use nom::{ branch::alt, character::complete::{char, line_ending}, combinator::{map, value}, multi::{many1, separated_list1}, IResult, }; use std::{collections::BTreeSet, fs, mem}; fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_21.txt")?; let garden = WalledGarden::parser(&input).unwrap().1; dbg!(garden.count_closed_walls_walkable_after_steps(, 64)); dbg!(garden.count_open_walls_walkable_after_steps(26501365)); Ok(()) } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct WalledGarden { rocks: Vec>, walkable_to: Vec>, walkable_to_back: Vec>, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] enum WalledGardenState { Empty, Walkable, Rock, } #[derive(Debug)] struct MaxWalkable { odd_steps_max: usize, even_steps_max: usize, min_steps: usize, } #[derive(Debug)] struct EntryPoint { entry: (usize, usize), max: MaxWalkable, } impl WalledGarden { fn new(tiles: Vec>) -> WalledGarden { let rocks: Vec> = tiles .iter() .map(|row| { row.iter() .map(|t| *t == WalledGardenState::Rock) .collect::>() }) .collect(); let walkable_to: Vec> = vec![vec![false; rocks[0].len()]; rocks.len()]; WalledGarden { rocks, walkable_to_back: walkable_to.clone(), walkable_to: walkable_to.clone(), } } fn parser(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Self> { map( separated_list1(line_ending, many1(WalledGardenState::parser)), WalledGarden::new, )(input) } fn count_closed_walls_walkable_after_steps( &self, start: (usize, usize), steps: usize, ) -> usize { let mut garden = self.clone(); garden.walkable_to[start.1][start.0] = true; for _ in 0..steps { garden.closed_walls_next_mut(); } garden.count_walkable() } fn closed_walls_find_max_walkable(&self, start: (usize, usize)) -> MaxWalkable { let mut odd_steps_max = 0; let mut even_steps_max = 0; let mut garden = self.clone(); garden.walkable_to[start.1][start.0] = true; let mut unchanged_count = 0; for i in 1.. { garden.closed_walls_next_mut(); if i % 2 == 0 { let new_even_max_countable = garden.count_walkable(); if even_steps_max == new_even_max_countable { unchanged_count += 1; } else { even_steps_max = new_even_max_countable; } } else { let new_odd_max_countable = garden.count_walkable(); if odd_steps_max == new_odd_max_countable { unchanged_count += 1; } else { odd_steps_max = new_odd_max_countable; } } if unchanged_count > 1 { return MaxWalkable { odd_steps_max, even_steps_max, min_steps: i, }; } } unreachable!() } fn closed_walls_next_mut(&mut self) { for (y, row) in self.walkable_to_back.iter_mut().enumerate() { for (x, tile) in row.iter_mut().enumerate() { if ![y][x] { *tile = (y > 0 && self.walkable_to[y - 1][x]) || (y < self.walkable_to.len() - 1 && self.walkable_to[y + 1][x]) || (x > 0 && self.walkable_to[y][x - 1]) || (x < self.walkable_to[y].len() - 1 && self.walkable_to[y][x + 1]); } } } mem::swap(&mut self.walkable_to, &mut self.walkable_to_back); } fn count_walkable(&self) -> usize { self.walkable_to .iter() .flat_map(|row| row.iter()) .filter(|s| **s) .count() } fn count_open_walls_walkable_after_steps(&self, steps: usize) -> usize { // assumptions: // - this field is square // - there is a direct path from the starting point up, down, left, and right // - there is a direct path around the edges // - the start is in the center let (size_x, size_y) = self.size(); let (center_x, center_y) =; let max_chunks_deviance = (steps - center_y) / size_y; let mut total_walkable = 0; for quadrant in [ EntryPoint::new((0, 0), &self), EntryPoint::new((size_x - 1, 0), &self), EntryPoint::new((0, size_y - 1), &self), EntryPoint::new((size_x - 1, size_y - 1), &self), ] { let mut distance_from_edge = 0; loop { let steps_in_chunk = steps - center_x - center_y - 2 - (max_chunks_deviance - distance_from_edge - 1) * size_y; if steps_in_chunk >= quadrant.max.min_steps || distance_from_edge == max_chunks_deviance { break; } let walkable_per_chunk = self.count_closed_walls_walkable_after_steps(quadrant.entry, steps_in_chunk); total_walkable += walkable_per_chunk * (max_chunks_deviance - 1 - distance_from_edge); distance_from_edge += 1; } // TODO: Checkerboard the remaining inside } for cardinal in [ EntryPoint::new((0, center_y), &self), EntryPoint::new((center_x, 0), &self), EntryPoint::new((size_x - 1, center_y), &self), EntryPoint::new((center_x, size_y - 1), &self), ] { let mut distance_from_edge = 0; loop { let steps_in_chunk = steps - center_y - 1 - (max_chunks_deviance - distance_from_edge - 1) * size_y; if steps_in_chunk >= cardinal.max.min_steps || distance_from_edge == max_chunks_deviance { break; } let walkable_per_chunk = self.count_closed_walls_walkable_after_steps(cardinal.entry, steps_in_chunk); total_walkable += walkable_per_chunk; distance_from_edge += 1; } // TODO: Checkerboard the remaining inside } for center in [EntryPoint::new((center_x, center_y), &self)] { total_walkable += if steps >= center.max.min_steps { if steps % 2 == 0 { center.max.even_steps_max } else { center.max.odd_steps_max } } else { self.count_closed_walls_walkable_after_steps(center.entry, steps) }; } total_walkable } fn size(&self) -> (usize, usize) { ([0].len(), } fn center(&self) -> (usize, usize) { let (size_x, size_y) = self.size(); (size_x / 2, size_y / 2) } } impl WalledGardenState { fn parser(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Self> { alt(( value(WalledGardenState::Empty, char('.')), value(WalledGardenState::Walkable, char('S')), value(WalledGardenState::Rock, char('#')), ))(input) } } impl EntryPoint { fn new(entry: (usize, usize), garden: &WalledGarden) -> EntryPoint { EntryPoint { max: garden.closed_walls_find_max_walkable(entry), entry, } } }