 2)); if (stuckLastTurn && (tank.direction == ChallengeService.direction.UP || tank.direction == ChallengeService.direction.DOWN)) { _targetX = tank.x + (pastMidpoint!=(tank.x > enemyBase.x) ? +1 : -1); } if (_checkForOpenPathToMiddle && !_headingToMiddle && tank.x != enemyBase.x) { var pathToMiddleIsOpen = testPathToMiddleIsOpen(board, tank, enemyBase, true); //TODO Disable driving over own base if (pathToMiddleIsOpen) { Console.WriteLine("Path to middle is open, heading there now"); _headingToMiddle = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("Checked for path to middle, but path is not clear"); } } if (_checkForOpenPathToMiddle && _headingToMiddle && tank.x == enemyBase.x) { _headingToMiddle = false; } ChallengeService.direction chosenDirection = _headingToMiddle ? ( tank.x > enemyBase.x ? ChallengeService.direction.LEFT : ChallengeService.direction.RIGHT ) : ( tank.y != enemyBase.y ? ( _targetX.HasValue && _targetX != tank.x ? ( tank.x > _targetX ? ChallengeService.direction.LEFT : ChallengeService.direction.RIGHT ) : ( tank.y > enemyBase.y ? ChallengeService.direction.UP : ChallengeService.direction.DOWN ) ) : ( tank.x > enemyBase.x ? ChallengeService.direction.LEFT : ChallengeService.direction.RIGHT ) ); Console.WriteLine("Chosen direction for tank {0} is {1} and bulletInAir is {2}", _tankId, chosenDirection, bulletInAir); if (chosenDirection != tank.direction || bulletInAir || _headingToMiddle) { move = MoveInDirection(, chosenDirection); } else { move = new Move(, ChallengeService.action.FIRE); _hasShotFromLastPosition = true; } _lastX = tank.x; _lastY = tank.y; _lastAction = move.Action; return move; } private bool testPathToMiddleIsOpen(BoardCell[][] board, ChallengeService.unit tank, ChallengeService.@base enemyBase, bool allowGoThroughBase) { var minY = tank.y - 2; var maxY = tank.y + 2; var minX = Math.Min(tank.x, enemyBase.x)-2; var maxX = Math.Max(tank.x, enemyBase.x)+2; bool insideRange = board.Length > maxX && board[maxX].Length > maxY && 0 <= minX && 0 <= minY; if (!insideRange) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Somehow, range to check for emptiness ended outside of bounds of board"); return false; } for (int x = minX; x <= maxX; ++x) { for (int y = minY; y <= maxY; ++y) { if (board[x][y] != BoardCell.EMPTY) { Console.WriteLine("Obstacle found at {0}, {1}, type {2}", x, y, board[x][y]); return false; } } } return true; } private ChallengeService.unit findTankInPlayer(int tankId, ChallengeService.player me) { if (me != null && me.units != null) { foreach (var unit in me.units) { if ( == _tankId) { Console.WriteLine("Tank found in list of tanks"); return unit; } } } return null; } public Move MoveInDirection(int tankId, ChallengeService.direction direction) { switch (direction) { case ChallengeService.direction.UP: return new Move(tankId, ChallengeService.action.UP); case ChallengeService.direction.DOWN: return new Move(tankId, ChallengeService.action.DOWN); case ChallengeService.direction.LEFT: return new Move(tankId, ChallengeService.action.LEFT); case ChallengeService.direction.RIGHT: return new Move(tankId, ChallengeService.action.RIGHT); default: return new Move(tankId, ChallengeService.action.NONE); } } private bool checkIsBulletInAir(BoardCell[][] board, ChallengeService.player me, ChallengeService.unit tank) { var bulletInAir = false; if (me.bullets != null) { foreach (var bullet in me.bullets) { if (Math.Abs(bullet.x - tank.x) < board.Length / 4) { bulletInAir = true; } } } return bulletInAir; } private bool checkStuckLastTurn(ChallengeService.unit tank) { return !(_lastAction == ChallengeService.action.FIRE || _lastAction == ChallengeService.action.NONE) && tank.x == _lastX && tank.y == _lastY && _hasShotFromLastPosition; } } }