use nom::{ branch::alt, bytes::complete::tag, character::complete::{i32 as nom_i32, line_ending}, combinator::{map, value}, multi::separated_list1, sequence::tuple, IResult, }; use std::{cmp, fs}; fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_22.txt")?; let instructions = parse_instructions(&input).unwrap().1; { let bounds_50 = Block { min_x: -50, max_x: 51, min_y: -50, max_y: 51, min_z: -50, max_z: 51, }; let mut octtree_50 = OctTree::default(); for instruction in &instructions { octtree_50.set_block(&bounds_50, &instruction.bounds, instruction.new_state); } dbg!(octtree_50.count_on_blocks(&bounds_50)); } { let problem_boundary = Block { min_x: instructions .iter() .map(|i| i.bounds.min_x) .min() .unwrap_or(0), max_x: instructions .iter() .map(|i| i.bounds.max_x) .max() .unwrap_or(0), min_y: instructions .iter() .map(|i| i.bounds.min_y) .min() .unwrap_or(0), max_y: instructions .iter() .map(|i| i.bounds.max_y) .max() .unwrap_or(0), min_z: instructions .iter() .map(|i| i.bounds.min_z) .min() .unwrap_or(0), max_z: instructions .iter() .map(|i| i.bounds.max_z) .max() .unwrap_or(0), } .expand_to_power_cube(); // This chunking and adding partial solutions is necessary // because I can't fit the whole thing in memory at once :( // It runs really slowly. let mut count = 0; for chunk_index in 0..8 { let problem_boundary = problem_boundary.oct_chunk(chunk_index); for chunk_index in 0..8 { let problem_boundary = problem_boundary.oct_chunk(chunk_index); for chunk_index in 0..8 { let problem_boundary = problem_boundary.oct_chunk(chunk_index); let mut octtree = OctTree::default(); for instruction in &instructions { octtree.set_block( &problem_boundary, &instruction.bounds, instruction.new_state, ); } count += dbg!(octtree.count_on_blocks(&problem_boundary)); } } } dbg!(count); } Ok(()) } #[derive(Default, Clone)] struct OctTree { data: OctTreeData, } impl OctTree { fn set_block(&mut self, self_bounds: &Block, bounds: &Block, new_val: bool) { if bounds.completely_covers(self_bounds) { = new_val.into(); } else if bounds.intersects(self_bounds) { match &mut { OctTreeData::AllOff => { if new_val { self.split(self_bounds); self.set_block(self_bounds, bounds, new_val); } } OctTreeData::AllOn => { if !new_val { self.split(self_bounds); self.set_block(self_bounds, bounds, new_val); } } OctTreeData::BitSet(ref mut bits) => { let min_x = cmp::max(self_bounds.min_x, bounds.min_x); let max_x = cmp::min(self_bounds.max_x, bounds.max_x); let min_x_index = (min_x - self_bounds.min_x) as usize; let max_x_index = min_x_index + (max_x - min_x) as usize; let min_y = cmp::max(self_bounds.min_y, bounds.min_y); let max_y = cmp::min(self_bounds.max_y, bounds.max_y); let min_y_index = (min_y - self_bounds.min_y) as usize; let max_y_index = min_y_index + (max_y - min_y) as usize; let min_z = cmp::max(self_bounds.min_z, bounds.min_z); let max_z = cmp::min(self_bounds.max_z, bounds.max_z); let min_z_index = (min_z - self_bounds.min_z) as usize; let max_z_index = min_z_index + (max_z - min_z) as usize; for z_index in min_z_index..max_z_index { let z_bit_index = z_index << 4; for y_index in min_y_index..max_y_index { let y_bit_index = y_index << 2; for x_index in min_x_index..max_x_index { let x_bit_index = x_index; let bit_mask = 1u64 << (z_bit_index + y_bit_index + x_bit_index); if new_val { *bits |= bit_mask; } else { *bits &= !bit_mask; } } } } if *bits == 0 { = OctTreeData::AllOff; } else if *bits == !0u64 { = OctTreeData::AllOn; } } OctTreeData::Diverse(ref mut subtrees) => { for (sub_index, sub) in subtrees.iter_mut().enumerate() { sub.set_block(&self_bounds.oct_chunk(sub_index as u8), bounds, new_val); } if subtrees .iter() .all(|sub| matches!(, OctTreeData::AllOn)) { = OctTreeData::AllOn; } else if subtrees .iter() .all(|sub| matches!(, OctTreeData::AllOff)) { = OctTreeData::AllOff; } } }; } } fn split(&mut self, self_bounds: &Block) { assert!(!matches!