use nom::{ branch::alt, character::complete::{char as nom_char, line_ending}, combinator::{map, value}, multi::{many1, separated_list1}, IResult, }; use std::fs; fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_10.txt")?; let parsed = Maze::parser(&input).unwrap().1; dbg!(&parsed.find_furthest_point_in_loop()); dbg!(&parsed.count_blocks_inside_the_pipe_loop()); Ok(()) } #[derive(Debug)] struct Maze(Vec>); #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] enum Pipe { Start, Nothing, DownLeft, DownRight, DownUp, LeftRight, UpLeft, UpRight, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] enum Direction { Up, Down, Left, Right, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] struct Point { x: usize, y: usize, } #[derive(Debug)] struct FloodFillMaze(Vec>>); #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] enum FloodFill { Outside, Inside, Pipe, } impl Maze { fn parser(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Self> { map(separated_list1(line_ending, many1(Pipe::parser)), Maze)(input) } fn find_furthest_point_in_loop(&self) -> usize { self.measure_loop_size() / 2 } fn measure_loop_size(&self) -> usize { let mut position = self.find_start(); let mut facing = self.find_start_facing(position); position = position.go(facing); let mut distance = 1; while != Pipe::Start { let current_pipe =; facing = current_pipe.exit_facing(facing).unwrap(); position = position.go(facing); distance += 1; } distance } fn count_blocks_inside_the_pipe_loop(&self) -> usize { let mut flood_fill_maze = FloodFillMaze::init_for_maze(&self); { // flood fill the pipe loop let mut position = self.find_start(); flood_fill_maze.fill_one(position, FloodFill::Pipe); let mut facing = self.find_start_facing(position); position = position.go(facing); while != Pipe::Start { flood_fill_maze.fill_one(position, FloodFill::Pipe); facing =; position = position.go(facing); } } let (normal, start_pipe_position) = { // flood fill from the boundary until I find a pipe loop piece let mut position = Point { x: 0, y: 0 }; let mut found_pipes = Vec::new(); while found_pipes.len() == 0 { found_pipes = flood_fill_maze .fill_flood(position, FloodFill::Outside) .into_iter() .filter(|(_, p)|*p).connections().len() == 2) .collect(); position = position.right(); } found_pipes[0] }; // use this to identify the inner side of the pipe // trace along the inner side of the pipe, floor filling inside // count the number of inner fills todo!() } fn at(&self, p: Point) -> Pipe { self.0[p.y][p.x] } fn find_start(&self) -> Point { for (y, row) in self.0.iter().enumerate() { for (x, pipe) in row.iter().enumerate() { if *pipe == Pipe::Start { return Point { x, y }; } } } panic!("No Start!"); } fn find_start_facing(&self, start: Point) -> Direction { if start.y > 0 && { Direction::Up } else if start.y < self.0.len() - 1 && { Direction::Down } else if start.x > 0 && self .at(start.left()) .connections() .contains(&Direction::Right) { Direction::Left } else if start.x < self.0[start.y].len() - 1 && self .at(start.right()) .connections() .contains(&Direction::Left) { Direction::Right } else { panic!() } } } impl Pipe { fn parser(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Self> { use Pipe::*; alt(( value(Start, nom_char('S')), value(Nothing, nom_char('.')), value(DownLeft, nom_char('7')), value(DownRight, nom_char('F')), value(DownUp, nom_char('|')), value(LeftRight, nom_char('-')), value(UpLeft, nom_char('J')), value(UpRight, nom_char('L')), ))(input) } fn connections(&self) -> Vec { use Direction::*; match self { Pipe::Start => vec![], Pipe::Nothing => vec![], Pipe::DownLeft => vec![Down, Left], Pipe::DownRight => vec![Down, Right], Pipe::DownUp => vec![Down, Up], Pipe::LeftRight => vec![Left, Right], Pipe::UpLeft => vec![Up, Left], Pipe::UpRight => vec![Up, Right], } } fn exit_facing(&self, facing: Direction) -> Option { use Direction::*; match self { Pipe::Start => None, Pipe::Nothing => None, Pipe::DownLeft => match facing { Up => Some(Left), Right => Some(Down), _ => None, }, Pipe::DownRight => match facing { Up => Some(Right), Left => Some(Down), _ => None, }, Pipe::DownUp => match facing { Up => Some(Up), Down => Some(Down), _ => None, }, Pipe::LeftRight => match facing { Left => Some(Left), Right => Some(Right), _ => None, }, Pipe::UpLeft => match facing { Down => Some(Left), Right => Some(Up), _ => None, }, Pipe::UpRight => match facing { Down => Some(Right), Left => Some(Up), _ => None, }, } } } impl Point { fn up(&self) -> Point { Point { x: self.x, y: self.y - 1, } } fn down(&self) -> Point { Point { x: self.x, y: self.y + 1, } } fn left(&self) -> Point { Point { x: self.x - 1, y: self.y, } } fn right(&self) -> Point { Point { x: self.x + 1, y: self.y, } } fn go(&self, facing: Direction) -> Point { match facing { Direction::Up => self.up(), Direction::Down => self.down(), Direction::Left => self.left(), Direction::Right => self.right(), } } } impl FloodFillMaze { fn init_for_maze(maze: &Maze) -> FloodFillMaze { FloodFillMaze( maze.0 .iter() .map(|row| row.iter().map(|_| None).collect()) .collect(), ) } fn fill_one(&mut self, point: Point, fill: FloodFill) { if self.0[point.y][point.x].is_none() { self.0[point.y][point.x] = Some(fill); } } /// Returns a list of touched pipes, and the direction they were touched /// from. fn fill_flood(&mut self, point: Point, fill: FloodFill) -> Vec<(Direction, Point)> { let mut pipes = Vec::new(); if self.0[point.y][point.x].is_none() { self.0[point.y][point.x] = Some(fill); if point.y > 0 { let up = point.up(); if self.0[up.y][up.x] == Some(FloodFill::Pipe) { pipes.push((Direction::Up, up)); } else { pipes.append(&mut self.fill_flood(up, fill)); } } if point.y < self.0.len() - 1 { let down = point.down(); if self.0[down.y][down.x] == Some(FloodFill::Pipe) { pipes.push((Direction::Down, down)); } else { pipes.append(&mut self.fill_flood(down, fill)) } } if point.x > 0 { let left = point.left(); if self.0[left.y][left.x] == Some(FloodFill::Pipe) { pipes.push((Direction::Left, left)); } else { pipes.append(&mut self.fill_flood(left, fill)) }; } if point.x < self.0[point.y].len() - 1 { let right = point.right(); if self.0[right.y][right.x] == Some(FloodFill::Pipe) { pipes.push((Direction::Right, right)); } else { pipes.append(&mut self.fill_flood(right, fill)) } } } pipes } }