pub mod command; pub mod consts; pub mod global_json; pub mod json; pub mod state; use command::*; use consts::*; use pathfinding::prelude::*; use state::*; use std::cmp::Ordering; pub fn choose_command(round: usize, state: &GameState) -> Command { if round <= 100 { choose_command_with_looking_forward_heuristic(state) } else { choose_command_with_astar(state) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct HeuristicLookaheadState { moves: Vec, events: GameStateUpdateEvents, current_state: GameState, } fn choose_command_with_looking_forward_heuristic(state: &GameState) -> Command { let depth = 3; let mut states = vec![HeuristicLookaheadState { moves: Vec::new(), events: GameStateUpdateEvents::default(), current_state: state.clone(), }]; for _ in 0..depth { states = states .into_iter() .flat_map(move |state| { state .current_state .good_moves(0) .into_iter() .map(move |player_move| { let mut state = state.clone(); state.moves.push(player_move); state .current_state .update([player_move, Command::Accelerate], &mut; state }) }) .collect(); } states .into_iter() .max_by(|a, b| compare_events(&, & .unwrap() .moves .into_iter() .next() .unwrap() } fn compare_states(a: &GameState, b: &GameState) -> Ordering { if a.status == GameStatus::PlayerOneWon && b.status == GameStatus::PlayerOneWon { a.players[0].speed.cmp(&b.players[0].speed) } else if a.status == GameStatus::PlayerOneWon { Ordering::Greater } else if b.status == GameStatus::PlayerOneWon { Ordering::Less } else { let weighted_position_a = a.players[0].position.x + a.players[0].boosts * 2; let weighted_position_b = b.players[0].position.x + b.players[0].boosts * 2; weighted_position_a .cmp(&weighted_position_b) .then(a.players[0].speed.cmp(&b.players[0].speed)) .then(a.players[0].position.x.cmp(&b.players[0].position.x)) .then(a.players[0].boosts.cmp(&b.players[0].boosts)) } } fn compare_events(a: &GameStateUpdateEvents, b: &GameStateUpdateEvents) -> Ordering { let a = &a.players[0]; let b = &b.players[0]; a.boosts_collected .cmp(&b.boosts_collected) .then(a.boosts_maintained.cmp(&b.boosts_maintained)) .then(a.distance_travelled.cmp(&b.distance_travelled)) .then(a.mud_hit.cmp(&b.mud_hit).reverse()) .then(a.boosts_used.cmp(&b.boosts_used).reverse()) } fn choose_command_with_astar(state: &GameState) -> Command { // TODO: Find all shortest paths, choose the one that has the // highest end speed, or otherwise wins shortest_path_first_command(state).unwrap_or(Command::Accelerate) } fn shortest_path_first_command(initial_state: &GameState) -> Option { let shortest_path_states = astar( initial_state, |state| { state .good_moves(0) .into_iter() .filter(|player_move| *player_move != Command::UseOil) .map(|player_move| { let mut state = state.clone(); state.update( [player_move, Command::Decelerate], &mut GameStateUpdateEvents::default(), ); (state, 1) }) .collect::>() }, |state| (WIDTH - state.players[0].position.x) / SPEED_BOOST, |state| state.status != GameStatus::Continue, ) .unwrap(); shortest_path_states .0 .iter() .zip(shortest_path_states.0.iter().skip(1)) .map(|(state, next)| { let player_move = state .good_moves(0) .into_iter() .filter(|player_move| *player_move != Command::UseOil) .find(|player_move| { let mut state = state.clone(); state.update( [*player_move, Command::Decelerate], &mut GameStateUpdateEvents::default(), ); state == *next }) .unwrap(); player_move }) .next() }