use rpds::rbt_set; use rpds::vector::Vector; use rpds::RedBlackTreeMap; use rpds::RedBlackTreeSet; use std::io; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::iter; use std::iter::FromIterator; use std::process; use structopt::StructOpt; #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] #[structopt(name = "Day 20: Donut Maze")] /// Finds the shortest path through a maze with portals. /// /// See for details. struct Opt { /// include the rule that going through portals changes your depth #[structopt(short = "d")] include_depth: bool, } fn main() { let stdin = io::stdin(); let opt = Opt::from_args(); let maze = stdin .lock() .lines() .map(|x| exit_on_failed_assertion(x, "Error reading input")) .collect::() .build(); println!("{}", maze.shortest_route(opt.include_depth)); } fn exit_on_failed_assertion(data: Result, message: &str) -> A { match data { Ok(data) => data, Err(e) => { eprintln!("{}: {}", message, e); process::exit(1); } } } struct MazeBuilder { map: Vector>, } impl FromIterator for MazeBuilder { fn from_iter>(iter: T) -> Self { MazeBuilder { map: iter .into_iter() .map(|line| line.chars().collect()) .collect(), } } } impl MazeBuilder { fn build(self) -> Maze { Maze { walls: self .map .iter() .map(|line| line.iter().map(|ch| *ch != '.').collect()) .collect(), portals: self.grouped_portals(), entrance: self .all_portals() .find(|(id, _)| *id == ['A', 'A']) .unwrap() .1, exit: self .all_portals() .find(|(id, _)| *id == ['Z', 'Z']) .unwrap() .1, } } fn grouped_portals(&self) -> Vector<(Point, Point)> { self.all_portals() .fold( (Vector::new(), RedBlackTreeMap::new()), |(matched, unmatched): ( Vector<(Point, Point)>, RedBlackTreeMap<[char; 2], Point>, ), (next_id, next_p)| match unmatched.get(&next_id) { Some(pair) => ( matched.push_back(pair.clone().inside_out( next_p,[0].len(),, )), unmatched.remove(&next_id), ), None => (matched, unmatched.insert(next_id, next_p)), }, ) .0 } fn all_portals(&self) -> impl Iterator + '_ { self.horizontal_trailing_portals() .chain(self.horizontal_leading_portals()) .chain(self.vertical_trailing_portals()) .chain(self.vertical_leading_portals()) } fn horizontal_trailing_portals(&self) -> impl Iterator + '_ { // .XX ( .flat_map(move |y| ([y].len() - 2).map(move |x| Point { x, y })) .filter(move |p| {[p.y][p.x] == '.' &&[p.y][p.x + 1].is_alphabetic() &&[p.y][p.x + 2].is_alphabetic() }) .map(move |p| ([[p.y][p.x + 1],[p.y][p.x + 2]], p)) } fn horizontal_leading_portals(&self) -> impl Iterator + '_ { // XX. ( .flat_map(move |y| ([y].len() - 2).map(move |x| Point { x, y })) .filter(move |p| {[p.y][p.x + 2] == '.' &&[p.y][p.x + 1].is_alphabetic() &&[p.y][p.x].is_alphabetic() }) .map(move |p| { ( [[p.y][p.x],[p.y][p.x + 1]], Point { x: p.x + 2, y: p.y }, ) }) } fn vertical_trailing_portals(&self) -> impl Iterator + '_ { // .XX ([0].len()) .flat_map(move |x| ( - 2).map(move |y| Point { x, y })) .filter(move |p| {[p.y][p.x] == '.' &&[p.y + 1][p.x].is_alphabetic() &&[p.y + 2][p.x].is_alphabetic() }) .map(move |p| ([[p.y + 1][p.x],[p.y + 2][p.x]], p)) } fn vertical_leading_portals(&self) -> impl Iterator + '_ { // XX. ([0].len()) .flat_map(move |x| ( - 2).map(move |y| Point { x, y })) .filter(move |p| {[p.y + 2][p.x] == '.' &&[p.y + 1][p.x].is_alphabetic() &&[p.y][p.x].is_alphabetic() }) .map(move |p| { ( [[p.y][p.x],[p.y + 1][p.x]], Point { x: p.x, y: p.y + 2 }, ) }) } } #[derive(Debug)] struct Maze { walls: Vector>, portals: Vector<(Point, Point)>, entrance: Point, // AA exit: Point, // ZZ } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] struct Point { x: usize, y: usize, } impl Point { fn add(&self, x: isize, y: isize) -> Point { Point { x: (self.x as isize + x) as usize, y: (self.y as isize + y) as usize, } } fn inside_out(self, other: Point, width: usize, height: usize) -> (Point, Point) { if self.closest_side(width, height) > other.closest_side(width, height) { (self, other) } else { (other, self) } } fn closest_side(&self, width: usize, height: usize) -> usize { self.x.min(width - self.x).min(self.y).min(height - self.y) } } impl Maze { fn shortest_route(&self, include_depth: bool) -> usize { iter::successors( Some(( rbt_set![(self.entrance.clone(), 0)], rbt_set![(self.entrance.clone(), 0)], )), |(explored, locations)| { Some(Maze::next_depth_states( explored.clone(), self.next_locations(locations, explored, include_depth), )) }, ) // .inspect(|(explored, states)| eprintln!("{:?}", states)) .take_while(|(_explored, states)| states.size() > 0) .enumerate() .find(|(_i, (_explored, states))| { states .iter() .any(|(p_state, depth)| *p_state == self.exit && (!include_depth || *depth == 0)) }) .unwrap() .0 } fn next_depth_states( explored: RedBlackTreeSet<(Point, isize)>, locations: RedBlackTreeSet<(Point, isize)>, ) -> ( RedBlackTreeSet<(Point, isize)>, RedBlackTreeSet<(Point, isize)>, ) { ( locations .iter() .fold(explored, |acc, next| acc.insert(next.clone())), locations, ) } fn next_locations( &self, locations: &RedBlackTreeSet<(Point, isize)>, explored: &RedBlackTreeSet<(Point, isize)>, include_depth: bool, ) -> RedBlackTreeSet<(Point, isize)> { locations .iter() .flat_map(|(p, depth)| { [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)] .iter() .map(move |(dx, dy)| (p.add(*dx, *dy), *depth)) .chain( self.portals .iter() .filter(move |(from, _to)| p == from) .map(move |(_from, to)| (to.clone(), depth + 1)), ) .chain( self.portals .iter() .filter(move |(_to, from)| p == from) .map(move |(to, _from)| (to.clone(), depth - 1)), ) }) .filter(|(p_next, depth)| { !self.walls[p_next.y][p_next.x] && (!include_depth || *depth >= 0) }) .filter(|state| !explored.contains(state)) .collect() } } #[test] fn portal_maze_example_1() { let maze: Maze = r" A A #######.######### #######.........# #######.#######.# #######.#######.# #######.#######.# ##### B ###.# BC...## C ###.# ##.## ###.# ##...DE F ###.# ##### G ###.# #########.#####.# DE..#######...###.# #.#########.###.# FG..#########.....# ###########.##### Z Z " .split('\n') .map(|s| s.to_string()) .collect::() .build(); assert_eq!(maze.shortest_route(false), 23); assert_eq!(maze.shortest_route(true), 26); }