use nom::{ branch::alt, bytes::complete::tag, character::complete::{alpha1, line_ending, u32}, combinator::map, multi::separated_list1, sequence::tuple, IResult, }; use std::{ collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet}, fs, }; fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_16.txt")?; let nodes = Nodes::parser(&input).unwrap().1; let mut condensed = nodes.condense(); let mut initial_open_valves = BTreeSet::new(); initial_open_valves.insert(0); let initial_state = State { actors: vec![Actor { position: 0, time_remaining: 30, }], open_valves: initial_open_valves.clone(), }; dbg!(condensed.find_optimal_pressure_relieved(&initial_state)); let initial_state_with_elephant = State { actors: vec![ Actor { position: 0, time_remaining: 26 }; 2 ], open_valves: initial_open_valves, }; dbg!(condensed.find_optimal_pressure_relieved(&initial_state_with_elephant)); Ok(()) } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct Nodes { nodes: BTreeMap, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct Node { id: String, flow_rate: u32, exits: BTreeMap, } #[derive(Debug)] struct CondensedNodes { nodes: Vec, cache: BTreeMap, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct CondensedNode { flow_rate: u32, exits: Vec, } impl Nodes { fn parser(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Self> { map(separated_list1(line_ending, Node::parser), |nodes| Nodes { nodes: nodes .into_iter() .map(|node| (, node)) .collect(), })(input) } fn condense(&self) -> CondensedNodes { let node_ids: Vec = self .nodes .values() .filter(|n| == "AA" || n.flow_rate > 0) .map(|n| .collect(); let mut condensed = CondensedNodes { nodes: self .nodes .values() .filter(|n| == "AA" || n.flow_rate > 0) .map(|n| CondensedNode { flow_rate: n.flow_rate, exits: Vec::new(), }) .collect(), cache: BTreeMap::new(), }; for (id, mut node) in condensed.nodes.iter_mut().enumerate() { node.exits = node_ids .iter() .map(|original_destination_id| { // +1 because in condensed it includes opening the valve self.find_shortest_path(&node_ids[id], &original_destination_id) + 1 }) .collect() } condensed } fn find_shortest_path(&self, from: &str, to: &str) -> u32 { let mut frontier: BTreeSet<&str> = BTreeSet::new(); let mut explored: BTreeSet<&str> = BTreeSet::new(); let mut distance = 0; explored.insert(from); frontier.insert(from); while !frontier.is_empty() { let mut next_frontier: BTreeSet<&str> = BTreeSet::new(); distance += 1; for frontier_point in frontier { for adjacent_point in self.nodes.get(frontier_point).unwrap().exits.keys() { if adjacent_point == to { return distance; } if !explored.contains(&adjacent_point.as_ref()) { explored.insert(adjacent_point); next_frontier.insert(adjacent_point); } } } frontier = next_frontier; } panic!("Didn't reach end"); } } impl Node { fn parser(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Self> { map( tuple(( tag("Valve "), alpha1, tag(" has flow rate="), u32, alt(( tag("; tunnels lead to valves "), tag("; tunnel leads to valve "), )), separated_list1(tag(", "), alpha1), )), |(_, id, _, flow_rate, _, exits): (_, &str, _, u32, _, Vec<&str>)| Node { id: id.to_owned(), flow_rate, exits: exits .into_iter() .map(|destination| (destination.to_owned(), 1)) .collect(), }, )(input) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] struct State { actors: Vec, open_valves: BTreeSet, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] struct Actor { position: usize, time_remaining: u32, } impl State { fn sort_actors(&mut self) { self.actors.sort() } } impl CondensedNodes { fn find_optimal_pressure_relieved(&mut self, state: &State) -> u32 { let cache_value = self.cache.get(state); if let Some(cache_value) = cache_value { return *cache_value; } let mut computed_value = 0; for (actor_i, actor) in state.actors.iter().enumerate() { let exits_to_investigate: Vec<(usize, u32)> = self.nodes[actor.position] .exits .iter() .enumerate() .filter(|(destination, distance)| { !state.open_valves.contains(destination) && **distance <= actor.time_remaining }) .map(|(destination, distance)| (destination.clone(), distance.clone())) .collect(); for (destination, distance) in exits_to_investigate { let mut open_valves = state.open_valves.clone(); open_valves.insert(destination.clone()); let new_actor = Actor { time_remaining: actor.time_remaining - distance, position: destination.clone(), }; let relief_from_this_valve = self.nodes[destination].flow_rate * new_actor.time_remaining as u32; let mut actors = state.actors.clone(); actors[actor_i] = new_actor; let mut state_this_way = State { actors, open_valves, }; state_this_way.sort_actors(); let recursive_relief = self.find_optimal_pressure_relieved(&state_this_way); let relief = relief_from_this_valve + recursive_relief; computed_value = computed_value.max(relief); } } self.cache.insert(state.clone(), computed_value); computed_value } }