* Advent of Code 2018 ** What is Advent of Code? Advent of Code is a programming advent calendar. On the 25 days of December leading up to Christmas, each morning a new programming challenge is unlocked. The race is then on to see who can solve the challenge and get the answer to their particular input first. It's a lot of fun. I have my solutions posted here so that I can share them with my friends, as well as the broader community if they're interested. ** A note on error handling and code quality The only important metric to consider in terms of taking the Advent of Code challenges seriously from a competitive point of view is how quickly you arrive at an answer for your particular input. These solutions should not in any way be seen as an example of good coding standards in Rust. The error handling in particular is appalling. The reason for this is that I can look at the input data and be certain that some error cases won't come up, like empty lists. I can also assume that things like file system access will always work because I'm only running it on my machine under my supervision. When my assumptions are wrong, the program panics and dies, but I'm currently there programming it when it's running so that isn't really a big deal. The short version of what I'm trying to say is that even though I use ~unwrap~ all over the place in this particular repo, I still think it's a really bad idea to use it in a real project. ** License See [[./license.org]].