use aoc2019::*; use rpds::list; use rpds::list::List; use rpds::vector::Vector; use std::io; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::iter; use std::process; use structopt::StructOpt; #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] #[structopt(name = "Day 7: Amplification Circuit")] /// Executes an Intcode program on 5 amplifiers, and finds the input that gives the max output /// /// See for details. struct Opt { #[structopt(short = "f", long = "feedback-loop")] feedback_loop_mode: bool, } fn main() { let stdin = io::stdin(); let opt = Opt::from_args(); let program: IntcodeProgram = stdin .lock() .split(b',') .map(|x| exit_on_failed_assertion(x, "Error reading input")) .map(|x| exit_on_failed_assertion(String::from_utf8(x), "Input was not valid UTF-8")) .map(|x| exit_on_failed_assertion(x.trim().parse::(), "Invalid number")) .collect::(); let result = exit_on_failed_assertion( find_max_power(&program, opt.feedback_loop_mode), "Program errored", ); println!("{}", result); } fn exit_on_failed_assertion(data: Result, message: &str) -> A { match data { Ok(data) => data, Err(e) => { eprintln!("{}: {}", message, e); process::exit(1); } } } fn find_max_power( program: &IntcodeProgram, feedback_loop_mode: bool, ) -> Result { PhaseSetting::all(feedback_loop_mode) .map(|phase| AmplifierArray::new(program, phase).execute()) .collect::, _>>() .map(|powers| powers.into_iter().max().unwrap_or(0)) } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] struct PhaseSetting([Intcode; 5]); impl PhaseSetting { fn all(feedback_loop_mode: bool) -> impl Iterator { if feedback_loop_mode { PhaseSetting::permute(5, 10) } else { PhaseSetting::permute(0, 5) } } fn permute(min: Intcode, max: Intcode) -> impl Iterator { // This is an absolutely atrocious way to do the permutation, // but luckily it's only 5 elements long. (min..max) .flat_map(move |a| { (min..max).flat_map(move |b| { (min..max).flat_map(move |c| { (min..max).flat_map(move |d| { (min..max).map(move |e| PhaseSetting([a, b, c, d, e])) }) }) }) }) .filter(move |phase| (min..max).all(|x| phase.0.contains(&x))) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct AmplifierArray { amplifiers: Vector, } impl AmplifierArray { fn new(program: &IntcodeProgram, phase: PhaseSetting) -> AmplifierArray { AmplifierArray { amplifiers: (0..5) .map(|n| AmplifierArray::new_amp(program, phase, n)) .collect(), } } fn new_amp(program: &IntcodeProgram, phase: PhaseSetting, n: usize) -> IntcodeProgram { if n == 0 { program.with_input(list![phase.0[n], 0]) } else { program.with_input(list![phase.0[n]]) } } fn execute(&self) -> Result { self.run_to_termination().output_into_result() } fn run_to_termination(&self) -> AmplifierArray { iter::successors(Some(self.clone()), |p| Some( .find(|p| p.is_terminated()) .unwrap() // successors doesn't terminate, so this will never be none. } fn output_into_result(&self) -> Result { self.amplifiers .first() .and_then(|amp| amp.input.first().cloned()) .ok_or(IntcodeProgramError) } fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool { self.amplifiers.last().map(|amp| amp.halted).unwrap_or(true) } fn next(&self) -> AmplifierArray { self.run_amplifiers().update_inputs() } fn run_amplifiers(&self) -> AmplifierArray { AmplifierArray { amplifiers: self .amplifiers .iter() .map(|amp| amp.run_to_termination_or_input()) .collect(), } } fn update_inputs(&self) -> AmplifierArray { AmplifierArray { amplifiers: self .amplifiers .iter() .fold( ( Vector::new(), self.amplifiers .last() .map(|a| a.output.iter().cloned().collect::>()) .unwrap_or(List::new()), ), |(amps, piped_input), next_amp| { ( amps.push_back( next_amp .with_additional_input(piped_input) .with_cleared_output(), ), next_amp.output.iter().cloned().collect::>(), ) }, ) .0, } } }