use derive_more::Display; use num::bigint::BigInt; use num::traits::identities::Zero; use num::traits::sign::abs; use num::traits::Signed; use std::fmt; use std::io; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::process; use std::str::FromStr; use structopt::StructOpt; #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] #[structopt(name = "Day 22: Slam Shuffle")] /// Shuffles some cards. /// /// See for details. struct Opt { /// The size of the deck deck_size: BigInt, /// At the end, query the position of card card: BigInt, /// Number of repetitions repetitions: BigInt, /// Prints the card in position n, rather than the position of card n #[structopt(short = "p")] position_mode: bool, } fn main() { let stdin = io::stdin(); let opt = Opt::from_args(); let instructions = stdin .lock() .lines() .map(|x| exit_on_failed_assertion(x, "Error reading input")) .map(|x| exit_on_failed_assertion(x.parse::(), "Parse error")) .collect::>(); //eprintln!("{:?}", instructions); if opt.position_mode { println!( "{}", instructions .iter() .rev() .fold( StandardisedInstruction::identity(opt.deck_size.clone()), |acc, next| acc.then(&(next.clone(), opt.deck_size.clone(), false).into()) ) .repeat(opt.repetitions) .apply(opt.card.clone()) ); } else { println!( "{}", instructions .iter() .fold( StandardisedInstruction::identity(opt.deck_size.clone()), |acc, next| { eprintln!("{}", acc); acc.then(&(next.clone(), opt.deck_size.clone(), true).into()) } ) .repeat(opt.repetitions) .apply(opt.card.clone()) ); } } fn exit_on_failed_assertion(data: Result, message: &str) -> A { match data { Ok(data) => data, Err(e) => { eprintln!("{}: {}", message, e); process::exit(1); } } } fn mod_plus(a: BigInt, b: BigInt, modulus: BigInt) -> BigInt { mod_normalize(a + b, modulus) } fn mod_sub(a: BigInt, b: BigInt, modulus: BigInt) -> BigInt { mod_normalize(a - b, modulus) } fn mod_times(a: BigInt, b: BigInt, modulus: BigInt) -> BigInt { mod_normalize(a * b, modulus) } fn mod_divide(a: BigInt, b: BigInt, modulus: BigInt) -> BigInt { mod_times(a, mod_inverse(b, modulus.clone()), modulus) } fn mod_pow(a: BigInt, b: BigInt, modulus: BigInt) -> BigInt { a.modpow(&b, &modulus) } fn mod_normalize(a: BigInt, modulus: BigInt) -> BigInt { if a.is_negative() { a.clone() + modulus.clone() * (1 + abs(a) / modulus) } else { a % modulus } } // NB: This may give nonsense if modulus isn't coprime with a fn mod_inverse(a: BigInt, modulus: BigInt) -> BigInt { mod_normalize(euclid_gcd_coefficients(a, modulus.clone()).0, modulus) } fn euclid_gcd_coefficients(a: BigInt, b: BigInt) -> (BigInt, BigInt) { fn euclid_gcd_coefficients_inner( r: BigInt, old_r: BigInt, s: BigInt, old_s: BigInt, t: BigInt, old_t: BigInt, ) -> (BigInt, BigInt) { if r.is_zero() { (old_s, old_t) } else { euclid_gcd_coefficients_inner( old_r.clone() - (old_r.clone() / r.clone()) * r.clone(), r.clone(), old_s - (old_r.clone() / r.clone()) * s.clone(), s, old_t - (old_r.clone() / r) * t.clone(), t, ) } } assert!(a < b); euclid_gcd_coefficients_inner(b, a, 0.into(), 1.into(), 1.into(), 0.into()) } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] enum Instruction { DealIntoNewStack, Cut(BigInt), ReverseCut(BigInt), DealWithIncrement(BigInt), } impl FromStr for Instruction { type Err = ParseErr; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { if s.starts_with("deal into new stack") { Ok(Instruction::DealIntoNewStack) } else if s.starts_with("cut -") { s.split(' ') .nth(1) .map(|val| { val.parse::() .map_err(|_| ParseErr) .map(|parsed| Instruction::ReverseCut(abs(parsed))) }) .unwrap_or(Err(ParseErr)) } else if s.starts_with("cut") { s.split(' ') .nth(1) .map(|val| { val.parse::() .map_err(|_| ParseErr) .map(|parsed| Instruction::Cut(parsed)) }) .unwrap_or(Err(ParseErr)) } else if s.starts_with("deal