(, OctTreeData::Diverse(_))); if self_bounds.volume() == 64 { let new_bitset = match { OctTreeData::AllOn => !0u64, OctTreeData::AllOff => 0, _ => panic!("weird split"), }; = OctTreeData::BitSet(new_bitset); } else { let template = OctTree { data:, }; = OctTreeData::Diverse(Box::new([ template.clone(), template.clone(), template.clone(), template.clone(), template.clone(), template.clone(), template.clone(), template.clone(), ])); } } fn count_on_blocks(&self, self_bounds: &Block) -> usize { match & { OctTreeData::AllOff => 0, OctTreeData::AllOn => self_bounds.volume(), OctTreeData::BitSet(bitset) => bitset.count_ones() as usize, OctTreeData::Diverse(subtrees) => subtrees .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(index, sub)| sub.count_on_blocks(&self_bounds.oct_chunk(index as u8))) .sum(), } } } #[derive(Clone)] enum OctTreeData { AllOff, AllOn, BitSet(u64), Diverse(Box<[OctTree; 8]>), } impl Default for OctTreeData { fn default() -> OctTreeData { Self::AllOff } } impl From for OctTreeData { fn from(b: bool) -> Self { if b { Self::AllOn } else { Self::AllOff } } } #[derive(Debug)] struct Instruction { new_state: bool, bounds: Block, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct Block { min_x: i32, max_x: i32, min_y: i32, max_y: i32, min_z: i32, max_z: i32, } impl Block { fn volume(&self) -> usize { let x = (self.max_x - self.min_x) as usize; let y = (self.max_y - self.min_y) as usize; let z = (self.max_z - self.min_z) as usize; x * y * z } fn completely_covers(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.min_x <= other.min_x && self.max_x >= other.max_x && self.min_y <= other.min_y && self.max_y >= other.max_y && self.min_z <= other.min_z && self.max_z >= other.max_z } fn intersects(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { if self.max_x <= other.min_x || self.min_x >= other.max_x || self.max_y <= other.min_y || self.min_y >= other.max_y || self.max_z <= other.min_z || self.min_z >= other.max_z { false } else { true } } fn oct_chunk(&self, chunk: u8) -> Block { let lower_x = (chunk & 1) == 0; let lower_y = (chunk & 2) == 0; let lower_z = (chunk & 4) == 0; let mid_x = (self.min_x + self.max_x) / 2; let mid_y = (self.min_y + self.max_y) / 2; let mid_z = (self.min_z + self.max_z) / 2; Block { min_x: if lower_x { self.min_x } else { mid_x }, max_x: if lower_x { mid_x } else { self.max_x }, min_y: if lower_y { self.min_y } else { mid_y }, max_y: if lower_y { mid_y } else { self.max_y }, min_z: if lower_z { self.min_z } else { mid_z }, max_z: if lower_z { mid_z } else { self.max_z }, } } fn expand_to_power_cube(&self) -> Block { let mag_x = self.max_x - self.min_x; let mag_y = self.max_y - self.min_y; let mag_z = self.max_z - self.min_z; let mag_max = cmp::max(mag_x, cmp::max(mag_y, mag_z)); let first_power_of_2 = (0..) .map(|pow| 2_i32.pow(pow)) .filter(|pow_size| *pow_size >= mag_max) .next() .unwrap(); Block { min_x: self.min_x, max_x: self.max_x + first_power_of_2 - mag_x, min_y: self.min_y, max_y: self.max_y + first_power_of_2 - mag_y, min_z: self.min_z, max_z: self.max_z + first_power_of_2 - mag_z, } } } fn parse_instructions(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec> { separated_list1(line_ending, parse_instruction)(input) } fn parse_instruction(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Instruction> { map( tuple(( alt((value(true, tag("on ")), value(false, tag("off ")))), parse_block, )), |(new_state, bounds)| Instruction { new_state, bounds }, )(input) } fn parse_block(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Block> { map( tuple(( tag("x="), nom_i32, tag(".."), nom_i32, tag(",y="), nom_i32, tag(".."), nom_i32, tag(",z="), nom_i32, tag(".."), nom_i32, )), |( _, min_x, _, max_x_inclusive, _, min_y, _, max_y_inclusive, _, min_z, _, max_z_inclusive, )| Block { min_x, max_x: max_x_inclusive + 1, min_y, max_y: max_y_inclusive + 1, min_z, max_z: max_z_inclusive + 1, }, )(input) }