use std::io::BufReader; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::fs::File; use std::u32; #[derive(Debug)] struct IpRange { start: u32, end: u32 } impl IpRange { fn new(start: u32, end: u32) -> IpRange { IpRange { start: start, end: end } } fn contains(&self, other: u32) -> bool { self.start <= other && other <= self.end } fn try_combine(&self, other: &IpRange) -> Option { if self.contains(other.start) && self.contains(other.end) { Some(IpRange::new(self.start, self.end)) } else if other.contains(self.start) && other.contains(self.end) { Some(IpRange::new(other.start, other.end)) } else if self.contains(other.start) && other.contains(self.end) { Some(IpRange::new(self.start, other.end)) } else if other.contains(self.start) && self.contains(other.end) { Some(IpRange::new(other.start, self.end)) } else { None } } } fn main() { let mut ranges = read_file(); optimize_ranges(&mut ranges); let mut allowed = Vec::new(); // current will be in the u32 range while it's in the loop, but // needs to be a u64 to pass u32::MAX. Otherwise it will just // overflow and run forever. let mut current: u64 = 0; while current <= u32::MAX as u64 { match ranges.iter().find(|range| range.contains(current as u32)) { Some(blacklisting_range) => { current = blacklisting_range.end as u64 + 1; }, None => { allowed.push(current as u32); current += 1; } } } let min_not_in_range = allowed[0]; let allowed_count = allowed.len(); println!("Min not in any range: {}", min_not_in_range); println!("Allowed count: {}", allowed_count); } fn read_file() -> Vec { let file = BufReader::new(File::open("input.txt").unwrap()); file.lines() .filter_map(|line| { let line = line.unwrap(); let mut split = line.split('-'); let start =; let end =; match (start, end) { (Some(start), Some(end)) => Some(IpRange { start: start.parse().unwrap(), end: end.parse().unwrap() }), _ => None } }) .collect() } fn optimize_ranges(ranges: &mut Vec) { let mut before_count = ranges.len(); let mut after_count = 0; while before_count != after_count { before_count = ranges.len(); ranges.sort_by_key(|r| r.start); let mut i = 0; while i < ranges.len()-1 { match ranges[i].try_combine(&ranges[i+1]) { Some(combined) => { ranges[i] = combined; ranges.remove(i+1); }, None => {} } i += 1; } after_count = ranges.len(); println!("Number of ranges {} => {}", before_count, after_count); } }