with increment") { s.split(' ') .nth(3) .map(|val| { val.parse::() .map_err(|_| ParseErr) .map(|parsed| Instruction::DealWithIncrement(parsed)) }) .unwrap_or(Err(ParseErr)) } else { Err(ParseErr) } } } // f(x) = ax + b mod c #[derive(Display, Clone)] #[display(fmt = "f(x) = {} x + {} % {}", a, b, modulus)] struct StandardisedInstruction { a: BigInt, b: BigInt, modulus: BigInt, } impl From<(Instruction, BigInt, bool)> for StandardisedInstruction { fn from((instruction, modulus, forward): (Instruction, BigInt, bool)) -> Self { match (instruction, forward) { (Instruction::DealIntoNewStack, _) => StandardisedInstruction { a: BigInt::from(-1), b: BigInt::from(-1), modulus: modulus, }, (Instruction::Cut(n), true) => StandardisedInstruction { a: BigInt::from(1), b: BigInt::from(-n), modulus: modulus, }, (Instruction::Cut(n), false) => StandardisedInstruction { a: BigInt::from(1), b: BigInt::from(n), modulus: modulus, }, (Instruction::ReverseCut(n), true) => StandardisedInstruction { a: BigInt::from(1), b: BigInt::from(n), modulus: modulus, }, (Instruction::ReverseCut(n), false) => StandardisedInstruction { a: BigInt::from(1), b: BigInt::from(-n), modulus: modulus, }, (Instruction::DealWithIncrement(n), true) => StandardisedInstruction { a: BigInt::from(n), b: BigInt::from(0), modulus: modulus, }, (Instruction::DealWithIncrement(n), false) => StandardisedInstruction { a: BigInt::from(mod_inverse(n, modulus.clone())), b: BigInt::from(0), modulus: modulus, }, } .normalise() } } impl StandardisedInstruction { fn identity(modulus: BigInt) -> StandardisedInstruction { StandardisedInstruction { a: BigInt::from(1), b: BigInt::from(0), modulus, } } fn normalise(&self) -> StandardisedInstruction { StandardisedInstruction { a: mod_normalize(self.a.clone(), self.modulus.clone()), b: mod_normalize(self.b.clone(), self.modulus.clone()), modulus: self.modulus.clone(), } } fn then(&self, other: &StandardisedInstruction) -> StandardisedInstruction { // g(f(x)) = ga (fa x + fb) + gb = StandardisedInstruction { a: mod_times(self.a.clone(), other.a.clone(), self.modulus.clone()), b: mod_plus( mod_times(self.b.clone(), other.a.clone(), self.modulus.clone()), other.b.clone(), self.modulus.clone(), ), modulus: self.modulus.clone(), } } fn repeat(&self, repetitions: BigInt) -> StandardisedInstruction { StandardisedInstruction { a: mod_pow(self.a.clone(), repetitions.clone(), self.modulus.clone()), b: mod_divide( mod_times( self.b.clone(), mod_sub( BigInt::from(1), mod_pow(self.a.clone(), repetitions.clone(), self.modulus.clone()), self.modulus.clone(), ), self.modulus.clone(), ), mod_sub(BigInt::from(1), self.a.clone(), self.modulus.clone()), self.modulus.clone(), ), modulus: self.modulus.clone(), } } fn apply(&self, x: BigInt) -> BigInt { mod_plus( mod_times(self.a.clone(), x, self.modulus.clone()), self.b.clone(), self.modulus.clone(), ) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] struct ParseErr; impl fmt::Display for ParseErr { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "Error parsing input") } } impl std::error::Error for ParseErr {} #[test] fn mod_inverse_of_13() { assert_eq!(mod_inverse(1.into(), 13.into()), 1.into()); assert_eq!(mod_inverse(2.into(), 13.into()), 7.into()); assert_eq!(mod_inverse(3.into(), 13.into()), 9.into()); assert_eq!(mod_inverse(4.into(), 13.into()), 10.into()); assert_eq!(mod_inverse(5.into(), 13.into()), 8.into()); assert_eq!(mod_inverse(6.into(), 13.into()), 11.into()); assert_eq!(mod_inverse(7.into(), 13.into()), 2.into()); assert_eq!(mod_inverse(8.into(), 13.into()), 5.into()); assert_eq!(mod_inverse(9.into(), 13.into()), 3.into()); assert_eq!(mod_inverse(10.into(), 13.into()), 4.into()); assert_eq!(mod_inverse(11.into(), 13.into()), 6.into()); assert_eq!(mod_inverse(12.into(), 13.into()), 12.into()); }