path: root/2019/src/bin/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '2019/src/bin/')
1 files changed, 205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2019/src/bin/ b/2019/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da3e1fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2019/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+use aoc2019::*;
+use rpds::list;
+use rpds::list::List;
+use rpds::RedBlackTreeMap;
+use std::fmt;
+use std::io;
+use std::io::prelude::*;
+use std::iter;
+use std::process;
+use structopt::StructOpt;
+#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
+#[structopt(name = "Day 11: Space Police")]
+/// Calculates how many blocks a painting robot would paint.
+/// Takes the program to run on the robot in on stdin.
+/// See for details.
+struct Opt {
+ /// debug mode prints the size of the painted area on a black background
+ #[structopt(short = "d", long = "debug")]
+ debug: bool,
+fn main() {
+ let opt = Opt::from_args();
+ let stdin = io::stdin();
+ let program: IntcodeProgram = stdin
+ .lock()
+ .split(b',')
+ .map(|x| exit_on_failed_assertion(x, "Error reading input"))
+ .map(|x| exit_on_failed_assertion(String::from_utf8(x), "Input was not valid UTF-8"))
+ .map(|x| exit_on_failed_assertion(x.trim().parse::<Intcode>(), "Invalid number"))
+ .collect::<IntcodeProgram>();
+ let finished_robot = exit_on_failed_assertion(
+ Robot::new(program, !opt.debug).execute(),
+ "Robot encountered an error",
+ );
+ if opt.debug {
+ println!("{}", finished_robot.canvas.size());
+ } else {
+ println!("{}", finished_robot);
+ }
+fn exit_on_failed_assertion<A, E: std::error::Error>(data: Result<A, E>, message: &str) -> A {
+ match data {
+ Ok(data) => data,
+ Err(e) => {
+ eprintln!("{}: {}", message, e);
+ process::exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+struct Robot {
+ program: IntcodeProgram,
+ position: (i32, i32),
+ facing: Direction,
+ canvas: RedBlackTreeMap<(i32, i32), bool>,
+ background: bool,
+impl fmt::Display for Robot {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ (self.min_white_y()..=self.max_white_y())
+ .map(move |y| {
+ (self.min_white_x()..=self.max_white_x())
+ .map(move |x| (x, y))
+ .map(|coord| self.canvas.get(&coord).cloned().unwrap_or(self.background))
+ .map(|c| write!(f, "{}", if c { '#' } else { ' ' }))
+ .collect::<fmt::Result>()
+ .and_then(|_| writeln!(f, ""))
+ })
+ .collect()
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+enum Direction {
+ Up,
+ Down,
+ Left,
+ Right,
+impl Robot {
+ fn new(program: IntcodeProgram, background: bool) -> Robot {
+ Robot {
+ program: program.run_to_termination_or_input(),
+ position: (0, 0),
+ facing: Direction::Up,
+ canvas: RedBlackTreeMap::new(),
+ background,
+ }
+ }
+ fn execute(&self) -> Result<Robot, IntcodeProgramError> {
+ iter::successors(Some(self.clone()), |robot| Some(
+ .find(|robot| {
+ robot.program.error.is_some()
+ || (robot.program.halted && robot.program.output.is_empty())
+ })
+ .unwrap() // infinite iterator won't terminate unless this is Some
+ .as_result()
+ }
+ fn as_result(&self) -> Result<Robot, IntcodeProgramError> {
+ match self.program.error {
+ Some(ref error) => Err(error.clone()),
+ None => Ok(self.clone()),
+ }
+ }
+ fn next(&self) -> Robot {
+ match (
+ self.program.output.get(0).map(intcode_to_bool),
+ self.program.output.get(1).map(intcode_to_bool),
+ ) {
+ (Some(paint), Some(rot)) => Robot {
+ program: self
+ .program
+ .with_cleared_output()
+ .with_input(list![bool_to_intcode(
+ self.canvas
+ .get(&self.facing.rotate(rot).move_position(self.position))
+ .cloned()
+ .unwrap_or(self.background),
+ )])
+ .run_to_termination_or_input(),
+ position: self.facing.rotate(rot).move_position(self.position),
+ facing: self.facing.rotate(rot),
+ canvas: self.canvas.insert(self.position, paint),
+ background: self.background,
+ },
+ _ => Robot {
+ program: self
+ .program
+ .with_input(list![bool_to_intcode(
+ self.canvas
+ .get(&self.position)
+ .cloned()
+ .unwrap_or(self.background),
+ )])
+ .run_to_termination_or_input(),
+ ..self.clone()
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ fn min_white_x(&self) -> i32 {
+ self.white_blocks().map(|(x, _y)| x).min().unwrap_or(0)
+ }
+ fn min_white_y(&self) -> i32 {
+ self.white_blocks().map(|(_x, y)| y).min().unwrap_or(0)
+ }
+ fn max_white_x(&self) -> i32 {
+ self.white_blocks().map(|(x, _y)| x).max().unwrap_or(0)
+ }
+ fn max_white_y(&self) -> i32 {
+ self.white_blocks().map(|(_x, y)| y).max().unwrap_or(0)
+ }
+ fn white_blocks<'a>(&'a self) -> impl 'a + Iterator<Item = (i32, i32)> {
+ self.canvas
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|(_, val)| **val)
+ .map(|(coord, _)| coord)
+ .cloned()
+ }
+impl Direction {
+ fn rotate(&self, clockwise: bool) -> Direction {
+ use Direction::*;
+ if clockwise {
+ match self {
+ Up => Right,
+ Right => Down,
+ Down => Left,
+ Left => Up,
+ }
+ } else {
+ match self {
+ Up => Left,
+ Left => Down,
+ Down => Right,
+ Right => Up,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn move_position(&self, position: (i32, i32)) -> (i32, i32) {
+ use Direction::*;
+ match self {
+ Up => (position.0, position.1 + 1),
+ Down => (position.0, position.1 - 1),
+ Left => (position.0 - 1, position.1),
+ Right => (position.0 + 1, position.1),
+ }
+ }